The most emotional I got with this game was when Sarah was inhumanely killed off, which made me actively stop playing for at least three day… mores until I decided to just get the last one over with.
Though I did suddenly tear up at school while listing to Salty Seas on a playlist a year or so later.
I mean, both, but in my/
"canon's" case, it'd be being abandoned by Jane under the rubble of the observation deck with walkers getting to her after not even getting to participate in futilely defending it.
Which way was more inhumane? The trailer room or deck rubble trap?
I mean, both, but in my/
"canon's" case, it'd be being abandoned by Jane under the rubble of the observation deck with walkers getting to her after not even getting to participate in futilely defending it.
All good things must come to an end
Don't you dare!