How old is Clem in S4?

I'm sure you've asked it already, everyone says she's 17, she said that or Telltale said that?
In Wiki it's 15-17, then it is probably the range.
So AJ is 4-5.
I think Clem looks 14\15 but she's older than that ... like 16\17.
AJ looks older for his age and act like that.
As Telltale said Clem is still teenager\kid so she can't be older than 18 (i'm sure she's not 18 tho).
It's not such a matter, but I just wanted to know.
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She's 17.
She definitely looks 17/18 imo.bit she's 17
She's looks a lot younger than that.
Younger? I know 25 year olds who look younger than Clem does in season 4..
You are funny XD
And i know 13 years olds looks older than Clem in S4.
She's looks very young ... She have baby face.
She's old enough, am I right fellas? hahaha wink wink
Don't burn me at the stake
As someone who works in a high school, she she looks her age. She looks 17, or around that age group.
I smell another ban in the air, I'll let myself out, goodnight everyone.
I said she's looks 15-17 not more than that.
Yes ... She's 17 or almost 17 (like 16.5)
Clem was 11 when AJ was birth, AJ is now 6, 11+6=17 quick maths.
She can'be almost 17 because she was just turned 11 in S2. I hears Telltale said she was 10.
Tfw u’re tryna make a character seem younger than she actually is so you can keep producin’ those creepy theories and fanfics
(I’m joking btw, dude, don’t get offended by this pls ?)
Someone said she was confirmed 17.
I'm just assuming she's 17 and AJ's 6. I don't know for sure though.
She was 8 when she saw Lee. 2 years later AJ was born and Clem was around 10 or something, close to 11. In ANF Clem was something around 13 or close to it because it had been 4 years since the apocalypse started and she was 8 by that time, accordingly AJ is 2 years old in ANF and is 6 in The Final Season. So I guess Clem is between 16 and 17.
Yes ... She's 16 or 17
At the end of season 1 she becomes 9 years old.
Your maths are witch craft! By my learned study of the stars and the planets I believe she is 34 years of age and has a cocaine habit...furthermore I also believe that she sniffs gas.
Hence the reason why I said she was almost 11 years old in season 2.
Oh okay.
She does look 16 or 17 but if she is that old than they shouldn't have anybody from the comics in this game. Because if she indeed is that old that would put the game ahead of the comic (timeline wise) by a couple years. Clem should only be about 15 or so at the point where they are now in the comic.
And they can't surpass the comic timeline because?
They can surpass it timeline wise but if they do they should not include any comic characters. The game is merely a subsidiary product of the comic. It is not the games place to move the comic story forward in anyway and I am sure Kirkman wouldn't allow it to happen.
It is estimated that Season 4 will take place 7-8.5 years or 2558-3102 days after the initial outbreak seen in Season 1, whereas the TV show is at 620 days and the comic books is at least at 1481 days.
Don't pay much attention to the Walking Dead wiki. There is very little coordination going on between people working on it and all of them seem to be just saying what they personally believe (not what is agreed upon amongst the entire group). So there is about three or four different narratives going on in that wiki depending on who is updating the page.
The comic now is about 5 to 5 and a half years into the apocalypse. THe four to four and half mark was way back at issue 127. They are now at issue 184.
If AJ is an 8 year old, and Clem was 11 when he was born, she's 19. She looks 19 guys.
I assure you he is not 8 years old.
Nah nah nah, fam, don’t be tryna make underage characters seem like they are at the same of consent. Gonna have to throw down the ban hammer on ur creepy ass ?
Melissa Hutchison (Clem's english VA) confirmed during an E3 interview that Clem is 17 :
It was also confirmed that no comic's character will appear in this season in the Reddit AMA (
At what minute does she say it?
I didn't say anything about the age of consent. AJ looks 8. I have an 8-year-old sister and they look the same age. If anything you're the creepy one for assuming that's what I meant.
I have an 8 year old sister and they look about the same age. Anyway we won't be able to tell till we get a definitive age for AJ.
Hey! I’m at peace with my creepiness.
Some people look older than what they really are, and others look younger.