Clementine's birthday?

Why haven't we celebrated one of her birthdays. Or anyone's birthday. That'd be a cool happily ever after ending.


  • LaFlameSaurusLaFlameSaurus Banned
    edited August 2018

    sure,where the calendar app at in the apocalypse tho?
    people forget what day it is even today with phones and shit,how tf would she know its her birthday,i doubt she remembers what day it was when this shit started and has been counting the days since then :D

  • edited August 2018

    The stranger knew it because of Clem

    sure,where the calendar app at in the apocalypse tho? people forget what day it is even today with phones and shit,how tf would she know it

  • a lot of time passed since then tho,like what? 7 years into the apocalypse now?
    unlikely she knows

    The stranger knew it because of Clem

  • Luke remembered his birthday.
    Besides, Clem might gain an idea through what season it is. And didn't Wellington have a calendar?

  • luke probably had a calendar at the cabin,so he knew what day it was when he left and he didnt know exactly either,he said "this week",unless she finds someone who's been keepin track of em days passin after the apocalypse began its unlikely she ll know,still it would b a nice idea

    Luke remembered his birthday. Besides, Clem might gain an idea through what season it is. And didn't Wellington have a calendar?

  • edited June 2019


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