Molly sensed and floored him without even seeing/hearing him, while Jane had to nutshot him and gouge his already ruined eye just to do any real damage
The difference is that skinny Molly sensed and floored him without even seeing/hearing him, while Jane had to nutshot him and gouge his alre… moready ruined eye just to do any real damage.
They're also the same height.
Are you sure about that? Cause I've always taken that Jane was generally larger.
All this joking about the Molly clones got me thinking: anyone else find it a bit strange that we haven't met any action survivor lone wolfs who are male in this series? What's up with that imbalance?
All this joking about the Molly clones got me thinking: anyone else find it a bit strange that we haven't met any action survivor lone wolfs who are male in this series? What's up with that imbalance?
Ava sometimes being counted really just comes down to being a tough older female with a soft spot for Clementine(in this case, among others) and having a sister who died.
Jane's zombie take-down tactic was also unique and innovative
-Everything Clem knows was taught to her by others. She can never become the next Molly.
Eeeh, fair enough.
Ava doesn't have any innovative and/or unique skills for survival.
That we got to see, anyway.
-We haven't even seen what Violet can do, so she's not even up there with Jane and Molly yet.
Honestly, I kinda got the vibe that she's meant to be another ANF!Clementine, in a way.
ANF Clem is NOT the Molly-type. Neither is Ava. They probably give of the "Molly" vibe, but they don't have a particular and unique skill th… moreat they brought to the game. Molly had her own unique trait of being able to reach areas no one else could by using her unique ice axe. Jane's tactic for getting by walkers unnoticed was covering herself with their insides, something no one else had done(Lee didn't think to cover himself in zombie guts to get passed them unnoticed, it just happened as he went to rescue clem). Jane's zombie take-down tactic was also unique and innovative, which is why people saw her as another Molly because she brought something new to the table, and was capable of running solo. Molly and Jane were lone wolves with unique and innovative skills who didn't need anyone's help to survive.
-Everything Clem knows was taught to her by others. She can never become the next Molly.
-Ava doesn't have any innovative and/or… [view original content]
Official List Of Pre-requisites Qualifying Someone To Be Considered The Next "Molly"
* Be female(obviously)
* Have created … moretheir own unique and innovative techniques for survival
* Be independant
* Be the loner type
* Stand out from the crowd
* Have had a younger sibling who is no longer present in their life, which as a result, lead to them traveling alone
These traits are everything that made Molly the "It Girl" so to speak, which is why Jane can be called Molly 2.0
If [insert character here] don't have any of these traits, they can't be Molly.
Molly sensed and floored him without even seeing/hearing him, while Jane had to nutshot him and gouge his already ruined eye just to do any … morereal damage
They still got physical with him nonetheless
I've always taken that Jane was generally larger.
Now that I look at it, Jane does look taller.
No, as being independent means you don't need to rely on others for anything, that you are self sufficient.
Being the loner type means you prefer your own company over the company of others.
ANF Clem is NOT the Molly-type.
Well, she IS "Mini-Jane."
Neither is Ava.
Ava sometimes being counted really just come… mores down to being a tough older female with a soft spot for Clementine(in this case, among others) and having a sister who died.
Jane's zombie take-down tactic was also unique and innovative
-Everything Clem knows was taught to her by others. She can never become the next Molly.
Eeeh, fair enough.
Ava doesn't have any innovative and/or unique skills for survival.
That we got to see, anyway.
-We haven't even seen what Violet can do, so she's not even up there with Jane and Molly yet.
Honestly, I kinda got the vibe that she's meant to be another ANF!Clementine, in a way.
No, as being independent means you don't need to rely on others for anything, that you are self sufficient.
Being the loner type means you prefer your own company over the company of others.
They still got physical with him nonetheless
Now that I look at it, Jane does look taller.
...You know what, I'm honest to goodness blankin on that.
Though I suppose Arvo could have returned as something like that in certain concepts.
Could just be chance based on the writing.
Well, she IS "Mini-Jane."
Ava sometimes being counted really just comes down to being a tough older female with a soft spot for Clementine(in this case, among others) and having a sister who died.
Eeeh, fair enough.
That we got to see, anyway.
Honestly, I kinda got the vibe that she's meant to be another ANF!Clementine, in a way.
Isn't that a bit redundant?
Oh, I know. Just being a mite semantic.
And thicker.
No, as being independent means you don't need to rely on others for anything, that you are self sufficient.
Being the loner type means you prefer your own company over the company of others.
Was I supposed to notice something in that video
Okay, that's true.
You just see those things used interchangeably enough that it's easy to associate them as the same thing.
Also, interdependent is a word.
What, it didn't link properly for you?
Basically, Winston busts out the knee trick @1:17.
And of course...

Oh um....uhh.......HEY! look, a thing!!!
I mean, Jane still taught it to her though