Episode 2 Theroy [Suffered Yhe Children]
Just went on youtube and watched InfernoKun and watched this short theory at the end of the video about the end of the episode (Done Running) their might be an choice to pay condolences to either Brody‘s grave or Marlons grave...all the other kids are at Brody’s tomb while Louis will be the be the only one paying his respects.... and this my determine the relationships between the whole entire kids in the school or your relationship with Louis in my theory...it might come to that or we might get something similar.
In the picture suffer the children you can see AJ and Clementine in their room, which can posdibally mean that they decided to have them locked up for a bit until the whole school cools off for what AJ did to Marlon.
Hearing that from InfernoKun obviously sounds believable... wouldn’t you agree?
What dou you guys think of this theory let me know in the comments bellow.
That would be a cool way to lead on from episode one, and not entirely unbelievable.
I can't quite picture exactly how the kids will react to Marlon's execution, but it won't be pretty.
I like that theory
Thanks, this Theroy might not be accurate but will probably get some similar results in that theory .
I like this theory. I could definetly see something like this happening. There's definetly going to be some drama on the way in the aftermath of recent events and it will be intresting seeing how the character relationships change because of it.
I'd like to think Clem would be able to pay respects to both of them but if I can only pick one it will certainly be Brody! Marlon may have done some awful things and then tried to pin it all on Clem but he didn't deserve to die and neither did Brody!
Well, I liked the theory that forces yet another theory that Clem will be their leader !! they will be lost in what to do, they will not know the way they must take to leave the safe zone to get more food or to continue in it, so as not to risk and die than the others. Because Clem already had a lot of experience, they asked her to lead them, I asked her to help her to move on.
Fully agree
I really hope Clementine doesn't become the leader especially at this point. If they do choose her, I seriously question the overall functionality of this group and how they've made it this far.
I can imagibe the episode starts with a slight pause and then just loud protests by the kids tbh
I think they’ll be locked up, it’s reasonable
I would think she would be super scared to be leader, every leader she has ever seen has died. Horribly.
If she is leader I hope we get some sort of "Shepherd of the flock" dialog option, going back to Carver.
AJ should be locked up but not clementine she was't going to kill marlon at all
She shouldn't be leader at any point no matter what happens. I can't believe that after all of these years and with the extensive planning this group does that they did not have a chain of command. If anything there should be several members of the group that are capable of being leader even if they weren't planned to become leader.
And also it says a lot about this group to just let a stranger they've known 2 days whose child murdered they're leader to be complacent with her casually taking over.
What an odd, overly bi-mentional choice.
Pretty much.