The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I found a sock I thought I had lost two years ago, but now I feel like it'd be blasphemous to start wearing it again so I think I'm just gonna put it back where I found it.

  • If you like Oxenfree, you can get excited about Night School's next game, Afterparty, coming out next year. It should have similar gameplay mechanics.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I’m gonna buy it

  • It's just asking to be made into a puppet.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I found a sock I thought I had lost two years ago, but now I feel like it'd be blasphemous to start wearing it again so I think I'm just gonna put it back where I found it.

  • I think he should be thanking me for NOT spoiling the ending.?

    @Acheive250 stated that you didn't apologize; you should be thanking him.

  • I don’t like it exactly, I just saw some cool looking pins and T shirts and thought “well these look nice” and wanted to actually play the game before I bought any merch

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If you like Oxenfree, you can get excited about Night School's next game, Afterparty, coming out next year. It should have similar gameplay mechanics.

  • edited September 2018

    [Mod edit: fixed; just copy/paste the plain link for it to automatically embed.]

    WHY?! Just why is this now a thing being made. I don't care that the original creators of the show are involved with it, we don't need a live action remake of Avatar: The Last Airbender. If it was a new show, I'd be open to it, but they're just turning Aang's story into a live action series. We already have the cartoon, and it's perfect, we don't need this Disney live action bullshit treatment for Avatar.

    And besides, their last attempt at a live action version did not yield the best results.

    EDIT: Why is the actual tweet not showing? Why can I never get this right?

  • edited September 2018

    we don't need this Disney live action bullshit for Avatar

    Ah, ah, ah, this is Netflix bullshit.

    They've tried and failed at making decent live action 2hr movies of popular and long running anime TV series (Death Note and recently Bleach). So, this I have no hopes for just as I didn't for their last two tries. I haven't really seen any of the original shows they're remaking so I can't speak for myself but I've heard from actual fans that they've done a terrible job so far at their adaptations. [Mod edit: fixed; just copy/paste the plain link for it to automatically em

  • Well this is supposed to be an actual TV series, not a movie. But still, as you correctly mentioned, their previous attempts haven't worked, even if Avatar isn't technically an anime.

    AChicken posted: »

    we don't need this Disney live action bullshit for Avatar Ah, ah, ah, this is Netflix bullshit. They've tried and failed at makin

  • Starting to really regret watching that Greg Paul sex tape ??

  • Somehow forgot to mention this. A couple weeks ago I was taking the tram to university when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see this homeless dude who I've seen around before and he said to me in a pretty accusatory tone, "That's not your backpack, that's your spacepack! NASA!"

    So yeah a crazy hobo accused me of being from NASA.

  • Rod Reiss' titan

  • edited September 2018

    ? Guess I got what I deserved~

    Kept you waiting there too long, my love~

    All that time, without a word~

    Didn't know you'd think that I'd forget... or I'd regret~

    The special love I have for you...?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I think he should be thanking me for NOT spoiling the ending.?

  • Heads up: the original series creators are working on the new show. [Mod edit: fixed; just copy/paste the plain link for it to automatically em

  • .....uhhhh..?

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    ? Guess I got what I deserved~ Kept you waiting there too long, my love~ All that time, without a word~ Didn't know you'd think that I'd forget... or I'd regret~ The special love I have for you...?

  • Still not exactly sure what the purpose of this is other than a cash grab.

    AChicken posted: » Heads up: the original series creators are working on the new show.

  • edited September 2018
    1. Money. It's a popular show.

    2. Expanding the audience. I'm sure a lot of older viewers would rather watch a "mature" live action show than a "childish" animated show/'cartoon'.

    EDIT: Speaking of Airbender, and I probably already know the answer to this, but should I watch the original show? I've heard good things about it, and it's been appearing on my Netflix's homepage for 2 weeks now.
    I've been looking for a good hook of a show.

    Still not exactly sure what the purpose of this is other than a cash grab.

  • Yes, oh my God yes, it's one of my all time favorite shows and honestly one of the greatest shows of all time. While it was on a network for kids, many will tell you that it's not solely appealing to them, it does appeal to a wide and mature audience (another reason why I don't see the need to make a live action version of it, but I do see where you're coming from, many see animation and, unless it's Family Guy or South Park, think it's only for kids). I only watched the show myself about 3 years ago when I was 18, and I fell in love with it.

    But I checked just to confirm, and Avatar is not available on Netflix (which is even more surprising now since Netflix apparently got the rights to make a live action version from Nickelodeon). It used to be on Netflix, but was removed several years ago.

    AChicken posted: »

    * Money. It's a popular show. * Expanding the audience. I'm sure a lot of older viewers would rather watch a "mature" live action show th

  • Well, it's on Netflix Canada.
    ...and I am so sorry for you. (Quick, get a plane ticket! I'll buy the popcorn!)

    Based on your passion towards it, I guess I'll put Airbender as the next show to watch on my list. I am interested.

    Oh, also this. This got me interested a while ago.

    Yes, oh my God yes, it's one of my all time favorite shows and honestly one of the greatest shows of all time. While it was on a network for

  • edited September 2018

    I've just finished Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I liked it but I have some major gripes with it.

    Gameplay-wise this is probably the best of the series so far. Lots of neat stealth options, side quests aren't absolutely broken like Rise and they're actually pretty different from one another, tombs are fun to raid and the puzzles aren't too terribly hard. It's also the longest game in the series so far (if you do all the side quests) so you'll get a decent amount of play time (15 hours for me. Two more than the previous two games). Story-wise... it's better than Rise though that's not saying much. It's servicable and not outright bad, except for maybe the last bit of the game.

    There's also this GREAT level where you play as a young Lara and it's just great and cute with lots of interactivity. It also has the toughest puzzle in the game which had me stumped for a bit. Though that was probably just me being dumb.

    They also play around with the "undead" army and do things differently with them which I thought was cool.

    Now for my two big gripes with the game. For the marketing of the game they really pushed the stealth aspect and new gameplay elements like being able to cover yourself in mud and hide against plant covered walls, also that new hanging enemies on trees thing. I like stealth games so this had me excited. However, the stealth sections are so few and far between especially compared to the previous games. Hell even in some "stealth" sections you pretty much HAVE to go loud either way because it's near fucking impossible to quietly take out all the enemies in the level.

    Final problem. The boss fight fucking sucks ass. Easily the worst one out of the three. This is the worst boss fight I have played since Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. The boss's design in the first place is so lazy looking. It's literally just the guys character model but white. And I don't mean white like his skin is textured white. Nah fam he's just straight up white and it looks like the model is just bugging out. It doesn't help that his fucking beard is still there unchanged.

    The boss fight though. That fucking boss fight. Holy shit it's just like fighting an incredibly annoying version of the normal enemies. His stupid ass laugh and his really fucking annoying AOE attacks. Doesn't help that normal enemies keep spawning out of nowhere to attack you as well. And you have to fight him five times during that fight.

    Overall I did like the game but I am disappointed with it especially since it's the end of the trilogy. There are fewer stealth sections than the previous games and story is still absolutely nothing to write home about, but the gameplay is fun, the sidequests are pretty varied with their own little stories, there are more tombs and they're fun to do and the new stealth elements are great but like I said, horrifically underused. I'd recommend it if you were big fans of the previous games and want to see the end of Lara's story, otherwise wait for a sale.

  • I will be missing a few days in this forum because I moved to a new apartment and I won't have internet until the whole building is finished.

  • edited September 2018

    Brie Larson looking like she’s at the grocery store in the new Captain Marvel trailer.

    Not feeling it.

  • edited September 2018

    LMAO!!! Yup OMG she was not the right choice to play Ms.Marvel. I am glad some ppl thought the same way I did. Oh my God Marvel,why?!?!!

    J-Master posted: »

    Brie Larson looking like she’s at the grocery store in the new Captain Marvel trailer. Not feeling it.

  • Yeah, Toph is pretty awesome, and hilarious. They manage to make the jokes about her blindness not come off as insulting or offensive, as the writers turn this weakness into the character's defining strength throughout the show. Not a spoiler or anything, but there are times throughout the show that many of the characters treat her as if she can see because they forget that she's blind. Plus her being the one to make many of the jokes in the first place helps as well, they never come at her expense, she's usually the one starting them.

    AChicken posted: »

    Well, it's on Netflix Canada. ...and I am so sorry for you. (Quick, get a plane ticket! I'll buy the popcorn!) Based on your passion tow

  • It's only been one trailer and she barely says anything in it. Chill man.

    strwar3 posted: »

    LMAO!!! Yup OMG she was not the right choice to play Ms.Marvel. I am glad some ppl thought the same way I did. Oh my God Marvel,why?!?!!

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited September 2018

    Do you look like me? Do you feel like me? Do you turn into your effigy? Do you dance like this? Forever

  • I still can't believe Ace from Powerpuff Girls is in Gorillaz.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Do you look like me? Do you feel like me? Do you turn into your effigy? Do you dance like this? Forever

  • It's nice to see they did something new with their characters. And I like Ace's bass. It looks cool

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I still can't believe Ace from Powerpuff Girls is in Gorillaz.

  • edited September 2018

    ... So Batman hangs dong in his newest series Batman: Damned.

    It was alright.

  • im still bummed out i missed burning man. i never been and wanted to go. maybe next year. i wanna go to mardi gras too but thats hella far.

  • edited September 2018

    Eh, nevermind. I won't write the letters

    So, I wanted to write a little card or letter or something to each of the people that live in this area before we leave, but like, does that

  • Yeah but it felt meh even she doesn't talk in that trailer. It felt (I am not the only one on this)meh and underwhelming. I might not go see it

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It's only been one trailer and she barely says anything in it. Chill man.

  • Christ one of the assignments I'm doing right now is so fucking stupid. I'm in a group of eight people and we're supposed to make a four episode mini series. Each of these episodes having two segments so each person has to make a segment by themselves (this already is a massive bitch by itself because I'm essentially making half an episode all by myself with no help) and then we're supposed to combine everything.

    Only problem is no one in the fucking group is talking to each other so I have no idea how I should do my segment without it looking completely out of place. Did I mention I have to do everything myself? It doesn't help that we're supposed to have a host in each episode introducing the topics but not only do we not have a host but I have no fucking clue how I'm supposed to get a hold of them so I guess I'll have to do that myself too.

  • edited September 2018

    Finally we get some plot in these trailers! Now I'm pretty excited, since the movie won't just be "Hey let's put our characters on the internet where silly intrrnet stuff happens oh hey look its Disney yeah we made this movie haha".
    I hope this is all the plot they show though.

    I am getting some real Lilo and Stich 2 vibes though. At least concerning Vaneloppe.

  • Been censored for release.
    "I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it."

    lupinb0y posted: »

    ... So Batman hangs dong in his newest series Batman: Damned. It was alright.

  • ...I thought you were kidding.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    ... So Batman hangs dong in his newest series Batman: Damned. It was alright.

  • it was good while it lasted i guess?

  • I guess being there to say goodbye would be enough :) It doesn't have to be overly sappy, unless you want to.

    Eh, nevermind. I won't write the letters

  • Murdoc is such a happy little pickle on this picture. I didn't really miss him but it's good that he's back.

    Also I can't stop watching Tranz music video and today I listened to all Gorillaz songs that I have in my playlist. Should I be worried?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    it was good while it lasted i guess?

  • Tranz is godly and no, you shouldn't be worried :D

    Murdoc is such a happy little pickle on this picture. I didn't really miss him but it's good that he's back. Also I can't stop watching Tranz music video and today I listened to all Gorillaz songs that I have in my playlist. Should I be worried?

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