Knowing What You Know, Should They Have Brought Clementine & AJ Inside? Should They Still Be There??

Note that if it weren't for Clementine heavily suggesting that she, Louis, and Violet go outside the safe zone for a couple of jars of food, they never would've ran into Abel, who is now most definitely aware of there being more kids somewhere out in the woods, which is definitely not a good thing, considering he's affiliated with the raider gang responsible for the abduction of Sophie and Minnie. What's even worse is if you chose to push him through the window where the walkers grab him, there's a high chance that he and others will come searching for them, which puts everyone's safety at Ericson's at risk.
Also note that thanks goes to Clementine and AJ for the loss of Brody and Marlon. If Clementine wasn't there to hear Brody and Marlon arguing in the basement, she wouldn't have gotten spotted by the two once she went snooping inside, and wouldn't have been there for Brody reveal what truly happened to Sophie and Minnie, which later got her killed when Marlon hit her in the head. And of course, Marlon wouldn't have died if AJ wasn't there to shoot him.
Should they have been brought in considering all the hell they have risen/will raise? Should they get kicked out?
It wasn't really just "a couple of jars of food", more a matter of life and death. It's obvious that Marlon's turtle policy wouldn't have worked out much longer, they were running out of food already and would have been starving in a couple of weeks. Not to mention, Abel was already onto them even before Clementine met him, so Marlon would have willingly missed out on a couple weeks worth of food and it would have all been for nothing when the raiders would have found them in a matter of days anyway.
Also, while it's true that ignorance is bliss, I think the group now being aware of an opposing faction and knowing the truth about Tenn's sisters is preferable to them living a lie until the raiders kill them all because they're completely unprepared and malnourished on top of it. People like them don't play by the rules, the only reason they left Ericson alone for so long is that they weren't aware of its existence, not because of the sacrifice Marlon made. That's just naive. From a moral standpoint Marlon also didn't deserve the group's trust anymore and it's good that Clementine revealed the truth, though he didn't deserve death in my opinion.
So all in all, Clementine's arrival is a positive thing for the group. Two people died and it's horrible. On the other hand, they now have food and time to prepare for a threat they would have been completely oblivious to otherwise. Plus, they now have a Cleminator, and that won't hurt either.
I said
I don't where you thought I said the raiders left Ericson alone because of the trade.
I think it's important to know, because obviously the other community is aware of them if they had to trade for the twins. Now they could engage in some kind of diplomacy but I suppose that won't happen so they could try to locate their base and get as much information as possible, hell maybe we'll even be able to save the twins if they are still alive.
Yeah you don't leave a potential survivor and someone of your demographic to die. Especially when undoubtedly someone was with him ( one to carry AJ one to carry Clementine) simply put Clementine and AJ are like an oasis . The Oasis might have rattlesnakes but if you're that thirsty it's worth the downsides.
I think Ericson was the oasis and Clem and AJ were the rattlesnakes.
But in What way are Clem and AJ "an oasis", and what does Ericson's "thirst" represent?
It wasn't meant as a diss against you, just talking from a general standpoint.
New blood. More labor, potential for expanding the community, morale boost, basically why didn't Carver say. " Ok personal fucktoy, fucktoys husband who I'm going to kill, doctor, leverage over doctor, and Nick you're coming with us. Beardy, spanish woman , baldy, and girl you're free to go on your merry way"
Ah, I see. Very well then.
In 2 days of them being there, they've plunged this entire community into complete chaos and killed their leader. Not to having to deal with AJ prior to Marlon's death, I'd say they have reason to want them out.
AJ is going in the basement.
Everyone at Ericson's: "Well, not only did we lose Minerva and Sophie, but we also just lost Brody and Marlon, the guy we put all our trust into since day 1, but apparently gave Minnie and Sophie to a group of raiders, who at this point may already be sex slaves or dead. Can't believe they lied to us......................Oh, and armed raiders might soon to find out where we're holding out, where they'll either kill us or take us with very little effort, as we have little to no true combat experience. But hey, Clementine's and AJ are here!"
And it makes me think of how human conflicts in TWD are far from matters of "this party is the pure evil aggressor and I am the innocent only defending myself" that a lot of players like to grasp onto.
Stealing from Arvo for your survival prompts his group to steal from yours.
Javi stealing gas from the New Frontier prompts his family being kidnapped.
Essentially Clementine going out of the safe zone was the slippery slope that fucks up her own dreams of settling down.
I disagree. The plans were fucked.
Do you know what the safe zone was shrinking? Why the traps were destroyed? Art of war 101 leave your enemies hungry and vulnerable and they'll be too weak to resist. Abel didn't want food because he was hungry he wanted the gang to not have food. Remember not only were the sprung traps empty but the unsprung traps were sabotaged.
Imagine if every day someone caught fresh rabbits for you and you could sit back on your ass and take their hard work why would you make it more difficult for them to catch Rabbits? Because you don't need the rabbits your group has food. You need them to NOT HAVE rabbits like when Negan took the mattresses from Alexandria and burned them to send a message.
If the thugs really invade or get revenge on something like that, it will be interesting to see how Clem will lead the group as they prepare for war, whether they will hide or attack, I am anxious about the decisions we are going to have to make .. Although I think she will not be the leader of the beginning of the 2nd ep and I think she will only come back from the middle of the end of ep 2
I think Marlon's death was similar to Carley's / Doug's, which has got to happen for history to continue.
Where did you get this information?
Accuse him of sabotaging the traps he sarcastically says " I'm a real Butterfingers" and listen exactly to his tone he isn't sounding like " yeah I messed up a couple sorry" he's like " whoops I ruined ALL of your traps" and if you go fishing listen to how assim Brody and Luis explain how they know it was sabotaged and they mention traps that caught things food was stolen
A hungry person : steal the food from sprung traps leave unsprung traps alone because you need more food in the future.
What possible purpose would there be for intentionally destroying traps that hadn't caught anything?
That was an option??? I must've been playing ep1 with my eyes and ears closed

Thi think it's a right/b option first one or second you get." You're the one sabotaging our traps" I went fishing never hunting so I don't know if they play it off in hunting but fishing makes it clear. And the fish traps were fucked too. It was intentional
Exactly, well said. The choice rather or not to attack him doesn't matter. Him and his group will come for the kids no matter what. You not attacking him just makes you look like a weak target and nothing more. If it wasn't for Clem intervening in the group's affairs, they would still be oblivious to the obvious sabotage to their traps. And their leadership, Marlon and Brody, would still believe that they're safe just because they traded the twins and they're within their "safe zone" that continues to shirk.
Darth Raider and Marlon Calrissian
Wow, I didn't think about this.