@SolidStryder Not liking a character =/= a character having no personality.
The joke is that Clementeen is mostly at the player's an… mored/or diection's whim. Which has naturally led to some messy long-term characterization.
Nonjokingly, I'm pointing out how [term I can't think of right now] she was in this episode.
Also, I'm not entirely sure on what she should be now beyond Protagonist.
. Regardless, as far as Violet goes, take the girl power out and Last of Us points out of your reasoning and you've basically got Louis
Damn, you suck at math.
Oh but the army of Clouis is just the beginning we gain supporters by the very minute,soon we will be taking over these Forums and you violentine shippers will be forgotten lost to the archives where you belong.
I dislike her cause she's nothing special. She's a typical female character and the edgy crap is annoying. I also find her to be just as fli… morerty as Luis but she's not upfront about it, she's 'careful' about it. I hate that. I like it when people save me the confusion and are like 'I'm interested and gonna be obvious about it.' She's obvious about it, but trying not to be and it irks me. Maybe she'll grow a pair in episode 2.
I gave my reasons for hating Kenny in S2....but the worst part of Kenny in S2 is that it basically screws up a fantastic character Arc he had in S1....S1 we had a man who before the dead started to walk took his family for granted...loved being on his boat. S1 Kenny was fast to action and slow to think...but he was trying to keep his family alive to make up for how he treated them before. Ben the shitbird makes an error in judgment and tries to cut a deal with Raiders by slipping them supplies from the groups meds...Kenny looses his wife and idiot kid. Some would say it was literary justice for how his actions pushed Lilly over the edge and led to her killing Carley or deadman Doug if you were the 23% that actually saved him. Ben finally picks the worst friggen time to come clean to Kenny when walkers are coming after them at the school in Crawford. Well Kenny wants blood he even insinuates that Lee should drop Ben. However eventually Kenny comes to forgive Ben and in a heroic moment dies trying to help Ben. A character arc that is powerful and believable....DESTROYED by Psycho Kenny in S2. So my hate for Kenny in S2 is very well earned. His actions are foolish...suicidal...group endangering and selfish. The only thing...the only thing I can say positive for him is that his Voice Actor is still one of the best damn actors that Telltale has used.
Oh way to make an assumption about my sense of humanity, when i'm dealing with a real hypocrite like you. You cant see how much of contradic… moretion is to hate kenny , so much even though he's been through so much. "So I wonder wheres your keen sense of humanity"
I gave my reasons for hating Kenny in S2....but the worst part of Kenny in S2 is that it basically screws up a fantastic character Arc he ha… mored in S1....S1 we had a man who before the dead started to walk took his family for granted...loved being on his boat. S1 Kenny was fast to action and slow to think...but he was trying to keep his family alive to make up for how he treated them before. Ben the shitbird makes an error in judgment and tries to cut a deal with Raiders by slipping them supplies from the groups meds...Kenny looses his wife and idiot kid. Some would say it was literary justice for how his actions pushed Lilly over the edge and led to her killing Carley or deadman Doug if you were the 23% that actually saved him. Ben finally picks the worst friggen time to come clean to Kenny when walkers are coming after them at the school in Crawford. Well Kenny wants blood he even insinuates that Lee should drop Ben. However eventuall… [view original content]
Well I dont like her so far but maybe shes nice and just seems like she's a b+++h on the surface,maybe i didnt choose the right dialogue options to make her not a b+++h but for now shes a b+++h
He's not really a psycho and you should know that if you played s3. It was just hard to get over the fact that his wife, kid, new wife, and a small baby died, the last one being because of a person he never really liked. But in s3, at the campfire, you definitely see Kenny as a warm, nice guy, talking to Clementine about family and stuff.
I gave my reasons for hating Kenny in S2....but the worst part of Kenny in S2 is that it basically screws up a fantastic character Arc he ha… mored in S1....S1 we had a man who before the dead started to walk took his family for granted...loved being on his boat. S1 Kenny was fast to action and slow to think...but he was trying to keep his family alive to make up for how he treated them before. Ben the shitbird makes an error in judgment and tries to cut a deal with Raiders by slipping them supplies from the groups meds...Kenny looses his wife and idiot kid. Some would say it was literary justice for how his actions pushed Lilly over the edge and led to her killing Carley or deadman Doug if you were the 23% that actually saved him. Ben finally picks the worst friggen time to come clean to Kenny when walkers are coming after them at the school in Crawford. Well Kenny wants blood he even insinuates that Lee should drop Ben. However eventuall… [view original content]
He's not really a psycho and you should know that if you played s3. It was just hard to get over the fact that his wife, kid, new wife, and … morea small baby died, the last one being because of a person he never really liked. But in s3, at the campfire, you definitely see Kenny as a warm, nice guy, talking to Clementine about family and stuff.
And louis does the samething. When you pick "he was a dork" louis says "You looved him" so what's your point. They both hound her when you pick that option. Because they're both into her.
I don't understand why a lot of you keep saying she don't have a personality.
It's worth noting that I was mostly joking when I said and just taking advantage of Scyther's poor choice of words.
For all you know by second episode all the Luis haters will be like 'omg he's the best, I can't believe I ever hated him!' And all the Violet haters will be like 'omg! ...meh...'
Hahaha kidding!
I don't understand why a lot of you keep saying she don't have a personality. As much as Louis is funny, Violet is caring. You can tell in h… moreow she deeply misses Tenn's sisters and how she looks after Tenn himself. And then people are calling her edgy. She not edgy, she's depressed and still mourning her lost. The few people she did talk to are dead and she's basically alone, and only has Tenn. She knows she's not an easy person to be around, that's why she apologizes for it when you go fishing with her; she's very self aware. From what I have gathered, she very compassionate to the people she holds close. Just look at both instances of the appeal choice. Both characters stood up to Marlon, but Violet was about ready to kill him due to what he did to the sisters. Both characters are great, but I just saw more complexity with Violet.
there's a lot to dislike about Luis
Nobody dislikes Louis. Everyone loves Louis, including myself. I just see him as Clementine's survival companion, just like everyone except for Violet, who's her survival companion/Romantic interest option.
The people who hate violet either seem to ignore the reasons why she acts the way she acts or just don't care. She's been through a lot. Getting reminded of lost loved ones from two different people pretty much everyday I'm sure would make anyone show and display negative emotions but despite that violet still smiles at times. Violet has gone through way more suffering than louis has and even after marlon got killed violet's suffering is still worst because now she lost brody and the person who not only killed brody but is also responsible for tenn someone she cares about sisters who she was very close to in one of them and was in a relationship with the other one being taken away isn't alive anymore. So violet can't get revenge, payback, or retribution. And just like with tenn's sisters violet couldn't say goodbye to brody. People seem to only care about and pay attention to what violet acts like and how violet acts but don't consider the why. Which is what's important and is what explains why she acts the way she does.
The people who hate violet either seem to ignore the reasons why she acts the way she acts or just don't care. She's been through a lot. Get… moreting reminded of lost loved ones from two different people pretty much everyday I'm sure would make anyone show and display negative emotions but despite that violet still smiles at times. Violet has gone through way more suffering than louis has and even after marlon got killed violet's suffering is still worst because now she lost brody and the person who not only killed brody but is also responsible for tenn someone she cares about sisters who she was very close to in one of them and was in a relationship with the other one being taken away isn't alive anymore. So violet can't get revenge, payback, or retribution. And just like with tenn's sisters violet couldn't say goodbye to brody. People seem to only care about and pay attention to what violet acts like and how violet acts but don't consider the why. Which is what's important and is what explains why she acts the way she does.
The people who hate violet either seem to ignore the reasons why she acts the way she acts or just don't care. She's been through a lot. Get… moreting reminded of lost loved ones from two different people pretty much everyday I'm sure would make anyone show and display negative emotions but despite that violet still smiles at times. Violet has gone through way more suffering than louis has and even after marlon got killed violet's suffering is still worst because now she lost brody and the person who not only killed brody but is also responsible for tenn someone she cares about sisters who she was very close to in one of them and was in a relationship with the other one being taken away isn't alive anymore. So violet can't get revenge, payback, or retribution. And just like with tenn's sisters violet couldn't say goodbye to brody. People seem to only care about and pay attention to what violet acts like and how violet acts but don't consider the why. Which is what's important and is what explains why she acts the way she does.
Thank you. This is why I prefer violet over louis. Her character is more deep, more complex, more real and more relatable. And I just think she's cooler and a badass who is capable of being cute and adorable at times.
Is there? I haven't noticed. I'm feeling pretty neutral towards her and Louis. I prefer Violet but I'm really not that interested in either one's romantic options if I'm being honest.
Is there? I haven't noticed. I'm feeling pretty neutral towards her and Louis. I prefer Violet but I'm really not that interested in either one's romantic options if I'm being honest.
Yeah Clementine loves Louis...AS A BROTHER! Cleolet 4 lyfe
Ah. I see. I think clem and violet have good characterization.
I don't think he is. I think his attempts at comedy are like his attempts at flirting. That's just my opinion.
Soooo have you ever had a boyfriend? "Shrugs in Violet"
when the season ends, both sides will be pissed
found one of the future instigators of the shipping war 2.0
both will die, the peak of romance is hinted in the second episode achievement
was pretty obvious, people gush themselves at the thought of banging a angsty, loner girl
i will watch the burning mountains of wreckage of both ships
its the novelty of being able to ship her that people are going nuts for
No the army of Clouis will survive !!!
Mr tubs if what you is true i'll be coming for you.

I liked the shrugs in violet. Violet's so cool.
I gave my reasons for hating Kenny in S2....but the worst part of Kenny in S2 is that it basically screws up a fantastic character Arc he had in S1....S1 we had a man who before the dead started to walk took his family for granted...loved being on his boat. S1 Kenny was fast to action and slow to think...but he was trying to keep his family alive to make up for how he treated them before. Ben the shitbird makes an error in judgment and tries to cut a deal with Raiders by slipping them supplies from the groups meds...Kenny looses his wife and idiot kid. Some would say it was literary justice for how his actions pushed Lilly over the edge and led to her killing Carley or deadman Doug if you were the 23% that actually saved him. Ben finally picks the worst friggen time to come clean to Kenny when walkers are coming after them at the school in Crawford. Well Kenny wants blood he even insinuates that Lee should drop Ben. However eventually Kenny comes to forgive Ben and in a heroic moment dies trying to help Ben. A character arc that is powerful and believable....DESTROYED by Psycho Kenny in S2. So my hate for Kenny in S2 is very well earned. His actions are foolish...suicidal...group endangering and selfish. The only thing...the only thing I can say positive for him is that his Voice Actor is still one of the best damn actors that Telltale has used.
kenny haters and kenny fans are the kings of toxicity on this dann forum
Go fishing and be nice to her. She's pretty cool.
Told her she was probably going to die first when she asked, our relationship just hasn't been the same after that.
He's not really a psycho and you should know that if you played s3. It was just hard to get over the fact that his wife, kid, new wife, and a small baby died, the last one being because of a person he never really liked. But in s3, at the campfire, you definitely see Kenny as a warm, nice guy, talking to Clementine about family and stuff.
[Deleted post]
You might as well have tagged me, since everyone knows who this was directed towards
[Deleted post]
Yeah and if you said 'I met a boy once, we were friends...' Violet seriously starts hounding and pushing you with 'just friends, right? Nothing else?'
S2 Kenny was a psycho....as I said...S1 Kenny was great and he should have remained dead.
And louis does the samething. When you pick "he was a dork" louis says "You looved him" so what's your point. They both hound her when you pick that option. Because they're both into her.
...Is that a callback or....?
Re-read the title, friendo. It says otherwise.
It's worth noting that I was mostly joking when I said and just taking advantage of Scyther's poor choice of words.
Okay, that was a good one.
I wrote this when I woke up like it says there, I thought it was the romance discussion post.
Don't speak in absolutes, dude. That's just encourage those who don't agree and trolls to teach you otherwise.
Eh, at least Violet has okay characterization at the moment.
I think it's more than okay but I expect your opinion. There's 3 more eps to further improve her characterization though.
Name one person who doesn’t like Louis? I’ll give 20 days.
There's a spanish youtuber called ZellenDust who hated Louis.
The people who hate violet either seem to ignore the reasons why she acts the way she acts or just don't care. She's been through a lot. Getting reminded of lost loved ones from two different people pretty much everyday I'm sure would make anyone show and display negative emotions but despite that violet still smiles at times. Violet has gone through way more suffering than louis has and even after marlon got killed violet's suffering is still worst because now she lost brody and the person who not only killed brody but is also responsible for tenn someone she cares about sisters who she was very close to in one of them and was in a relationship with the other one being taken away isn't alive anymore. So violet can't get revenge, payback, or retribution. And just like with tenn's sisters violet couldn't say goodbye to brody. People seem to only care about and pay attention to what violet acts like and how violet acts but don't consider the why. Which is what's important and is what explains why she acts the way she does.
Excellently said.
Thank you. This is why I prefer violet over louis. Her character is more deep, more complex, more real and more relatable. And I just think she's cooler and a badass who is capable of being cute and adorable at times.
Is there? I haven't noticed. I'm feeling pretty neutral towards her and Louis. I prefer Violet but I'm really not that interested in either one's romantic options if I'm being honest.
It's there. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm glad you prefer violet but even if you didn't that would be cool too.