Here on this forum, there are threads with people worshiping all characters from TFS, ranging from Violet and Louis, who are currently the talk of the town, to some random walker who first appeared in ANF. To add much more emphasis on how literally anyone has been given their own thread, even Aasim has one. Aasim. FUCKING AASIM?.
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Willy got his own thread next, but I digress. What I really mean to say is everyone is getting so much attention while Brody has been long forgotten by everyone, and has faded away in the back of our minds like all of Riley's old memories from Inside Out. She was just as important as anyone else. Such an offense called for much needed awareness to be brought to it, and that's exactly what this thread is for. Don't hesitate to recall all the things you like/dislike about her character, all the things she could've done to better the situation she and everyone else were in, etc. etc. etc.
I would go on a road trip with Brody...ill let her see the sky one last time
Couldn't agree with you more. If there's one thing I hate ****** for, it's the way she was always treating Brody, always killing her mood.
Well if you talk some sense into Victory Violet she will apologize to Brody, and Brody will thank Clementine and have the biggest smile?
I thought Brody was fine, but she's dead, so there's no sense dwelling on her. If she hadn't been killed I might even consider a Brodentine ship, but she's dead and that's that.
I did, and I'm glad I was able to make her happy in the last few moments she had before she died.
ignores my comments on how I wish Brody was back
Also let people make threads on whatever characters they want? Like, threads on minor characters aren't hurting anyone.
Yeah, it is kind of a shame that a character with that kind of weight secretly looming over her shoulders had to get a little Dee'd and then Carver'd for drama to really go down.
Especially considering the ending of the episode.
At least she stopped at killing her mood. RIP Brody.
My bad, I honestly didn't see them
I usually just post my comments and then wait until someone replies to them.
I have no problem with people making threads about whoever/whatever, I just don't know how so many of them could've been made without Brody having one.
Unfortunately, Brody isn't the most showcased character, ironically thanks to being so tied to a dramatic twist for the episode's climax.
I'm dead

I'm the only one who almost cried about Brody's death, the way she says "thank you clementine!" was so sweet I liked her character instantly.
I liked her...I think the problem is that unless you go fishing with her and Violet...she is just there. If you go fishing, her guilt over the loss of the twins is apparent and she misses having Violet as a friend as it has been to hard to even talk about what happened.
I really liked brody. When she got angry it was a sight to see.
Yeah, when she told Clementine "Just shut the fuck up!!" I was like "Excuse me bitch?! I just helped you!"
Here's a question for ya: Who is more undercharacterized between the two, in either route?
Yeah, that explains why I see Aasim as just......Aasim
Love this art tho
Lol. When she said the f word. And when she pushed marlon on the ground then walked away fuming. I was like O_O well okay. That happened. And I liked it. I loved everything about brody. I was so upset and angry when marlon killed her.
I liked her character too. It was a shame that she wasn't determinant. Her voice reminded me of Brenda St. John but with nowhere near as strong of an accent. Definitely liked her more then Violet.
Also I'm going to make a chef Omar appreciation thread now brb.
I hope this isn't a spoiler for a future episode.
Honestly, almost everything about her reminded me of Bonnie.
Same now that I think about it, they both dressed similarly and both had southern accents.
Whenever she made a sad face I felt bad. You can hear the tone in her voice shift whenever her mood changed too
It almost sounded like the exact same voice initially, too.
So then we get to her death and eventually Clementine putting her down and I'm just like, "Boy, someone at Telltale sure loved/hated Bonnie."
You can avoid the shut the fuck up line. When I told her to calm down because we'd find more food she just said that wasn't what she was upset about.
That's weird, I thought she said that to everyone who went with her. Now that I think about it, what happens if you go with Louis and Aasim? How does she find out about the sabotaged traps and the bible cigarette?
She told me to shut the fuck up the first time i played. Every time since she's just said that it wasn't the food shortage that was upsetting her. Have no idea what I did to make her change what she said.
She and Violet say that there were no fish in the traps(?) and that they didn't catch much. I think they may still find a bible page lying around in the shack, but I don't fully recall.
Yeah, the bible cig by the fireplace while Louis and Aasim are out looking for Vi and Brody.
Pretty sure no one is really talking about Brody because sadly she wasnt that developed, especially if you didnt go fishing with her, she kinda just gets killed for the plot and wasnt super developed, so her death doesnt really make you feel bad, her death mostly is for Marlon's character.
This. I went hunting so I had hardly any interaction with Brody at all. Hell, I had as much or more interaction with Abel than I did with Brody.
Pretty much.
Hopefully I'll get over it by tomorrow, but for now,

I really liked Brody. She seemed like a sweet girl. Really wanted to go to NYC and see the tall buildings and lights with her.
I can tell you right now, she was better off planning a different theoretical road trip. NYC is literally a trash can with LEDs. I'd pick the country or wherever the fuck she lived over NYC.
I was born and raised in NYC...
You live there?
I've lived in NYC for some years.
I say this because I used to live there