What are the chances you'll have to choose to save Violet or Louis in the future?
We all know it's a choice that's coming. You'll have to save one and sacrifice the other. Or maybe it'll pull a Minecraft SM where the character you're the nicest to will die. Or maybe they'll both live, but I doubt it.
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Oh, look! Another Violet and Louis thread!
The chances of us having to choose to save one of them are 50/50. Maybe 60/40. 80/20. 90/10.
I doubt they give us that choice. To me it never felt like they we're setting it up.
We've already had a choice to choose between them, so I doubt we'd have another.
me looking at you fools saying "I dont see it coming" and "they wouldnt make another choice about the same people again" as if Carly and Doug didnt come out of no where and there wasnt a ton of Kenny or Lily choices
25%. I don't see it happening. Way too predictable/cliché. Telltale should be better than that.
As we have an achievement "You and Me" (Came Full Circle) then we can assume that the Circle it is talking about is Clem and Lee's circle. So now we have Clem and AJ. Clem dies and AJ leaves with... Violet and Louis? Like Clem left with Omid and Christa? Since in 2nd episode we will have a confirmed romance between one of them then I feel like a choice "Save Louis or Violet" won't make much sense since it's not going to be any hard for the player to make a choice.
I kinda hope not.
If anything, it seems like another example of TFS rehashing/refining older ideas: in this case, something along the lines of the Luke/Kate or Kenny/David thing.
The difference was that Carley or Doug was a first episode thing and Kenny vs Lilly was always somewhat slanted in Kenny's favor.
Those were also noticeably one-sided in support and reception.
I fully expect this to be a decision but I'm hoping we won't have to choose as players will automatically choose whoever is their love intrest. My Clem is intrested in Louis, so I will be saving Louis.
Or just their favorite in general.
For me it will be 100% for Violet because she is a women and I always save kids over woman's and women's over men's that how I came through the walking dead series.
I hope so ?
Louis over violet
Louis vs. Violet is too predictable ...I don’t think it’s wise to bet on the obvious. Gotta give Telltale more credit than that.
I bet the majority of people thought Luke vs. Kenny was inevitable after S2 E4 and that didn’t pan out either...
To be fair, the plot progression for that and the episode beforehand were definitely being written with that type of theme directing. They even had that be the promo art for the episode.
Okay but didn’t Scott Porter confirm that Luke was originally intended to survive S2, and that he didn’t find out about his death until he got to work on E5? Kinda hard to argue that a Luke vs. Kenny only-one-survives scenario was the master plan in that case...
Of course...who knows how many story iterations each season goes through, and how late into the episode release schedule wholesale changes were made. ANF was a textbook example...there were so many character motivations and themes in the early episodes that I felt were either contradicted or abandoned by the finale episode.
When you try to look up the hidden achievements to find out if there is a no using traps achievement ( there isn't but there's a use EVERY Trap a achievement though) and see all the achievements for the rest of the episodes and can't talk about them.
I don't know about a confirmation of his original survival, but if there's any truth, it was likely a later development based on tested waters after A House Divided was released.
There are hints that Carlos was supposed to be more important and with Kenny originally being "Carver" himself...
"Gee, why don't you list some?"
High. Violet won't let you and Louis will ask you to laugh instead.
But right before they can die, Tenn swoops in on a pegasus to save them.
I love ten tbh
If Violet dies I'm quitting the game. Doesn't matter if it's the last five minutes of the last episode or the first five minutes of episode 2 ( impossible) I'm done with the story. Don't care about the stats or achievements or whatever I'm just out.
I'll come on the forums to find out if there's a suicide from grief afterwards scene but that would be the only way to get me to start it up again.
An excerpt from the Trivia section of Luke's Walking Dead Wikia page: "Following Luke's death, Scott Porter told via his Twitter account that Luke's death was not planned during the initial writing of the season. He told his followers that, he didn't know Luke would die, before the production for the finale began."
Now I know thats not foolproof...but it's definitely believable. He was a popular character. And I think a Kenny vs. Luke scenario would have been tremendously lopsided in Luke's favor, hence why they had to replace him with the more controversial Jane.
I sense (and hope) you are joking....cause I could go on for awhile about that.
Violet will not die. I will make sure of it. If there's a choice? I am definitely saving Violet cause Clem is going to have Violet to be with her cause love and Violetine too. I don't care what ppl decide in that choice,but we Violetine fans will not allow it. Choices have consequences,but losing Violet is not a option.
We got to choose between having Doug and Carley too. Remember those long laughs with Carley/Doug in episode 4?
Would be better than that? Did you play season 3?
Should not would
Uhh... ok. Point is S3 was bad
I liked the when Javier and Kate thing. Also Jesus and protecting Clem again.
"Javi you've always had my back and been willing to do some crazy things for me"
The whole story was a copy and paste of 2009 brothers. A brother is in the army. You are a deadbeat brother that has feelings for his wife. S3 stole the entire plot. Everyone thinks the dad is dead but comes back and fights his brother
Very high. Games that spell out these binaries right in front of your face pretty much end up forcing you to choose.
All three previous seasons gave us similar binaries.
I suppose that makes some degree of sense, though he could also be referring to that death scene in general, meaning Luke could've been open to dying anyway, but they never really decided until the finale how or if it would actually happen and never had a reason to inform Porter.
With that said, is there precedent among the other voice actors?
Honestly, I think you could [also] argue it was the other way around in the long-term.
Eh, I don't mind a few. Tryin to get back into a true general working mode anyway.
I hate that whoever we don't bone is probably gonna end up dead. I like both of them!
Who says there will be boning?
Rosie. She likes bones.
Especially Marlon's.

Feed her Marlon
It's very likely that a choice like that will have to be made, yes. I'm also thinking that we may have to choose between AJ and Violet/Louis in the end, but I hope not.
A choice between a child you've been determinedly raising since you were a preteen versus someone you met two days ago? TT is not that stupid.
Bang Louis <---------> Bang Violet
The best choice in a Telltale game ever!!!!
(I actually have no problem with Clementine getting a partner, and I am actively trying to get Violet atm)