I was 11 when the Walking Dead game first came out so some of my choices were pretty terrible and I think I regret them in hindsight. I shot Jolene thinking she was some crazy bitch, but I’ve since learned not to almost immediately shoot people even if theyre crazy lol. I also dropped Ben, and he was reckless, but he was just a kid and I shouldn’t have done that.
I dont know about that woman in the street though, I would’ve liked to save her the agony of being eaten— but I didn’t feel there was much I could do, so Idk.
I was 9 when s1 came out and I played it on my ipod touch 4 lmao, I became obsessed with it and felt emotionally connected to the story unlike every other 9 year old that I knew, was 11 when s2 came out, (the wait for ep 2 was so long), by the time ep 5 came out my little sister had just been born (same as AJ!) and then when s3 came out I was 13 and my sister was 2, unfortunately season 4 broke this chain of me and my sister being the same age as clem and AJ, as clem and AJ are like 2 years older than us both now. (Although compared to the actual dates, clem being born in 1992 etc)as this season is set in 2012; my older sister is the same age as clementine and I'd be around AJ's age so I guess there's that.
Told Hershel the truth - He clearly suspected something so I felt it best be honest than have him be all judgey and throw it back in my face later. Saved Shawn (Tried to anyway) - Shawn needed the help more as he was trapped and I knew Kenny would save Duck. Sided with Kenny - Bite or no bite, there's no way I was throwing a young kid out. Gave Irene the gun - I did try to convince her not to do it, but when I realized her decision was final, I gave her the gun. Saved Carly - Doug was nice, but Carly had already proven herself with a gun.
Chopped off David’s leg - Only chance to save him. Didn't shoot Jolene - Even though she was crazy, I didn't trust the St. Johns and it felt like she was trying to warn us. Helped Larry - He's an ass but I always try to save everyone if I can. I knew Lily wouldn't want him to die and perhaps if we saved him, Larry might be less of an ass to Lee. If Kenny was on hand JUST in case. We could have managed just fine. Didn't kill the St. Johns - Similar to Larry, I didn't like them but I wasn't going to kill them especially as Lee already had blood on his hands already. It wouldn't help his case. Plus one was stuck in a bear trap and one had a herd of walkers on the way. Stole from the car - It was in the middle of nowhere and looked like it had been abadoned. We needed the supplies and the car had the stuff we needed.
Didn't shoot Beatrice - I wanted to put her out of her misery as she was bit and no one should have to suffer but Kenny pointed out she would distract the walkers and give us more timeshe was making so much noise that it distracted the zombies and kept their attention away from us. Abandoned Lily - After she shot Carly, Everyone was in shock and I wasn't preferred to take the risk that it wouldn't happen again. Carly was a good shot, she was not in any danger or about to turn, there was no reason for her life to be taken. Talked Kenny down - I didnt want fight him. He was just grieving and I managed to say the right things. Shot Duck - I had Lee do it, there's just no way you can expect a father to kill his own son especially minutes after loosing his wife aswell. Helped Omid - He was injured and we had no idea Christa was pregnant so as far as I was concerned, Omid needed the help more. Had Omid not been injured, I would have helped Christa (despite loving Omid)
Let Kenny Kill Fivel - I shot Duck so I had Kenny shoot Fivel to give him some sort of closure. Didn't Threaten Vernon - He'd just had his hideout found by a complete stranger. He didn't know who he was or wether he could trust him. He was just looking out for his group. Left Clem at the Mansion We'd been told how dangerous Crawford was and I just couldn't risk anything happening to Clem. The house was the safer option. Saved Ben - He might not have been the most reliable person in the group, but he did not deserve death. I was hoping with the right guidance he'd been able to turn things around. Revealed the bite - We had nothing to loose at this point but needed all the help we could to get Clem back especially if Lee turned.
Left Lee’s arm - It had been a while since Lee had been bit, yes he was getting worse but I knew cutting it off now wasn't going to change anything (aside from the obvious) and 2 arms would be better than 1. Didn't throw the bust - Kenny and Lee don't always agree on things, but I didn't want to fight him then and I don't now. Gave up weapons - Wasnt sure what the stranger was capable of so thought be easier to comply. Killing the stranger The stranger overpowered me and >! Clementine had to shoot him. Shot Lee - The most heartbreaking decision but letting Lee turn was not an option.
400 Days
Shot Justin - Although Dannys crime was far worse, Danny was more likable and I wanted to believe he was innocent. Ofcourse this backfires at the end when we are pretty much told Danny was guilty and it costs Vince his place in Tavias camp. (Though considering all they get is a very small cameo/line in S2 maybe it's better if he stayed behind) In or Out the car? - I honestly don't remember. I know I played both but it's purely a luck based decision on rock, paper, scissors. Ditched Nate (Russel’s Story) - The guys a psychopath! He straight up shot someone for no reason at all! Told Leland the truth (Bonnie’s Story) - Had no reason to lie to him. I told him it was an accident and was genuinely sorry. He understood and came with me. Left the diner (Shel’s Story) - I liked Stephanie and as Stephanies best friend, there was no way I could kill her. Would have been nice if we could haved saved her though.
Season Two
Saved Christa — I like(d) Christa and she was all we had left. Ofcourse I'm going to try and save her! Killed the dog - ABSOLUTELY HATE THIS CHOICE but I had to put the dog out of it's misery. (Please don't make us have to do this with Rosie. I can't do it!) Accepted Nicks Apology - Why wouldn't you? Gave water to the dying man - I was torn but I thought we might learn more from him if we gave him water. Went to Pete - I liked Pete more and he was bit, he needed the help more!
Took the blame for the picture - I didn't want Sarah to get into trouble and Carlos did say to distract her so it's his fault really. Sat with Luke - I sat with Luke. Kenny died in Savannah. Told Walter the truth - Pretty sure he already knew just needed the confirmation. Convinced Walter to forgive Nick - It was accidental and Walter seemed like a forgiving man. Left to find Kenny - We hadn't been seen so it made sense to try and seek out help.
Helped Sarah - Clem was quite capable but Sarah needed all the help she could get! Trusted Bonnie - Maybe it's because I've always liked her, but she seemed genuine and I trusted her. Lied about the walkie-talkie - I knew Carver would hurt whoever had it so if he didn't find out who had it, he couldn't hurt anyone. Left Kenny with Carver - Things were about to get messy. Clem didn't need to see that. Chopped off Sarita’s arm - She was bit. If she stood any chance of surving, the arm had to go PRONTO.
Convinced Sarah to leave. - I thought we'd be able to turn Sarah into Clem 2.0 but no. Death was waiting around the corner. Robbed Arvo- We needed the meds and the bag was left unattended. Anyone could have claimed it was theirs, doesn't mean it was and if you don't take the stuff, it makes no sense for the ambush later. Crawled through the ticket booth - It was the only way through. Clem was going in regardless. Held AJ - Why not? Shot Rebecca. - She'd turned and if we didn't act fast, AJ wouldn't have survived.
Went after AJ - He was all alone in the middle of a battlefield. He'd not long been born and could not fend for himself. Someone had to get him to safety! Helped Luke - I had to help Luke! I'm still sad now that he had to drown but at least he did it sacrificing himself to save Clem! Asked to leave with Mike - I didn't care for Arvo but I liked Bonnie and Mike and was all for leaving AJ with Kenny and taking of with Bonnie and Mike. Unforunetly it doesn't happen and I get stuck with characters I don't care for. Shot Kenny - Kenny had lost it. He shouldn't have returned in all honesty. He died in Savannah. Stayed with Jane - She was the only adult left at this point and whilst not my first or second or even third choice, I figured it was better to have an adult with us for AJs sake.
I didn't play Season One until a short while before 400 Days was announced, and that was so long ago that I don't remember all I chose, but from what I do:
I defended Duck at the drug store
I denied Irene the gun, although now I usually try to give it to her (except in my first Switch playthrough, because I want it to be kinda authentic to how I used to play)
I had so much trouble picking between Carley and Doug that I either paused, let time run out, or accidentally picked one over the other (probably Carley when I was going for Doug), but I try to make sure I have separate saves for each
I didn't shoot Jolene -- I still don't because on one playthrough, she elaborated on what goes on at the dairy, and I've been trying to replicate it with little-to-no success
I tried to save Larry directly, but I'm squeamish at the head-crushing, so now I just don't decide since it defaults to/counts as not trying to kill Larry, so I "help" Larry without having to see him get crushed
I did not kill both brothers
I didn't steal from the car, but maybe only because Clem asked me not to
I shot her the first time, but I don't remember if it was an accident or not -- I leave her alive because I want to make sure the group has supplies (for all the good that does) and because I just like the collecting aspect of it
I took and take Lilly with us, because I get her point of view and I like her, even though seeing both Carley and Doug die by her hand shook me pretty badly the first times
I talked Kenny down, although I failed the first time and got the Duckpocalypse, I think
I offered to shoot Duck because I thought it's what Lee would do, and although I'd rather Kenny do it for reasons, it's what my Lee would do
I think I saved Omid? It seemed only fair at the time.
I killed Fivel, but I'm squeamish, so I don't
I didn't threaten Vernon because his distrust seemed reasonable and I didn't think it was the smart thing to do, but you'd be surprised how often I died by not taking the gun before finding out that that's what we're supposed to do
I took Clem to Crawford because I figured she'd be safer with me and it'd be the best chance she had of finding her parents. I had no idea Crawford was pretty much walker bait, though.
I didn't drop Ben since I knew he meant well (his only strike with me was leaving Clem behind)
I revealed the bite, but I don't remember why
I gave up my weapons, I figured listening to Clem's captor was the best way to keep her safe since he could've killed her by then if he wanted to
I didn't and don't let Clem shoot Lee, because lost bullet + noise = not safe
I was honest with Leland because I didn't think lying would end well, so long as I told him why I killed Dee
I tried to save Christa
I left the dog, I think? I kill it now, I think
I hope I accepted Nick's apology
I gave the dying man water, not knowing if he would die, give up info on Christa, or both, but forget that guy, he doesn't deserve it
I take the blame for the picture -- it's not like I let it happen, but I did say I could be trusted with Sarah, and she's clearly disabled
I don't remember who I sat with first, but it was the first time I had to pause for a decision since Doug and Carley, I think
I probably helped Sarah pick berries
I always prefer to save Sarah, but I think I, for whatever reason, might have left her to die at the trailer the first time around? Not, like, the first chance I got, though.
I think I crawled through the ticket hole, but was vocal that I wasn't okay with it
I went after AJ during the shootout
I did not rob Arvo, and most times, I still don't. Even if he doesn't/didn't have a sick sister, he was in pretty bad shape.
I crept over to Luke. I figured if I didn't do it, Bonnie would, and there's no way that that was the smarter option.
I shot Kenny, but I might have been aiming for Jane. Now I make sure to shoot both
Alternatively, I go to Wellington and stay there, but if I had ANF, I wouldn't mind making another save for Howe's. It'd be nice to give AJ a middle name and have the tattoo instead of a scar-scar.
I was only 8 years old and I remember like yesterday. I was behind a zombie game (I had just played the mass effect 2) and was behind a game similar to the choices. I fell in love immediately felt in my skin what I was doing wrong or right, or when I should not have lied or told the truth, I can say that all I did was in the heat of the moment so maybe I never liked to rewind . The choices I regret having killed Clem's mother I had no idea she was her mother, and for not telling me I was bitten. s2: kill the dog, I can not stand killing dogs.
I was only 8 years old and I remember like yesterday. I was behind a zombie game (I had just played the mass effect 2) and was behind a game… more similar to the choices. I fell in love immediately felt in my skin what I was doing wrong or right, or when I should not have lied or told the truth, I can say that all I did was in the heat of the moment so maybe I never liked to rewind . The choices I regret having killed Clem's mother I had no idea she was her mother, and for not telling me I was bitten. s2: kill the dog, I can not stand killing dogs.
I'm 32 now which means y'all are a bunch of youngins 13, 11, 8 when this series began yeesh.
Now to try and remember my choices
Duck Clementine Carley Larry
Didn't shoot
Killed both St johns plus super beatdown
Saved Ben
Showed bite
Cut off arm
Shot Lee
Kenny's table
Told the truth
Shot Carver
Helped Sarah
Forgave Bonnie
Tried to save Kenny
Watched Carver die
Cut off Sarita's arm (BTW if we're being honest Kenny's reactions not just immediately afterwards but when everything calmed basically were the moment I said " I DON'T forgive you for this". His apologies and all later did not make it right I pretended to be understanding but Kenny's behavior sealed his fate. You don't get to talk to Clem like that . Hurting or not)
Didn't steal from arvo
Watched Sarah die in the trailer
Drunk and smoked
Tried to save Luke
Let them in
( Using my latest playthrough because it's my "Canon run" but I'll share where I diverged from first run)
Played the bad guy
Spared ( which actually impressed me the determinant curse caught up with him but in episode five he could have survived the whole episode if ttg wanted. But it proved if a character can die doesn't mean they have to)
Lied for Clementine
Left in the morning
Kissed Kate
Stayed with Clementine
Told David Kate was leaving him
Opened fire
Calmed Gabe ( not sure if that was optional)
Trusted Garrus Vakarian
Joined the New frontier ( didn't the first time)
Shot Conrad
Obeyed Max's orders
Played along
Cake and spinach
Didn't tell Joan badger killed Mariana
Used medicine
Said goodbye but didn't actually say anything ( spit in David's face the first time,)
Didn't get the door
Pulped Badgers head
Spared Max
Let Gabe stay
Went with Kate
Told David to reenlist (probably not in the right place but fuck it)
Told Kate I wanted to be with her
Got Clementine pads
Killed lingard
Said to save Ava
Shot Joan
Joined David on the ledge
Confessed feelings for Kate
Didn't fight back
Helped Kate
Became leader and started a family with Kate also flirted with Jesus
Spared the couple
Let AJ curse
Showed myself
Listened to song
Honesty, privacy, pay respects, meet the chef, Lil dude swore
Slow down
Louis dies first
Give art supplies
Give toy back
Befriend Rosie
Yeet Able through the window
In the drawing
Kicked Marlon's ass
Say we could still fix it.
I was only 8 years old and I remember like yesterday. I was behind a zombie game (I had just played the mass effect 2) and was behind a game… more similar to the choices. I fell in love immediately felt in my skin what I was doing wrong or right, or when I should not have lied or told the truth, I can say that all I did was in the heat of the moment so maybe I never liked to rewind . The choices I regret having killed Clem's mother I had no idea she was her mother, and for not telling me I was bitten. s2: kill the dog, I can not stand killing dogs.
He's probably talking about Jolene the crazy lady from the recording who acted like Clementine was her daughter because her real daughter was given to the saint John's
He's probably talking about Jolene the crazy lady from the recording who acted like Clementine was her daughter because her real daughter was given to the saint John's
In Season 2 when I was younger I went to help Luke because I thought it's right and other shit, but few years passed and I replayed it. I didn't help him because I knew Clem couldn't swim and Luke asked us to kill the walkers so it wasn't really our choice, but his choice. No matter if he wanted it for our good - it was still his call to make.
In Season 1 I first helped Duck because I thought he is a kid so it was clear for me. Then in a few years I helped Shaun cause I thought that it's the stupid kid's fault that he got stuck.
And I also remember the choice between Jane and Kenny where I couldn't make a choice. I simply couldn't and the time passes. Of course I could pause the game, but that wouldn't make any sense (I'm saying that cause a lot of people do it and it's senseless) and Kenny killed Jane. Oh boy, that was the best choice I made and I didn't even make one then. B|
In Season 2 when I was younger I went to help Luke because I thought it's right and other shit, but few years passed and I replayed it. I di… moredn't help him because I knew Clem couldn't swim and Luke asked us to kill the walkers so it wasn't really our choice, but his choice. No matter if he wanted it for our good - it was still his call to make.
In Season 1 I first helped Duck because I thought he is a kid so it was clear for me. Then in a few years I helped Shaun cause I thought that it's the stupid kid's fault that he got stuck.
And I also remember the choice between Jane and Kenny where I couldn't make a choice. I simply couldn't and the time passes. Of course I could pause the game, but that wouldn't make any sense (I'm saying that cause a lot of people do it and it's senseless) and Kenny killed Jane. Oh boy, that was the best choice I made and I didn't even make one then. B|
I have stuck by my choices even when I feel like I messed up. It makes the stakes higher when you play if you know that you can't just go back and change everything if you fuck up.
5 or 6 years ago when I played s1 I was so upset when I let Lilly back on the RV and then she stole it, in the heat of the moment I rewound and left her on the side of the road. However, I realized that this wasn't true to the story I had been playing and I went back and changed it to my original choice. I'm very glad I did, it adds to my game's narrative and it is a choice that affects s2 and even s4.
I was a stubborn retard during the Michonne miniseries and got Oak killed. Was upset with myself for a very long time about that but ultimately it is in character for Michonne to screw up and get people killed, plus it adds a lot of emotion if he dies instead of dying and having 0 lines for the rest of the game.4
Ultimately I have learned to play from the heart and accept my choices and the outcomes. Makes the game feel much more impactful and meaningful. It's a choice based game... stick with your choices and deal with the consequences. That being said I am absolutely terrified of getting Clem killed during TFS and dealing with the dilemma of changing my decision or sticking to my canon.....
I imagine that it's like the disease of Being a Kenny supporter that makes you vote for people in red hats and afraid of vaccines or travel because they don't want to fall off the edges of the world. . Ironically there's a vaccine for Kennyism but they're too afraid to get it.
I was 11 when the Walking Dead game first came out so some of my choices were pretty terrible and I think I regret them in hindsight. I shot Jolene thinking she was some crazy bitch, but I’ve since learned not to almost immediately shoot people even if theyre crazy lol. I also dropped Ben, and he was reckless, but he was just a kid and I shouldn’t have done that.
I dont know about that woman in the street though, I would’ve liked to save her the agony of being eaten— but I didn’t feel there was much I could do, so Idk.
I played s1 about 30 times so it's impossible for me to remember what I did firstly lol but I go with my gut with those kind of things.
I was 9 when s1 came out and I played it on my ipod touch 4 lmao, I became obsessed with it and felt emotionally connected to the story unlike every other 9 year old that I knew, was 11 when s2 came out, (the wait for ep 2 was so long), by the time ep 5 came out my little sister had just been born (same as AJ!) and then when s3 came out I was 13 and my sister was 2, unfortunately season 4 broke this chain of me and my sister being the same age as clem and AJ, as clem and AJ are like 2 years older than us both now. (Although compared to the actual dates, clem being born in 1992 etc)as this season is set in 2012; my older sister is the same age as clementine and I'd be around AJ's age so I guess there's that.
What a brilliant thread.
Told Hershel the truth - He clearly suspected something so I felt it best be honest than have him be all judgey and throw it back in my face later.
Saved Shawn (Tried to anyway) - Shawn needed the help more as he was trapped and I knew Kenny would save Duck.
Sided with Kenny - Bite or no bite, there's no way I was throwing a young kid out.
Gave Irene the gun - I did try to convince her not to do it, but when I realized her decision was final, I gave her the gun.
Saved Carly - Doug was nice, but Carly had already proven herself with a gun.
Chopped off David’s leg - Only chance to save him.
Didn't shoot Jolene - Even though she was crazy, I didn't trust the St. Johns and it felt like she was trying to warn us.
Helped Larry - He's an ass but I always try to save everyone if I can. I knew Lily wouldn't want him to die and perhaps if we saved him, Larry might be less of an ass to Lee. If Kenny was on hand JUST in case. We could have managed just fine.
Didn't kill the St. Johns - Similar to Larry, I didn't like them but I wasn't going to kill them especially as Lee already had blood on his hands already. It wouldn't help his case. Plus one was stuck in a bear trap and one had a herd of walkers on the way.
Stole from the car - It was in the middle of nowhere and looked like it had been abadoned. We needed the supplies and the car had the stuff we needed.
Didn't shoot Beatrice - I wanted to put her out of her misery as she was bit and no one should have to suffer but Kenny pointed out she would distract the walkers and give us more timeshe was making so much noise that it distracted the zombies and kept their attention away from us.
Abandoned Lily - After she shot Carly, Everyone was in shock and I wasn't preferred to take the risk that it wouldn't happen again. Carly was a good shot, she was not in any danger or about to turn, there was no reason for her life to be taken.
Talked Kenny down - I didnt want fight him. He was just grieving and I managed to say the right things.
Shot Duck - I had Lee do it, there's just no way you can expect a father to kill his own son especially minutes after loosing his wife aswell.
Helped Omid - He was injured and we had no idea Christa was pregnant so as far as I was concerned, Omid needed the help more. Had Omid not been injured, I would have helped Christa (despite loving Omid)
Let Kenny Kill Fivel - I shot Duck so I had Kenny shoot Fivel to give him some sort of closure.
Didn't Threaten Vernon - He'd just had his hideout found by a complete stranger. He didn't know who he was or wether he could trust him. He was just looking out for his group.
Left Clem at the Mansion We'd been told how dangerous Crawford was and I just couldn't risk anything happening to Clem. The house was the safer option.
Saved Ben - He might not have been the most reliable person in the group, but he did not deserve death. I was hoping with the right guidance he'd been able to turn things around.
Revealed the bite - We had nothing to loose at this point but needed all the help we could to get Clem back especially if Lee turned.
Left Lee’s arm - It had been a while since Lee had been bit, yes he was getting worse but I knew cutting it off now wasn't going to change anything (aside from the obvious) and 2 arms would be better than 1.
Didn't throw the bust - Kenny and Lee don't always agree on things, but I didn't want to fight him then and I don't now.
Gave up weapons - Wasnt sure what the stranger was capable of so thought be easier to comply.
Killing the stranger The stranger overpowered me and >! Clementine had to shoot him.
Shot Lee - The most heartbreaking decision but letting Lee turn was not an option.
Shot Justin - Although Dannys crime was far worse, Danny was more likable and I wanted to believe he was innocent. Ofcourse this backfires at the end when we are pretty much told Danny was guilty and it costs Vince his place in Tavias camp. (Though considering all they get is a very small cameo/line in S2 maybe it's better if he stayed behind)
In or Out the car? - I honestly don't remember. I know I played both but it's purely a luck based decision on rock, paper, scissors.
Ditched Nate (Russel’s Story) - The guys a psychopath! He straight up shot someone for no reason at all!
Told Leland the truth (Bonnie’s Story) - Had no reason to lie to him. I told him it was an accident and was genuinely sorry. He understood and came with me.
Left the diner (Shel’s Story) - I liked Stephanie and as Stephanies best friend, there was no way I could kill her. Would have been nice if we could haved saved her though.
Saved Christa — I like(d) Christa and she was all we had left. Ofcourse I'm going to try and save her!
Killed the dog - ABSOLUTELY HATE THIS CHOICE but I had to put the dog out of it's misery. (Please don't make us have to do this with Rosie. I can't do it!)
Accepted Nicks Apology - Why wouldn't you?
Gave water to the dying man - I was torn but I thought we might learn more from him if we gave him water.
Went to Pete - I liked Pete more and he was bit, he needed the help more!
Took the blame for the picture - I didn't want Sarah to get into trouble and Carlos did say to distract her so it's his fault really.
Sat with Luke - I sat with Luke. Kenny died in Savannah.
Told Walter the truth - Pretty sure he already knew just needed the confirmation.
Convinced Walter to forgive Nick - It was accidental and Walter seemed like a forgiving man.
Left to find Kenny - We hadn't been seen so it made sense to try and seek out help.
Helped Sarah - Clem was quite capable but Sarah needed all the help she could get!
Trusted Bonnie - Maybe it's because I've always liked her, but she seemed genuine and I trusted her.
Lied about the walkie-talkie - I knew Carver would hurt whoever had it so if he didn't find out who had it, he couldn't hurt anyone.
Left Kenny with Carver - Things were about to get messy. Clem didn't need to see that.
Chopped off Sarita’s arm - She was bit. If she stood any chance of surving, the arm had to go PRONTO.
Convinced Sarah to leave. - I thought we'd be able to turn Sarah into Clem 2.0 but no. Death was waiting around the corner.
Robbed Arvo- We needed the meds and the bag was left unattended. Anyone could have claimed it was theirs, doesn't mean it was and if you don't take the stuff, it makes no sense for the ambush later.
Crawled through the ticket booth - It was the only way through. Clem was going in regardless.
Held AJ - Why not?
Shot Rebecca. - She'd turned and if we didn't act fast, AJ wouldn't have survived.
Went after AJ - He was all alone in the middle of a battlefield. He'd not long been born and could not fend for himself. Someone had to get him to safety!
Helped Luke - I had to help Luke! I'm still sad now that he had to drown but at least he did it sacrificing himself to save Clem!
Asked to leave with Mike - I didn't care for Arvo but I liked Bonnie and Mike and was all for leaving AJ with Kenny and taking of with Bonnie and Mike. Unforunetly it doesn't happen and I get stuck with characters I don't care for.
Shot Kenny - Kenny had lost it. He shouldn't have returned in all honesty. He died in Savannah.
Stayed with Jane - She was the only adult left at this point and whilst not my first or second or even third choice, I figured it was better to have an adult with us for AJs sake.
I didn't play Season One until a short while before 400 Days was announced, and that was so long ago that I don't remember all I chose, but from what I do:
I was only 8 years old and I remember like yesterday. I was behind a zombie game (I had just played the mass effect 2) and was behind a game similar to the choices. I fell in love immediately felt in my skin what I was doing wrong or right, or when I should not have lied or told the truth, I can say that all I did was in the heat of the moment so maybe I never liked to rewind . The choices I regret having killed Clem's mother I had no idea she was her mother, and for not telling me I was bitten. s2: kill the dog, I can not stand killing dogs.
Um.. Clem's mother? Who?
I'm 32 now which means y'all are a bunch of youngins 13, 11, 8 when this series began yeesh.
Now to try and remember my choices
Duck Clementine Carley Larry
Didn't shoot
Killed both St johns plus super beatdown
Saved Ben
Showed bite
Cut off arm
Shot Lee
Kenny's table
Told the truth
Shot Carver
Helped Sarah
Forgave Bonnie
Tried to save Kenny
Watched Carver die
Cut off Sarita's arm (BTW if we're being honest Kenny's reactions not just immediately afterwards but when everything calmed basically were the moment I said " I DON'T forgive you for this". His apologies and all later did not make it right I pretended to be understanding but Kenny's behavior sealed his fate. You don't get to talk to Clem like that . Hurting or not)
Didn't steal from arvo
Watched Sarah die in the trailer
Drunk and smoked
Tried to save Luke
Let them in
( Using my latest playthrough because it's my "Canon run" but I'll share where I diverged from first run)
Played the bad guy
Spared ( which actually impressed me the determinant curse caught up with him but in episode five he could have survived the whole episode if ttg wanted. But it proved if a character can die doesn't mean they have to)
Lied for Clementine
Left in the morning
Kissed Kate
Stayed with Clementine
Told David Kate was leaving him
Opened fire
Calmed Gabe ( not sure if that was optional)
Trusted Garrus Vakarian
Joined the New frontier ( didn't the first time)
Shot Conrad
Obeyed Max's orders
Played along
Cake and spinach
Didn't tell Joan badger killed Mariana
Used medicine
Said goodbye but didn't actually say anything ( spit in David's face the first time,)
Didn't get the door
Pulped Badgers head
Spared Max
Let Gabe stay
Went with Kate
Told David to reenlist (probably not in the right place but fuck it)
Told Kate I wanted to be with her
Got Clementine pads
Killed lingard
Said to save Ava
Shot Joan
Joined David on the ledge
Confessed feelings for Kate
Didn't fight back
Helped Kate
Became leader and started a family with Kate also flirted with Jesus
Spared the couple
Let AJ curse
Showed myself
Listened to song
Honesty, privacy, pay respects, meet the chef, Lil dude swore
Slow down
Louis dies first
Give art supplies
Give toy back
Befriend Rosie
Yeet Able through the window
In the drawing
Kicked Marlon's ass
Say we could still fix it.
And I stand by these decisions.
He's probably talking about Jolene the crazy lady from the recording who acted like Clementine was her daughter because her real daughter was given to the saint John's
In Season 2 when I was younger I went to help Luke because I thought it's right and other shit, but few years passed and I replayed it. I didn't help him because I knew Clem couldn't swim and Luke asked us to kill the walkers so it wasn't really our choice, but his choice. No matter if he wanted it for our good - it was still his call to make.
In Season 1 I first helped Duck because I thought he is a kid so it was clear for me. Then in a few years I helped Shaun cause I thought that it's the stupid kid's fault that he got stuck.
And I also remember the choice between Jane and Kenny where I couldn't make a choice. I simply couldn't and the time passes. Of course I could pause the game, but that wouldn't make any sense (I'm saying that cause a lot of people do it and it's senseless) and Kenny killed Jane. Oh boy, that was the best choice I made and I didn't even make one then. B|
You really want to annoy Jane fans. But jokes on you ANF beat you to it ;p
Being Jane fan is a disease people are born with or you can somehow get infected?
I have stuck by my choices even when I feel like I messed up. It makes the stakes higher when you play if you know that you can't just go back and change everything if you fuck up.
5 or 6 years ago when I played s1 I was so upset when I let Lilly back on the RV and then she stole it, in the heat of the moment I rewound and left her on the side of the road. However, I realized that this wasn't true to the story I had been playing and I went back and changed it to my original choice. I'm very glad I did, it adds to my game's narrative and it is a choice that affects s2 and even s4.
I was a stubborn retard during the Michonne miniseries and got Oak killed. Was upset with myself for a very long time about that but ultimately it is in character for Michonne to screw up and get people killed, plus it adds a lot of emotion if he dies instead of dying and having 0 lines for the rest of the game.4
Ultimately I have learned to play from the heart and accept my choices and the outcomes. Makes the game feel much more impactful and meaningful. It's a choice based game... stick with your choices and deal with the consequences. That being said I am absolutely terrified of getting Clem killed during TFS and dealing with the dilemma of changing my decision or sticking to my canon.....
I imagine that it's like the disease of Being a Kenny supporter that makes you vote for people in red hats and afraid of vaccines or travel because they don't want to fall off the edges of the world. . Ironically there's a vaccine for Kennyism but they're too afraid to get it.
I hate my original choices. I trusted Lily to much, I saved Doug’s stupid ass, I dropped Ben, I shot Kenny... I suck at these games lmao.