what games are you playing?



  • Thanks for the advice! :) Unfortunately I already know all of this, I've tried that first but didn't work. I just can't kill him when he's in the final form. I got pissed and started the game from stratch again, trying to upgrade a long reaching weapon(I tried with the axe for like, 10 hours).

    AronDracula posted: »

    Here is an advice: You have to find a window that has a lamp nearby where you can talk to a little girl who will give you a music box that m

  • Use molotovs when he is in final form, those do a lot of damage. If you want a weapon that does faster attacks, choose a saw cleaver instead of the axe or find a saw spear which is located to a body that is hanging upside-down.

    dunga posted: »

    Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately I already know all of this, I've tried that first but didn't work. I just can't kill him when he's in

  • Yup, that's what I'm trying now, the saw cleaver. I'm also trying with the molotovs, but I can't get a window to hit him with them. He's too fast and I can't time the gunshot properly.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Use molotovs when he is in final form, those do a lot of damage. If you want a weapon that does faster attacks, choose a saw cleaver instead of the axe or find a saw spear which is located to a body that is hanging upside-down.

  • edited August 2018

    Besides Telltale, what other games are you playing?

    What games are you playing/finishing besides any Telltale game?

  • Mainly Dead by Daylight, Xenoverse 2, Fallout 4, and Black Ops III. Waiting on Fallout 76. I would get Black Ops IIII but there isn't a story mode to it, and zombies/MP isn't enough to make me spend $60 dollars on it. They think adding Blackout is any different from MP. It's the same thing but with more smaller teams.

  • Bloodborne. How come a game that I was never interested in became my favorite game of all time?

  • The Council
    Dead by Daylight

  • the council is a great game

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    The Council Dead by Daylight

  • Exactly me with last of us lmao

    AronDracula posted: »

    Bloodborne. How come a game that I was never interested in became my favorite game of all time?

    • Detroit become human
    • Detroit become human
    • Detroit become human

    Did I say I played Detroit become human already?

  • Did The Walking Dead The Final Season Episode One last week, so i’m gonna finish Episode 7 of Minecraft Story Mode Season One, then Complete Episode 8, then play through Season Two.

    I’m also playing Disney Pixar Rush that’s on Xbox Game Pass, and Epic Mickey 2, that is free with Games with Gold this month.

    Might redownload Rise of the Tomb Raider & Assassin’s Creed Origins to get me hyped up for Shadow of the Tomb Raider & Assassin’s Creed Odyssey as I have the latter two pre ordered.

  • I think I said this a long time ago. We happy few recently came out of early access and I completely forgot the game existed until I realized I got it for free for being an early access supporter. I’ve been playing it and the story is really good so far gameplay is pretty simple. Although on console the frames are all over the place and it crashes often there is a performance patch for the game going to certification right now but after that comes out I would totally recommend the game.

  • wolf among us, skullgirls, remember me, skyrim, and resident evil 7 are all on my backlist.

  • Just played Skyrim again,with a LOT of mods.

  • Just got done outlasting WWE's Tyler Breeze in Dead by Daylight.

  • Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. Both are fantastic games with great soundtracks and bosses. Also, Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower is quite possibly my favourite boss in gaming.

  • Juggling between "The game that turns all its players into Technosexual Gameophobes" and Resident Evil Remake.

  • Warframe. Lots of Warframe. Put almost over 700h into it. It's very good.

  • I recently bought Cuphead and No Man's Sky on the Xbox One. I got very frustrated with Cuphead so I uninstalled it so to spare myself the further descent into madness. Although I will probably return to it at some point and push through it thanks to my competitive personality. As for No Man's Sky it is actually incredible so far. I have been keeping an eye on the updates and gameplay via YouTube videos but actually playing it feels awesome and quite fun to roam planets and harvest materials.

  • PUBG Molbile , The Walking Dead : No Mans land and later this year I might play Dead Trigger and Dead Trigger 2

  • -Just finished hollow knight ?

    -We happy few

    -devil may cry 4

  • Im playing cs go and pubg mainly sometimes but im thinking to replay Oblivion and Shadow of war or even LiS maybe.

  • edited September 2018

    I just bought (and I am currently playing, among many other games) the new God of War.
    Edit: Wanted to say that I also played Detroit and I liked it but for some reason it didn't appear as a reply so I was a little confused.

    Winters44 posted: »

    * Detroit become human * Detroit become human * Detroit become human Did I say I played Detroit become human already?

  • I play Escape From Tarkov for like 8 hours a day

  • Replaying Life is Strange

  • I finished Minecraft Story Mode Season Two last night, and I borrowed Injustice 2 off a mate recently, so i’m going to do the Story Mode on that, and will try some more Games on Game Pass until Shadow of the Tomb Raider comes out in less than 2 weeks.

  • That's really cool. How's god of war? I need to give that one a try but I'm generally never really attracted to any type of hack and slash game, so maybe I should give it a try nevertheless.

    dunga posted: »

    I just bought (and I am currently playing, among many other games) the new God of War. Edit: Wanted to say that I also played Detroit and I liked it but for some reason it didn't appear as a reply so I was a little confused.

  • Question for those who've played and completed the God Of War 2018: the let's play I'm watching just had a deer statue churn butter before shining a light to open a wall in a cave. How far of the way into the game's story is this, assuming this isn't a sidequest?

  • playing it for the first time. it's awesome

    AlvinLeeJr posted: »

    Replaying Life is Strange

  • Yeah, it's a great game

    DavidH95 posted: »

    playing it for the first time. it's awesome

  • It's very cool so far! A lot of exploration and fighting, it's more RPG than the previous God of war games and on easy you shouldn't have a problem with fighting enemies.
    I say give it a go! :smiley:

    Winters44 posted: »

    That's really cool. How's god of war? I need to give that one a try but I'm generally never really attracted to any type of hack and slash game, so maybe I should give it a try nevertheless.

  • I just finished "To The Moon," a nice short game for when you want to get all emotioned up.

  • Make sure you play the two bonus minisodes! They're short, cute, free little things. (especially the second one since that's a bit more plot-oriented)

    Special 1
    Special 2

    --DRM-Free/Official Website Download--
    Special 1
    Special 2

    ...This reminds me. I should really look into getting Finding Paradise (TTM sequel) sometime soon. Either that or at least play A Bird Story. That one's like an hour long.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I just finished "To The Moon," a nice short game for when you want to get all emotioned up.

  • I start playing the newest Ratchet and Clank. Haven't gotten too far yet, but I'm hoping that there will be some very neat gadgets to unlock. I saw the movie that accompanied this game and thought it was alright. I didn't realize that most the cutscenes are cuts from the movie. Thank goodness for the skip button.

  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider xD

  • edited September 2018

    Destiny 2: Forsaken. Big improvement from the last two expansions. Take this from somebody who has been disappointed by Bungie multiple times. Gameplay was fun, story was amazing (for a longtime Destiny fan like me at least), and oh my gosh... it was... ACTUAL CONTENT! If any of you are former Destiny 2 players who left during Year 1, I would highly recommend jumping back into it. Bungie has fixed the vast majority of issues that everyone complained about back then.

    For those of you curious about what everyone else thinks, results show:
    8/10 Gamespot
    84% Metacritic
    8/10 Trusted Reviews
    92% of Google Users liked this game

  • Think I'm gonna be catching up on some sleep, just finished both Spiderman and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Still have to 100% them, but my body needs a bit of a break lol. Forza and Red Dead are right around the corner, man I wish we could get 12 months of spread releases instead of 4 months of literally everything. I was in a gaming drought until two weeks ago.

  • i found out i had mirrors edge catalyst and didnt even realize it so i'll probably play that when i get the time. or maybe tales from the borderlands but i think i played a game called borderlands a long time ago for like 5mins and didnt like it so im not sure what to expect.

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