I'm giving out 4 gaming gift cards in a giveaway drawing! (ENTRIES ARE NOW CLOSED! Results inside)
I want to give something to this community for the good times I've had here, so I've decided to host a raffle to give out some gift cards to some of the regulars here
There will be 4 prizes:
$20 Steam Code
$25 XBOX Code
$20 PlayStation Code
$20 Nintendo Eshop Code
Entries will be closed tomorrow at 6 PM EST and the winners will be revealed shortly after.
There are only two rules:
You must have at least 100 posts to enter (nothing against newcomers though).
You can enter all the drawings if you want, but you can only win one (The drawings will be done in randomized order). Only ask to be entered for the codes you truly want.
Write in the comments below which gift cards you'd like to be entered to win, and good luck to you.
EDIT: The drawing is now closed. Check the comments for the results.
Steam code for me or the playstation...I forget I have a ps4 sometimes. Thanks...this is cool btw!
Thanks for this! Steam/Playstation is fine.
I'll enter for the Nintendo eShop code if you don't mind
I can't resist. Xbox for me. Oh and Steam, I guess, because if one is in more drawings = better chance to win one.
Also, that's very nice of you!
PS4 card.
ayy bruh lemme get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh steam or eshop card bruh thanks homes
I'll enter for a chance to win the steam code.
Thank you for doing this raffle. It's very kind of you.
PS4 Please!
Enter me for the PlayStation Code and the Nintendo EShop Code please!
Thank you for doing this.
Thank you for doing this!
I'd like to enter for the PlayStation and Eshop codes.
PS4 please. Thank you for doing this.
If im not late, i would like to enter for the Steam code.
Would love to enter the PlayStation and steam gift cards. These giveaways are always such a nice treat on these forums! Thank you for doing this giveaway!
As a pre-emptive heads up, you probably want to make sure you successfully use the Message button on a user's profile page to privately send them their codes. If you leave the codes as public posts or public profile page posts on their wall, others may be able to see the codes.
I don't mean to potentially insult you by suggesting that, I just mention that because I saw that accidentally happen with a previous giveaway (but they were quick to PM me to give a heads up).
Suppose I'll enter in for the EShop card, nice of you to do this.
Neat of you to do this!
Also Steam and Nintendo Eshop pls :P
Sign me up for Steam and Nintendo
Thanks so much for doing this!
Oh nice! You are awesome for doing this! I would like to enter for the Steam Gift Card.
I'll try for PSN, but can do anything besides xbone. Thanks for doing this
Oh hey, that's very nice of you. I'd like to enter that Steam raffle.
I would really like a PS4 gift code
Steam code or playstation for me,thank you for doing this.
I'll enter for $20 Steam Code!
Oh man, Cocoa, haven't you given enough to this forum??
You've helped people with emotional/psychological struggles and now you're gonna help people with financial ones?
You are the epitome of cool right now...
I'd like to sign up for the Playstation and Nintendo EShop cards please.
Oh, so this is what you're talking about.
At least save a dollar of it.
I'll enter for the $20 PlayStation gift card!
Entries will be closed in a little over 4 hours. I'm going to put the names into a wheel randomizer and record it as it spins for your suspense (you will be able to click a spoiler tag to skip to the result instead if you want).
Just want to remind everyone that only one person has entered into the XBOX gift card giveaway so far and it has $5 more than the rest.
Good luck to.you!
shit why not i'll enter for the playstation card.
Like Blind Sniper said, you should use the Message button to privately send the codes to the winners.
I intended to PM the codes before I started, don't worry. Can't trust people with anything lying out in the open lol
Really nice that you are doing this! Got a few games on all consoles I'd like to get, so why not join all 4.
This is very nice of you! I'll enter for just Steam, please.
Entries will be closed in less than an hour! XBOX only has two contenders at the moment, those are some nice odds if you want to enter
Hey, hey, he's got to have 15$ left right?
20, 20, 20, and 25$ codes... That's just 85$! Surely he'd have a nice rounded 100 bucks to use...
I got about $150 in birthday money, not including gift cards I got on top of that.
Honestly as I get older I'm not really comfortable getting birthday money all that much. "Yeah I was born, give me your cash." I appreciate it and I kept some of it but I don't have any issues giving it away.
Congratulations to @bravepancake for winning the Steam gift card!
Congratulations to captainivy1 for winning the Nintendo gift card!
Wow InGen_Nate_Kenny you lucky bastard
Congratulations to AnimalBoy for winning the PlayStation gift card!
Congratulations to these four forum users:
@bravepancake ~ $20 Steam Code
@captainivy1 ~ $20 Nintendo Eshop Code
@InGen_Nate_Kenny ~ $25 XBOX Code
@AnimalBoy ~ $20 PlayStation Code
Thank you to everyone who participated! You are all great, take care