This theory creep me out!

About The Ranch ...
You think Clem got raped and AJ just killed the man who raped her\try rape her? AJ he's so obsessive to protect Clem like he got trauma from her screams or her cry ...
And you can see that when Clem woke up she looked at her jeans first ...
The girl just feels the terrible experience over and over again in her nightmares!
It's just theory ... But Clem never was so scared and in trauma like that. It's not just thing ... It's different and AJ don't know what is exactly, so he called that "bad people" ...
What do you think?
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Shoutout to ScottFalco, baby.
This thread will make u nut in 30 seconds
hol up,hol up wtf u mean?
T’was a joke...which is the same excuse that I use for the police.
That was also a joke...
ah ok
was it,tho?

Eh I think we're overthinking it.
Remember that AJ says "But the ranch was nice too... before the blood. So there must have been a lot of blood if AJ refers to it like that.
My guess is that Clem just murdered a bunch of people because they refused to give her AJ or Clem and AJ lived there for a bit before it was attacked by bandits or such.
tfw half the discussions around here involve rape and wanting clem to have sex
It's not Clem. She's not gonna kill bunch of people because they refused give her AJ.
She'll do whatever the hell Telltale think the fans will allow her to get away with.
So basically anything
Gonna be serious for one tome and one time only, Clementine, at least in my gameplay, is way too upbeat and happy to have been raped, especially considering the fact that this is somewhat recent history. Therefore it would make hardly any sense if she did get raped, looking down at her pants could mean anything or it could, most likely, mean nothing at all so I wouldn’t look too much into it.
Again, she just needs a diaper sometimes.
Pls no ?
You will believe an Orange can make lemonade
I already thought that was a solid fact
...Well shit, everyday's a school day.
You can not tell what she really feels, that she's smiling and trying to be strong for AJ it's totally natural. I can see that someone has hurt her body, personally, I do not know if it's sexual, but it's the only thing that will cause her such trauma.
What if she's internalized it and it's " just another scar" to her. She sees it like the brand, the missing finger, the dog bite, etc.
That her conscious mind just assumes that sort of thing happens because no one explained to her what rape was. It's just another pain to her conscious mind. But her subconscious...
not really maybe sum much worse happened to her,maybe she just like played ANF or somethin
Oh come on. ANF is not THAT bad.
The fact that people keep creating theories about characters being raped and being victims of some other type of sexual violence CREEPS me out. It's becoming like a common theme where a character shows signs of trauma and PTSD and some people are just like "yep, must have been raped!". Like for fuck's sake, there are plenty of other ways of getting traumatized too.
I know this is The Walking Dead and it's not known for it's PG family friendly content but not every theory has to somehow involve rape or sexual abuse.
That's all I got to say really.
k,maybe im exaggeratin a bit
just a lil bit tho
actually im not
ANF Clem would.
We do not say it for no reason. Clem is a strong girl, something else and much more terrible had to break her up and make her nightmares. She saw death and killed people, and it still did not cause her anything like that. It's unusual for her, it's something big.
In order for her to be so traumatized something really fucked up must’ve happened. I went more in depths in this thread:
its fiction u shouldnt rly expect everythin to make perfect sense,maybe they just didnt think about spendin episode time for nightmares and shit in previous seasons? could b just some random shit on the same level as previous ones they just thought bout addin it now,maybe its a convenient way to explain what happened in betwen s3 n 4,she didnt have any nightmares in s4 e1 either if i remember right so yeah just cuz u didnt see it dont mean it couldnt have happened,im sure the nightmares didnt just start in ep2,
If there's a XX years later moment, she's gonna be Captain K'nuckles.
As opposed to hurtin her mind.
Gabe didn't actually like-like her back.
Im more worried Clem does end up getting raped because "fans" keep talking about it. Like it comes off as just some creepy ass fetish to me with the amount of people going "Yeah man Clem should get raped for "realism"" like that is just, super fucking creepy imo.
Why Im worried they end up making Clem get raped is because Telltale seems to have a weird as fuck way of listening to fans, like in ANF we had people obsessing seeing Clem have her period, which again very weird to be so vocal about "NEEDING" it, and people wanting Clem to have something with Gabe because they wanted her to have a "partner." The other weird thing that kept popping up was Clem being raped, and seeing as Telltale has now done 2/3 Im a bit worried Telltale is going to pull from these """interesting""" ideas again and have it happen. Hopefully not.
I disagree, I think it's dark and interesting. Feel that this season is going to be dark
Here have some nightmares:

This is so creepy.
Yep that’s shit is fucking nightmare fuel. Just what the fuck was that episode about before it was rewritten.
Just what the fuck was this whole season about before it was rewritten.
Yes before after in harms way they were like “nah this shit is going to shell shock people lets just kill everyone off”
Why do they always have to rewrite cool dark stuff.
If Telltale kept what they were originally planning to write, it wouldn’t make sense in context with the rest of the season. Plus, darker events should only happen periodically because it adds emphasis and emotional impact. If insane events were occurring every five minutes, there would be no emotional response, and the flow of the gameplay and story would be compromised.