TFS Story Generator - Your Choices
What did you guys get?
I got "selfless"
I thought that the story generator was phenomenal, my only complaint being the lack of ANF choices and it skipping half of season 2. I wish Javi and Luke were at least accounted for. But still, great job Telltale.
Also Lilly is all but confirmed at this point.
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So did I!
I wonder if there’s more outcomes other than “Loyal” or “Brutal”?
Loyal... So fuck the Wellington ending I guess?
I got Loyal too, but I was hoping for a few more choices leading to it. Great video, though.
So mine is brutal. That is actually pretty cool. I guess we won`t be able to transfer our saves manually the way we did last time. But at least here there will not be any mistakes with the choices
It's strange how it skipped many "vital" choices such as the help Christa/leave Christa in S2EP1, or the Wellington ending, but it did focus on the leave Lilly/keep Lilly one. Maybe it'll be Lilly who returns after all?
Yeah, pretty obvious Lilly returns this season.
edit- found it
Lilly confirmed SEASON 4, and there is nothing about Christa
I got Loyal.
I thought that was fun to do but i had a few glitches where the audio would cut off early and go streight to the choices.
Yeah the video needs some polishing, same happened to me. But apart from that it`s a great feature!
I don't think that was a glitch. If you click the screen it skips the audio and goes to the choice.
What clem said in the end legit makes me scared shitless
I didn't click anything, it just skipped.
I feel like the only one that got Righteous. BUT I'M PROUD
I got selfless.
Since they had the Lily choice in there, she might be in TFS after all.
Same thing happened with me, don't worry. Sometimes the audio would cut out and then I'd wait a few seconds and a choice would appear.
So does this mean there won't be a ingame story generator?
There could be, but I doubt it really. It will always be a welcome addition to have though.
The same story generator will be available in game.
I got Loyal, sounds about right to me! The audio skipped randomly, though.

I Always liked Lilly, so happy it's got a clear hint she's gonna return! Why else have the important choices of what happened with her otherwise?
That was very shallow, they're really building a Clem off of six choices? That is, well actually that is a perfect example of everything that has gone wrong with this series. They also cut the Kenny vs Jane choice down, mine was letting Kenny kill Jane and then shooting Kenny but that choice isn't even represented. Hopefully uploading a save builds a more accurate Clem then that thing does. I got Brutal, which feels accurate to my Clem, so there is one small point in its favor.
what happens if you kill jane but then kill kenny
Same as Wellington, telltale forgot those were options
There's no choice for that, sadly.
Looks like the choices in the generator will be the most important choices from the previous seasons.
If its not a choice that gets counted in the background I would bet that it just defaults you to "Kenny killed Jane and then Clem abandoned him" , or you have to go back to the beginning a make the choices Telltale wants you to make.
Then she’ll be alone. I kinda get why Telltale missed that option, the same with the Wellington ending. If you left Jane or Kenny or killed Kenny, she’ll be alone. It’s not a different ending, technically. If you go with Kenny, you’re loyal even if you get the Wellington ending.
I got Loyal:
I wonder why they included the Carley or Doug choice. How is it important to Clem's journey?
Is it me or was that last decision not at all what happened in ANF? It wasn't a question of fight for him or let them have him. It was a decision of say your goodbyes or get one last fuck you in. Like dafuq?
Oh also I got dis one:
Since Lilly is going to appear that choice determines who she shot: Carley or Doug. And it is important. Since she did not want to kill Doug, she wanted to kill Ben, an actual traitor, and Doug died by accident. And in Carley`s case she kinda killed her in cold blood. So I think it is going to change some things yeah.
'cause Lilly's coming back, and talk with Clem about killing one of 'em.
I hope there would be a "Your story so far" screen where it shows your choices before starting TFS.
That way we don't have to play for hours just to see our choices didn't import.
Well I definitely think Lily is returning now based of the choices they chose for the generator. I guess that means Christa isn't coming back or else they would've asked if you tried to help her or not in S2 because that determines whether she gets stabbed in the leg or not.
Edit: oh and i got righteous or whatever.
Why isn’t the Wellington ending there if supposedly they haven’t forgotten about Kenny’s hat.
here is mine