crying every day
i played all twd seasons and I cried at every single one. now thb, i cry every night because this is the last season, i am thinking that this is a joke. i hope this will not end and AJ will die, not clementine. btw, why only 4 episodes? please release them all, r u working on them or u just wanna make us wait and cry every single day?
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Lik if u cry evrtym
I cried the first, like, 5 times I saw Lee die, the first time Omid died, and almost when Tenn said the picture was for all 3 of them (him, Clem, and AJ).
same, sad af
Need a safe space luff?
It's just the game pal. You will get over it. Be glad that you can be emotionally connected to it this way. It means that the game is really good. If you played Mass Effect then you know how it will look like.
Just chopping some onions that all.
No but seriously tho am I the only one who didn't get too emotional playing these games.
I've had a good friend that I grew up with die in a car accident while we was in high school a few years back. Her funeral was the hardest I've ever had to go to . I Don't know how but I didn't cry then. I try to think of all the good times we've had growing up; riding dirt bikes and four wheelers, swimming at the lake.
I always try and think positive in life; I try not to let things that can't be changed get the best of me.
The most emotional I got with this game was when Sarah was inhumanely killed off, which made me actively stop playing for at least three days until I decided to just get the last one over with.
Though I did suddenly tear up at school while listing to Salty Seas on a playlist a year or so later.
I cry with kenny death in season 3 and the first time i saw lee diying was so sad
This series is tough on everyone man. Ever since December '16, I've fallen asleep, and woken up, to the sound of my own screams
I don't think any of them actually made me cry. Sad, and gut-wrenched, sure. But isn't that what these games are supposed to do? ANF failed miserably at that. That was a telenovela gone wrong. A terrible comedy, basically.
When Lee died, but that was it as far as legit tears go.
Sarah,and Luke were close calls. I was just silent for a couple hours when Omid got taken out..
anf is pretty sad when gabe dies
i know its sad man
exactly when the game starts to get a lot better it's final season
Yeah, that is kinda sad, at least the episodes are nice and long.
I think there are a lot of people like you,me for sure, I understand it's just a game, but it's so good that It feels like real life, like clem is my daughter who grown up and you understand she's gonna die soon...
And those moments when you remember game from first season... How long and how great this story is
I almost cried when Brody Died
Emotional incontinence, bah.
Yes, keep your emotion inside for a mental breakdown, right?
Wait? You cried during ANF? Really? Wow.
I shed tears at Duck dying (well more to do with how sad everyone was including the music), i shed tears when Katjaa shot herself, i definitely shed tears of Lee dying and i shed tears with the ending at Wellington. Be interesting to see if that happens at some point in this game
and only 4 episodes
True. I hope everyone dies but Clem and AJ survive and they can continue the story, I hope, in the next game, if it will be one.
I actually thought its not a big lose. She was like a 5yo kid, you see, AJ is stronger and he is like half of her age rofl.
Never played Mass Effect but I will sure do in the feature.
Um yeah this is really embarrasing but I was playing the collection on console before starting TFS for the first time and as soon as season 3 stopped I started crying bc it hit me that the end was starting :’) I had to stop my crying before playing the dang episode.
The only other time I really cried was the ending to season 1 obviously
I thought we could make her like us. We could harden her. If you don't slap her Clem watches Sarah die she doesn't turn away or run she faces it.
I always wished there was an option to flip her the bird while we look down at her being eaten.
I'm assuming you're talking about Clementine in Season 1 with that math.
Cause it wouldn't be too far off, honestly.
You cry too much. Eat red onion from dirt. It will turn you into MAN ** Russian accent **
I'm talking about Sarah from Season 2.
Lee’s death got me crying under the blanket while my little siblings asks me whats wrong.
Ben’s trying to kill himself and me pulling him up; that made shed a tear for no reason, maybe an awesome moment?
At the drug store, seeing a room marked with “Alive Inside” just to find it was Lee’s parents’ last shelter before dying and the music “Alive Inside” play (probably best OST ever), made me depressed at how their final moments and whereabouts were pretty pathetic man, that made me take a break from the game even though it was early on for like half an hour.
Playing Clementine’s mother 3 recorded messages.. that is the moment where I knew I was IN for a one hell of a fucking ride, this gave me goosebumps.
Kenny’s “at peace” death in Season 2
Clementine’s dream sequence at No Going Back
That's the joke.
you’d fit right in in crawford with that type of attitude
Thanks, buddy. When I find you stealing supplise I will hang you like Joana did to David, but I will succed and no one will shot me in the head.
It's Joan and eye, gawrsh!
Idc never liked that betch.
I cry sometimes during the series too, obvious example being Lee's death. But I don't see how would you get yourself to cry over Tenn's picture and stuff like that
Because everyone is an emotional train wreck nowadays, we have it better than ever before in history and people are crying and bitching over EVERYTHING!! It's pethetic..
Ur just like Larry from S1.
alexa play take us back
Damn straight, that man was my spirit animal!