The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited September 2018

    Here I got a letter for you

    but seriously it was still kind of you to just consider it and I'm sure your neighbors appreciate how much you care about them without you needing to send one :)

    Eh, nevermind. I won't write the letters

  • ...

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    it was good while it lasted i guess?

  • "J’ai beau tendre les bras, je ne trouve pas l’équilibre". I don't know what it means, but damn, it sounds so beautiful :D

  • edited September 2018

    I’ve seen the set photos, the promos, watched Kong Skull Island, and finally watched this trailer.

    She’s just bored and I don’t want Captain Marvel of all people to be bored. Captain Marvel is supposed to be fun, adventurous, and larger than life.

    Even then, the film’s aesthetic seems pretty dull and drab.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It's only been one trailer and she barely says anything in it. Chill man.

  • edited September 2018

    She’s just bored and I don’t want Captain Marvel of all people to be bored. Captain Marvel is supposed to be fun, adventurous, and larger than life.Even then, the film’s aesthetic seems pretty dull and drab.

    Exactly my point. This was a meh trailer and yet Brie Larson looks like she doesn't give a fuck. Like WTF? Ms Marvel is suppose to be fun loving and strong and kick ass Captain America style soldier,you know? Yet watching her just looking boring and like not caring. Makes me feel like Marvel chose the wrong actress for this movie. Yes it was a trailer and it is the first one,but it is suppose to feel exciting and great.

    J-Master posted: »

    I’ve seen the set photos, the promos, watched Kong Skull Island, and finally watched this trailer. She’s just bored and I don’t want Capt

  • I'm not advertising, just showing off this wonderful piece of art.

    omg the cat is soooo cute

    in case you were wondering though yes JBPP5 is available to preorder only on PC so far. You can get it on their website at a 5$ discount

  • Hey hey hey, guess what day it is!


  • Which actually came out in November, interestingly enough.

    Hey hey hey, guess what day it is! Hint:

  • The International Day of Peace. You know what they say, peace sells...but who's buying.

    Hey hey hey, guess what day it is! Hint:

  • Eating ice cream while I silently bawl my eyes out to the current news.

  • What happened?

    Eating ice cream while I silently bawl my eyes out to the current news.

  • this song isn't gonna be the same now

  • I can't believe Telltale is fucking dead

  • Telltale's closing down after TFS.

    What happened?

  • Why not?

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    this song isn't gonna be the same now

  • fuck fuck fuck

    I don't wanna remember

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    this song isn't gonna be the same now

  • edited September 2018

    Thank you Telltale for the years of tears and laughter (six years for me). What an unforgettable ride. Best of luck to the remaining staff members working on The Walking Dead. I hope you manage to pull it off.

    Give the company one last hurrah.

    I hope the forums stay up. Just for the sake of it. A little remnant of Telltale that I can come back to.

  • telltale hated wolf fans so bad they decided to shut down before we got the game smh smh

  • I wrote this in the discord but I want to repost it here:

    You know what they should do?

    Get all the voice actors from the main characters in their series and have them read separate lines in a message thanking the fans for their support in the characters' voices.

    That would be a great way to go out at least.

    @dabigrg I'll still enjoy the song because it's fucking fantastic but it's a bit sad Telltale pretty much reveals it's closure on that day

  • Tone deaf management decisions caused this. Season Two's mediocrity should have been the slap Telltale should have had to snap them out of the starry eyes they got after Season Ones success. Its a shame, Batman 2 and the Final Season was a really good turn around, but it was too little too late. I just hope those who have lost their jobs find work quickly. A damn shame because Telltale had so much potential.

  • edited September 2018

    @Cocoa2736 @Psychokinesis @Acheive250 @lupinb0y @Zombiekiller3121 @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @WarpSpeed @freelancepolicefan11 @MetallicaRules @InGen_Nate_Kenny @AnimalBoy @Blind Sniper @dylanwoods777 @dojo32161 @Poogers555 @Gurkolations @imighthavebrokenit @happylovelyperson2016

    I'd do a PM but you can only message 5 people in a group chat at a time.

    Hi guys, I'll try to make this brief.
    Nothing is set in stone, and Telltale isn't completely dying but just in case these forums do get shut down, I want to say it's been an honour to have met you all.

    If this does end up going down, I'd like to keep in touch. Somehow, someway... It's heartbreaking to think of the near 4 long years of relationship building -- all to get cut off because someone pulls the plug.

    If you have a discord account feel free to PM me if you want to stay in touch with me (or PM anyone else for that matter) I am 'A Chicken' [#0046] so there you go...
    I also am on Hitmanforum, a forum for IO Interactive's Hitman game series. 'The Chicken'.
    On Playstation, you can find me as 'Teen-ey' if y'all want to play some vid games.
    Steam: again, 'The Chicken'.
    Basically, I think all of that is already linked to my discord acct so if you've got me there, you're set.

    I don't know what else...
    I know some of you have Youtube and Discord accounts so I'll be sure to keep following you there, and I'll also friend you on Discord if I know your usrname from there (discord does let you change your name so if it's different than here please let me know).

    I love you guys. Best of wishes. I'll be here until the forum's last breath so I'm not going anywhere just yet.

    If you're on this list (and frankly this is all mostly off the top of my head) I either value you as a friend or hold you in high regard or some mixture of the two. If you're reading this and you're not on this list than feel free to include yourself and I'm so sorry I forgot your username.


  • You'll always know where to find me my friend. Whatever happens, it was great getting to know you and everyone else here. I will always cherish not only the memories Telltale has given me, but the memories of my time here. I pray for a Godsend, a miracle, a hail mary to come in and save the company, but the future is looking bleak.

    AChicken posted: »

    @Cocoa2736 @Psychokinesis @Acheive250 @lupinb0y @Zombiekiller3121 @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @WarpSpeed @freelancepolicefan11 @MetallicaRules @InG

  • Hi there Chicken. Thank you for the kind words I appreciate it my friend :smile: I am really grateful to have met you and the people on these forums. You guys are honestly amazing people. I never really said it all that often but it was amazing to meet some fantastic people who all share the same love and passion for Telltale, The Walking Dead and the other brilliant Telltale games as I do.
    It is heartbreaking to see this happen to Telltale and the Telltale Staff. I really wish things were better for them. I will also continue to use the forums until the day it is shut down.

    Thank you guys for everything. For the laughs, the kind words, the positivity, the optimism and much more. I will always remember it :smile:

    AChicken posted: »

    @Cocoa2736 @Psychokinesis @Acheive250 @lupinb0y @Zombiekiller3121 @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @WarpSpeed @freelancepolicefan11 @MetallicaRules @InG

  • Thanks. I feel the same way.

    You have no idea how rare it is that I've heard the words "Telltale Games" out loud in real life.
    This was the only place where I could share my passion with others who knew what I was talking about.

    Hi there Chicken. Thank you for the kind words I appreciate it my friend I am really grateful to have met you and the people on these foru

  • @AChicken, you are easily the nicest friendliest person on this forum. You're number one in my book. Just needed to say that :)

    Yeah I hope we can all keep in touch with each other if the forums do end up being taken down. Maybe play some vidya games while we're at it!

    AChicken posted: »

    @Cocoa2736 @Psychokinesis @Acheive250 @lupinb0y @Zombiekiller3121 @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @WarpSpeed @freelancepolicefan11 @MetallicaRules @InG

  • edited September 2018

    "I was born 14 years ago. For 6 years I've ruled the Graphic Adventure Market. But for all these years I have never been the ruler of my own games. I have seen the Gates of IP Licensing, beyond which no waking game company may see. Behold, in Darkness as Fees sweeps the land. This is the 21th of Last Episode; the Year of Job Strauffer 2018. These are the closing days of the Telltale Era, and the final days of this forum." Cue Oblivion music

    There go my hopes of seeing an Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Metal Gear and Ace Attorney Telltale series.

  • Exactly. Telltale deserved so much more in my opinion. They were fantastic and made such amazing games. If these forums are discontinued I will deeply miss them and I will miss the people I had the pleasure of meeting through Telltale and The Walking Dead :(

    AChicken posted: »

    Thanks. I feel the same way. You have no idea how rare it is that I've heard the words "Telltale Games" out loud in real life. This was the only place where I could share my passion with others who knew what I was talking about.

  • Hey man, you rock. :) Thanks for being a friend.

    AChicken posted: »

    @Cocoa2736 @Psychokinesis @Acheive250 @lupinb0y @Zombiekiller3121 @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @WarpSpeed @freelancepolicefan11 @MetallicaRules @InG

  • So, on a scale from 1-10, how likely is it this forum will close?

  • Updated a bit with more info on where to find this li'l piece of poultry.

    AChicken posted: »

    @Cocoa2736 @Psychokinesis @Acheive250 @lupinb0y @Zombiekiller3121 @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @WarpSpeed @freelancepolicefan11 @MetallicaRules @InG

  • Did Thanos use the Infinity Gauntlet on Telltale for what happened to him in the GOTG game?

  • Currently looking for information regarding TFS, to see if it has truly been cancelled, and while there are reports by Matt Kim over at USGamer and a tweet by Emily Buck, some of the more high ranking members of TFS team have yet to say anything, both in regards to Telltale shutting down and the future of TFS. This includes Adam Douglas (writer for Episode 1 and the person reported on as being the lead writer for Episode 4), James Windeler (Season Lead Writer) and Kent Mudle (Lead Director). So maybe the reports are not true, but right now, there is a lot of conflicting reports out there.

  • I also made a video to both thank all the people on this community and talk about my own feelings about this. And I'm posting this not as some sort of self promotion, but because I'm sure there are others who feel the same about the situation.

  • edited September 2018

    Something good but unrelated to Telltale:

    Tommy Wiseau just released the entirety of The Room on his Youtube channel. Unlisted video so make sure you save this link. Now I can watch The Disaster Artist lol.

  • Time to get drunk and watch this tonight, got to get my mind off this somehow.

    AChicken posted: »

    Something good but unrelated to Telltale: Tommy Wiseau just released the entirety of The Room on his Youtube channel. Unlisted video so make sure you save this link. Now I can watch The Disaster Artist lol.

  • edited September 2018

    I hope that if the Final Season truly is cancelled that the rest of the story gets told in some other form. Maybe as a comic or even just have one of the writers lay it all out.

    Give us some closure to it all.

  • edited September 2018

    Thanks for including me on the list. It means a lot.

    I'll add you on PSN. My name is the exact same as here with 1182 added to the end. I'd do more, but i'm afraid I have every form of social media except for the ones you've mentioned. Lol.

    I'll be down to play games like Dead by Daylight anytime

    AChicken posted: »

    @Cocoa2736 @Psychokinesis @Acheive250 @lupinb0y @Zombiekiller3121 @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @WarpSpeed @freelancepolicefan11 @MetallicaRules @InG

  • I love you too chicken

    AChicken posted: »

    @Cocoa2736 @Psychokinesis @Acheive250 @lupinb0y @Zombiekiller3121 @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @WarpSpeed @freelancepolicefan11 @MetallicaRules @InG

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