

  • I let Aj cuss, a kid that's old enough to shoot a gun and kill zombies should be able to cuss to there heart's content.

  • Looking at that choice philosophically or whatever, it’s about embracing old world values vs. the new frontier (had to use it). Clementine never truly got to experience the old world before the apocalypse came, but had mentors like Lee, Luke, Javier, and Kenny (sort of) guide her. Now, compare the mentors of the new frontier in Carver, Jane, Ava?, Kenny (sort of),?Chuck, that I guess helped her in this new world.

    AJ never got that old world to the extent that even Clem, a mere child, did. He doesn’t know police and firefighters. He eats his food sloppily. He acts out violently. He wants to take stuff. AJ plays with a gun instead of toys. He doesn’t care about dead people’s wishes. He is a child of the new world.

    Clem, now can really choose to be the Lee or like Carver to AJ. Lee (well, my Lee), tried to protect Clem from the new world while also preparing her at the same time for the future. Now Clem has the inverse of what Lee did: teach someone old values in this new dangerous world. Or they can keep AJ acting like he’s on the road. The choice is hers.

    Besides the language issue you highlighted, consider where Ruby at dinner was like “Manners” and Clem could prod AJ to do so. Doing so is an attempt by Clem to try to bring AJ into actual civilized society which ultimately will probably be the influence we have on him by the end of this game. If one chooses of course.

    That’s my interpretation of that at least.

  • edited August 2018

    "Even the adults didn’t care when Clem started swearing around them in S2."

    Because the adults never really cared about Clem, outside of Luke, Kenny and Jane. I mean, they did, but not in the same way that the aforementioned three did. She was a sister/daughter to them.

    I made him watch his language, though. It's nice to retain some humility from time to time IMO.

  • "teaches him manners"
    "kills people"
    Why bother!?

  • I thought it would be okay to let him swear once or twice. After finishing the episode, he was definitely pushing his luck with the amount of times he swore.

    I told AJ to slow down when eating because getting indigestion in the middle of a horde is not the best situation to be in.

  • LazyAlexLazyAlex Banned
    edited August 2018

    I told him not to swear. I remembered all the times when Clem would call Lee out on it, and I figured that's what she would say to AJ. Even if a lot of time has passed, under the hardened exterior, I like to think that at heart, she's still that innocent little girl of Season 1.

  • I told him to watch the swears.

    I get the whole "it's the apocalypse, who cares," but at the same time it's like keeping some amount of humanity from the old world. Just because everything is gone, doesn't mean things should be forgotten. Or manners, etc. I don't want AJ to get a big head and think he can just cuss, do what he wants, etc. It's the discipline being left behind before the world went to shit. But I wanted to keep it. He's a kid, and even if he's not "innocent," or never grew up in the world without the dead, it's a small thing, but it's still a thing.

    Not that he can't swear at all, I mean come on, who wouldn't? Just like... Not all the time buddy.

  • I told him to watch the swears also... I feel like that is what Lee would have wanted her to say and i tend to go with that.

  • Watch the swears. He may be a cold blooded killer but no goddamn way am I raising a vulgar brat.

  • edited August 2018

    Told him to watch the swears. I’m trying to raise him like I would a real child.

  • Teaching AJ to watch the swearing is one of the few opportunities we have to show him a semblance of an innocent childhood. Teaching him that he shouldn't swear in no way diminishes his survival ability but it does teach him a bit of old world values and childhood. I also didn't want him yelling "shit fuck" around other survivors which would make Clem look like a trashy caretaker.

  • Letting him swear is fucking hilarious though, “Fuck up monsters, yea!”.

  • Best scene.

    Letting him swear is fucking hilarious though, “Fuck up monsters, yea!”.

  • It's just a generally good idea to impose some boundaries on your kid, however trivial it all may seem. Learning to have self control is something really important.

    Furthermore, cussing is hardly a necessity. I'd much rather have AJ not cussing his mouth out to anyone he finds. I just feel that people are way more likely to trust someone that shows some politeness, over someone who's angrily cussing.

  • Just because it's the apocalypse, doesn't mean I can't teach manners and be a strong independent role model of a mother to my psychopathic mentally unstable adopted son.

  • Fuck it, let him curse.

  • Yeah the choice is essentially do you value the old world or not.

    Looking at that choice philosophically or whatever, it’s about embracing old world values vs. the new frontier (had to use it). Clementine n

  • In the moment, I chose to let AJ cuss because him and Clem were both happy to find food - not thinking he would carry on swearing every chance he has to do so.
    Hopefully we can tell him to dial it down a bit later on - although if I'm going to scold him about his imperfections, I'd probably bring up shooting unarmed people in the face first. And his bad manners ofc.

  • it'd be hella hypocritical for clem to suddenly start worrying about cussing again after ANF.

  • I chose to let the kid swear. He lives in a world where cuss words are used in just about every sentence so there is no use sensitizing him to swear words because he’s going to hear them regardless. AJ barely fits in with these kids as it is. So you’re only making him even more of an outsider by teaching him to be sensitive to bad language as opposed to simply not caring and rolling with it.

  • edited June 2019


  • Why after ANF (sorry, it's probably obvious but I have a bad memory)?

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    it'd be hella hypocritical for clem to suddenly start worrying about cussing again after ANF.

  • Just because she cussed/cusses doesn't mean that she would want AJ to cuss too. Just like parents who smoke say to their kids that smoking is bad, they don't do it because they're hypocritical, they do it because they want what's best for their kids.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    it'd be hella hypocritical for clem to suddenly start worrying about cussing again after ANF.

  • edited August 2018

    I hate bad manners, he could be the worst psycho in the world but he has to be polite and well mannered.
    Hell the psychos or tough guys who are polite and composed are a lot more creepier and badass than a rude, ill-mannered person could ever be.

  • I let AJ curse. I was gonna let AJ do whatever the hell he wanted because I wanted him to grow up to be a fucked up person, but when he tried to steal Tenn's toy and shot Marlon I sad forget it

  • I didn't let him swear just because it reminded of Season 1 and how Lee preserved Clem. I found it cute. Maybe she also remembers that and tries hard to be like Lee as a mentor :3

  • I really dont get the problem with swearing so i let him swear

  • LaFlameSaurusLaFlameSaurus Banned
    edited August 2018

    i told him not to swear,because i wanted clem too to shut the fuck up and stop swearing all the time like she did in ANF,it just sound so...idk,strange comin from er,its like shes doin it for the first time and someone is forcing her to do it :D she ended up doing it anyway,tho :D ,i just thought that maybe if shes,like, against that shit,she wont do it herself,but naw,plus AJ said "swear" like clem did in S1 when "the dude with the weapon" said that shit about the walkers,so that was nice,it reminded me of S1,but still,i wish there was an option for Lee's ghost or whatever to tell clem in ANF and here "bitch,shut the fuck up!"

  • edited June 2019


  • clem cusses like crazy in ANF

    Sophiee994 posted: »

    Why after ANF (sorry, it's probably obvious but I have a bad memory)?

  • I let Lee swear in S1 and it's been a big cuss-fest ever since. I figure it's the apocalypse; those rules about swearing are old.

  • She cusses in TFS too, more towards the end.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    clem cusses like crazy in ANF

  • yah. i think she only does it once in s2 but it's been a while since i played it. i remember her saying like "shit" on the bridge with luke and the walkers. i think there's more if lee would swear around her. don't know why they threw all that away with ANF.

    She cusses in TFS too, more towards the end.

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