No, I think I'll keep the little guy around for a bit longer. Psychopaths are very useful in an zombie apocalypse I think. there are so many zombies to curb his urges. Besides, IMO killing Marlon wasn't a huge lost. When he kills someone I'll need, then I'll think about putting him down.
No, I think I'll keep the little guy around for a bit longer. Psychopaths are very useful in an zombie apocalypse I think. there are so many… more zombies to curb his urges. Besides, IMO killing Marlon wasn't a huge lost. When he kills someone I'll need, then I'll think about putting him down.
So plot convenience makes him useless. In a real situation you don't get plot convenience giving you all the info you need regardless of who may or may not be alive to provide. In a real situation you can't kill everyone around and still have vital information fall into your lap.
So plot convenience makes him useless. In a real situation you don't get plot convenience giving you all the info you need regardless of who… more may or may not be alive to provide. In a real situation you can't kill everyone around and still have vital information fall into your lap.
I'm not sure it'll come to actually having to put him down but it's possible he could become a danger of some kind and may need some kind of mental help.
Which no one is able to give, unless Clem and AJ end up with the raiders, who turn out to be misunderstood and nice, and happen to have a child psychologist among them. Lol no. Not happening.
I'm not sure it'll come to actually having to put him down but it's possible he could become a danger of some kind and may need some kind of mental help.
Plus AJ is a very young child while Marlon is practically an adult. Marlon deserves little to no sympathy or support for his actions.
That was rather the entire point. Marlon might be practically an adult now, as is Clementine, but he wasn't at the beginning of the outbreak. During that time, these students had no Lee, no Kenny or Jane, no Christa and Omid, no Javier, no Clementine to look out for them, teach them how to survive in this chaos, establish what's right and wrong now if that's changed.
Maturity, morality - these aren't things that are achieved automatically by aging. They were troubled kids before the world died placed in the school for much needed guidance none of them received when all of the adults bailed. Marlon doesn't deserve support for his actions, but the character does leave the question what would the school have been like with their own adult protagonist guide. Even with our Clementine as his guide, AJ still shot an unarmed kid in the back of the head.
I also don't think voting would be the greatest idea. This group has been sheltered more than Clem has and they're already biased because Marlon was their friend. Clem is the best judge here because she is unbiased and has survival in mind after so many years surviving on the road. Keeping Marlon alive, whether exiling him or keeping him around or as a prisoner, is really not a realistic solution and I don't trust the boarding school kids to see that.
It might not be the best idea, but this has been their home for years. Clem's been there for two or three days. It's got to be some video game / writing troupe that a group would call them their leader ( like Javier taking over ) and no one around would step up, or they wouldn't vote on that. They don't know Clementine. They'd likely lean on Aasim or Violet as their next leader. Having a say in what happened to Marlon would've provided some healing for Tenn and Violet, as it was their loved ones that paid for Marlon's actions.
Interrogating Marlon would have done very little to help us. For all intents and purposes we are already going to assume they are a sizeable… more group that is armed, him confirming that would change nothing. And there's no telling that Marlon would have even known the exact details. He may have only dealt with a fraction of their group, but like I said it wouldn't matter anyways because for all intents and purposes Clem is already going to assume there is a group of armed adults that we really don't want to tangle with.
I also don't think voting would be the greatest idea. This group has been sheltered more than Clem has and they're already biased because Marlon was their friend. Clem is the best judge here because she is unbiased and has survival in mind after so many years surviving on the road. Keeping Marlon alive, whether exiling him or keeping him around or as a prisoner, is really not a realistic solution and I don't trust the boarding … [view original content]
i kno that the point of this season is supposed to b that Clem needs to teach aj how not to b a piece of shit since he doesnt know how yet,bein born in the apocalyplse and all that and I get why telltale made aj shoot Marlon after the fight when u didnt expec it to have the time to make u (sort of) feel sorry for marlon and make the scene more shockin and shit but this makes his action have less sense since its not out of instinct,impulsive or whatever anymore,that mf waited looked for his gun and then shot him,it didnt happen when he was threatenin clem,thats some premeditated shit right there
I just think AJ is emotionally stunted. He doesnt really seem to understand what hes done to marlon. He was born in a world of zombies hes not gonna be following social norms
How does one accidentally pull a trigger more than one time until it finally goes off? Why even pull the trigger at all unless you intend to have hopes of hitting and killing your target? To assume every last bullet is a dud because of a few and fire them at someone else to scare them is a dud move. She would not had aimed for her own head and pulled the trigger assuming it's all duds so why do that risky gambling with someone else's life? All I ever read are usually are weak hearted excuses for Clementine if in the wrong or getting special treatment, because if the roles were for whatever reason reversed somehow..Eli would be most hated guy among fans. Clem gets away with bull like that only because she's main character and because she's likeable most times and cute. Or even if Gabe was in the exact same position folks would want him crucified for getting Javier in trouble with Tripp and townspeople.
Aj kills a murderer who tried to put the blame on clem, had planned to give aj and clem up, gives up two members of a group he was the leader of, coward out of rescuing them, and said he'd do it again.
And aj's the one who's disturbed and a psychopath. Sure. Oh no aj killed a horrible person surely he must be carver's kid and is a threat that must be neutralized.
And marlon killed brody who posed no threat at all and didn't act like a psycho at any point. Marlon before putting the gun down did pose a threat and acted like a lunatic.
Marlon gave up his benefit of the doubt when he said he'd do it again and wanted to leave instead of wanting to stay and accept punishment for what he did. And as other people have said and pointed out already look at his face and reaction whenever he kills clem for failing a prompt.
I wouldn't put AJ down, that's again psychopathy. I would instead beat the fuck out of him to learn a lesson. I mean he's a 6 year old kid and he already thinks he can do shit like that, being that young and acting like deserves to be beat up as hell.
To assume every last bullet is a dud because of a few and fire them at someone else to scare them is a dud move
what do you expect? of course there are problems with that scene,there are problems like that even in well written stuff and ANF was fuckin garabage
its supposed to b an accident in the story though,dont over analyze poorly written shit
How does one accidentally pull a trigger more than one time until it finally goes off? Why even pull the trigger at all unless you intend to… more have hopes of hitting and killing your target? To assume every last bullet is a dud because of a few and fire them at someone else to scare them is a dud move. She would not had aimed for her own head and pulled the trigger assuming it's all duds so why do that risky gambling with someone else's life? All I ever read are usually are weak hearted excuses for Clementine if in the wrong or getting special treatment, because if the roles were for whatever reason reversed somehow..Eli would be most hated guy among fans. Clem gets away with bull like that only because she's main character and because she's likeable most times and cute. Or even if Gabe was in the exact same position folks would want him crucified for getting Javier in trouble with Tripp and townspeople.
OR! Instead of putting him down he can become the Dexter of the apocalypse....
But, in all seriousness, I don't really think he's a psychopath. He cares about Clem too much to be one- I think.
Edit: That being said, I don't think what he did too Marlon was acceptable. I don't think what Marlon did was acceptable either, but he surrendered and at that point what AJ did wasn't saving or protecting anyone. Hopefully we'll get to teach him it was wrong. Idk why but I've felt a bit limited with the options Clem has as far as how she talks to AJ. There are just some things that I keep wondering why it isn't a choice to say. Like when AJ gets upset with Clem about letting the Abel guy take food and then talks to her about it, why wasn't it an option for her to respond with 'killing people isn't always right.'?
Clem still needs to teach AJ that what he did was wrong,and maybe beat the shit out of him,just in case
lines should b like this
Clem-AJ,bruh,that guy was unarmed,why the fuck did u shoot him?
AJ-Sorry i tought he was gonna kill u
Clem-anyway dont do that shit again,its wrong
Aj kills a murderer who tried to put the blame on clem, had planned to give aj and clem up, gives up two members of a group he was the leade… morer of, coward out of rescuing them, and said he'd do it again.
And aj's the one who's disturbed and a psychopath. Sure. Oh no aj killed a horrible person surely he must be carver's kid and is a threat that must be neutralized.
And marlon killed brody who posed no threat at all and didn't act like a psycho at any point. Marlon before putting the gun down did pose a threat and acted like a lunatic.
Marlon gave up his benefit of the doubt when he said he'd do it again and wanted to leave instead of wanting to stay and accept punishment for what he did. And as other people have said and pointed out already look at his face and reaction whenever he kills clem for failing a prompt.
Clem still needs to teach AJ that what he did was wrong,and maybe beat the shit out of him,just in case
lines should b like this
Clem-A… moreJ,bruh,that guy was unarmed,why the fuck did u shoot him?
AJ-Sorry i tought he was gonna kill u
Clem-anyway dont do that shit again,its wrong
Well no matter how hard yall b trynna justify the lil mans actions,come on bruh u cant deny that what he dis wuz wrong
he doesnt need to "DIE" (i mean,not necessarily ) but wasnt the whole point of this season that Clem needs to teach AJ how not to b a piece of shit/how the world worked before? Clem still needs to tell him: AJ!!,WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?
otherwise he ll continue to b hated by everyone in the community for bein a piece of shit
I think u wont even get to choose that one,it will b like an automatic dialogue type shit since theres no way clem is stayin there at the school,especially as leader while trying to defend AJ unless everyone in the group is just retarded,and louis is like "yea,he was like,my best friend,tenn and me did forgive him too and he was unarmed when your kid shot him,but dont worry about that,is nothing,its ok ,ur free to stay here as our leader,Clem "
Marlon was harmless the instant he gave up there, he didn't have a gun or anything and we could've locked him up in the basement and then figure out what to do. If that kill was so logical, how come that none of the three suggested dialogues(after Marlon didn't have the gun anymore) was the option to suggest to kill him? Because it would make zero sense.
Aj kills a murderer who tried to put the blame on clem, had planned to give aj and clem up, gives up two members of a group he was the leade… morer of, coward out of rescuing them, and said he'd do it again.
And aj's the one who's disturbed and a psychopath. Sure. Oh no aj killed a horrible person surely he must be carver's kid and is a threat that must be neutralized.
And marlon killed brody who posed no threat at all and didn't act like a psycho at any point. Marlon before putting the gun down did pose a threat and acted like a lunatic.
Marlon gave up his benefit of the doubt when he said he'd do it again and wanted to leave instead of wanting to stay and accept punishment for what he did. And as other people have said and pointed out already look at his face and reaction whenever he kills clem for failing a prompt.
You know what really bothers me about this thread, its the fact that clementine pretty much did the exact same thing in Anf. When she killed Eli and she was older than Aj, she shot an unarmed man who surrendered , But there were no threads on Clementine maybe being a psychopath. Or if she needed to be put down she wouldn't even acknowledge she was wrong for it! Bunch of fucking hypocrites I tell ya smh.
You know what really bothers me about this thread, its the fact that clementine pretty much did the exact same thing in Anf. When she killed… more Eli and she was older than Aj, she shot an unarmed man who surrendered , But there were no threads on Clementine maybe being a psychopath. Or if she needed to be put down she wouldn't even acknowledge she was wrong for it! Bunch of fucking hypocrites I tell ya smh.
Eli told her they could trade again! Clementine just chose not to believe him. But i'm not going to make excuses for what clem did i'm fine with it. Im just pointing out the hypocrisy on these forums.
Clem wanted to prove to Eli that the bullets don't work but it turned out that only some of the bullets didn't and because of that Clem shot Eli by accident.
While AJ was scared that Marlon was going to do something to Clem so he shot him because he wanted to protect Clem, thats what he's been taught by Clem and that's why he is confused at the end.
If you ask me, there's nothing psychotic about him.
Eli told her they could trade again! Clementine just chose not to believe him. But i'm not going to make excuses for what clem did i'm fine with it. Im just pointing out the hypocrisy on these forums.
AJ was scared that Marlon was going to do something to Clem
no way hes so retarded to think that,he saw the guy droppin his gun and crying like a bitch for 20 minutes after
he saw what tenn said,he heard what louis said,even what clem said (determinant shit but still) no way hes so stupid
Okay so it was like this:
Clem wanted to prove to Eli that the bullets don't work but it turned out that only some of the bullets didn't … moreand because of that Clem shot Eli by accident.
While AJ was scared that Marlon was going to do something to Clem so he shot him because he wanted to protect Clem, thats what he's been taught by Clem and that's why he is confused at the end.
If you ask me, there's nothing psychotic about him.
Bro, if someone threatens my mom with a gun and tried to get her killed. I don't care if she forgives him or his ass surrenders he gotta die. And when you think about it like that, Aj's actions seem very understandable.
Bruh i know but
for fucks sake
no way hes so fuckin stupid,clem,tenn,louis they all said sort of forgive him and he still shoots
for fucks sake
im not someone who thinks aj should die
Well they weren't ALL bad
No, I think I'll keep the little guy around for a bit longer. Psychopaths are very useful in an zombie apocalypse I think. there are so many zombies to curb his urges. Besides, IMO killing Marlon wasn't a huge lost. When he kills someone I'll need, then I'll think about putting him down.
Clearly lol. The first what... 3 were? She should have been aiming it as his leg to make her points, tbh.
Marlon would have some information on the raiders. Probably not much, but some. Now we'll learn nothing thanks to AJ's itchy trigger finger.
I'm sure we will learn more about the raiders anyway, because the story will demand it. So, Marlon is still, in my book, useless.
So plot convenience makes him useless. In a real situation you don't get plot convenience giving you all the info you need regardless of who may or may not be alive to provide. In a real situation you can't kill everyone around and still have vital information fall into your lap.
Well this isn't a real situation. It's a game, and that's how I precieve it; as a game. And as a game, Marlon is usless because:
As a game it's obvious that Clem is suppose to become the leader of this group. So Marlon had to disappear.
Because Clem is the main character, whatever she needs the plot will provide it. No matter who dies around her or not.
So yeah, pot convince does makes him useless, because it's a game.
I'm not sure it'll come to actually having to put him down but it's possible he could become a danger of some kind and may need some kind of mental help.
Which no one is able to give, unless Clem and AJ end up with the raiders, who turn out to be misunderstood and nice, and happen to have a child psychologist among them. Lol no. Not happening.
That was rather the entire point. Marlon might be practically an adult now, as is Clementine, but he wasn't at the beginning of the outbreak. During that time, these students had no Lee, no Kenny or Jane, no Christa and Omid, no Javier, no Clementine to look out for them, teach them how to survive in this chaos, establish what's right and wrong now if that's changed.
Maturity, morality - these aren't things that are achieved automatically by aging. They were troubled kids before the world died placed in the school for much needed guidance none of them received when all of the adults bailed. Marlon doesn't deserve support for his actions, but the character does leave the question what would the school have been like with their own adult protagonist guide. Even with our Clementine as his guide, AJ still shot an unarmed kid in the back of the head.
It might not be the best idea, but this has been their home for years. Clem's been there for two or three days. It's got to be some video game / writing troupe that a group would call them their leader ( like Javier taking over ) and no one around would step up, or they wouldn't vote on that. They don't know Clementine. They'd likely lean on Aasim or Violet as their next leader. Having a say in what happened to Marlon would've provided some healing for Tenn and Violet, as it was their loved ones that paid for Marlon's actions.
i kno that the point of this season is supposed to b that Clem needs to teach aj how not to b a piece of shit since he doesnt know how yet,bein born in the apocalyplse and all that and I get why telltale made aj shoot Marlon after the fight when u didnt expec it to have the time to make u (sort of) feel sorry for marlon and make the scene more shockin and shit but this makes his action have less sense since its not out of instinct,impulsive or whatever anymore,that mf waited looked for his gun and then shot him,it didnt happen when he was threatenin clem,thats some premeditated shit right there
This has solid groundwork even if it sounds a bit exaggerative, but I agree that AJ is very much a disturbed boy. I still love him though
I just think AJ is emotionally stunted. He doesnt really seem to understand what hes done to marlon. He was born in a world of zombies hes not gonna be following social norms
Kill that boy now
I agree.
If AJ didn't kill Marlon, I sure as hell would have. He said it himself, he'd do it all again. Good riddance. I need to give AJ a cookie or something.
How does one accidentally pull a trigger more than one time until it finally goes off? Why even pull the trigger at all unless you intend to have hopes of hitting and killing your target? To assume every last bullet is a dud because of a few and fire them at someone else to scare them is a dud move. She would not had aimed for her own head and pulled the trigger assuming it's all duds so why do that risky gambling with someone else's life? All I ever read are usually are weak hearted excuses for Clementine if in the wrong or getting special treatment, because if the roles were for whatever reason reversed somehow..Eli would be most hated guy among fans. Clem gets away with bull like that only because she's main character and because she's likeable most times and cute. Or even if Gabe was in the exact same position folks would want him crucified for getting Javier in trouble with Tripp and townspeople.
Aj kills a murderer who tried to put the blame on clem, had planned to give aj and clem up, gives up two members of a group he was the leader of, coward out of rescuing them, and said he'd do it again.
And aj's the one who's disturbed and a psychopath. Sure. Oh no aj killed a horrible person surely he must be carver's kid and is a threat that must be neutralized.
And marlon killed brody who posed no threat at all and didn't act like a psycho at any point. Marlon before putting the gun down did pose a threat and acted like a lunatic.
Marlon gave up his benefit of the doubt when he said he'd do it again and wanted to leave instead of wanting to stay and accept punishment for what he did. And as other people have said and pointed out already look at his face and reaction whenever he kills clem for failing a prompt.
I wouldn't put AJ down, that's again psychopathy. I would instead beat the fuck out of him to learn a lesson. I mean he's a 6 year old kid and he already thinks he can do shit like that, being that young and acting like deserves to be beat up as hell.
what do you expect? of course there are problems with that scene,there are problems like that even in well written stuff and ANF was fuckin garabage
its supposed to b an accident in the story though,dont over analyze poorly written shit
OR! Instead of putting him down he can become the Dexter of the apocalypse....
But, in all seriousness, I don't really think he's a psychopath. He cares about Clem too much to be one- I think.
Edit: That being said, I don't think what he did too Marlon was acceptable. I don't think what Marlon did was acceptable either, but he surrendered and at that point what AJ did wasn't saving or protecting anyone. Hopefully we'll get to teach him it was wrong. Idk why but I've felt a bit limited with the options Clem has as far as how she talks to AJ. There are just some things that I keep wondering why it isn't a choice to say. Like when AJ gets upset with Clem about letting the Abel guy take food and then talks to her about it, why wasn't it an option for her to respond with 'killing people isn't always right.'?
Clem still needs to teach AJ that what he did was wrong,and maybe beat the shit out of him,just in case
lines should b like this
Clem-AJ,bruh,that guy was unarmed,why the fuck did u shoot him?
AJ-Sorry i tought he was gonna kill u
Clem-anyway dont do that shit again,its wrong
Imagining this situation lmao
Well no matter how hard yall b trynna justify the lil mans actions,come on bruh u cant deny that what he dis wuz wrong
) but wasnt the whole point of this season that Clem needs to teach AJ how not to b a piece of shit/how the world worked before? Clem still needs to tell him: AJ!!,WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?
,ur free to stay here as our leader,Clem "
he doesnt need to "DIE" (i mean,not necessarily
otherwise he ll continue to b hated by everyone in the community for bein a piece of shit
I think u wont even get to choose that one,it will b like an automatic dialogue type shit since theres no way clem is stayin there at the school,especially as leader while trying to defend AJ unless everyone in the group is just retarded,and louis is like "yea,he was like,my best friend,tenn and me did forgive him too and he was unarmed when your kid shot him,but dont worry about that,is nothing,its ok
Marlon was harmless the instant he gave up there, he didn't have a gun or anything and we could've locked him up in the basement and then figure out what to do. If that kill was so logical, how come that none of the three suggested dialogues(after Marlon didn't have the gun anymore) was the option to suggest to kill him? Because it would make zero sense.
Aj killing marlon was bad, but lets kill Aj I fail to see this logic.
You know what really bothers me about this thread, its the fact that clementine pretty much did the exact same thing in Anf. When she killed Eli and she was older than Aj, she shot an unarmed man who surrendered , But there were no threads on Clementine maybe being a psychopath. Or if she needed to be put down she wouldn't even acknowledge she was wrong for it! Bunch of fucking hypocrites I tell ya smh.
I think people are overeacting a little bit, he just didn't know what to do and he did the first thing that came to mind.
Exactly, everyone wants to make excuses for Clementine but not my boy Aj. He needs some damn guidance not a bullet in the head.
Well while anf is poorly written u kno damn well that it was supposed to b an accident
aj knew the bullets would work tho
Storywise I think its better that AJ shot Marlon in a more contraversial situation rather than, for example, during a fight between Marlon and Clem.
Eli told her they could trade again! Clementine just chose not to believe him. But i'm not going to make excuses for what clem did i'm fine with it. Im just pointing out the hypocrisy on these forums.
Okay so it was like this:
Clem wanted to prove to Eli that the bullets don't work but it turned out that only some of the bullets didn't and because of that Clem shot Eli by accident.
While AJ was scared that Marlon was going to do something to Clem so he shot him because he wanted to protect Clem, thats what he's been taught by Clem and that's why he is confused at the end.
If you ask me, there's nothing psychotic about him.
u cant compare it to what AJ did,the lil guy definitely knew what the fuck he was doin
no way hes so retarded to think that,he saw the guy droppin his gun and crying like a bitch for 20 minutes after
he saw what tenn said,he heard what louis said,even what clem said (determinant shit but still) no way hes so stupid
He was just mad for fucks sake, we all would be if our mother figure was threatened man so shit happens that doesn't mean he should die for it.
Bruh i know but
no way hes so fuckin stupid,clem,tenn,louis they all said sort of forgive him and he still shoots
im not someone who thinks aj should die
Bro, if someone threatens my mom with a gun and tried to get her killed. I don't care if she forgives him or his ass surrenders he gotta die. And when you think about it like that, Aj's actions seem very understandable.