Its an acquired taste.
But its how Violet and Luis seem to have fun with each other, by competing and dissing. Its rly more guy humor thoug… moreh which I think goes into why she said 'it gets a little too bro-town for me' because she seems to mostly hang with Marlon and Luis. But guys have a tendency to have fun in that way and they aren't sensitive with each other, I'm guessing Violet just ended being considered 'one of the bros.' I used to work with mostly males and it was the same for me, I'd say they were a bit nicer but still joked around with me like that. I just dished it back and it was fun. They aren't being mean-spirited, its just their way of verbal rough-housing.
Well hopefully that changes. I think clem and violet is a good ship and would like if more people support it. And violet's a good character. I hope no one actually hates her because she's done nothing to be hated.
Yeah you really don't understand my points at all, Im not gonna blame someone for grief of their loves ones, but I might have a problem on h… moreow they express such grief. Like trying to damper the moods of everyone else. And you can't find anything she did wrong in the episode what about the unnecessary morbid question she asks about whos going to die first and gets upset if you say its her. Do you find nothing wrong with that?
I guess she's being kinda rude to people like Brody for no reason, I mean Brody tries to forget about the apocalypse for a minute by fantasi… morezing about what she'd want to do now, but Violet then immediately dislikes it and express annoyance towards it, and responds to Brody's imaginations in pessimistic way as if everything is hopeless at this point. Also, when Louis tells her she had B performance, I mean it's not like Louis has bad intentions or anything, why immediately take it so personal by telling him to fuck off and show middle finger??
I mean I understand she's lost her loved ones and she's depressed because of that, but, when Clementine too had fresh wounds from losing close people, she wasn't rude to anyone for no reason and she wasn't hopeless.
Violet was minding her own business and louis starts with her by comparing her and clem. He gave violet a bad score then lowered it then gav… moree clem a higher score and then an even higher score then went back to starting with violet. Louis calls clem and violet delusional if clem complements violet. He was being obnoxious, disrespectful, and was sucking up to clem.
Exactly. Just because she's sad and depressed because she lost her loved ones doesn't mean she can be rude(but nice towards Clementine just because she has a crush on her)
Only to people that she didn't know. Once she got to know Javi she was warm(unlike Violet who knew e.g. Brody, but still isn't warm). Clem in s3 said:" I thought you'd be just another asshole like everyone else" implying that most strangers weren't friendly, hence her starting edgyness towards Javi. But later, she even hugs him.
Only to people that she didn't know. Once she got to know Javi she was warm(unlike Violet who knew e.g. Brody, but still isn't warm). Clem i… moren s3 said:" I thought you'd be just another asshole like everyone else" implying that most strangers weren't friendly, hence her starting edgyness towards Javi. But later, she even hugs him.
There's a reason why she's not warm to Brody. Because Brody was with the twins and she still believed "their deaths" were partly her fault. Brody even says there was a time when they all were friends, but after what happened to the twins Violet is still angry that Brody survived and the twins didn't. Violet is ultimately an outsider looking in when it comes down to the situation with the twins. She has no idea what actually went down with the twins, so she blames Brody (rightfully so I may add). Besides that, Violet warms up to Clem once she gets to know her. So there's that.
Only to people that she didn't know. Once she got to know Javi she was warm(unlike Violet who knew e.g. Brody, but still isn't warm). Clem i… moren s3 said:" I thought you'd be just another asshole like everyone else" implying that most strangers weren't friendly, hence her starting edgyness towards Javi. But later, she even hugs him.
There's a reason why she's not warm to Brody. Because Brody was with the twins and she still believed "their deaths" were partly her fault. … moreBrody even says there was a time when they all were friends, but after what happened to the twins Violet is still angry that Brody survived and the twins didn't. Violet is ultimately an outsider looking in when it comes down to the situation with the twins. She has no idea what actually went down with the twins, so she blames Brody (rightfully so I may add). Besides that, Violet warms up to Clem once she gets to know her. So there's that.
I don't see it that way. I see it as a guy who was trying to impress the new girl at another's expense
...Nah, I'll leave that alone.
@Leegendary The reason Violet is compared to Molly or Jane is because she’s the cliche sad, loner, blonde girl and as much as I like her, it’s a bit annoying to see the same stuff recycled.
Marginally, yeah.... At the very least, she's inoffensive enough, relatively pleasant to listen to, and is in fact technically more in line with, say, Ava than those two.
@Leegendary Yeah, and Louis copes with humor. Honestly both Violet and Louis are kind people and very diverse characters and I understand the love for both. But we literally don’t know much about anything about their pasts or what they’ve gone through so
I don't see it that way. I see it as a guy who was trying to impress the new girl at another's expense. When he didn't have to go about tryi… moreng to impress the new girl in that way. And louis should know not to start with violet but she doesn't think he's funny. Nor is she amused by his antics. But hey new girl who cares about how others feel?
Only to people that she didn't know. Once she got to know Javi she was warm(unlike Violet who knew e.g. Brody, but still isn't warm). Clem i… moren s3 said:" I thought you'd be just another asshole like everyone else" implying that most strangers weren't friendly, hence her starting edgyness towards Javi. But later, she even hugs him.
Kindly discussing? I've had a few people accuse me of 'grasping at straws' and etc just for not liking Violet. That's not kindly discussing something/explaining.
People on both sides are getting toxic. I really don’t see the point on crapping all over someone’s choice just cause they don’t agree with you. I personally think violet is a better match for Clem (at least my Clem) but that doesn’t mean I dislike Louis or think people who disagree with me are inherently wrong.
Which is messed up. It it isn't actually right for her to blame Brody at all. To sit there and blame someone for surviving and not dying instead of your girlfriend in a situation like that is wrong. It'd be one thing for Violet to feel that way but understand its not right and try to be nice but instead shes blames Brody for being alive and then treats her like crap for it.
And I get the twins might not be dead and Brody knows about that and all, but Violet isn't aware of that. The things she's mad at Brody for she has no right to be.
And Violet doesn't even rly get to know Clem at all, she just basically warms up to her almost immediately. If you appeal to Violet for help she even says 'I barely know you, Clem.'
There's a reason why she's not warm to Brody. Because Brody was with the twins and she still believed "their deaths" were partly her fault. … moreBrody even says there was a time when they all were friends, but after what happened to the twins Violet is still angry that Brody survived and the twins didn't. Violet is ultimately an outsider looking in when it comes down to the situation with the twins. She has no idea what actually went down with the twins, so she blames Brody (rightfully so I may add). Besides that, Violet warms up to Clem once she gets to know her. So there's that.
I don't think violet blames brody for being alive and violet only thought she blamed brody but violet actually blames herself. Violet's a flawed character that can improve and she does start to change when you're walking to meet aasim and louis if you talk to her about brody. Not defending how violet acted. Just saying that violet doesn't keep acting like that.
Which is messed up. It it isn't actually right for her to blame Brody at all. To sit there and blame someone for surviving and not dying ins… moretead of your girlfriend in a situation like that is wrong. It'd be one thing for Violet to feel that way but understand its not right and try to be nice but instead shes blames Brody for being alive and then treats her like crap for it.
And I get the twins might not be dead and Brody knows about that and all, but Violet isn't aware of that. The things she's mad at Brody for she has no right to be.
And Violet doesn't even rly get to know Clem at all, she just basically warms up to her almost immediately. If you appeal to Violet for help she even says 'I barely know you, Clem.'
MosesARose think she blames Brody so I was responding to that. And I also think she blames Brody considering how she treats her. You don't just treat someone that way unless you have some problems with that person. And she might blame herself but she's also putting blame on Brody which isn't right.
I don't think violet blames brody for being alive and violet only thought she blamed brody but violet actually blames herself. Violet's a fl… moreawed character that can improve and she does start to change when you're walking to meet aasim and louis if you talk to her about brody. Not defending how violet acted. Just saying that violet doesn't keep acting like that.
Violet was projecting. That doesn't make it right though. However violet does come around. She's not an angel nor is she perfect and she's definitely not a mary sue. I see no reason to hate her because of her flaws. Not saying you hate her just to the people who do. I hope violet isn't more hated than marlon or is equally hated as him because that would just be absurd.
MosesARose think she blames Brody so I was responding to that. And I also think she blames Brody considering how she treats her. You don't j… moreust treat someone that way unless you have some problems with that person. And she might blame herself but she's also putting blame on Brody which isn't right.
I don't know that, that would be absurd. It depends on how much the person sympathizes with Marlon vs Violet. Marlon was the leader of the group so his burdens were different. I personally don't hate Marlon, I don't agree with what he did, but I don't hate him either. And I thought he was semi nice up until we found out the truth.
I'm rly upset both him and Brody are dead though, because I wanted to hear more of how things went down as they did. Like was it truly a hopeless situation or could he have saved them?
Violet was projecting. That doesn't make it right though. However violet does come around. She's not an angel nor is she perfect and she's d… moreefinitely not a mary sue. I see no reason to hate her because of her flaws. Not saying you hate her just to the people who do. I hope violet isn't more hated than marlon or is equally hated as him because that would just be absurd.
This thread isn't even about the shipping. Its literally about why people don't like a character, just because she happens to be a part of the romance choice people start thinking its a shipping war or something.
People on both sides are getting toxic. I really don’t see the point on crapping all over someone’s choice just cause they don’t agree with … moreyou. I personally think violet is a better match for Clem (at least my Clem) but that doesn’t mean I dislike Louis or think people who disagree with me are inherently wrong.
I miss brody and wish she didn't get killed. I'm really upset about brody too. I don't sympathize with marlon. I sympathize with violet, brody, and tenn though. Violet lost a close friend and lover. Tenn lost his two siblings and brody lost her life. There's really no reason to hate violet especially if you compare her to marlon. I don't think violet is hated by a lot of people though. I think it's only a few people that actually hate her.
I don't know that, that would be absurd. It depends on how much the person sympathizes with Marlon vs Violet. Marlon was the leader of the g… moreroup so his burdens were different. I personally don't hate Marlon, I don't agree with what he did, but I don't hate him either. And I thought he was semi nice up until we found out the truth.
I'm rly upset both him and Brody are dead though, because I wanted to hear more of how things went down as they did. Like was it truly a hopeless situation or could he have saved them?
This thread isn't even about the shipping. Its literally about why people don't like a character, just because she happens to be a part of the romance choice people start thinking its a shipping war or something.
I know!!! She was so sweet and broke my heart! And I feel like we didn't even get into her side of things! Like I rly want to know how she got involved and her reaction to the whole thing. Like did she agree with it or disagree and was she forced into secrecy? There's just sooo much I wanted to know.
I miss brody and wish she didn't get killed. I'm really upset about brody too. I don't sympathize with marlon. I sympathize with violet, bro… moredy, and tenn though. Violet lost a close friend and lover. Tenn lost his two siblings and brody lost her life. There's really no reason to hate violet especially if you compare her to marlon. I don't think violet is hated by a lot of people though. I think it's only a few people that actually hate her.
Me too. I love tenn also. Violet, brody, and tenn are my faves. And it's even more heart aching because brody suffered and her relationship with violet was starting to improve too.
I know!!! She was so sweet and broke my heart! And I feel like we didn't even get into her side of things! Like I rly want to know how she g… moreot involved and her reaction to the whole thing. Like did she agree with it or disagree and was she forced into secrecy? There's just sooo much I wanted to know.
Me too. I love tenn also. Violet, brody, and tenn are my faves. And it's even more heart aching because brody suffered and her relationship with violet was starting to improve too.
Him and aj are adorable when they're interacting. And when tenn stuck his tongue out at aj and just the back and forth they both had with the toys it was too adorable. I love aj too. Also ruby is a character I like. She's funny and I like her accent. Your boy's lucky I didn't take a boot to his head it was at the moment that I liked her. And the way clem backed up when ruby approached her that was funny. I also think ruby is cute. And she has manners.
Him and aj are adorable when they're interacting. And when tenn stuck his tongue out at aj and just the back and forth they both had with th… moree toys it was too adorable. I love aj too. Also ruby is a character I like. She's funny and I like her accent. Your boy's lucky I didn't take a boot to his head it was at the moment that I liked her. And the way clem backed up when ruby approached her that was funny. I also think ruby is cute. And she has manners.
Well to be fair she doesn't know why she feels the way she does towards Brody, she states this herself. But yes, I believe she blames Brody because she didn't save the twins. Brody initially traded spots with Violet on the hunting party. Violet probably thinks if she were there when the twins were taken, she could have saved them. Remember Violet doesn't know about the raiders, she just think it was walkers. So in her mind she's wondering why couldn't Brody save the twins from walkers, when her and Marlon probably seemed so capable before. I think she's angry because she believed Brody to be capable, which is why she asked Brody to trade spots with her. But knowing walkers Killed the twins and Brody didn't stop it, made her lose "faith" in Brody. Also we know that Brody never apologized to Violet about what happened (during the fishing trip you find this out). It isn't wrong to think like that. Violet put the safety of the twins in Brody's hands when she traded with her.
Example: Let's say you have a child, and you asked a friend to watch your child. Then something happens, and the result ends in the death of your child. Part of you would blame your friend for the death of your child, because you thought your friend was capable when it came to the safety of your child. You may not hate your friend; which violet states she doesn't hate Brody. But she still feels "betrayed" in a way, because she put her faith in Brody's abilities. And I'd expect you'd feel a bit betrayed too.
Now about Violet immediately warming up to Clem; well she doesn't. But even if she did, I guess it's alright for Louis to immediately warm up to Clem but not Violet? I smell a double standard.
Which is messed up. It it isn't actually right for her to blame Brody at all. To sit there and blame someone for surviving and not dying ins… moretead of your girlfriend in a situation like that is wrong. It'd be one thing for Violet to feel that way but understand its not right and try to be nice but instead shes blames Brody for being alive and then treats her like crap for it.
And I get the twins might not be dead and Brody knows about that and all, but Violet isn't aware of that. The things she's mad at Brody for she has no right to be.
And Violet doesn't even rly get to know Clem at all, she just basically warms up to her almost immediately. If you appeal to Violet for help she even says 'I barely know you, Clem.'
When you tell aj to lay it on thicc that entire scene that played out was just enjoyable.
I love how he spends that option butterin her up about everything, with her getting increasingly annoyed.
First: Part of my point in that post was that Violet doesn't know about the raiders. So, yes I remember
Second: No I don't have a double standard because I'm not talking about Luis and never once said it was okay or not okay for Luis to immediately warm up to Clem. I also never claimed it wasn't okay for Violet to warm up to Clem. I was merely bringing it up because you said she'd gotten to know Clem when, really, neither character ever did. They both want to and that's what was established this episode, that they want to get to know her better not that they did. They don't really know Clem at all, as was even stated by Violet.
Third: Losing a child vs a girlfriend is 100% different, that's a poor comparison in my opinion. And I still don't think it's acceptable to treat someone badly on something they couldn't control. Period. That's my opinion on it.
And I don't know why people keep bringing up Luis. This isn't about shipping, understand? Its a thread on why a certain character isn't liked. If you wanna bash Luis so much than I guess go make a thread for it? I've got no problem with people who don't like him and I actually can understand their reasoning for it.
Well to be fair she doesn't know why she feels the way she does towards Brody, she states this herself. But yes, I believe she blames Brody … morebecause she didn't save the twins. Brody initially traded spots with Violet on the hunting party. Violet probably thinks if she were there when the twins were taken, she could have saved them. Remember Violet doesn't know about the raiders, she just think it was walkers. So in her mind she's wondering why couldn't Brody save the twins from walkers, when her and Marlon probably seemed so capable before. I think she's angry because she believed Brody to be capable, which is why she asked Brody to trade spots with her. But knowing walkers Killed the twins and Brody didn't stop it, made her lose "faith" in Brody. Also we know that Brody never apologized to Violet about what happened (during the fishing trip you find this out). It isn't wrong to think like that. Violet put the safety of the twins in Brody's ha… [view original content]
FACTSS!! This is exactly how i feel. I'm so tired of serious, depressed characters. Look I don't hate Violet but just something about her just doesn't sit well with me.
I just don't think Violetine works, I find it to be more of a romance cliche: Violet mysterious doesn't want to talk, but then magical Cleme… morentine comes and she immediately wants to talk and is happy etc. I mean that is the single thing that makes people deluded to think there's "something, feeling that there is something, chemistry etc". But when you really look at it, you realize that Violet's pessimistic("who do you think's gonna die first?" and in general her attitude) personality and Clementine's optimistic personality are in full contrast.
Yeah, i act with my friends like this a lot
Well hopefully that changes. I think clem and violet is a good ship and would like if more people support it. And violet's a good character. I hope no one actually hates her because she's done nothing to be hated.
At least it's not hate.
Toxic? Since when kindly discussing something/explaining that why we do not agreeing with your "opinion" considered as "toxic" ?
No not at all. Its that pushing that most teenagers do when the subject in the conservation is romance
Tbh, thats totally what a teenager would say/ask/talk about
Actually she was. Remember S3 Clem?
That comment of his was ment as a joke.
Not if you pick the wrong options tho
Really? Most teenagers I know don't ask stuff like that, unless there's something wrong with them.
Only to people that she didn't know. Once she got to know Javi she was warm(unlike Violet who knew e.g. Brody, but still isn't warm). Clem in s3 said:" I thought you'd be just another asshole like everyone else" implying that most strangers weren't friendly, hence her starting edgyness towards Javi. But later, she even hugs him.
Alright fair point
There's a reason why she's not warm to Brody. Because Brody was with the twins and she still believed "their deaths" were partly her fault. Brody even says there was a time when they all were friends, but after what happened to the twins Violet is still angry that Brody survived and the twins didn't. Violet is ultimately an outsider looking in when it comes down to the situation with the twins. She has no idea what actually went down with the twins, so she blames Brody (rightfully so I may add). Besides that, Violet warms up to Clem once she gets to know her. So there's that.
Violet made it clear that she doesn't hate Brody, yet she hated the fact that she was suspecting from something
...Nah, I'll leave that alone.
Marginally, yeah.... At the very least, she's inoffensive enough, relatively pleasant to listen to, and is in fact technically more in line with, say, Ava than those two.
More or less.
Technically, he hugged her, but whatever.
Kindly discussing? I've had a few people accuse me of 'grasping at straws' and etc just for not liking Violet. That's not kindly discussing something/explaining.
People on both sides are getting toxic. I really don’t see the point on crapping all over someone’s choice just cause they don’t agree with you. I personally think violet is a better match for Clem (at least my Clem) but that doesn’t mean I dislike Louis or think people who disagree with me are inherently wrong.
Which is messed up. It it isn't actually right for her to blame Brody at all. To sit there and blame someone for surviving and not dying instead of your girlfriend in a situation like that is wrong. It'd be one thing for Violet to feel that way but understand its not right and try to be nice but instead shes blames Brody for being alive and then treats her like crap for it.
And I get the twins might not be dead and Brody knows about that and all, but Violet isn't aware of that. The things she's mad at Brody for she has no right to be.
And Violet doesn't even rly get to know Clem at all, she just basically warms up to her almost immediately. If you appeal to Violet for help she even says 'I barely know you, Clem.'
I don't think violet blames brody for being alive and violet only thought she blamed brody but violet actually blames herself. Violet's a flawed character that can improve and she does start to change when you're walking to meet aasim and louis if you talk to her about brody. Not defending how violet acted. Just saying that violet doesn't keep acting like that.
MosesARose think she blames Brody so I was responding to that. And I also think she blames Brody considering how she treats her. You don't just treat someone that way unless you have some problems with that person. And she might blame herself but she's also putting blame on Brody which isn't right.
Violet was projecting. That doesn't make it right though. However violet does come around. She's not an angel nor is she perfect and she's definitely not a mary sue. I see no reason to hate her because of her flaws. Not saying you hate her just to the people who do. I hope violet isn't more hated than marlon or is equally hated as him because that would just be absurd.
I don't know that, that would be absurd. It depends on how much the person sympathizes with Marlon vs Violet. Marlon was the leader of the group so his burdens were different. I personally don't hate Marlon, I don't agree with what he did, but I don't hate him either. And I thought he was semi nice up until we found out the truth.
I'm rly upset both him and Brody are dead though, because I wanted to hear more of how things went down as they did. Like was it truly a hopeless situation or could he have saved them?
This thread isn't even about the shipping. Its literally about why people don't like a character, just because she happens to be a part of the romance choice people start thinking its a shipping war or something.
I miss brody and wish she didn't get killed. I'm really upset about brody too. I don't sympathize with marlon. I sympathize with violet, brody, and tenn though. Violet lost a close friend and lover. Tenn lost his two siblings and brody lost her life. There's really no reason to hate violet especially if you compare her to marlon. I don't think violet is hated by a lot of people though. I think it's only a few people that actually hate her.
That's a reason/excuse for some people, though.
I know!!! She was so sweet and broke my heart! And I feel like we didn't even get into her side of things! Like I rly want to know how she got involved and her reaction to the whole thing. Like did she agree with it or disagree and was she forced into secrecy? There's just sooo much I wanted to know.
Me too. I love tenn also. Violet, brody, and tenn are my faves. And it's even more heart aching because brody suffered and her relationship with violet was starting to improve too.
Tenn's cute but I feel like he might try and murder Clem and AJ in their sleep after that picture.
Him and aj are adorable when they're interacting. And when tenn stuck his tongue out at aj and just the back and forth they both had with the toys it was too adorable. I love aj too. Also ruby is a character I like. She's funny and I like her accent. Your boy's lucky I didn't take a boot to his head
it was at the moment that I liked her. And the way clem backed up when ruby approached her that was funny. I also think ruby is cute. And she has manners.
Old-fashioned braud that one is.
XD yup and I love that. When you tell aj to lay it on thick that entire scene that played out was just enjoyable.
Haha, I love that she's old-fashioned to. I'll have to tell him to lay it on thick, but I told him to be honest and she was very nice about it.
Me too. She calls aj sug. I liked when she said that. Ruby's cool and polite.
Well to be fair she doesn't know why she feels the way she does towards Brody, she states this herself. But yes, I believe she blames Brody because she didn't save the twins. Brody initially traded spots with Violet on the hunting party. Violet probably thinks if she were there when the twins were taken, she could have saved them. Remember Violet doesn't know about the raiders, she just think it was walkers. So in her mind she's wondering why couldn't Brody save the twins from walkers, when her and Marlon probably seemed so capable before. I think she's angry because she believed Brody to be capable, which is why she asked Brody to trade spots with her. But knowing walkers Killed the twins and Brody didn't stop it, made her lose "faith" in Brody. Also we know that Brody never apologized to Violet about what happened (during the fishing trip you find this out). It isn't wrong to think like that. Violet put the safety of the twins in Brody's hands when she traded with her.
Example: Let's say you have a child, and you asked a friend to watch your child. Then something happens, and the result ends in the death of your child. Part of you would blame your friend for the death of your child, because you thought your friend was capable when it came to the safety of your child. You may not hate your friend; which violet states she doesn't hate Brody. But she still feels "betrayed" in a way, because she put her faith in Brody's abilities. And I'd expect you'd feel a bit betrayed too.
Now about Violet immediately warming up to Clem; well she doesn't. But even if she did, I guess it's alright for Louis to immediately warm up to Clem but not Violet? I smell a double standard.
I love how he spends that option butterin her up about everything, with her getting increasingly annoyed.
Me too. From start to finish I liked their interaction.
First: Part of my point in that post was that Violet doesn't know about the raiders. So, yes I remember
Second: No I don't have a double standard because I'm not talking about Luis and never once said it was okay or not okay for Luis to immediately warm up to Clem. I also never claimed it wasn't okay for Violet to warm up to Clem. I was merely bringing it up because you said she'd gotten to know Clem when, really, neither character ever did. They both want to and that's what was established this episode, that they want to get to know her better not that they did. They don't really know Clem at all, as was even stated by Violet.
Third: Losing a child vs a girlfriend is 100% different, that's a poor comparison in my opinion. And I still don't think it's acceptable to treat someone badly on something they couldn't control. Period. That's my opinion on it.
And I don't know why people keep bringing up Luis. This isn't about shipping, understand? Its a thread on why a certain character isn't liked. If you wanna bash Luis so much than I guess go make a thread for it? I've got no problem with people who don't like him and I actually can understand their reasoning for it.
Remember guys that respect is needed. The thread isn't about Louis vs. Violet, so please try to stay focused and not be rude or hostile.
FACTSS!! This is exactly how i feel. I'm so tired of serious, depressed characters. Look I don't hate Violet but just something about her just doesn't sit well with me.