Theory: Is the end of episode 1 a dream? *SPOILERS*
Let me start by express my utmost hatred for this kind of storytelling trope that is the classic DREAM SEQUENCE WHERE BAD STUFF HAPPENDS BUT THEN THE MAIN CHARACTER WAKES UP AND ALL ITS FINE, but that last 20 minutes have something strange about them, so since I love this community I will try to decode the last sequence in this new theory:
- Before the beginning of the end we see that the sky is clear and is night, she will blow out the candle and game fades to black, representing that our duo went to sleep. When Clem wakes up a storm is raging, but it seems that no time has passed since the lighting is the same (you can chalk this up as a simple production oversight if you want to be picky)
- The noise from Brody and Marlon travels to the pipes that means that at least someone else shuould have heard that (this noise oddity is kinda strange since a moment before Abel could hear Clem, Violet and Louis from a lot of distance, more later on sound oddities)
- Clem tells AJ to stay put but he disobeys, that is strange since up until before AJ seems to listen to everything Clem says, even when he gets antagonistic with Tenn she manage to shut him down (you could say that since Marlon was screaming that Clem murdered Brody he got up and look for her tho)
- As soon as Clem runs out a storm is raging, and a good storm too, I interpreted this as simbolic, you know nightmare have the abitude of being really creepy especially when you are under stress, and also if this season has bibilical meaning (you know Abel, bibble pages) there something you need to know, as pointed by user @Onmens (thx btw) in my past theory, there is a demon called Lilith that is the bringer of the end of the world that occurs with a giant storm (Noah's Ark and stuff) but ALSO SHE STEALS CHILDREN, and as I pointed before that cannot be a coincidence.
- Back to the noises, in the next scene we see Clementine picking up a brick and making a whole lot of noise whitout getting noticed by anyone, one could argue that since Brody and Marlon were fighting and a storm was raging they simply didn't hear it that dosen't mean that all the other people should have not hear that tho.
- The Marlon and Brody scene is strange too, first we have seen both Marlon and Brody in a weak moment (Marlon before chosing where to go and gather food, and Brody when she has a panic attack) what we didn't see is them going full psyco, and by the way they were arguing they seems possesed, and then it happens, Marlon decks Brody in the face with a flashlight, heres what wrong, I can accept getting killed by something like that, what I dont accept is coming back as a walker, sice she got a head trauma she should be dead, or at least incapacited (like a retard zombie) then she turns in record time (I can understand that this was done for shock value, but still)
- Next the standoff scene, where you can choose Louise or Violet, they both help you no matter what, and (talking from experience) if you are attracted to someone, you will have dreams about that someone, saving you or you save them and so on, you know what im talking about, so this is a maniseftation of that
- And for the last one AJ teleporting from back of the group to picking up the gun and shooting Marlon without getting notice by anyone, that is bullshit, beacause at least Rosie would have barked at him or something, I interpreted this as Clem getting scared of what AJ could become and since it fades to black after it could be Clem waking up, thats why there were no "in the next episode scene"
And that is all, I hope I have entertained you feel free to comment and use this to expand on, but first pledge alligience to our lady:
Cleoet 4 life
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Holy moly those were really good points actually and they really all support each other and go in favor of your theory very well. Especially about AJ too, I mean it's unlikely that AJ shooting Marlon could be that legit, which is why I found the ending extremely surprising.
God I hope so. It’ll give me a reason not to murder AJ in the next episode.
If it is a dream I think it would make ep 1 weaker.
This episide set up aj as someone who doesnt understand when to shoot someone and I think ep 2 will explore that so if its a dream again it makes the last part of ep 1 useless.
In anf there wasnt a next time on twd either so theres that.
Aj teleporting with the gun is probably just an oversight.
This kind of story telling is weak as you said so i dont think theyre gonna use it
Holy shit, it does make sense.
The ending of episode 1 REALLY implies that this was a dream in my opinion when I think about it, I mean do you seriously think AJ would be like: "Louis/Violet, Mitch and all of ya psshh! I'm just gonna go grab this gun and point it at Marlon, don't worry, then I'm going to shoot him for no reason!" Like you said, it might be a nightmare that implies Clementine being scared of what AJ might become.
Sensible. Especially no next episode scene proofs that. I think so
it would defo be interesting if it was a dream
esp bc i want marlon 2 live lol. tbh i did wonder when playing why no1 else heard all the noise and stuff. good theory dude.
Clem wakes up on a treehouse
We haven't gotten next times in a while
You actually might be right, even episode 2 menu screen implies your theory.
It could be interpreted as Clem waking up after episode 1 dream sequence while AJ is still sleeping and Clem is thinking about what happend inside her dream.
People come back as walkers if their brain hasn't been destroyed.
Come on he’s a dumb kid who made a very stupid mistake. Wanting to murder him doesn’t help anyone’s cause and would just make Clem look as dangerous as him
Interesting points you make but it would make the episode weaker if it was a dream, it would feel like the last 15 or so minutes was a waste of time. I hope this isn’t the case.
Also nothing against Violet but no, i do not want Clem magically turning lesbian or having a romance with Louis either. Chances are both those characters will die at some point anyway
How could you want to murder him ;-;
Intersting I didn't catch that.
But she died from a head trauma, all that blood was from the brain.
Its treason then![>:) >:)](
Fine I’ll lock him in a room and leave him there to starve so that I wouldn’t be the one that kills him, it’ll be nature.
He betrayed me after the number of times I defended him, only for him to go and murder somebody I was trying to fix despite me teaching him that killing is bad and only do it when you have to ?
I don't think so. But the whole AJ being behind Marlon bothers me. Especially if Marlon dropped the gun himself. He drops it between him and Clem, how the hell did AJ get it in that amount of time without being noticed? Like I get Marlon walks up to Clem, but still.
I guess he thought he was helping Clem by shooting Marlon, but I thought it would have been more understandable if AJ had shot Marlon when he was literally pointing his gun at Clem, not when he dropped it and was talking about leaving ;-;
Aj really is looking to be on the road of a true psycopath, but still, he's too cute to hate ahahah
I’m joking btw, I don’t really want him dead. I will punish him somehow though, if given the option to
A good spank for AJ thats for sure
Ram over his fingers with Tenn’s toy car ??
What about barefoot walking on legos?![>:) >:)](
A good sleeping on the floor
Make him eat Mr Broccoli
Ooo that’ll be stepping over the line ? he better hope this is a dream
If it is a dream, it wouldn't be a bad way to show Clem's fear for AJ's well-being, or for her safety at the school. They did the same thing with Lee after Duck got bit. However, Clem dreaming the entire last, eventful twenty minutes just seems far-fetched to me, because then it all becomes irrelevant. Most of your points could just be more of Telltale's oversights as well. But I wouldn't mind them somehow reversing AJ's killing of Marlon.
Woah, woah, hey now it wouldn’t really be irrelevant. These 20 minutes could shape the way clementine views AJ, and will determine how she will view the other group for now on if she should be more cautious or carry on as normal to make the most of what she has with them. It’s all about appreciating what you have while you have it, and making the right choices to raise your child right.
I'm going to be real here, this actually seems really plausible. I'm shook.
He’s a kid who doesn’t know any better. How many times have you ignored your parents when you wanted to do something? I certainly wouldn’t want to be around you with that mentality, no offence. It shouldn’t always be an eye for eye, tooth for a tooth you know. AJ needs more guidance, he obviously wasn’t disciplined by Clem enough.
Ignore my post, just saw you post this. Yeah punishing him is fine, locking him in a room for the evening is discipline
Therefore he needs to be placed in the chokie for rendering my decisions meaningless
You better be shook, this is only the beginning
Doubt it. It's probably just inconsistencies they hadn't considered since they were more focused on the shock value they needed for the end.
Also, for the last point: you can actually see AJ leave the group and move to the left in the group shot right before Marlon gets shot.
I just replayed the episode and one think bugs me about this theory. When you play with the knowledge of things that will happen at the end, it's pretty obvious that Brody and Marlon are hiding something. Now, how on Earth could Clementine have sort of a prophetic/revelation dream about what happend/ will happen?
Might be that they are indeed hiding something but if this is a dream, Clementine's imagination did its work and it's just something she imagined.
The other thing is, as other said, why spend 20 minutes on choices that won't even matter, it's not even an illusion of choice at this point. I'm really looking forward how it will play out.
E//: > you can actually see AJ leave the group and move to the left in the group shot right before Marlon gets s
Just as @CharacterSupporter said, i also noticed that, but him picking up the gun from the ground still annoys me a bit. Either it's a plothole aor just they assumed: "It's his gun after all, why should we intervene"
I didn't notice AJ moving, then again I can't explain why the dog did nothing, I mean he was barking and the leash was showed a couple of times, you know Chekov Gun, it seems strange that the dog didn't go nuts
Totally agree on the dog part, it's really weird that there was no reaction. Usually a dog would go nuts when everybody keeps screaming around him and especially when his master is threatened