The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • It's been 5 years since the release of PS4 and Xbox One and the internet is already talking about the next generation of the consoles. I really don't want PS5 to happen any soon, it would completely fail if it doesn't support backwards compatibility for the PS4 games.

  • You're in HS right?

    Wait, you're back to school already? We have our first day on 3rd September.

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited August 2018

    wondering if being expelled is worse than dropping out in terms of being considered a loser

    Oh come on, you gotta at least have one friend in HS. If anything, play sports. It's easier to get close to people that way. Besides, dropping out won't any good in the long run

    also considering trying mushrooms

    smoke weed instead. It's safer

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    wondering if being expelled is worse than dropping out in terms of being considered a loser and also considering trying mushrooms

  • It seems inevitable that they'll be out in 2020-2021. Besides, I'm pretty sure ~5-6 years used to be the standard gap between consoles until the last generation, which lasted for 7-8 years. I'm not sure the PS5 would fail without backwards compatibility, considering how the PS4 is still in top spot in spite of having no BC with PS1-PS3 games, while the XBone is backwards compatible with original Xbox and 360, and can even offer enhancements to OG XBox games and the X being able to offer huge enhancements to both OG and 360 games in the form of upping the resolution to 4K (or something close to it), essentially being free remasters. PS4? The emulator isn't that great based on what I've heard, it only applies to select PS2 games and you have to rebuy them instead of being able to use your discs. At the same time it seems more likely the PS5 would be compatible with PS4 games unless Sony, for some reason, decided to ditch AMD.

    AronDracula posted: »

    It's been 5 years since the release of PS4 and Xbox One and the internet is already talking about the next generation of the consoles. I rea

  • I have never been so attached to a bunch of ants before in my life.

  • Quick, I need one more reply.

  • yeet

    DabigRG posted: »

    Quick, I need one more reply.

  • “We shall never deny a guest, even the most ridiculous request.”

    DabigRG posted: »

    Quick, I need one more reply.

  • That's it, looks like I'm going to have to use DEADLY FORCE

    ~5 hours later~

    "Hey Jim how was work toda-"


    AChicken posted: »

    Bah! No copper can catch me! I'm too swift!

  • What a nice gesture...even if it was ultimately one too many

    “We shall never deny a guest, even the most ridiculous request.”


  • Finally Modern Warfare 2 is backwards compatible on Xbox One.

  • I never had MW2 but I had MW3. That was the best COD in terms of MP for me. Resistance, Arkaden, Dome, and hardhat were my favorite maps.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Finally Modern Warfare 2 is backwards compatible on Xbox One.

  • edited August 2018



    I can't really make a comeback to this considering I'm now dead.
    You win this one Cocoa.

    Cocoa2736: 1 // AChicken: 0

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    That's it, looks like I'm going to have to use DEADLY FORCE ~5 hours later~ "Hey Jim how was work toda-" ~CRUNCH~

  • It still feels like PS4/Xbox One came out yesterday. PS4 has been doing so well, with great exclusives like Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5, Shadow of the Colossus Remake, Detroit Become Human and with the new upcoming titles like Spider-Man, The Last of Us Part 2 and Death Stranding. There aren't any new games announced for the new generation, all I can think of is The Last of Us Part 3, Spider-Man 2, Horizon 2, Bloodborne 2, Rocksteady's New Project, Elders Scrolls 6, Final Fantasy 7 Remake etc. I don't think any of these games will be launch titles. Let's not forget that the first PS4 exclusive killer was Bloodborne and that was released in 2015, 2 years after the launch of the console.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It seems inevitable that they'll be out in 2020-2021. Besides, I'm pretty sure ~5-6 years used to be the standard gap between consoles until

  • Can Telltale make this an App already?

  • yah no it's totally fine you thought the reason is because i have no friends. ???

    smoke weed instead

    i do but psychedelics are hella different.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    wondering if being expelled is worse than dropping out in terms of being considered a loser Oh come on, you gotta at least have one

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited August 2018

    Well, what does it mean to be "a loser" by HS standards :D ? You seeming "boring" or "dumb" doesn't make you a loser at all. Most of the kids who were considered "cool" in my school were actually pretty basic people and were quite dumb, taking the same classes the took as freshmans in their senior year because they still couldn't get their credits :D . What's interesting to you may seem dumb to others and vice versa, but everyone has different interests. And remember, it's HS. People are going to think and say the stupidest shit ever during those 4 years. And seeming "boring" is what others may say about you when they don't take the time to get to know you. That being said, you're not a loser because people think you're dumb or boring, they're just close-minded, and probably don't know you well enough to think otherwise. I sure as hell don't know you from Steve, but you don't seem boring or sound dumb at all.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    yah no it's totally fine you thought the reason is because i have no friends. ??? smoke weed instead i do but psychedelics are hella different.

  • no im just speaking like metaphysically or whatever. ok so let's say you're like totally done with school but not in a graduation kinda way but in like a fuckit kinda way. would you rather get kicked out or just drop out on your own. and let's just say you've already failed like crazy classes in freshmen and sophomore year so don't say finish school because it will result in certain death.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Well, what does it mean to be "a loser" by HS standards ? You seeming "boring" or "dumb" doesn't make you a loser at all. Most of the kids

  • Why do you want to try mushrooms?

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    wondering if being expelled is worse than dropping out in terms of being considered a loser and also considering trying mushrooms

  • so let's say you're like totally done with school but not in a graduation kinda way but in like a fuckit kinda way. would you rather get kicked out or just drop out on your own. and let's just say you've already failed like crazy classes in freshmen and sophomore year

    Are they threatening to kick you out? Idk how many credits you have and how many you need, but if I were you, I’d speak to whoever could get the classes I needed on my schedule, and take them so I could graduate by the end of 2019. Or just transfer to another school. You just really gotta push, you know? Trust me, it’s way better to have a HS diploma than a GED. If you need any help in school, ask your teachers if they can help you when they’re not busy, or see if your school has after school programs that can help.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    no im just speaking like metaphysically or whatever. ok so let's say you're like totally done with school but not in a graduation kinda way

  • Why does anyone want to try anything? ?

    Why do you want to try mushrooms?

  • Are you referring to drugs or just anything in general?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Why does anyone want to try anything? ?

  • edited August 2018

    If you either want a good laugh, or feel angry that someone like this exists (probably both), then you should read this. It will shock you that someone could be this entitled and spoiled.

    Bride to be cancels wedding, breaks up with fiancé because her wedding guests didn’t pay for $60k wedding she demanded

    A brief summation: she met her fiancé to be when they were young, he proposed and they had a kid. The original budget was $15k for a wedding, but she wanted more, a new total came out to be $60k. In response, she asked that people who were invited fork up $1,500 each to attend. Rightfully, no one did, now she’s complaining and calling her friends c**** for not letting her feel like a Kardashian for a day (her words not mine). Now she broke up with her fiancé and is essentially abandoning her kid to go on a two month hike in South America. Oh, and she’s also refusing to give back the money people actually donated due to emotional distress they caused her.

    I’m thinking we found the new dictionary definition of the word “Bitch.”

  • anything in general

    Are you referring to drugs or just anything in general?

  • That's crazy. :D Honestly I don't see the point of weddings, let alone getting married.

    If you either want a good laugh, or feel angry that someone like this exists (probably both), then you should read this. It will shock you t

  • I'm disappointed in you, my hubby. I see 28 different ways you could've gotten out of that situation.

    The most obvious one being that you and the officer came to the agreement that you will bribe him by buying him chicken nuggets from KFC. Thus explaining why he's munching on some nuggets, while also letting you run free.

    Next time, please consult with me before you give up like that. We're married now, we need to talk about these things.

    AChicken posted: »

    I- Uh... Well... I can't really make a comeback to this considering I'm now dead. You win this one Cocoa. Cocoa2736: 1 // AChicken: 0

  • While I can believe that there are many who do have such high sense of self-entitlement and immaturity, I have a feeling that this story is faked purely to get a few laughs out of us.

    If you either want a good laugh, or feel angry that someone like this exists (probably both), then you should read this. It will shock you t

  • edited August 2018

    Believe me, that's what I thought (and hoped) at first, that this was something straight from The Onion, but based on my research, it does appear to be a real story.


    Fox News

    Huffinton Post

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    While I can believe that there are many who do have such high sense of self-entitlement and immaturity, I have a feeling that this story is faked purely to get a few laughs out of us.

  • In that case...

    Why does anyone want to try anything?

    The usual driving force behind trying something new (that I can think of from the top of my head) is either curiosity, interest, desire, desperation, or a combination of one or more of the above.

    To be honest, I'm not sure I quite understand the reason behind your question.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    anything in general

  • Woah woah woah, you didn't invite me to the wedding!?!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I'm disappointed in you, my hubby. I see 28 different ways you could've gotten out of that situation. The most obvious one being that you

  • I'm not sure I quite understand the reason behind your question
    curiosity, interest

    she’s curious and interested in trying shrooms?

    In that case... Why does anyone want to try anything? The usual driving force behind trying something new (that I can think of

  • edited August 2018

    You originally said that the question was about trying anything in general.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I'm not sure I quite understand the reason behind your question curiosity, interest she’s curious and interested in trying shrooms?

  • But now you can apply that to why she wants to try shrooms.

    You originally said that the question was about trying anything in general.

  • Not really; I can't make an assumption or form an opinion about someone's motivations based on very little information. I asked them because I wanted to hear what they had to say and to give them the opportunity to express their thoughts.

    Again, I was talking in general when I answered your question.

    I don't even understand what this conversation is about anymore.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    But now you can apply that to why she wants to try shrooms.

  • edited August 2018

    I have a question for PS4 players: If I'm using a PSN code that adds 50 euros in my account, does it turn into pounds (£)? Because my PS4 uses pounds.

  • I don't think anyone mentioned this but today was Michael Jackson's birthday. Happy Birthday and RIP the King of Pop!!!

  • Not really; I can't make an assumption or form an opinion about someone's motivations based on very little information.

    she said she smokes weed but wants to try shrooms because they're way different. Weed makes you trip, but shrooms will make you TRIIIIIIIIIIIP. That said, you should be able to put 2 and 2 together.

    I asked them because I wanted to hear what they had to say and to give them the opportunity to express their thoughts.

    You're right, but she'll most likely tell you the same thing I did.

    Not really; I can't make an assumption or form an opinion about someone's motivations based on very little information. I asked them because

  • you fool. smash mouth was always the king of pop. smash mouth is the king of music. you feeble humans cannot comprehend.

    okay but jokes aside MJ was one of my idols growing up and his death was the first brush with the concept of death and loss i had ever dealt with when i was younger, and in my adult life that just became more and more prominent. i super wish he was still with us and living a better life, but all we can do now is remember him and bring him the joy he brought to this world. still, it's been nearly 10 years man. that's super crazy to think about.

    rest in peace MJ, and shine on you crazy diamond. although maybe try to do that in a more subtle way you don't want roger waters to copystrike you.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I don't think anyone mentioned this but today was Michael Jackson's birthday. Happy Birthday and RIP the King of Pop!!!

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