Poll/Discussion: Seasons 1-4 which version of Clementine is your favorite and why?
Poll/Discussion: Seasons 1-4 which version of Clementine is your favorite and why?
So Clementine really is the main character of this series as a whole. Each season has showcased her at a different point in her life as she struggles to survive and grow up in this hellish world. The sweet and innocent little girl we guided and protected in Season 1 has grown a lot both physically and mentally.
So out of the four seasons, which version of Clementine is your favorite and why?
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Personally Season 4 Clementine is definitely my favorite. I feel like her entire arc has been building up to this moment. It feels so good to see Clementine finally come full circle and take on the role as a guardian and mentor, and so far I am really enjoying the way Telltale is handling her character and this season so far. I can already tell that the ending of this season is going to be very emotional.
I am also very fond of Season 2 Clem this version of her character is easily a close second in my book. Season 2 was definitely the season where the loss of Lee was the most precedent. It was so heartbreaking watching as she struggled to survive for the first time without a parental figure constantly keeping a close eye on her.
S2 clem was somewhat edgy and cold and lacks emotions
S1 clem is definitely my girl
And about S4 clem Imma keep her out of the “violet or louis” romance stuff until i figure a way i could teleport into her fictional world and kill them both
Did you mean Season 3 Clem?
No, I’m 100% I mean S2 Clem. I’m right now replaying season 2 and the fact that clementine puts les effort in showing her facial emotions is making me mad.
Playing as clementine in season 2 was pointless. Why would anyone agree and listen most of the time to a 11 year old in a messed up world? Could’ve made lee alive and killed him off in s2
And we don’t talk about season 3.
You are totally right! Judging by evidence pulled directly from the game, Season 2 Clementine is obviously an emotionless person. Clementine totally never cries, or shows fear, anger, or smiles throughout this entire season. Nope not at all.
Lol i love how you put all of my fav moments from the season. I also love how you put only the major and plot moving moments.
Omid’s death? Of course she gonna react
Getting fucking bit by a stray dog? Yeah sure do
Seeing your parental figure going nuts? Not like she will stare.
But what i meant is the random “coldness” in the gameplay itself sometimes when I have a convo with anyone. She seems cool with any one approaching her she just stares back even when I try to be a total dickhead to Rebecca, Carver and bonnie.
P.S: I love your profile pic, any clue how to put my own one on mobile? Can’t figure it out.
Season 2 Clem. I hear the criticisms of why would the group of adults listen to a little girl, and I get it, but Clem being a kid and a survivor by herself (what they think) means she's basically their equal even if she's younger. As Chuck said in S1, you're not a little girl or a little boy, you're a survivor.
Love s2 clem the most, then s1, then s3. Way too early for S4.
At least I actually backed up my argument with evidence.
If you want a custom profile pic you'll have to use gravatar.
I agree with your point.
And I adore her reactions sometimes but what I meant is the blank feeling I get from her whenever I talk to a person.
Since you backed up yours I’d like to do the same:
1 - Clem didn’t show any convincing uncomfortableness when Walter was swinging that knife questioning his friend’s death or when Sarah was being awakward begging her to become her only friend.
2- She didn’t put any emotional effort into convincing the group that she was bit by a dog.
3- I also notice everytime I try to defend sarah clem looks like she is getting forced to by me and a huge example when I tried to be the blamed one when sarah got bitchslapped by her dad
4- Also I hate that moment when she meets the wounded guy asking for water
“where.is.my.friend” — Was that supposed to be threatening?
5- Also tried being somehow looking cool infront of Luke telling him how I can manage by myself but it ended up like I was avoiding a lecture from my mom about coming home late from a friend’s house
6- Kenny, Luke and Nick interactions with eachother and the heated argument was and kenny vs mike fight was badly interrupted when I tried the “stop fighting option” and should’ve let them fight instead
7- looking at carver getting fucked and how clementine reacted still disgusts me till this day
8- not to mention how I tried disagreeing with kenny when he got far into breaking out of the van in the beginning of episode 2 and when he tried to look for an escape as soon as he got into carver’s camp clem sounded like she is getting tired of kenny’s shit and forced to kiss his ass all the time.
9- first time meeting carver at the house i tried to buff out and be a dick but instead clem’s attempt was poorly executed and if i was carver id laugh my ass off
Not to mention how she looked cringy reacting to kenny’s returning no matter which option you choose. I honestly just hugged him to avoid talking and looking awkward instead of shocked/surprised
This may seem alittle biased, but my favorite clem is ANF!Clem.
Just her struggle to continue on after everything that held her in place before is gone. It creating a limbo in her of not knowing where her place is in the world. Making her feel like she is just witnessing someone else's life instead of living it herself while her real mind wonders. The emptiness giving her time to think over and over about what has happened, and what got her where she is. Filling her mind with grief and fear, which is usually expressed as anger when she doesn't want to show weakness, or can't. That type of feeling can drive you to do crazy things out of desperation to find some sense of normality and to start feeling like your life is yours again, instead of taken from someone else.
It just spoke to me the most.
Thats essentially what I think about ANF!Clem but s4 Clem is still my favorite
Well for starters this is a game that is written, programmed, animated, and acted by people. Nobody is perfect so there is bound to be flaws here and there in the writing, animations, voice acting, etc. I do agree that there definitely are several flawed animations in this game. Also not everybody is super expressive when it comes to emotions. Some people tend to withdraw into themselves and have a hard time expressing their emotions in the way most people probrably would. Just because someone might not express their emotions in the standard way doesn't mean they are devoid of emotions.
I don’t know, judging by this in-game screenshot clem looks pretty uncomfortable.
This is really up to the player how you want to go about this. Some options are more convincing than others.
Well in a sense Clem kind of is forced to do what you say seeing that she is the playable character and all.
You can’t always express yourself exactly the way you want to in these games.
I don’t see how you regretting picking the “stop fighting option” instead of allowing them to fight has anything to do with whether or not Clem has emotions.
Well the choice was basically to leave or stay and watch the show. That is a choice for the player to make. If you’re disgusted by how Clem determinately reacts, that one is on you.
I respect your opinion about Season 1 Clementine being your favorite and that Season 2 Clem just simply doesn't appeal to you in the same way. However, I just simply don't see how Season 2 Clementine can be described as emotionless.
I'm gonna hold judgment on S4 for now, I did really like what I saw of her, quite a few of her moments with AJ were just cute af and it really does feel like we've come a long way with her.
S1 she was just adorable and charming. She really keeps that child optimism, to the point where my initial reaction when confronting Chuck was an angry one until replied, and I had to stop and wonder, does really really grasp the reality of this? Hell, the way I'm acting, do I? She still wants to look for her parents once we get to Savannah, she's obviously still holding onto that last bit of hope and it's going to come crashing down, and I'll probably be the one who has to crush it. The way they handled the player looking after her without making her feel like a liability or annoying was just well done, usually when I think of any game that puts me in that position, I have flashbacks of Ashley and wake up the next morning morning in an alley.
S2 was just as well done, we cut away after Omids death to her sitting by the campfire, she just has such a world weary look in her eyes, and I completely get it and feel terrible. It is heartbreaking after how attached I grew to the character in S1 to see her looking so distant, and again, almost as soon as it starts we're taken from scene that seems so down and shown it can get even worse. It's something that repeats a lot, whenever she seems to get some sense of hope she's almost immediately brought back to reality, but it did make me enjoy the slower, happier moments. Sitting down and eating with Luke, reuniting with Kenny, the dinner scene(almost everything in in the lodge, actually), the campfire scene, the animations really did a cycling through the emotions visually. She really hits those looks of genuine happiness, despair, inquisitive, fear, and anger really well.
I think I'm going to go with S2, at least until we finish up S4. I thought it was the most turbulent period we've experienced with her so far, considering everything that happened so far, and definitely took her through a solid progression from beginning to end. Also contains my favorite "waitwut" face in the series.
Yeah, alot of this has been transfered over to this season, too, with having her central drive being completely restored. I got a feeling that these next few episodes will bring these similar messages home as she is trying to help AJ to understand what it means to kill someone (not just walkers) and what loss is. I'm excited for it. If this plays out right, this will far surpass what was set upon in s3.
You make a lot of good points I agree. Season 1 and 2 Clem will always have a permanent place in my heart. I guess when I say Season 4 Clem is my favorite, I actually mean I think she will be my favorite if the season continues to progress in a well-written fashion with the same level of quality that was put into episode 1.
I sticked to see carver get his face turned to a mashed potato cuz im a fucked person no surprise lol but was surprised how clem was chill about it?
I dunno man, still.. i see clementine’s 70% of her interactions and lines still looks.. calm and unconvincing.. especially between lines and minor moments. maybe because she got used it and grew into this world and probably reached a point where “it doesn’t matter anymore.”
Anyways, thanks for clearing your points. and also if mama s4 clem sticks at this badass rate she gonna be my fav one XD
Well it was nice discussing this with you. While I don't necessarily agree with your views I can respect them. ?
Nah man it was nice to discuss with YOU lol first time here at this community and getting really interested in it and i can say first time here discussing was a good impression seeing how it was very polite of you to express your opinions unlike other 12 year old kids in other fandoms who could fuck you up for having an opinion geez.. also you got me thinking otherwise with your points im starting to think replaying s2 again and have second thoughts becuz of that lol good talk and have a good day my friend
Season 1 Clem is such an easy pick for me. I mean she's a sweet little girl whose very polite but a survivor by the end. Season 2 Clem is cold and distant (for very good reasons) which is a little less unlikable but as the playable character it totally works for her. Season 3 was just a little too angsty for my liking at times again a totally understandable reason with what she has been through but it can get a bit sad to see her so dull and lifeless at points. Season 4 is seriously the best of both worlds (if clem from season 1 and 2 meshed) she's just a more engaging person and emotional. She was there for Brody even after only knowing her for a day or two and she genuinely cares about the kids it seems, especially her own buddy AJ. If she keeps on that track she can easily end up being the best she's ever been.
S1,is just S1,shes nice,but thats it
S4 just started so,wtf?
lol,Season 3, 0 votes !
S2 Clem is the best one fo now,in my opinion,a bit unrealistic for that age sure but wtf,shes supposed to b all special and shit!
While playing S2 i felt that,(well maybe its because im all awesome and shit and im the best at choosing the best dialogue options),it was "balanced" and shit,like yeah badass,throw in some nice (S1 type) shit,so shes not a bitch (S3),throw in everything else,done! BAM! its perfect!
I mean,about S3,isnt Clem supposed to b like,nice and shit? i mean not overly nice like naive idiot type,enough not to b an unlikable piece of shit tho
ANF Clem is my favorite. When she sticks up Javi from behind and steals his shit is such a memorable intro to me. Clem's transformation as a merciless teenage survivor was awe-inspiring.
And as a side character you get to see your parenting (if you raised her like I did) unfold before you. it left the greatest impression for me.
Too soon to tell about S4, but I like how it's essentially a fusion of S1 and S3 Clemmy. Clem is a hardened, badass survivor through and through but due to parenting AJ you get to simultaneously see her caring, kinder side reminiscent of an innocent Clem from S1.
She's like a mother T-Rex.

Now, let's see some situations like this
(may be an over-exaggeration of the actual thing)
season 2 clementine is my personal favorite
S4 clem is absolutely amazing
Season 2 Clementine is my favourite.
Also she showed that at such young age she could teach a couple of things about survival even to people much older than her.
Even a mofo like Carver showed respect for her at some point.
With studying all seasons with Clementine. My fav goes to:
Season 2 Clementine, hands down.
Coming into her own, skill and personality wise, depending on the player. Still learning and at times wiser beyond her years. And don't forget tougher than she looks.
Wait, TFS is the favorite? Wtf?
Hey, what can I say? I fucking love TFS Clem Clem.
Like someone else said Season 4 Clem is like Season 1 and Season 2 Clem combined,it's the best one imo.
What ?
That doesn't make sense to me.
Why ?
Like, the aspect Season 2 aspect is...applicable in a sardonic way, but where does Season 1 come in?
pretty sure she cries in season 2 after shooting kenny or letting jane die, she also cries with kennys wellington ending, and after she's bit by the dog she starts crying in the forest. But why would a child who has been made stone cold after killing and witnesses almost everyone she cared about die be strange? She knows the weakness = death
Are you meant to be replying to someone here?