ANF...wasn't as bad as I remembered it

In a few other posts I have made here, I've basically shat on ANF, describing it as a kind of game that a company would release as a spin-off after the main series is dead.

However, now after playing it again right after S1 and doesn't feel as shitty as it did when I first played it. Maybe my expectations are just much lower, but it certainly isn't the piece of shit that I once thought it was.

Sure. The S2 endings were kinda thrown out the window. Hubs are non-existent. Characters don't feel as important and in my opinion, the story is not as emotional and it's hard to become as engrossed in the story like in previous seasons. BUT, there are plenty of improvements. The animations and voicework are much, much better. While I like the S2 art style the best, ANF graphics are an improvement and there is more detail, even though the style is less like a comic book compared to the previous seasons. The choices don't feel as predictable, yet I feel like the choices are still underwhelming.

It's weird. Maybe it's because my expectations were so low going into this game again, but I remember the first time I was literally LAUGHING at the ending because I thought it was so ridiculous. Yet this time, I did kind of feel invested in the story, the characters, and Clementine. Who knows. Thoughts and opinions?



  • I'd wager that your opinion was colored by a few things the first time around. Hype, hope, and the Nickelback effect.

    You were hyped up for season 3 and expected something more than what you got.

    You, like most people, probably expected to and hoped to play as Clem and for her to have a much larger role in the game.

    And lastly, like it's became a fashionable internet tradition to unfairly shit on Nickelback, it became fashionable to shit on ANF.

    Going back to it now, knowing what you were in for, even if you still don't love it, you can appreciate what it did well.

    I'm going to have to replay it again to rebuild my save to import into TFS and I'm mostly looking forward to it.

  • I'm the opposite. I loved ANF when I first played it but over time I've grown to hate it.

  • edited July 2018

    The problem is that a lot of people were going in with a particular set of expectations and/or weren't willing to give much of the newer stuff a chance. The fact that the game itself was rather piecemeal/overbearing with a number of things and increasingly adhered to what's "traditional" didn't help.
    If you just go in to play yet another zombie game and/or this "newcomer friendly" entry into a ongoing [bigger] series--you might enjoy yourself somewhat.
    Of course, that doesn't stop the game's narrative and in some areas gameplay from having a number of problems if you don't just go with the flow and take everything at face value.

  • Even your pros still had cons, like the "choices less predictable but not as much impact." The reason choices are less predictable is honestly because the story was so badly done that it changes every episode with out an explanation. (Biggest example is the whole flip flopping on Kate and David about Richmond as well as why we even want to save the people who have been such a problem for us)

    The graphics weren't that great either. Most of the game is stuck in an orange hue and character models look shiny most of the time.

    My best guess for why you enjoyed it more this time is probably because you actually knew what to expect. Thing with ANF is, if it just did its own thing and dropped Clem it probably would have worked out a lot better. It probably would overall be kinda forgettable, but I think ANF would have been a much better game if it wasnt what "season 3" was, when its really some weird reboot-hybrid.

  • ANF is a great game, but there's one big problem. The models man, when it's raining you can really see that this is the new engine's weak point. The bodies look like animatronics in the rain, or what's it called those plastic bodies that wear clothes for display in clothing stores. Honestly reallly ugly, and the leaked TWAU Bigby model affirms that pretty much. But it's a beta model and TFS is honestly impressive, so you can't say they auren't improving.

  • Just want to leave this link here:
    Apparently those screenshots of Bigby are fake and thank god for that because those look horrible.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    ANF is a great game, but there's one big problem. The models man, when it's raining you can really see that this is the new engine's weak po

  • Because it wasn't "Season 3" anymore. It was a game meant expand(?) TWD universe by changing up the worldbuilding to a bigger scope and bringing things much closer in line with comics.

  • We seem to have very differing perceptions of great. It never ceases to boggle my mind how they nailed David, who could switch between having a spot on American accent while being able to seamlessly transition into pronouncing Spanish names uncle Javi couldn't. The story was absolute shit too. So there's that.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    ANF is a great game, but there's one big problem. The models man, when it's raining you can really see that this is the new engine's weak po

  • Just my opinion, but season 2's story was trash after episode 3. This has been talked about many times before so I'm not gonna bother. ANF had a truckload of problems, sure, but it was more replayable, and in my eyes, more enjoyable. There were problems, like the predictability of choices and characters making idiotic decisions, but that's practically a staple in telltale games now. Actually, ANF had an unforeseeable event which was Conrad listening in on the conversation between Clem and Javi in the tunnels, and for some the Joan thing at the end of Above The Law. Oh, but S2 had Arvo betraying me when I didn't steal supplies from him. Unpredictable as fuck I say. Scene 1 - Omid dies. Scene 2 - Christa 'dies'. Truly masterclass storytelling. I also have many issues with ANF but it's still a great game like all of Telltale's in recent years. One of my biggest issues is that I didn't cry one bit, and I had the 'Gabe dies' ending! Dissapointing.

    We seem to have very differing perceptions of great. It never ceases to boggle my mind how they nailed David, who could switch between havin

  • No, but they made sure season 3 was in the title for pre-orders and then removed it on launch day.

  • Genius

    Poogers555 posted: »

    No, but they made sure season 3 was in the title for pre-orders and then removed it on launch day.

  • edited July 2018

    You really just list Conrad listening in as an unforseeable event? Really? Season 2 was golden compared to the whitewashed trash we got in ANF. Nothing we even did counted for a thing in ANF, we got uncle Javis story. And his shitty ass hug scene, because one thing people who've spent their lives enduring traumatic experiences do is embrace the asshole who sold you out. Fucking stupid.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Just my opinion, but season 2's story was trash after episode 3. This has been talked about many times before so I'm not gonna bother. ANF h

  • If you're willing to look past how well it stands up as a continuation (which you shouldn't have to) it's not the 1/10 piece of shit game many hardcore fans make it out to be, but it's still the most mediocre Telltale game I've ever played. Nearly every aspect of the game feels half baked in some way, and yeah, that isn't acceptable in the hyped up third installment in Telltale's flagship franchise.

  • It was a huge dissapointment. Its baffling why they made a "sequel" that barely ties to the other games and the MC of the series has barely any screentime. (Ik this has been said many times before) Who's fucking master idea was this?
    After TFS ends the series the only things that will matter from ANF are the scenes with Clementine. What I mean is if someone does a summary of Clems WHOLE story(aka TT's TWD) the Garcias own story won't be mentioned at all. Only the scenes that matter to Clem.

  • edited July 2018

    [Spoiler-tagged because they take up quite a lot of space.]

    Just for anyone who needs some images validating his statement...
    The Steam files still say '(Season 3)' and they set the name on Google Play to display Season 3 instead of A New Frontier. (These images are from back when ANF episode 3 launched, they have since changed the name on Google Play (after Episode 5 released...) but the Steam files still have '(Season 3)' in them - they changed the Steam name on launch day.)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    No, but they made sure season 3 was in the title for pre-orders and then removed it on launch day.

  • Yes to the first, definitely.
    It'd also explain why Above the Law's menu card(which is within the game itself rather than an advertisement) has him on it, not to mention why it's called that.

  • Really? The more I remember ANF, the worse it gets.

  • edited July 2018

    In what world was I in that uncle Javie was done so well? @Deltino ban me now. What is this even?

  • Great game?? Dude it’s hard to even call ANF a game given the fact 90% of it is sitting through cutscenes with extremely minimal gameplay, hubs, little to no character development or interaction. It was far from being great by any standards

    Ghetsis posted: »

    ANF is a great game, but there's one big problem. The models man, when it's raining you can really see that this is the new engine's weak po

  • A silent playthrough is awkward and funny to watch, so maybe it does one a favour? Ha!

    dan290786 posted: »

    Great game?? Dude it’s hard to even call ANF a game given the fact 90% of it is sitting through cutscenes with extremely minimal gameplay, hubs, little to no character development or interaction. It was far from being great by any standards

  • A silent walkthrough was always hilarious in any Telltale game to be fair!

    A silent playthrough is awkward and funny to watch, so maybe it does one a favour? Ha!

  • Truth! ?

    dan290786 posted: »

    A silent walkthrough was always hilarious in any Telltale game to be fair!

  • edited July 2018

    That was seemed to be the original plan, as shown by the early Amazon listing.

    EDIT: D'oh!

  • edited July 2018

    I don't hate A New Frontier with the passion of a thousand burning suns like some people do, but I'm not blind to its flaws. While I did enjoy playing as Javier, I don't feel that Clementine should of been tacked on in the background as a supporting role. I wish they had done something similar to Tales from the Borderlands where you could play as both protagonists, made the main focus about Clementine getting AJ back with Javier as the supporting character by her side, or made the game only about Javier's story with no Clementine attached.

    I also disliked the Tripp/Ava deaths, the graphics were bad to me (Clem especially has always looked like a plastic doll to me in ANF & the Kenny/Jane models looked horrible), being lied to about episode one being so big that it had to be split into two episodes, and there weren't many hubs to explore.

  • edited July 2018

    Don't worry, you're not the only one that S2 seemed the worst. Choices that clearly "stable" adult types mentally and physically could take without problems given to an 11-year-old girl. Are you kidding? S2 was simply "good". Nothing else, and it got worse when they brought back Kenny, the loathsome crazy guy who from E3 did not do anything else, just screw up. But do not worry, clearly Telltale ends the story of Clem because they are tired of seeing how the rat kids throw crap from the beginning without even knowing the characters, they did it when ANF had not even gone on sale, they do it with this , and they will continue doing it with any mention to Clementine that is made in some other TWD game. It's not real life guys, it's just a video game.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Just my opinion, but season 2's story was trash after episode 3. This has been talked about many times before so I'm not gonna bother. ANF h

  • Like this guy.

    You really just list Conrad listening in as an unforseeable event? Really? Season 2 was golden compared to the whitewashed trash we got in A

  • edited July 2018

    Everyone has their own opinions but I have a hard time thinking what people find so good about A New Frontier. The fact that it had so many rewrites, Telltale lied to us about a lot of content:

    • This is Clementine and Javier's story.
    • Slaughterhouse
    • There will be 42 versions of Clementine.
    • Clementine will be the co-playable character (Playbable in flashbacks does not equal co-playable, hell, she didn't even have hub controls, only dialogue and QTEs).
    • No one will take a backseat.
    • This is going to be the BIGGEST season we have done so far.
    • Episode 1 is split in two parts because it was TOO BIG (Is anyone even buying it?).
    • Clementine is on revenge quest.
    • Season 2 Endings will have a big impact in Season 3.

    because they had no idea what to do with "Season 3" (No wonder there are no "Next Time" segments at the end of every episode) and I don't know why some people are ok with this. Not just that, there was so many things they got wrong:

    • Forced relationship. Kate's romance is just stupidly overused, did anyone ask for a worse love story than Twilight? She never leaves Javier alone and didn't want to tell David that she does not want to be with him anymore, putting her brother-in-law in trouble. She is such a troublemaker. Gabe is just, ugghhhh.... he is worse than Ben, he calls you a coward for killing a man but throws you under the bus if you spared him instead even if you do everything he wants, his relationship with Clementine was unnecessarily FORCED and a terrible mistake. Clementine is friends with you NO MATTER how much you are dick to her. I can't even finish this topic because of how bad it is.
    • The graphics. The new engine was fucking horrible, Telltale released every episode unfinished. There was bugs everywhere, makes your game crash sometimes and what is with this stupid brown background? Didn't this trend die already?
    • The episodes are short. Remember when they said that ANF was going to be the biggest season and Episode 1 was too big to be released fully? How can there be an excuse for those shitty details?
    • Kenny, Jane and Wellington. You probably wouldn't care if you chose to go alone but how is this fair? This is what we get for patiently waiting 2 years for this season?
    • Conrad. He is NOT the best determinant character because he never did anything in Episode 4 and 5. The only reason they kept him alive is to avoid the same backlash they have been getting since Season 2.
    • Tripp and Ava's conclusion. How can anyone defend this piece of shit? They both die in 10 minutes in the next episode despite how difficult that choice was at the end of Episode 4.
    • Clementine's choice in terms of saving Richmond or David and Gabe depends on her own decisions only and not Javier's. Finally some choices mattering but how does this make any sense? Because no matter how nice you are to her, she can not go with you.
    • Joan. She is such a predictable antagonist with a horrible motivation. How can anyone put her in a Top 10 Walking Dead Antagonists?
    • Jesus. What was his point in this season again?
    • Plot holes: Clementine ends up in the same location no matter who you went with at the end of Season 2. Conrad's anger just disappears after sparing him. Gabe tells you to shoot Conrad but criticizes you for doing that, later. Javi's family used the same van in all those 4 years of apocalypse. Even if you betrayed her, Clementine is still friends with you for some reason. No one mentions Hector (Javier's uncle) after the premise of the first episode. Badger decides to raid Prescott because why again? Also, he shot a little girl who had nothing to do with his problems.

    I have so much to point out but I'm already too tired because I hate this game so much. As I said, everyone can have their own opinion but I can hardly see anything good about it.

  • Slaughterhouse

    Technically, it is physically present in the game. And much of it's interior assets are used.

    There will be 42 versions of Clementine.

    I hear this is technically true, but I agree--this is probably the dumbest thing they've said.

    he calls you a coward for killing a man but throws you under the bus if you spared him instead

    You got that backwards as hell, doc. I'd be hilarious/interesting if that was the case, though.

    He is NOT the best determinant character because he never did anything in Episode 4 and 5.

    Not true. He covers Javier--determinantly twice!

    Joan. She is such a predictable antagonist with a horrible motivation. How can anyone put her in a Top 10 Walking Dead Antagonists?

    Because there's not that many?
    Also, since when is wanting to protect your community a horrible motivation?

    Because no matter how nice you are to her, she can not go with you.

    I would think you of all people would know better than that.

    Badger decides to raid Prescott because why again?

    Because he's a violent scumbag who wanted to get Javier. The New Frontier wasn't even supposed to raid Prescott, let alone burn it to the ground.

    Also, he shot a little girl who had nothing to do with his problems.

    That's kinda the point, isn't it? Also, what problems?

    AronDracula posted: »

    Everyone has their own opinions but I have a hard time thinking what people find so good about A New Frontier. The fact that it had so many

  • Literally every single word you said is a fact, not an opinion folks, a FACT of all that was wrong with shitty ANF, thank you for this post. Every time you talk about ANF your posts just get better and better lol

    AronDracula posted: »

    Everyone has their own opinions but I have a hard time thinking what people find so good about A New Frontier. The fact that it had so many

  • You’re actually defending ANF? Or are your comments sarcastic?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Slaughterhouse Technically, it is physically present in the game. And much of it's interior assets are used. There will be 42

  • This is Clementine and Javier's story.

    Well we meant more Javier's story than Clem's


    We deemed it too scary for Poogers555

    There will be 42 versions of Clementine.

    We drink alot

    Clementine will be the co-playable character (Playbable in flashbacks does not equal co-playable, hell, she didn't even have hub controls, only dialogue and QTEs).

    Oops...I think you misread what we said...I hope

    No one will take a backseat.

    No one some chose to be in the trunk...but what can you do?

    This is going to be the BIGGEST season we have done so far.

    And it WAS...the title had more letters in it!

    Episode 1 is split in two parts because it was TOO BIG

    We had to upload it to the servers via a VHS was too big for just one....who knew?

    Clementine is on revenge quest.

    Well revenge maybe too much...really I have no idea why she was going there.

    Season 2 Endings will have a big impact in Season 3.

    And they did right up to the point we killed Kenny and Jane and all of Wellington...You are welcome!

    Forced relationship. Kate's romance is just stupidly overused, did anyone ask for a worse love story than Twilight? She never leaves Javier alone and didn't want to tell David that she does not want to be with him anymore, putting her brother-in-law in trouble. She is such a troublemaker. Gabe is just, ugghhhh.... he is worse than Ben, he calls you a coward for killing a man but throws you under the bus if you spared him instead even if you do everything he wants, his relationship with Clementine was unnecessarily FORCED and a terrible mistake. Clementine is friends with you NO MATTER how much you are dick to her. I can't even finish this topic because of how bad it is.

    This needed several points....first off writing is hard mmkay? Gabe...well ok Gabe was a shit...Clementine...well so what if I sold her down the river? She understood that I only wanted the best for her.

    The graphics. The new engine was fucking horrible, Telltale released every episode unfinished. There was bugs everywhere, makes your game crash sometimes and what is with this stupid brown background? Didn't this trend die already?

    Graphics were fine...we put a lot of detail in every scene and character, especially the flashbacks.

    The episodes are short. Remember when they said that ANF was going to be the biggest season and Episode 1 was too big to be released fully? How can there be an excuse for those shitty details?

    Take a deep are repeating yourself.

    Conrad. He is NOT the best determinant character because he never did anything in Episode 4 and 5. The only reason they kept him alive is to avoid the same backlash they have been getting since Season 2.

    He is a heck of a survivor!

    Tripp and Ava's conclusion. How can anyone defend this piece of shit? They both die in 10 minutes in the next episode despite how difficult that choice was at the end of Episode 4.

    They died so that others may live.....

    Clementine's choice in terms of saving Richmond or David and Gabe depends on her own decisions only and not Javier's. Finally some choices mattering but how does this make any sense? Because no matter how nice you are to her, she can not go with you.

    Honestly you are complaining about a choice mattering...there is no winning with you!

    Joan. She is such a predictable antagonist with a horrible motivation. How can anyone put her in a Top 10 Walking Dead Antagonists?

    Easy...we only had 7 Antagonists before her..well 8 if you count Badger.

    Jesus. What was his point in this season again?

    He was a touching point between the games and the comics...You are welcome!!

    Plot holes: Clementine ends up in the same location no matter who you went with at the end of Season 2. Conrad's anger just disappears after sparing him. Gabe tells you to shoot Conrad but criticizes you for doing that, later. Javi's family used the same van in all those 4 years of apocalypse. Even if you betrayed her, Clementine is still friends with you for some reason. No one mentions Hector (Javier's uncle) after the premise of the first episode. Badger decides to raid Prescott because why again? Also, he shot a little girl who had nothing to do with his problems.

    Writing is hard!

    AronDracula posted: »

    Everyone has their own opinions but I have a hard time thinking what people find so good about A New Frontier. The fact that it had so many

  • Not exactly--I'm correcting his misattributions.

    dan290786 posted: »

    You’re actually defending ANF? Or are your comments sarcastic?

  • Just have to say this about your Badger point. The problem is Badger is just so one dimensional "IM BAD" which was a huge problem with everyone in ANF. Everyone is just so one note. Badger attacks Javier cuz hes BAD, he kills Mari because hes BAD, he attacks Prescott because HES BAD. Even when hes dying he stills being a scum bag because BAD.

    It just made his character comical because he was bad just because he was bad. No real driving force or anything to expand on his character, just he is bad because he works with the bad guy who is also bad because they are bad.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Slaughterhouse Technically, it is physically present in the game. And much of it's interior assets are used. There will be 42

  • I think you need to chill out. I don't defend ANF but you don't have to be very triggered, it's just a game (A bad one), it's not like it was going to change everyone's life.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Literally every single word you said is a fact, not an opinion folks, a FACT of all that was wrong with shitty ANF, thank you for this post. Every time you talk about ANF your posts just get better and better lol

  • The fact that Eleanor is still alive towards the end means that ANF was fucking garbage. Had I been allowed to beat the fuck out of her with a bat for ratting out the team to Joan, it would've been a great game. Lord knows how much she deserves it.

  • edited July 2018

    Technically, it is physically present in the game. And much of it's interior assets are used.


    Not true. He covers Javier--determinantly twice!

    I'll just kill a walker that attacks my friend and let him do the rest without me.

    since when is wanting to protect your community a horrible motivation?

    Since when was destroying communities and killing innocent people the best choice of survival?

    Because he's a violent scumbag who wanted to get Javier. The New Frontier wasn't even supposed to raid Prescott, let alone burn it to the ground.

    Why was he coming for Javier then? All he did was getting some pudding because he fucking loves pudding.

    That's kinda the point, isn't it? Also, what problems?

    Some assholes ate my favorite pudding. Fuck you, I used to eat that pudding when I was a kid and some stupid children wasted all of them, let's get them. What? They are protected by armed adults? Who cares? I'll make sure the one who consumed my favorite food dies first.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Slaughterhouse Technically, it is physically present in the game. And much of it's interior assets are used. There will be 42

  • BAD

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Just have to say this about your Badger point. The problem is Badger is just so one dimensional "IM BAD" which was a huge problem with every

  • Don't quote me without adding anything relevant, pleb.

    Like this guy.

  • whitewashed trash we got in ANF


    You really just list Conrad listening in as an unforseeable event? Really? Season 2 was golden compared to the whitewashed trash we got in A

  • Yeah, ANF is not inherently bad but just somewhat shallow. Combined with the high expectations of a lot of people, for good reason, it was pretty much dead by episode 3.

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