dude... biscuits and gravy is awesome. To be clear, that's not what Europe calls biscuits. American biscuits are what Europe would call scones. The best gravy is made with actual breakfast sausage chunks in it.
dude... biscuits and gravy is awesome. To be clear, that's not what Europe calls biscuits. American biscuits are what Europe would call scones. The best gravy is made with actual breakfast sausage chunks in it.
dude... biscuits and gravy is awesome. To be clear, that's not what Europe calls biscuits. American biscuits are what Europe would call scones. The best gravy is made with actual breakfast sausage chunks in it.
dude... biscuits and gravy is awesome. To be clear, that's not what Europe calls biscuits. American biscuits are what Europe would call scones. The best gravy is made with actual breakfast sausage chunks in it.
Gravy isn't pretty but it is damned delicious. It's made with a bit of fat drippings from sausage or bacon. Use those drippings to make a roux by mixing in some flour into the grease. Once the roux is ready, start adding milk a little at a time until you have enough. Eventually, after a lot of mixing over heat (can't stop mixing) the roux/milk mix starts to thicken and becomes gravy. Crumble some sausage up in it and bam, mouth bliss.
Gravy isn't pretty but it is damned delicious. It's made with a bit of fat drippings from sausage or bacon. Use those drippings to make a ro… moreux by mixing in some flour into the grease. Once the roux is ready, start adding milk a little at a time until you have enough. Eventually, after a lot of mixing over heat (can't stop mixing) the roux/milk mix starts to thicken and becomes gravy. Crumble some sausage up in it and bam, mouth bliss.
Hopefully they make it right. I moved away from the american south for a few years and it was hard to find biscuits and gravy, and when I did find it it wasn't ever as good as back home.
Huh... Apparently it's both of those things, depending on where you are. My mother used to make the egg and toast thing for me when I was little.
dude... biscuits and gravy is awesome. To be clear, that's not what Europe calls biscuits. American biscuits are what Europe would call scones. The best gravy is made with actual breakfast sausage chunks in it.

5 is ok. I definitely prefer it crispier to soggy, but 5 is getting into the realm of overdone and burnt.
The hashbrowns look good tho
sorry bruv, as a brit that looks like scones with cat vomit
those eggs look yum thou
I'm gonna have to say no to those eggs
Hate it where the yolk is runny. Either hard boiled or scrambled.
thats hash brown? i wondered what it was
My own pee, if that counts...
The best food I’ve had tho has to be fried potatoes; that stuff is good as h e c c
more of a drink lol but it counts
Gravy isn't pretty but it is damned delicious. It's made with a bit of fat drippings from sausage or bacon. Use those drippings to make a roux by mixing in some flour into the grease. Once the roux is ready, start adding milk a little at a time until you have enough. Eventually, after a lot of mixing over heat (can't stop mixing) the roux/milk mix starts to thicken and becomes gravy. Crumble some sausage up in it and bam, mouth bliss.
best 4 me would b a melton browbray pork pie, theyre 2 die 4
I cannot resist cinnamon roll cakes. They taste great, smell great, the texture's great. This tops all other foods

How do you upload images btw
huh, sorta reminds me of dripping, maybe i would like it. youve intrigued me, gonna hafta try and find some in blighty.
nooooo, not cinnamon
Hopefully they make it right. I moved away from the american south for a few years and it was hard to find biscuits and gravy, and when I did find it it wasn't ever as good as back home.
Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll...
hopefully. tbh id love 2 visit the american south 2 try the real stuff (and 2 see south america) but i hate flying >_<
ooops 4got 2 press reply
Buggers when I was like five years old.
Take a boat!
also hate marzpan
wouldnt that take 4ever?
Hillbilly_Dave will remember that.
English food sounds so good but tbh I’ve never stepped outside of the u.s so idk if I ever will lol
About a week. Maybe a bit less.
huh not that long then. im poor bastard thou so doubt i could ever afford it
maybe 1 day
eveytime I heard about English food, it was always referred to as bland/flavorless
nice 2 here som1 compliment english food, normally gets called gross. toad in the hole is gorgeous.
Toad in the hole is just fried toast with a hole cut in it and an egg in the hole, yeah?
nah bruv

its yorkshire batter mix with sausages in it
Hmm... I fucking hate peppers, bell peppers, etc. Also, fucking TOMATOES, fuck no.
5, 4 would be ok, 6 is a bit much.
Huh... Apparently it's both of those things, depending on where you are. My mother used to make the egg and toast thing for me when I was little.
uncooked tomato agree, grilled tomato disagree
1 gives me anxiety from the definite sickness I'd get from eating raw bacon. But 2, 3 and 4, I can fuck with that shit.
oh cool, we call that egg in a basket here. weird how different brits and americans speak despite both speaking english
I've never had grilled tomatoes, now that's something I could maybe possibly fuck with.
great on toast with salt and pepper.