I apologise, i just realised Gabby is a character from the Michonne game, a game that i have never played. I thought you actually said Gabe was the hottest character in the series. Sorry.
Clementine/Mini-Jane/Clementeen being on this kinda list makes some sort of sense: she's the main mascot character, she still has a large following apparently, and she gets older with each season/installment. Also, she's female.
Gabe, a fairly slim thirteen year old boy currently(as the time of ANF) being hit by puberty, is an inherently questionable choice due mainly to how immature(in the other sense of the word) he comes across as. Also, we assume you're an ambiguously aged dude as well, so there's that too.
Clementine/Mini-Jane/Clementeen being on this kinda list makes some sort of sense: she's the main mascot character, she still has a large fo… morellowing apparently, and she gets older with each season/installment. Also, she's female.
Gabe, a fairly slim thirteen year old boy currently(as the time of ANF) being hit by puberty, is an inherently questionable choice due mainly to how immature(in the other sense of the word) he comes across as. Also, we assume you're an ambiguously aged dude as well, so there's that too.
I guess because anyone around that age likes Gabe possibly in looks but as a character too. Most hate him though but i am sure you know this
Hey, I'm not a teenager or that way, unfortunately and thank you.
Well, hint hint, the state I’m in, age of consent is 18.
I mean it’s one thing to have teens/people in their early 20s saying she’s hot, but there are potentially people who are much older saying she’s “the hottest character”.
A what?
@Explodingkittens971 In this season, Clem is 17 at most. Meaning she’s still underage. Which makes her presence on this list still a little creepy.
Technically, depends what State you're in, mate.
Hey, that rhymed!
I'm tired of people talking about Clementine in a sexual context, whether it's her hooking up with someone, having sex with someone, and being the hottest out of a group. Seriously, what the fuck.
Well, hint hint, the state I’m in, age of consent is 18.
I mean it’s one thing to have teens/people in their early 20s saying she’s hot, but there are potentially people who are much older saying she’s “the hottest character”.
Well, hint hint, the state I’m in, age of consent is 18.
I mean it’s one thing to have teens/people in their early 20s saying she’s hot, but there are potentially people who are much older saying she’s “the hottest character”.
Judging by the how old is everyone thread, a lot of people here aren't much older than season 4 Clem so it's not that weird. Also keep in mind that if she were actually alive she'd be 24 this year.
Stop being a turd. Also, I haven't seen him post in a while. I think he got outed as having multiple accounts and got spanked by the other mods or the CM.
Most of us that frequent the forums have talked about everything of consequence that there is to talk about so we make threads like these to pass the time. It's Walking Dead related so it's not off topic. If it was a "which friends character are you" or "who's your favorite ninja turtle," then yeah, you'd have a better argument.
Hottest character is obviously Sam from Michonne... actually it's Randall post-wrench. No wait! Carver post crowbar!
Oh yeah, and this thread - yeah, it's going nowhere enriching, so I'm gonna lock it. As much as it's nice to have more "casual" threads, in reality as you can see people are clearly derailing the thread, and not necessarily because they are trying to be jerks, but rather, the thread is making some people uncomfortable (i.e. with Clem as one of the hottest characters). I just can't see it working out well without divulging into guidelines being broken.
Stop being a turd. Also, I haven't seen him post in a while. I think he got outed as having multiple accounts and got spanked by the other mods or the CM.
That would've been awkward as shit.
When it's two kids at the top of the poll... I'm just going to hope a lot of you are youngins so this is a little less... weird.
how so
Do what has to be done sir.
How dare you.

I guess because anyone around that age likes Gabe possibly in looks but as a character too. Most hate him though but i am sure you know this
Clementine/Mini-Jane/Clementeen being on this kinda list makes some sort of sense: she's the main mascot character, she still has a large following apparently, and she gets older with each season/installment. Also, she's female.
Gabe, a fairly slim thirteen year old boy currently(as the time of ANF) being hit by puberty, is an inherently questionable choice due mainly to how immature(in the other sense of the word) he comes across as. Also, we assume you're an ambiguously aged dude as well, so there's that too.
Hey, I'm not a teenager or that way, unfortunately and thank you.
Everybody's mind is 10 here no matter what their real age is.
What if i'm a ladyman? Then what?
So you like Gabe then?
I know I'm contributing to the problem even as I make this post buuuuuut... someone please nuke this thread.
In this season, Clem is 17 at most. Meaning she’s still underage. Which makes her presence on this list still a little creepy.
in different states/countries the age of consent is 16/17
A what?
Technically, depends what State you're in, mate.
Hey, that rhymed!
Yes. This has been established.
We need someone to cleanse this insanity
Well, hint hint, the state I’m in, age of consent is 18.
I mean it’s one thing to have teens/people in their early 20s saying she’s hot, but there are potentially people who are much older saying she’s “the hottest character”.
I'm tired of people talking about Clementine in a sexual context, whether it's her hooking up with someone, having sex with someone, and being the hottest out of a group. Seriously, what the fuck.
@blindsniper sir please close this thread sir please
Yeah, probably.
And this isn't Tokyo, mind you.
This is Tripp erasure and you know it.
I guess we'll just have to figure out who all the 30+ year olds saying she's hot are
Judging by the how old is everyone thread, a lot of people here aren't much older than season 4 Clem so it's not that weird. Also keep in mind that if she were actually alive she'd be 24 this year.
Seeing the two characters in the lead... It makes me want to get smacked in the face by a walker.

Stop being a turd. Also, I haven't seen him post in a while. I think he got outed as having multiple accounts and got spanked by the other mods or the CM.
It’s really just the thought that weirds me out because it is in fact possible. This is the internet after all.
I fail to understand how these threads have any bearing of actual discussion whatsoever. Where are the mods when you need them most.
Voted for Kate.

Most of us that frequent the forums have talked about everything of consequence that there is to talk about so we make threads like these to pass the time. It's Walking Dead related so it's not off topic. If it was a "which friends character are you" or "who's your favorite ninja turtle," then yeah, you'd have a better argument.
Btw, Raph. He's salty, like me lol
Lets hope so.
Just for the record - flag the discussion or tag a mod! It makes it easier for us to see, and we'll deal with it.
Hottest character is obviously Sam from Michonne... actually it's Randall post-wrench. No wait! Carver post crowbar!
Oh yeah, and this thread - yeah, it's going nowhere enriching, so I'm gonna lock it. As much as it's nice to have more "casual" threads, in reality as you can see people are clearly derailing the thread, and not necessarily because they are trying to be jerks, but rather, the thread is making some people uncomfortable (i.e. with Clem as one of the hottest characters). I just can't see it working out well without divulging into guidelines being broken.
No, I'm still here. And, no, that's not true.
A nifty feature of the forum update last year is that users with spaces in their usernames can now be properly tagged.
Just FYI, I don't get notifications if you tag "blindsniper" but @Blind Sniper now works when trying to tag me.