What advice would Lee/Kenny/Jane/Luke/Javier/etc about dating Violet/Louis and Raising AJ?
I would have just said " for her current situation" but let's face it we mostly want to talk about Clem's various mentors and their opinions on the two vying for her heart. But advice on AJ is definitely something Clem might need.
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Lee would of been gentle but firm with how realationships go but possibly warn her if a fallout happens given his past
"Falling in Love is the scariest thing you can do in this world Clem. When you go to sleep with them beside you you don't know if you'll be alone tomorrow. Falling in love makes the loss hurt so much more Clem. But even that hurt reminds you that you are still able to feel. It makes us Human Clem. So I say go after it and treasure every moment. The good memories are a rare thing. Make some more." _ Javier ( or maybe barista Luke)
"Atleast one of them is keeping their hair short." - Lee
"Do they even boat, darlin'?" - Kenny
"Just make sure you're hanging around the right crowd, Clem." - Jane
"Hey, did you tell them I used to play baseball? You guys wanna play? Wait no don't hang up don't hang up. Hello? Damnit." - Javier.
Goddammit... Javier's cracked me up. good job.
Lee - "if they cheat on you, keep AJ away from them and put a bullet though them."
Kenny - "Don't you dare let anyone touch them."
Jane - "make whoopie when you get bored and you're stressed. Otherwise, they'll just bring you down. Oh, and make sure you've got protection on you at all times."
Luke - "they're your family, Clementine. There's nothing more important than that in the world. Treat them like it."
Javier - "Everyone's going to be thirsty for you. Forget about who they're friends with, just charm them towards you."
All you weirdos out here talking about romancing Violet and Louis when the real people are out there shipping Clementine with Rosie.
Make it happen, Telltale
The only canon ship out there
There's a reference to Violet and Rosie on Archiveofourown by candlelight
Lee: "Stay away from cities, oh and ships especially cuz it'll end badly"
Kenny:"IF ThEy kNoW hOw tO BOat thEn I AcCePt eM"
Jane:"just go for it girl wink"
Javier:"Hey what about GAYBE"
Lee- "Keep that hair short" wink wink
Luke- "Expect it to feel as human as you've felt in a long time" wink wink
Lee/Violet - "f***, we gotta shoot her. Put her out of this misery."
Kenny/Louis - "he knows how to pick a lock."
Larry/AJ - "he's got charm coming out of his ass."
I wish I was Jared, 19
Vine reference lmao