It's official, TFS isn't actually Final.

First I'd like to open with this excerpt from the March 31, 2017 Telltale Reddit AMA:
"@JobJStauffer: We're in the third season now, and have also tackled Michonne's story in our mini-series last year. We absolutely LOVE working with our partners at Skybound, and hope to continue working with them for a LONG time to come. This doesn't mean that we're announcing SEASON FOUR FIVE AND SIX right here and now... let's not get ahead of ourselves... but we'd be excited and thrilled if our partnership with Skybound on The Walking Dead were to continue for a long time to come..."
The opening question during the IGN stream: "Robert Kirkman's whole idea for the walking dead, was that it'd be a zombie movie that never ended. Why does your story have to end?"
Kent: "Well, this is SPECIFICALLY the end of Clementine's story which is like, it's a journey that the studio & the fans have been on for years. An arc that started when Clementine was protected by and trained to survive by Lee. That story is going to come to an end this season and uh, give the fans a satisfying conclusion to THAT arc."
Any input? I'll start by saying this most likely explains why we won't see or hear much about the Garcia's during TFS for Clem. Seems like we'll be returning to Richmond later on, or perhaps a reboot entirely.
That whole "Why does your story have to end?" used to abandon Clementine is a terrible argument. Clementine is just 16 years old, if they want more games they can continue making them with Clem being present until she's like 80. They always made new characters for all the seasons with the core characters of TwD (Clem + everyone who made an impact on her, specially Lee) being present, ending the game with this season when Clementine has a long life ahead sounds like a waste, is not as if she's going to di- Oh my god she's going to die isn't she?.
If I was to really put a lot of stock into the demeanor of Kent when he was asked that and he replied "Be careful how you play", I'd argue maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe.
Hmm they’ll definitely continue twd but idk who they would pass the series to since ppl don’t like the ANF characters and we don’t have many new ones. I think they would try A new character though since they might not wanna make people mad by bringing Javi back.
I'd actually like another Garcia story though not everyone loves ANF so it might never happen
It would be nice to see what happened to the Garicía’s and the people of Richmond. Feels like a wasted potential if it’s just left unknown and there is so many questions left to answer in Javier’s story. Maybe a 3 Episode mini-series of what happened to them, similar to Michonne mini-series but with the Garicía’s and the people of Richmond, just to make his story to just come to a decent conclusion.
TWD as in everything surrounding Clementine will be over. They could still make more Walking Dead games afterwards, although idk if everyone will like that after becoming attached to clementine.
I'm hoping it's not. I feel like this has so much potential for them to just end the game. We need so many questions answered still, for example, is Kenny dead (if you chose not to kill him), is Christa alive? What happened to Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo?
The only way Clem should die is if it's a sacrificial death to save AJ, any other death would be a complete waste.
Maybe it just means the story will focus on AJ as a main character after this story arch and have Clem either die or become a side character.
If they're going to go that route, they have to do an amazing job at getting us to love AJ as much as we do Clem.
Nothing is final if it makes money
Its not official.
Says the faux contrarian. Not sure what more proof you require outside of the statement "Well, this is SPECIFICALLY the end of Clementine's story." lol...still sour about not receiving those Rhys socks, eh?
Its almost like there are no plans yet and any more games will be decided on how this game sells and is received. This is nothing "official," they are basically saying its the end of Clem's story, they arnt specifically hinting at anything greater after at all, there is no emphasis on this being the end of this story, in way of "theres still more for us." The guy ask why THIS story out of the walking dead universe ends, so they say that this is the end of this story, as in the end of this story in the walking dead universe. Not as in "the last story they will make set in the walking dead." They are referring to this being the end of their Walking Dead. Also those other articles are old, Telltale has went through a massive overhaul, I would not consider those something to look to for Telltale going forward.
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Probably some actual proof, not a quote from a year ago by someone no longer with the company, and one other quote you choose to emphasize the words used as "proof" that they're continuing with the franchise. I not sure you know what official means.
Calling it "The Final Season" is a pretty stupid thing to do in my opinion. This makes it a lot harder for them to come back and make any more Seasons, regardless of who it's about, because they called Season 4 the final one. I hope it's just to build up suspense and hype for Season 4, and it's not the last one, but that seems unlikely.
I liked the far as we got to know them...a lot of the problems people had was that we were plopped down into a family unit that we had never gotten to know and expected to warm up to them while Clem was basically some teenager they ran into...the way Kenny and Jane were treated was insulting and Kevin Brunner strait up lied to the fans about the size of episode it had a lot of negative stacked up on it. Plus there was a lot of saying but not is an example...Javi says Kate held them together and was the smart come they did not take time to show this to us? Character building was really bad in ANF. They took all this time to make Prescott and it is gone before we even had time to explore it. The Garcia's had so much potential...I loved Javi and Kate...hell even Gabe woulda been alright if his motivations and actions did not basically amount to fucking us over at times.
Cool characters like Ava were poorly handled...there should have been more about her friendship with Clem and David. The entire New Frontier was never really explained...apparently there were really good people there. ANF was just a missed chance at introducing something cool.
But I would love to see Kate and Javi again...who knows...they will probably make a new family, which is fine. But lets see what happens with the final season first.
A meme you will never own
That's an L for all Telltale fans
If Telltale does make more TWD games after this season, I can't see myself playing them but who knows.... I am actually glad that they have the sense to end their main TWD series. I feel like the whole TWD franchise is starting to die off. TWD has become so repetitive and it just doesn’t have the same charm it used to have. At least Telltale has the sense to end their main series and move on to completely new projects, unlike the show. I don’t know, I get the feeling that the show is going to drag on for many more seasons continuing to lose popularity and all of a sudden end abruptly without resolving the main arc. I’m excited for TFS and hopefully they end with a bang but it is probably the last thing Walking Dead that I am going to invest in.
Woooah since when could we make text look like that?

I agree, I think ANF had some interesting characters and plot points but unfortunately they weren't developed that well. It’s not the fact that there were pre-established relationships that bothered me because pre-established relationships can work out well if developed right. TWAU and TFTB had pre-established relationships but they were developed quite well so most people didn’t care much.
Those were also games that didn't really have audiences that were both pre-established and predisposed to being coddled and stroked.
So that they don't live long enough to not stay that way.
Too late
I feel like once good series all too often go on too long for their own good and most of the time it would have been better for the writers and developers to end it off while it is still loved by most. These forums have always been rather negative thus suggesting otherwise, but I would still say that there are still more fans out there who like these games overall. All good stories need to have an ending and often it is better to do it sooner rather than later.
This series should never die. Ever. It’s name isn’t “The Walking Dead” for nothing?.
Yes! Clementine should die in this season and they should make countless other seasons afterwards where you play as zombified Clementine as she hunts down and eats every last remaining character from both the games and the comics! Oh god no... that would be so boring.
Oh man I remember seeing a comment somewhere stating that if Clementine dies it better be defending a school full of children or something. Ironically considering the news that might actually happen.
So basically, no Season 2?
Oh look, somebody else thought of that.
Season 2 was pretty good. Most people didn't like it as much as season 1 but overall season 2 has a lot of love. Like everything it had its hate but believe it or not so did season 1. The people who hate season 2 are only the vocal minority compared to the people who liked it. Most reviews out there talk about how they liked season 1 and 2 but weren't that fond of season 3.
I actually would like to continue the story of Javi and Kate (all the others are dead for me).
Here's a few links that can get you started
People didn't like Season 2? I thought it was great up until the end because I felt it was rushed. Every season could've used work, but relating back to the original post, they shouldn't end it here. The free, unscripted fighting coming to the game could breathe new life into the series. If it's a success they shouldn't end it or it would just be a genuine waste to the franchise. Clem is still young enough to have so many potential storylines after Season 4. I'm not sure why they're in such a rush to end this when it still has potential left.
You must be new to the forums.
Overall I would say the majority of the fanbase liked Season 2 but if you want to find negative posts about these games you have come to the right place! The mentality of, "Everything TWD after Season 1 sucked," is a pretty common attitude here. These forums have always been pretty negative. Season 1 is idolized now but back when it was coming out there was still a fair number of people hating on it (though the negativity has escalated quite a bit especially after ANF). That said, this is one of the best websites to find accurate information about these games seeing that this is the actual Telltale website which means that the news posted in the news feed comes from Telltale directly, and every so often there are a few Telltale staff members who will drop in to interact with the fans with Q&As, casual conversation, etc... and if you are going to complain about these games might as well do it here since it is more likely to be noticed by Telltale than most other forums.
I agree that Clem and AJ still have a lot of potential especially with this recent change in format Telltale is going for but if they come to a satisfying conclusion to Clem’s arc this season I’ll be happy with it. All good stories must come to an end at some point. I imagine one of the main reasons they are ending this series is because of the way the whole TWD franchise has been going recently. Season 1 came out when the show and the comics was the big thing on the media but now TWD franchise is quickly losing popularity as a whole.
Telltale is about to pull a Friday the 13th on our asses, and they're titling it that for the same exact reasons Friday the 13th did: marketing and profit.
I actually just joined today lol. Became a huge fan of the series after spending $20 and getting about 5 days of gameplay out of the first 3 seasons. Kinda sucked that I knew what happened in season 1 & 2 already, but I went in completely blind to the last 4 episodes of season 3.
I just hope "The Final Season" is just some code name for it that will make sense after playing. I'd think if they were actually ending it, they'd release all 4 episodes at once instead of spacing it out because spacing out the ending of a game over months would absolutely kill it.
A society full of children? That isn't normal LOL. Maybe "The Final Season" refers to some type of prophecy they have regarding when all of the survivors will die off because of an incoming hoard. Doing something like this and marketing it as the last season is genius. Build a character that an entire community loves, then make it look like everything's ending and she's gonna die. That would definitely suck a lot of players who quit back in.
Calling it "The Final Season," would be stupid if they are actually planning on ending the story though. Would leave them in a pretty weird situation regarding any other possible seasons whether it's about Clem or not.
Omg, ture’s an fockin spodur mn wun! dis iz getn abused.
They could always just drop the whole Season moniker in favor of actual subtitles.
You never know, that could be exactly what they're doing. "The Final Season" might be referring to something that we don't know about yet, or it could legitimately be the end of this series. I hope it isn't the end though.
If this is the end, the only good way to end Clem, in my opinion, is to have it reminiscent of Season 1. Somehow get Clem to find Lee's body again, have AJ shoot Clem right next to Lee. Just for the feels have the camera fade out with Clem's head on Lee's shoulder as the last shot.