Do we have to be with Louis or Violet?
is it not possible to refrain from both of them and possibly try romance with mitch or Aasim? they seem of more of a matching personality and suitable option for people that did Jane or Alone endings.
For example, Mitch has that charm but not the the extent of Louis, also I feel like he wouldn't be interested only for sex like Louis is, Aasim also knows it's important to survive and not mess around, it seems like him and clem can get along about that against Louis, and also it feels like he has a thing for clem, (what he wrote in his diary)
Could there at least be more of a bond between those characters?
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I don't think so. Telltale seems to be pushing Violet and Louis for romance instead,but I've you don't like romance with them. Then you can go and not choose either of them. Telltale is going to give you that choice.
Imma romance the beautiful chef Omar!
From the spoilers I seen you'll have to pick either violet or Louis.
Who's Mitch? Was he the guy making the weapon?
God bless everyone.
"he wouldn't be interested only for sex like Louis is" - and since where Louis only wants to get Clementine into bed? Did I miss something in the game?
The dude almost took a bullet for her and he gave his food so her kid eats well. I still like his personality more than Asaim who is like "never have fun, you are not supposed to have fun, the only thing you have to do is surviving" or Violet that goes for 24/7 "uhhh my life is so sad, bad and dull uhhhh".
And Asaim wrote only that Clem saved the day or something like that. I know it cause I watched on YT when AJ read it. Nothing more.
And basically the only moments in the game where Clem was happy (not talking about smiling to AJ to make him happy), but about the moments she really spent her time good - she spent that time with Louis. He was making her happy. It's not about me being Clouis fanboy or anything, but which other character did the same for her? Violet that was acting like she has the biggest problems in the whole world? Asaim with "shut up and work" 24/7? Mitch that doesn't really give a shit about her and neither does she about him?
I wouldn't have minded a romance option with Asaim. He'd be more along the lines of Violet, in that he isn't instantly trying to win you over, but opens up later that he's constantly stressing work because of the stress he's under. He could say how he felt all the pressure was on him to provide food, and he feels alone as it seems no one is listening to him.
I also like the romance with Louis, even if I don't always agree with him. He's fun, and cheesy. I also do like how nice he is from the start, and that he takes an interest in taking care of AJ.
Do we have to be with Violet? No, not really.
Do we have to be with Louis? Ofcourse.
Yeah, the Javier looking dude.
Hope they don't force us one way or the other.
I would honestly laugh my ass off if both Louis and Violet were just Luke'd out of the story at some point.
nah i doubt they would do that. i wont spoil owt but from what i seen from the leaks it looks like its a choice. (hopefully)
"The creek is literally a foot deep, just STAND UP."
I'd also prefer Mitch or Aasim, I already like Aasim's survival mindset. Louis is too immature for my Clem and Violet is still in the middle with her due to a bad first impression.
I prefer clem to be a lonely wolf cuz I don't want her to experience more loss....she's had really think these romance options will stay alive after the season ends!? "laughs in Russian"
no,let clem smash,its obvious Louis/Violet gonna die but they will either way (ill b surprised if they dont but if they dont then hey! thats nice,right?) so why not?
Ma dude you really think TT wants clem happy...she's destined to be depressed no matter who she smashes....also fuck these forums this ships are haunting my dreams ?????
Louis is weak, he should die. I don’t trust him.. neither with Violet.. she oddly wants to stick with me for some reason and she feels off.. for me I wouldn’t any one near my girl Clementine with that sick pathetic [love] or otherwise I ain’t gonna hesitate killing him off and Gabe knows that very well. But damn TellTale if you reaaaalllyyy insist on a poorly written romantic stuff why shove Louis and Violet on my throat? One is annoying and the other is a jerk.
I’d rather give Mitch, Willy or even a dead corpse Marlon a chance rather than those overrated fuckos if I was forced to a choice.. but still my first priority is keepin’ my girl virgin.
i know
,but she ll at least b happy for a while,tho thats better than nothin right?
but yeah thats how i think the romance stuffs gonna go
Violet/Louis says they like Clem/wanna smash
Clem can say yeah/naw
Maybe they kiss
Violet/Louis dies
Clem cries
I think you will be able to play "neutral", not siding with anyone of them, and it will be my playthrough most likely, I usually dont like such things like romances or similar stuff.
Oh jeez, you just broke it, this is going to take hours to fix.
well thats what i tought when i saw this
didnt take that long to fix tho
Well if you just want to do a quick patch job. I was going get the Mods to delete the thread and then we would all have to repost. But it should hold together, but our warranty is completely void now
I'd rather have no one. Or Louise. Or Violet.
Love is for suckers.
They'll all probably be dead by EP4, so all the shippings are pointless.