Is it just me or is Marlon's description of the map off?
Particularly when referring to the "Traps" area and the "Hunting Grounds."
Look, Clem is pointing to and asking about the area marked Traps, which is where Louis and the kids had the traps in the trees to kill walkers. Marlon describes the "Traps" area as the hunting grounds, which are to the right.
The Hunting Grounds, oddly enough, Clem and Marlon just refer to as forest hiding the school.
Completely unrelated, but Clem's finger looks weird there, like it's been broken or something. It's bending weirdly lol.
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Probably just an oversight. Maybe the layout of the school changed at some point, and either the dialogue or map wasn't updated to reflect it.
I noticed that too. Figured that the school's layout was changed around a bit late in production and this was a small oversight.
just a crude map drawn by simpletons
I just really want to know how Marlon it's "making the safe-zone tinier" if the map it's perfectly drawn only inside the safe-zone, like, there's just exactly nothing out of it, do they just draw a new map everytime they make the safe-zone tinier or something???
Probably, yeah. Would be a decent way to pass the time.
A bit off-topic, but anybody think there's something up with the greenhouse? Marlon was being a bit vague about it in my opinion.
Oh yeah definitely, and it's been down less than a year. Tenn says his sisters disappeared about that time last year, meaning they've been missing about a year. If you go fishing Violet talks about feeling guilty because she was supposed to be out with Marlon and the twins but asked Brody to take her place because she wanted to work in the greenhouse instead. The way Marlon talked about it made it seem like it had been abandoned and overgrown for years. I wonder what we'll find when we go to clean it up. It can't be that bad.
I wonder if that's where Violet and Louis went off to after the second dinner. That wasn't suspicious at all...
Maybe it's where they keep the teachers that supposedly left.
lol I don't think it's anything so dark since it's only been down for less than a year and Marlon said all the adults abandoned them in the beginning. I do get the impression that Marlon was definitely holding something back about it, not telling the truth about why they don't use it. In their world, that greenhouse would be an invaluable source of food year round. Without growing any produce, relying strictly on hunting, and foraging, they're gonna be completely fucked in the winter when the animals are mostly inactive and there's snow covering everything and no wild fruits or vegetables are growing. There has to be a damned good reason Marlon would let the greenhouse sit abandoned and unused.
He said it was overgrown or overrun or something. He did tell her not to go there so there's definitely something going on with it.
My memory is shot. When was this?
After Brody has her freak out when you get back from the train station, by the time Clem sits down to eat, Violet and Louis are done and leaving the table to go somewhere. Nothing to really suggest they're going to the same place, but nothing really suggesting they aren't, other than their apparent dislike for one another.
Just before Tenn starts going on about the weird drawing. They leave and Tenn tells Clem it's because it's been a year since the stuff with his sisters happened.
As for the greenhouse, now that I think about it, they're probably groing pot for Javi and Kate in there.
Lol leaving the silly Javi and Kate reference alone, they definitely aren't growing pot. When Clem asked Violet and Brody if any of the kids smoked, Violet says there's nothing to smoke. I suppose she could be lying, but why would she?
hear me out for a second..... maybe it's where the raiders would drop off their goods they'd give Marlin for every child he gave them, and he tells them not to go there so that if he's ever in the spot to trade a kid for goods again, the others won't run into raiders there.
The way she says it makes it sound like she's more than open to it, except there isn't anything to smoke
If I’d have to assume anything, the traps area would also count as the hunting grounds, so they’re likely just one area...just that one part has traps and the other does not, which is likely why they are labelled differently and separated by the black lines.
Not possible, as the area labeled "traps" is right in front of the school's entrance, where the walkers come from. Those traps are used to drop rocks on them. Besides, no animals would be that close to where the school is.
My school used to get plenty of foxes that would come through because we in a kind of woodlands area, so I wouldn’t be surprised if animals got through. Besides, just because there are walker traps there doesn’t mean that it can’t still be a hunting area, despite not being able to crush the animals and you can also hunt walkers, right? Make sure the area is clear.
The walkers there would scare away any game in the area.
Wait, where?
The way she says it makes it sound like she's more than open to it, except there isn't anything to smokePretty much.
That doesn’t explain the rabbits in the actual hunting grounds and how there was a walker caught in a trap. Clear evidence that walkers are also around there so how come the rabbits aren’t migrating?
Because Aasim said the hunting grounds are usually clear of walkers.
I think it has something to do with Violet because (FUTURE EP 2 SPOILER)
On Reddit (leaks are rampant there) someone said you have a choice to either play piano with Louis or smoke fucking weed with Violet. The weed probably growing in the greenhouse. They had screenshots (Relationship Panel) to back it up and it looked legit af, but idk it sounds so BS it might be fake.
Usually. And Violet said that the walkers at the gate were drawn in because of clementine’s noise so we can’t say that they always show up there.
Meaning there's a low chance of walkers being within the hunting grounds to scare away any game
As well as outside of the school
They show up there enough for them to make traps meant to kill them.
Because it’s safer and easier to set up traps right outside the gates rather than travelling a huge distance just to mess with them, if they showed up too much then it would be a major pain in the ass to constantly set up the traps and I doubt the survivors would be happy about that, but Louis sounds pretty proud of them
The Louis/ piano thing is true, from what I know, but the Violet thing seems a bit too far fetched imo
Look at the area that I've marked with the green circle. SW of the map is generally where all the walkers were coming from, where the the grenade explosion drew out all the walkers. From there, they must've walked NE towards the school and into the traps area. They wouldn't need to lay walker traps near the hunting grounds because walkers don't really travel to that area. We know this because all the traps there are meant to catch animals, and not kill walkers. Also, if they were connected, why aren't there rabbits in the area labelled "traps"? We would've seen rabbit traps there as well.

And if they were coming from that direction, if they were to go unnoticed or if they didn’t notice the survivors, would they not eventually end up in the hunting grounds? And rabbits aren’t the easiest thing to spot in the woods, and even if they weren’t there, like I said, the hunting grounds would be split into 2 sections, one for hunting game and the other for hunting walkers to make sure the area is safe.
What do you mean by future ep 2 spoiler?
As I have previously stated, this map is just a crude drawing made by simpletons
It's not drawn to scale. There is much much much much much much more distance between the hunting grounds and the traps area, as well as the distance between the train station and the school. If their map was an accurate depiction of the land, much more walkers would've been in the traps area, as the distance between the school and the train station on the map aren't that far apart.
Clementine and Aasim found rabbits pretty quickly, considering the hunting grounds are almost 4x larger than the traps area. If they found as many rabbits as they did in such a short amount of time, they'd spot them effortlessly in the traps area.
Because they tried to look for rabbits. We don’t know how long they were in the hunting grounds for either, and judging by the map it looks massive if it’s on the scale that you’re suggesting, so it looks like it took them quite a while to actually find rabbits.
In the traps area they are too busy running and stabbing walkers to notice any wildlife go by, and like you said they’d be scared off from the area for the time being while walkers were there. Also, how come rabbits were still in the area when the piñata walker was dangling from a tree, rather than getting scared off and running away, surely they could either see it or hear the growls.
There wasn't any wildlife there to begin with once the walkers were present there. Remember, they were setting those traps there for quite some time. If at any point there were any wildlife in the traps area, walkers flushed them out into the hunting grounds.
Rabbits don't run or hide so long as they aren't being chased. Besides, those woods are big, so i'm pretty sure one single walker isn't going to be enough to run all the rabbits out of the hunting grounds. Also, that walker wasn't all that close to any rabbits to begin with.
Are they spoiling much?
Not really but if you’re really against spoilers than don’t click it.