Who do you think should return?
What character do you think should return? Kenny, Lilly, Christa, Molly, Bonnie, Mike, Arvo, The Garcias? I say all of them.
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What character do you think should return? Kenny, Lilly, Christa, Molly, Bonnie, Mike, Arvo, The Garcias? I say all of them.
If I had to choose I would say the Garcias (at least Javier) Lily and Christa
You're leaving off some names here, but whatever
Absolutely not.
Yes, she's generally been in the top three and would be the most interesting guarantee.
Nah, I'd think she'd work better in her own context.
Doubt it. Too tied to the next two, for one thing.
I wouldn't have minded, but there's generally little room/context for him to do so.
Honestly, things have/are transpire'd/in in ways that make me fail to see much of a point beyond checkin off a perennial dumb list.
Eh, I wanted at least one of em to, previously.
At this point, though, idk how/if that would work. Including Gabe.
Lol he said "most interesting".
Define interesting, Con Descen.
Cause the general understanding seems pretty accurate
I'd like to see what happened to that girl Clem was with that one time in Season 2, who was pregnant and got split up from us. We haven't heard anything about her in a while. She's missing off the list, I forget what her name was. Probably doesn't matter anyway. But YAY Lily's return!
From your response about that wretch...
Why not Kenny? It's still possible he's alive depending on your choice in S2. Plus his death in ANF was horrible. I'd like Molly to return too but she probably won't since TellTale said she was a one time character. Again Bonnie is determinate depending on your choice from S2. I hope she comes back with Mike. I doubt they would still be with Arvo because Arvo shot Clem in S2. I would love to see Arvo return on his own. The Garcias should return because if they don't it would make ANF choices pointless.
That most noble poet warrior, Danny St. John.
Christa is the person I assume you are talking about
Okay, you know how to drag and drop. Good!
Now, you wanna show me something from an actual dictionary?
I forgot to add Christa in there, I edited that.
Lol yeah I know, I was being sarcastic. I was just pointing out the fact she's rarely brought up in this type of conversation. Ever really. I don't get how someone from Season 1 disappears is more likely to return than some from Season 2. If Lily were to make her return, it should've been in ANF.
Yeah, alive with two strikes on his head and likely headed to Florida the very moment he left.
Who gives a shi--he DIED three or four times already!!! IN DIFFERENT GAMES/CONTEXTS!
Top. Three.
I love Kenny and so other people. You hate Kenny?
Lily catches more attention than Christa. Which is proven time and time again. I think I should've stated who I'd prefer returning instead than this.
Oh ok and I don’t think it would off been a good idea to return lily in ANF as even tho clem is in it it’s not based on her story
Nice save.
Preferably no one so the story can focus on the new characters and develop them. However, since it does seem likely that Lilly will be returning, I will admit that it'll be interesting (although highly repetitive after what happened with Kenny and unlikely) to see what has happened to her.
The only possible reason I would support a return for Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo is just so I can finally get the chance to kill them for what they did back in Season 2.
True. Just The New Frontier seems more of Lily style and way of handling things to me. Lily reminds me of Joan if she was ever given the power.
Not really. Just had way more trash put on my plate than there should've been.
I'm triggered.
I think Lilly and christa both of them should return in TFS and I would like to see Javier Garcia but I only think Jesus would tell us that he died o something
Fair point.
Not to sound like I know too much here, but I"m fairly sure Lilly wouldn't have ordered such an operation, let alone accepted the position.
Of the ones OP listed, the only ones who should not come back in any form are Kenny, Molly, and Bonnie.
You don’t know what lily has been through the last time we saw her she could have changed a lot for example Kenny the first time we saw him he was not even half as crazy as he was in season 2 the point is people can change a lot especially in the apocalypse
Kenny was a man who had anger, stubbornness, and pride problems that grew after he lost the family he had those issues trying to protect.
Lily, on the other hand, became paranoid due to feeling seriously betrayed by people she wasn't able to trust, one of whom doing so by killing her father, and was constantly frustrated due to her thankless attempts to protect the people in her group(including the above) from walkers and bandits because she was viewed as dictatorial. All of which culminated in a horrible way when bandits & walkers finally overrun the Motel looking for supplies, one of their youth ended being bitten, her suspicions of a traitor were accurate with Ben bribing the bandits by sneaking them supplies, and Lilly herself ended up shooting Carley/Doug in a heated argument.
I don't know about you, but I get a very different reflective reaction from all that.
My point in a nutshell, actually.