If you had a choice, would you sacrifice Sarah or Jane?
Say that the deck collapsing scene had been different and sending Jane down there would result in Sarah getting out from under the collapsed deck, but Jane would have been bitten. On the other side, you can pull Jane up but you will leave Sarah down there to get torn apart by walkers.
What would you choose and why?
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I think that I would choose Jane. But only cause Sarah is a kid, and cause she is pretty weak. Jane is much more capable so she could have a little more control over the situation.
Jane, obviously. NinjaCgg explained why.
For a second there, I thought this was a "who would you pull up?" choice.
Sarah gonna die. She was useless and weird and a literal liability, as seen when she got people eaten escaping Howe's. I left her to die in that trailer when she froze up and wouldn't climb out and I didn't regret it one bit.
I'd sacrifice Jane. I can't let a kid die.
It was not her fault. She isn't the one who came up with that stupid plan to escape through a herd with tons of walkers instead of staying put until it was clear, the only reason she screamed is because her dad died right in front of her, you were expecting her not to react at all? SMH
I'd sacrifice Jane. I always save friends over selfish troublemakers. Fuck Jane!!!
Sarah....Jane had good ideas like going through the herd. Things happen...what can you do.
Admittedly it's been a while since I played season 2, I guess I could check youtube videos, but I recall her acting all weird and funny while walking through which is what drew attention to them in the first place.
She ran of after her father died, which results in Luke going after her
Actually, it would've Jane who caused the actual panic if anyone, as Tavia's men who firing on a completely different side of the building until a little after she decided to shoot Troy. Carlos got hit by a stray bullet that probably would've hit him anyway, given that it clipped his ear when he was looking over his shoulder at Clementine.
Also, Tavia's men firing at them in the first place was apparently intentional according to unused voiceclips.
It's...a little indecisive in that specific sense.
On one hand, while a walker might've suspected(if you can call it that) something was up, they mainly just seemed to ignore anyone who doesn't draw their attention to thoroughly.
On the other, Sarah was apparently supposed to wander off on her own if a few of the unused voice clips from that scene are any indication. yet, it was more a matter of everyone wanting someone to get her back with the group than any indication she was in danger or generating some. It might've just been from a third, completely different version of the scene that they started recording, but didn't do much with though.
Carlos was shot by Carver's men, for fuckssakes. She had nothing to do with that.
Its not like they could wait until it was clear. Tavia and the other guys were still after them that moment.
They could have just stayed in the yard and wait until it was clear or less walkers so they could escape easily.
Hmm, tough one. On the one hand, Jane is an adult who doesn't wig out in a herd of walkers. On the other hand, she's flaky as heck and you don't know if she's going to be around to help you. Sarah is weird and probably a liability who will probably die, but she didn't make herself the way she is, and part of being human is helping people who can't help themselves. Remember in Lord of the Rings it's Gollum who actually does the deed when Frodo can't do it? If there were more of a chance that Sarah's story might turn out like that, I'd go with Sarah. As it is, probably Jane, but only _probably _Jane.
I couldn't help but snicker when I saw Gollum used in relation to Sarah, for some reason.
Interesting that you alluded to that scenario though.(Note: I haven't watch LoTR)
I thought you were gonna say "having emotions that sometimes take over," but that's better.
Sarah, she just needs someone to teach her how to survive, she makes some advances if you don't let her die at the trailer. Jane is a good survivor already but she makes you kill Kenny and then kills herself leaving Clem and AJ worse than they already were, way too extreme and impulsive.
I would sacrifice Sarah. If Sarah had survived that encounter and Jane had died instead the encounter with the Russians would have been way worse.
As the fight escalated Vitali had a clear shot on Kenny and could have possibly killed other members of the group but because Jane had survived and turned back to help she saved Kenny's and potentially other lives of the group. Also, don't forget that Jane is the one who pulled Clementine out of the ice and got a fire started. While the rest of the group was hung up over Arvo Jane was the one who took action and saved Clem from freezing to death.
I don't hate Sarah but there is no way Sarah's survival would have been more beneficial than Jane's.
Jane. Then afterwards have nobody remember her, and have Sarah shoot Vitali, thanks to teaching her how to use a gun.
Jane can trick you with AJ. Something i will not stand for. so Jane
Jane deserved to die, SHE is the real liability, not a little girl who was sheltered by her dad and really showed interest in becoming better and a person of worth in the apocalypse. Jane is weak mentally, she thinks she's always right, she thinks she can do whatever she wants just to prove a point even if that means people dying, she makes you think she cares about Clem, she cares about their new life in the prison, but no, at the moment she realises she fucked up and she's pregnant because she fucked with Luke, she kills herself leaving Clem alone with AJ, without hardly any food. Sarah is just traumatized and suffers from Anxiety, and without the sheltering of Carlos and the help of Clem she would've got so much better, she could've become as badass as Clem and a great person to take care of AJ. Sarah didn't deserve to die and that part should've been a [Who will you save?] moment, not just a [Sarah dies without help] and [Sarah dies because Jane isn't even trying to help her].
That comment reminded me of these memes I made a while back.
Jane. No one deserves to be torn apart alive.
I love Jane but I'd save Sarah if I couldn't save both, neither were really given much of a chance at being developed characters, which is a shame.
I would sacrifice Sarah. She did not have the will to live. She would just die another day. Saving her would be in vain.
Fuck Jane. I would’ve loved to see Sarah live longer. Honestly it would’ve been cool if their was some sort of Sarah ending in S2.
My new phone background.
I've got plenty more where that came from. Hmu, with a message here or on Discord if you want more.
There is one.
In here.

Sarah is the godess of memes, please send all you have, I will be thankfull.
Have you considered how the Russians might've responded had they learned Jane was dead?
Not to mention that half of the stuff she does could've been done by other characters(including Clementine herself) and only got to because she was conveniently in place.
That reminds me--I'm trying to remember if I did much of anything with that.
I thought you were gonna post that one Confession for a second.
Yeah, she kinda is.
I remember thinking there must be a plethora of them when playing episode 2.
You think that would be a big motivator, though almost no one has mentioned that so far.
Good on ya!
Fairly True.
Does it matter? That just means one that you pick to live will have to die later rather than sooner.
Only the Reaper wins In The End.
I sacrifice my Butch Naruto...to summon Four-eyed Princessa of Fear to the field!
I like this situation, it should've been written this way.
I still would've asked Jane to go help her. In that moment, Sarah wanted to live. It kinda seemed like she finally snapped out of her gloom, and wanted life rather than death.
Out of all the panic, I wasn't thinking about anything other than getting Sarah back to the group. Can't really remember but, why was Jane the only one to go down? I think... everyone was there. They were giving Jane cover fire? Ok, so Clem watches over Rebecca, Bonnie lays the cover fire, Kenny, Mike, and Jane go in. Pretty simple, but plot. (Somebody help me out if I'm remembering wrong)
I would've gone in if there were an option. She deserved more, I think.