What PC I need ?
Hello Guys, I have a question to you.
What PC I need have to play in The Final Season on maximum settings in 60 FPS ?
Here are system requirements for The Final Season :
-Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz
-1 GB GeForce GTS 450
-15 GB HDD
-Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
ntel Core i5-2500K 3.3 GHz
2 GB GeForce GTX 960 lub lepsza
Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
And Here are My PC space
- GTX 960 4 GB
- AMD FX 8350 4 GHz
- 12 GB RAM
- 1 TB
- Windows 10
And I still Can't run game on Maximum settings in 60 fps, to get 60 fps I must change Render Quality setting to Low, But I don't know why since my PC easily fulfills Recommends settings.
At first I thought it was by my Processor but then I checked on internet that FX 8350 is better than I5 2500K
Does anyone know what is the problem? Can I fix this and play on maximum graphic with Render Quality ?
Thank you for helping me guys and sorry for my English but I'm from Poland
What is your graphics card ?
GTX 960 4 GB Asus Turbo
Hey I'm from Poland too!
Czy możesz mi pomóc ?
Nie wiem czemu ci nie dziala.. Z twoim sprzetem powinno wszystko byc ok. Moze sprobuj zaaktualizowac swoje sterowniki do karty graficznej. (Mam angielskie ustawienia do klawiatury dlatego nie moge pisac Z z kropka itd.)
Wszystkie sterowniki mam aktualne, tak jak powiedziałem, tylko opcja Render Quality blokuje mi wydajność (30 - 40 fps), a kiedy ustawie ją na LOW (oczywiście reszte zostawiając na High/Ultra) nagle mam stałe 60 fps
Da sie ustawic Render Quality na MEDIUM?
Yeah I think that's why, even though the card should be able to run the game Telltale are weird with their recommended specs and I don't think a GTX 960 will be enough to max out the game.
Make sure you have all your GPU drivers installed but the only way you could max it out would be an upgrade for your GPU (a 1060 will do wonders).
I used to have a 1050 Ti, which is the same as your 960 and I couldn't max out A New Frontier, after I upgraded to the 1060 I had no problem running it on max settings.
Well.. I have GTX 1050 Ti and it works great.
Niestety tylko na Low lub High
I could easy run A New Frontier on Max Settings all in 60 fps
Also I have All GPU Drivers installed and My friend have GTX 1050 TI and It works great on his PC
So this is not CPU fault ? Yeah I think too that CPU is okay
Naprawde chcialbym ci pomoc ale niestety nie wiem jaki jest powod ze to sie dzieje.
Ten gościu także posiada GTX 1050 TI i ma taki sam problem co ja, musiał zmniejszyć Render Quality aby mieć płynne stałe 60 klatek :
CPU Should be okay since the game is more GPU heavy.
If people play the game maxed out on a 1050 Ti then I honestly have no idea why yours isn't working.
I know it may be a bit extreme but try re-installing Windows ?
To albo problem u ciebie z procesorem lub cos z gra nie tak, bo ja mam GTX 1050 TI i dziala dobrze.
Ale tak jak powiedziałem, Autor tego filmu ma tak samo jak ja
Nie wiem co to powoduje.
Look at video that I posted on my replay, This Guy have exactly same like me, he also must change Render Quality settings to Low on 1080p
What's the resolution you're using while playing?
Can I play the game at HIGHTEST settings with these specs?:
I5 7300hq
GTX 1050 2gb
8gb RAM
Look at video in my replay above
I still have a GTX 950 SC 2 GB and it runs great on max without the bokeh effects.
No, not likely.
Yeah, like I said in my first reply.
You need a better GPU to max it out.
The 1050 Ti (or your 960) is not that powerful of a card and the game's using advanced reflections and shadow rendering, that's why you have to set the rendering to low to get 60fps.
I have an older PC (i5 4670) but I slapped a GTX 1060 in it and it's working perfectly.
Everyone seems to get different results so I have no idea what's going on.
Maybe your RAM is bottle-necking you as 12GB is an odd number to have.
You won't need any fancy setup to run the game because it's frame capped at 60FPS. The only way so far to run above 60FPS is the have a higher refresh rate monitor like 144Hz. The game needs to have the option to disable vsync, so high-end cards can flex its muscle and let everyone, even those without 144Hz, play beyond 60FPS. The game is limited to 60FPS, when you turn on render to the highest it drops by 20FPS, so you're left with 40FPS. Add Walkers and other elements to the game, it goes down further to almost unplayable levels. The game is sponsored by Dell Alienware and yet, there is no vsync option.
Mines fine and its Gtx 1050 ti and an i7 with 12gb ram, although it stuttered when the scene where you kill your first walker came up
1060 6gb is all you need for durability for years.
Can to all out and get the RTX 2080Ti hee hee
would be no better than a 1080ti
But raytracing and deep learning. Ai
What Resultion you're using while playing ?
Some people play on PC in Max out and they have 60 fps with Render Quality on High
Try updating your video card drivers.
Believe it or not I am running my game on a potato PC with lenovo z51 R7 360 with i3 at max setting, it run good but I have a unfixable camera sensitivity problems in the hubs and in the unscripted combat but I trying to get used to them.
Same. Everytime I play the episode the game freezes for 2 seconds there.
Since my old 1080p TV broke I've been using my previous monitor wich has a max resolution of 1366x768.