So, the sexual slavers...
Why do I get the feeling they're the raiders from the beginning of S2 and they captured christa and have been holding her ever since?
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Why do I get the feeling they're the raiders from the beginning of S2 and they captured christa and have been holding her ever since?
You know what it could be them. OMG you may be on to something. Rumor has it we are suppose to be meeting someone from Clems pass. Many say Lily, but Christa could definitely work given she was taken as well. Also your title is hilarious lol.
They clearly took those girls as sex slaves.
Tbf we don’t know if they’re sex slavers, we’re just assuming that because it’s the most obvious answer. For all we know they could be regular slavers/child labourers, maybe they need small people to sneak into hard to reach places. I just get the feeling it’s nothing really sexual because Abel could have done something or said something to clementine, but he didn’t, if you let him go he just walks away like nothing happened, he’d be a lot more creepy towards her and would have made a move if it were a sexual thing these raiders had going... most likely.
Uh no. There's a time and place when you are outnumbered 4-1 stealing food makes sense cause you can take it and go, while taking the time and attention to rape some girl(with a kid holding on a gun on you no less) makes no sense. Great way to get killed. And no, rapists don't naturally act weird or creepy around women. If you've ever been to uni you've probably known a rapist or two and never knew it because in public they act just like everybody else.
Sexual slavery is still the odds on favorite(like 1/99-1).
Additionally what if Abel isn't a pedophile or he was into AJ instead of Clementine.
He can live and work among a bunch of child rapers and not do anything himself. Might be that's why he's on scavenging duty because he doesn't approve but he needs the security when he sleeps so he spends as much time as possible away from the camp
With Clem he was cold and sarcastic but he was all " hey kiddo playing hide and seek? "to AJ. Until AJ pulled a gun
Because your mind wants to BS an impactful way for Christa to be reintroduced.
guys i know horrible stuff like this happens but id rather have it not in the game as it's supposed to be a joy to watch /play the WD,and this is a very heavy subject i don't think the writing team should delve into,besides theres lot of very interesting routes the game could take which im looking forward to,just think this is way too dark.
Time to introduce you to Lydia or comics Michonne
Pretty sure they died
I think they were recruits not sex slaves, just my opinion, I think the leader is a woman.
only familiar with the game,why do the comics touch on that? shocked!
Wouldn't it be some shit if something that seems to have sex slavers actually has sexist slavers?
The funny thing about that is that he does a quick glance of her when he gets next to her(what, does he need glasses?)...and looks&sounds so bored/unimpressed.
Lydia Carl's girlfriend was constantly raped by a group of people that dress like walkers and don't believe in rape because Animals don't say rape. Michonne was rapped by the governor but she mutilated his penis In return. Both tv show and comics a group of bandits threatened to rape Carl... It did not end well. Sophia was almost raped by two boys and Carl bashed their heads in. And the governor pulled his like nine year old walker niece's teeth out and tongue kissed her
Christa shouldn't come back. It's already weird and pretty unrealistic that Lilly is.
The game can be dark and enjoyable at the same time. S1E2 is regarded by many as the best episode in the entire series and it is dark as fuck and deals with a cannibal family who tricks survivors into coming to their dairy and then eats them and trades off the extra meat.
jesus!....ermm i'll stick to the game xD
The games are based in the comics universe.
agree,great episode where you knew this place had secrets,just think you can go dark without going totally off the rails with the sexual content.
Like CapnJay said, the games exist in the comic world. The comics and TellTale games exist in the same universe, while the TV shows exist in their own, alternate universe where things are much the same but also different, and lately are very different.
How is something like that too dark when Walking Dead shows guys brains being bashed in and junk shot off kids faces being shot through etc... Nothing bout the walking dead is joyful or suppose to be and I thought that was the point of showing the struggles these people have to go through when dealing with the end of the world. There is a reason why some games are rated Mature and warns that they aren't for the faint of heart or weak stomachs. Walking Dead is bout 95% gloom and doom most of the time except for rare occasions like at groups feasts during momentary peace etc..
i was always under the impression that Telltale had pretty much free reign over the story in the first two seasons but maybe Kirkman has had more input in recent releases?
Probably american. Violence, blood, gore, it's all fine and even fun but as soon as sex gets mixed in it's over the line. Murica has weirdly reversed morals to most of the rest of the world. Anywhere else, tits and dicks and whatever are mostly ok, even on prime time tv; it's violence and gore that are big deals, as it should be.
For the record, I'm a murican but I recognize our puritan roots have greatly influenced our weird, backwards morals over the centuries.
i can suspend my imagination for horror and everything that comes with it,and even most sexual scenes that relates to story,but the game is about zombies so you expect to see brains bashed in and gore,but children in sexual /rape predicaments i'd rather not see in any game or media art
Yeah, no. Pedophilia/ephebophilia (same shit different name) is pretty much the worst, most fucked up thing ever. I really don't think telltale will put it in tfs. Television and comics are an entirely different media and I can't think of any videogames that has dealt with that kind of shit.
It is entirely possible that I might be wrong, though.
Well yes and no. I'm sure they had free reign over their own story and their original characters but it couldn't conflict with anything Kirkman had already established. That's why Lee couldn't convince Glenn to stay with the group at the end of episode 1, because Glenn was a major comic character so him staying with Lee would contradict that. I also don't think Kirkman has much to do with anything TellTale are doing other than making an approval of general premise. Like, I hear he had to approve them jumping into the future. This season takes place 2 or 3 years in the future of where the comics are right now, meaning IF the game does anything around the DC area, Kirkman will treat it as canon and maybe reference it as the comics get to that point on the timeline.
Compare that to the show where the writers are all "lol fuck Carl. He dead."
The fallout games
The old ones right?
Little lamplight slaves and new Vegas cook cook the rapist cannibal who flamethrowers his victim in random orders was sold a little girl.
Oh, yeah I totally forgot cook cook lol.
Maybe it's just me but I really don't want them to be pedos, mainly because I would be heartbroken if AJ or Clem ends up being molested
I trust Telltale to be mature and not distasteful if they choose to tackle the subject of slavery/sexual abuse
If Clementine, Violet, or AJ ( shitbird) gets sexually abused or hurt. There will be rivers of blood and mountains of bodies. Clementine will make crazy Kenny/Carver/negan combined look like duck
Yeah but if the sex involved underage can be creepy.
You know either it's going to be confirmed in the game or the raiders will say something like "what did you think we did with them? We're not monsters" to Jan at those of us who believe the worst.
That'd actually be funny lol
If we ever see the twins and one of them is pregnant, there will be no need for words in that case.
Eisner Award Winning Series, Ladies and Gentleman!
I'm actually having trouble finding a picture to go with this.
Yeah, based on.
Which means it can do away a lot with a bunch of the dumb shlock and shock shit.
Not on, in. It's the exact same universe. Unlike the TV shows which exist in an alternate universe.
Still, doesn't mean TellTale has to go that dark, just that the precedent is already set if they want to.
Yep. That'd actually be the best way to do it, I think. They can avoid saying it specifically but the dialogue can imply it and having one or both of the twins be pregnant would confirm it.
You can't just hurt AJ in front of Clem and expect to live more than 5 minutes