Theory: Is the end of episode 1 a dream? *SPOILERS*



  • It seems like you don't understand that AJ grew up in the apocalypse, he doesn't know how things were before.
    He grew up with Clem and him having to fight humans and walkers constantly.

    So his actions make sense, he's always on edge.

    Razer531 posted: »

    The ending of episode 1 REALLY implies that this was a dream in my opinion when I think about it, I mean do you seriously think AJ would be

  • Clem would be bisexual and there's nothing magical about it. Don't be homophobic.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Interesting points you make but it would make the episode weaker if it was a dream, it would feel like the last 15 or so minutes was a waste

  • You do remember that Marlon was holding AJ's gun, right? He couldn't shoot Marlon until Clem disarms him or Clem convinces him to drop it.

    Sophiee994 posted: »

    I guess he thought he was helping Clem by shooting Marlon, but I thought it would have been more understandable if AJ had shot Marlon when h

  • edited August 2018

    Which makes AJ shooting Marlon even more insane. Marlon was no longer a threat and AJ just straight up executed him.

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    You do remember that Marlon was holding AJ's gun, right? He couldn't shoot Marlon until Clem disarms him or Clem convinces him to drop it.

  • It's obviously not a dream and it sounds more like grasping at straws because you didn't like the ending.

    You do realize that it being a dream would make the last part of the episode pointless, right? The stuff about the raiders and Marlon giving the twins away.

    Also remember that the it was all hinted at before you claim the dream started.

    No offense, but this is terrible and has a lot of flaws.

  • But AJ didn't know that. He's a six years old, remember? A six year old that was born after the zombie apocalypse.

    Which makes AJ shooting Marlon even more insane. Marlon was no longer a threat and AJ just straight up executed him.

  • edited August 2018

    I'm wondering if there's something that happened at the ranch that explains AJ's actions. Maybe something similar happened there, someone surrendering and later causing lots of harm.

    As to the OP, I'm on the Not-A-Dream Team.

  • You said yourself, AJ couldn't get the gun until Marlon dropped it. He knew Marlon had given up and was no longer a threat. Yet he still sneaks over, grabs the gun, and blows Marlon's brains out. There's no way he thought Marlon was still a threat after Marlon dropped the gun and was begging to just leave.

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    But AJ didn't know that. He's a six years old, remember? A six year old that was born after the zombie apocalypse.

  • How? How would Clem's AJ ever, for literally no reason, come behind Marlon and shoot him? I don't get it. I mean if he was that stupid he would have already made countless other stupid decisions.

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    It seems like you don't understand that AJ grew up in the apocalypse, he doesn't know how things were before. He grew up with Clem and him having to fight humans and walkers constantly. So his actions make sense, he's always on edge.

  • edited August 2018

    The whole raiders concept still makes sense before the "dream". But the whole Marlon turning out to be a coward and killing Brody thing could be a dream. Maybe Clementine is having a nightmare about her actions like taking them out of safe zone are now having bad consequences Brody and Marlon fighting, and the climax of the nightmare would be that AJ shoots Marlon for no goddamn reason, but does say at the end CLEM'S quote(I didn't hesitate or any others), this would give a bigger nightmare effect of Clementine seeing that her actions have turned AJ into a cold killer. In the same way in real life dreams don't always make sense (such as AJ shooting Marlon for no reason), but the purpose was for it to be a nightmare, scaring Clem what she made out of AJ, as AJ then assures his action with Clem's quote. Then she wakes up and thinks about the dream while AJ is still sleeping: exactly what the picture for episode 2 looks like. So you see now that the theory really makes sense actually.

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    It's obviously not a dream and it sounds more like grasping at straws because you didn't like the ending. You do realize that it being a

  • Traitor >:)

    Onmens posted: »

    I'm wondering if there's something that happened at the ranch that explains AJ's actions. Maybe something similar happened there, someone surrendering and later causing lots of harm. As to the OP, I'm on the Not-A-Dream Team.

  • Marlon killed Brody and threatened to kill Clem. Because he wasn't a threat after he drops the gun/Clem kicks his ass doesn't mean he wouldn't be a threat in the future and AJ made sure of that

    Which makes AJ shooting Marlon even more insane. Marlon was no longer a threat and AJ just straight up executed him.

  • Can’t argue with that, his Carver senses went up

    Marlon killed Brody and threatened to kill Clem. Because he wasn't a threat after he drops the gun/Clem kicks his ass doesn't mean he wouldn't be a threat in the future and AJ made sure of that

  • It’s his own fault for making me defend him against people who wanted him dead when he was 2

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    Why would you want to murder a child? You do remember he's six years old, right?

  • Her brain wasn’t destroyed. Just because her skull was bleeding doesn’t mean she won’t turn — her brain was barley even touched (she had a massive concussion, obviously). The trauma was enough to kill her and it wasn’t bad enough to prevent her from turning.

    Plus, I highly doubt this theory will come true; I’m not saying it’s not interesting, I’m saying it’s unlikely.

    MrGraffio posted: »

    But she died from a head trauma, all that blood was from the brain.

  • That’s ok I mean I mostly created this theory to entertain the community and going mad with ideas, that’s why I like Telltale games, the waiting and the speculations between episodes!

    Megaodg33 posted: »

    Her brain wasn’t destroyed. Just because her skull was bleeding doesn’t mean she won’t turn — her brain was barley even touched (she had a m

  • Nope, didnt remember that lol

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    You do remember that Marlon was holding AJ's gun, right? He couldn't shoot Marlon until Clem disarms him or Clem convinces him to drop it.

  • If the last part was just a dream then Brody and Marlon are alive I guess.

  • edited August 2018

    I just said I wouldn’t like her to be romantic with Violet OR Louis so how does that make me homophobic? Oh because i said magically? Chill out! Stop throwing accusations around just because my opinion is different. I have nothing against gay people but i do not think it is always neccesary especially in apocalyptic games. Clem has not shown any interest towards girls nor has it been implied. If they go down that route fine but i do not agree with any form of romance in an apocalypse, i have always believed that.

    Jeez some people really are sensitive

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    Clem would be bisexual and there's nothing magical about it. Don't be homophobic.

  • Oh and not that i need to tell you about my personal life but I actually have a male and female friend who are both gay. So again please do not accuse me of being homophobic when you know nothing about me. Thank you

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    Clem would be bisexual and there's nothing magical about it. Don't be homophobic.

  • Hey let’s keep this civil please

  • I don't buy it. I don't believe AJ is that smart to think about future and what happens next. After all, he hasn't had many experiences with people other than Clem, so he's not the type to be planning ahead.

    Marlon killed Brody and threatened to kill Clem. Because he wasn't a threat after he drops the gun/Clem kicks his ass doesn't mean he wouldn't be a threat in the future and AJ made sure of that

  • Stages of Telltale grief;

    Stage number 1: Denial.

  • Take us back

    Okay. We understand and appreciate your perspective on this...but still, the overwhelming consensus here is like: Take us back when they were alive, lol.


    Take us back

  • Is it bad that i let him sleep on the floor? He seemed happy and excited of such a dumb silly thing and that got me chuckle to be honest lol

    Sophiee994 posted: »

    A good sleeping on the floor

  • Well, I guess it sort of makes sense if you try to make it fit. But too much of what is said in the basement is stuff that Clementine would have no idea about and couldn't have infered from elsewhere either. It was a complete shock and came out of nowhere.

    Dreams are only our brains' way of sorting out memories and dealing with what happened in our lives recently. They have no prophetic powers. If Clementine had never heard about it before, she wouldn't be able to dream about it.

    I think the ending was just rushed, they knew where they wanted to go (zombie basement, Marlon scene) and took the easiest route to get there. Probably because the episode was already decently long.

  • i didnt read anything from this thread but its not,telltale said the scene is essential to the development of AJ's character and makin u understand how much of an idiot he is,because he was born in the apocalyple,and

    theres leaks and shit about choices like "tell aj he was justified" (wtf!?) tell him hes a piece of shit etc

  • I don't think it was a bad thing, no. I nearly let him so he felt better but thought if this was real life it would be silly to let him. Just thought it would be funny to put that ;-;

    Hersani posted: »

    Is it bad that i let him sleep on the floor? He seemed happy and excited of such a dumb silly thing and that got me chuckle to be honest lol

  • Nah man i dont care if aj really gets hurt sleeping on the floor after i chose to let him do whatever he wants I immediately got worried marlon would get in and judge me why a 5-year old boy is sleeping on the flor LOL

    Sophiee994 posted: »

    I don't think it was a bad thing, no. I nearly let him so he felt better but thought if this was real life it would be silly to let him. Just thought it would be funny to put that ;-;

  • No.

    If Telltale do a J.R on us with Marlon and Brody, I won't bother playing the season out :joy:

  • Oh, wouldn't worry about that anymore ;-;

    Hersani posted: »

    Nah man i dont care if aj really gets hurt sleeping on the floor after i chose to let him do whatever he wants I immediately got worried marlon would get in and judge me why a 5-year old boy is sleeping on the flor LOL

  • its just bad writing (again) not aj´s fault. theres no sense for aj hesitate to shot abel and then shoting marlon so easily when he has already give up and willing to leave.
    this leave us without a final season´s main character that had a huge potencial and if i remember, when telltale showed their bocets for the first time, they said that in episode 1 marlon, vi, louis and tenn wont die( they can rewrite but still...)

  • They haven't said that. They just said that the dog won't die.

    tohajiilee posted: »

    its just bad writing (again) not aj´s fault. theres no sense for aj hesitate to shot abel and then shoting marlon so easily when he has alr

  • So basically Clementine forshadow the events that were placed in esp 1 from a dream. Probably the best theory ever seen. To be honest maybe It was all a dream, and she just woke up to it.

  • soooo the episode 2 teaser shows clem waking up from a nightmare...put your tinfoil hat on

  • The nightmare is about tha ranch

    MrGraffio posted: »

    soooo the episode 2 teaser shows clem waking up from a nightmare...put your tinfoil hat on

  • yes ofcourse, but AJ says short after "You were having NIGHTMARES" meaning its not the first time it happens

    The nightmare is about tha ranch

  • Yea? She is seeing the same nightmare again and again

    MrGraffio posted: »

    yes ofcourse, but AJ says short after "You were having NIGHTMARES" meaning its not the first time it happens

  • So inception?

    Yea? She is seeing the same nightmare again and again

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