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Why is there a 205 after Jetra-Fan? I refuse to believe that there is another Jetra-Fan on this forum.

You're pretty, but I accidentally sold you in Dragon Age before finding out you were a limited resource. I'm still sore about it.
Me? Pretty? Oh my...
Johro is a pretry original name. Don't have much else to say.
Hmm, I like it. 9/10
Ehhhh, I don't know. I'm not really feeling a sense of creativity from your name. All I get from your name is a resolution and a frame rate. I give it a 1.5/5
Your name is original, but i dont like it that much
Jake is a good strong name and 430 is 10 more than the perfect number. 7/10
You are on team kenny, I'm on that team too!

Your username is good because it made me hungry
No idea what mn9 means, dude - 5/10