The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Good news, everyone--My new power brick for the Xbox One arrived early yesterday--I can play Wolf Among Us Season 1 and Batman now!

  • It is 03:28am over here, I still can't believe that Telltale may be shutting down and that we may not get the conclusion to Clementine's Story. I am beyond words and extremely heartbroken by this......

    Thank you to everyone in this Community. I apologise if I was ever horrible to you or treated you badly. I love you guys so much with all of my heart. I love Telltale Games and The Walking Dead with all of my heart.... I just can't believe this....

  • I hope we will get some kind of warning before they pull the plug on the forums. I don't want to wake up tomorrow or the day after and have the forum be missing like my father was in my childhood.

  • You guys never fail to make me smile :)

    AChicken posted: »

    Something good but unrelated to Telltale: Tommy Wiseau just released the entirety of The Room on his Youtube channel. Unlisted video so make sure you save this link. Now I can watch The Disaster Artist lol.

  • Now that everyone except for those 25 have been fired, are the mods here done?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2018

    I'm staying as long as the forums are still open, however long that is.

    ...Jokes aside, there isn't much reason for us to leave "early" if that's what you're asking. May as well see things through to the end.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Now that everyone except for those 25 have been fired, are the mods here done?

  • Will you still be enforcing the guidelines even though your job is basically over?

    I'm staying as long as the forums are still open, however long that is. ...Jokes aside, there isn't much reason for us to leave "early" if that's what you're asking. May as well see things through to the end.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2018

    Me personally? A little bit of yes, little bit of no.

    Have common sense - don't post awful stuff, NSFW stuff, gross stuff, political stuff, etc. Still be respectful towards users, don't discuss piracy, etc.

    But, like, some other areas may be a bit more loose within reason. Again, have common sense.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Will you still be enforcing the guidelines even though your job is basically over?

  • LMFAO :D :D On the very last day this site is up, I'm gonna post soooo much NSFW stuff

    Me personally? A little bit of yes, little bit of no. Have common sense - don't post awful stuff, NSFW stuff, gross stuff, political stuf

  • You better not, little man, or you'll be...

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    LMFAO On the very last day this site is up, I'm gonna post soooo much NSFW stuff

  • We shall see

    You better not, little man, or you'll be...

  • I'm watching you boi

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    We shall see

  • What's the worst that can happen to me for posting gross, NSFW, political stuff minutes before the site shuts down huh? :D

    I'm watching you boi

  • I'll make your account, disappear.

    And will be eternally annoyed.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    What's the worst that can happen to me for posting gross, NSFW, political stuff minutes before the site shuts down huh?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2018

    If you do that, I'll cross the ethereal realms of the Internet to follow you around on wherever you next make a message board/Discord account, where I will enact a multiple year long revenge scheme to socially engineer my way onto said community's moderation team, just so that I can ban you.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    What's the worst that can happen to me for posting gross, NSFW, political stuff minutes before the site shuts down huh?

  • I'm trying to learn how to play my guitar that's been idle for 10+ years.

  • Happy birthday to me (worst birthday gift Ever, Telltale). :(

  • Happy Birthday!
    I am sorry!

    Happy birthday to me (worst birthday gift Ever, Telltale).

  • edited September 2018

    Wait, is this real? The end of Telltale Games?
    I'm crying right now and this is coming from someone who gave up on Telltale after The Walking Dead A New Frontier. It's always devastating to see another game studio get shut down, last year it was Visceral Games (Devs of Dead Space) and now this. What I liked the most about this company is the community site, it was nice to know some of the users, especially @MetallicaRules @Poogers555 @AChicken @ClemyClooAndBabyboo etc. and I can't believe we won't see each other again. The worst part is that Telltale didn't even start making a game with Unity engine, hell our hype for The Wolf Among Us 2 got slaughtered, Game of Thrones Season 2 is now another Half Life 3 and Stranger Things came out of nowhere and just changed its mind afterwards.Thanks to all of you for sharing opinions, making theories and being here and thank you Telltale for giving us masterpieces being The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us and Tales From the Borderlands.

    EDIT: Also, I have to apologise to some of the users like @Kennyshouladiedins1 for being rude sometimes and disagreeing in a wrong way.

    Rest in peace and goodbye,

  • im kinda wondering if all those let's play vids hurts the sales of story based games like telltale ?

  • edited September 2018

    Back in 2013, when I was 11, I started watching Pewdiepie and one of the first playthroughs I've seen of him was The Walking Dead. I never was much of a gamer before, but something clicked in my head: "I have to experience that myself". So I made a Steam account specifically to buy TWD. I played this game and when I finished, I spent the entirety of the night crying, even though I already knew the ending. Thus, my journey with Telltale Games has begun.

    I came to the forums almost immediately. I remember how my first comment here got 20 likes and zero dislikes and I was soooo proud :D I joined the Kenny army. I created my first real fanfic here. It was interactive and I had the time of my life writing it. The fact that "A Brave New World" inspired a few amazing people warms my heart with endless joy. I found a whole gang of friends. I almost became a voice actor for a fan animated TWD project. I remember hype trains, ship wars, Kenny vs Jane shitstorm, TWAU conspiracues, all kinds of drama. The meme and fun threads gave me so many good laughs. Telltale Games generally brought me into gaming.

    But most of my friends left or got banned. Interactive fanfics died out. ANF was a disaster. TWD was going to be over. Finally, I simply grew up. I've spent here five damn years and I won't lie, they were one of the best... but I had this feeling in my gut that everything's come to an end. Telltale perished, like my childhood. And I just... man. I've called it but it still hurts ;_;

    Kind of symbolic how Telltale ends with TWD's Final Season. I already know I'll cry like a bitch at Episode 4.

    Thanks to everybody for this amazing ride. I'll most certainly miss @LiquidChicagoTed, @WalkerMage102, @sardines, @Crips, @Pipas, @Gustav_Kenny and some other people who'll probably never even read this message or won't care for me. Hell. I'll miss every single person. I wish I got to know you better. I wish I posted more stuff, relevant and irrelevant. I wish I was a better person.

    Thanks to Telltale for making me cry four times. I can still remember the real tears of joy on my cheeks when Kenny returned - this never happend to me before. You guys showed so many lovable and complex characters, haunting plot twists, charming universes. You were a unique company and will always be. I know I have to let go, but deep inside a piece of your legacy will remain in my heart. That's the greatest gift I could ever get from you, Telltale.

    Thanks to the mods and especially @blindsniper. You rock.

    Anyway, I'm not leaving this ship until it sinks straight to the bottom. If you're willing to share these last moments with me, PM freely.

    Peace. Love y'all,
    Sonya <3 <3 <3

    P.S. Отдельное прощание для всех русских и людей из СНГ, с которыми я здесь общалась. Не вешайте нос, ребята, жизнь продолжается. Спасибо вам.

  • lol i found out about TWD game the same way. only i think i watched him play like the first 2 or 3 episodes before getting it myself.

    Back in 2013, when I was 11, I started watching Pewdiepie and one of the first playthroughs I've seen of him was The Walking Dead. I never w

  • There a way to find old posts/comments? Kinda wanna work on a little something

  • Time for one of my OG avatars. Seems only fitting.

  • Well, this sucks... thanks everyone who is around here and have discussed the games. It's been a pleasure to read it and I wish you all the best! <3 :(

  • I know you and I rarely talked, but I just need to let you know that you're one of the kindest users on this forum. Take care, Chicken.

    AChicken posted: »

    @Cocoa2736 @Psychokinesis @Acheive250 @lupinb0y @Zombiekiller3121 @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @WarpSpeed @freelancepolicefan11 @MetallicaRules @InG

  • Worst fucking day ever.

  • And I won't forget the amount of fun I had while reading and voting in your fanfic. Cheers!

    Back in 2013, when I was 11, I started watching Pewdiepie and one of the first playthroughs I've seen of him was The Walking Dead. I never w

  • edited September 2018

    I know I’m not leaving any time soon, but I know a few people are so I’d like to take the opportunity to thank some people just in case they are planning on leaving:
    @Zombiekiller3121 @DabigRG @MetallicaRules @NexusFire @Dex-Starr @Fangirl101 @AronDracula @Poogers555 @AChicken @VengefulKenny @dylanwoods777 @MrGraffio @Jayroen @SolidStryder @Razer531 @Veeeee

    And special thanks to @OzzyUK @InGen_Nate_Kenny @dojo32161 @Deltino @HiroVoid and especially @Blind Sniper for holding this place up for as long as it lasted ?

    (I’ve probably left someone out and I’m about to feel dreadful if I have ?

    You guys rock ?

  • You too ? and don't worry I'm staying here for as long as I can.

    Melton23 posted: »

    I know I’m not leaving any time soon, but I know a few people are so I’d like to take the opportunity to thank some people just in case they

  • Thanks for the mention, i have been a mod here for 4 years so it's pretty sad to see things end up like this :'(

    Melton23 posted: »

    I know I’m not leaving any time soon, but I know a few people are so I’d like to take the opportunity to thank some people just in case they

  • I guess we will never find out what happens to the Forresters.

  • I know I get at you sometimes, but it's only because I care lol. On a serious note, I am gonna miss you and some others who have all been just interesting and fun people to converse with. I'm not sure if I'll stick around until the forums close, I know I'll at least be sticking around for news because I'm still hoping for the best even though I know this is pretty much gonna be me once the news hits


    Still kinda processing the reality of it all, we go from having a solid release date for the first time in a series knowing what days we're waiting for, debating and talking about what we thinks going to happen , to whatever this is now. I don't know man, but it's been a pleasure Melton, you're good people.

    Melton23 posted: »

    I know I’m not leaving any time soon, but I know a few people are so I’d like to take the opportunity to thank some people just in case they

  • edited September 2018

    Since we're apparently doing goodbyes I'll just drop my own here:

    I can't really say I know anyone here that well considering I've only been here when the episodes of TWD were dropping out as I wasn't interested in the other Telltale games or participating in this community (to a certain degree) in general, but for whatever it's worth, it's been a pleasure to be somewhat part in all of this even though I have pretty much contributed next to nothing besides from my r/comedycemetary type of terrible, TERRIBLE memes.

    That's all, thank you.

  • Oh so it was all real. I was hoping I had hallucinated it all in my sleep-deprived state.

  • Thanks man, it means a lot. You're my forum hubby, I'll never forget you.

    You're on my Discord, so I'll definetly keep in touch with you there. And as soon as ai get good WiFi in my house again, I'd love to play some good ol' PlayStation with you.

    Thanks for the good times everyone, and I wish the best for you all. I am still holding hope for Telltale though.

    AChicken posted: »

    @Cocoa2736 @Psychokinesis @Acheive250 @lupinb0y @Zombiekiller3121 @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @WarpSpeed @freelancepolicefan11 @MetallicaRules @InG

  • Great video. Lots of passion and made me feel things I wish I didn't need to feel.

    I also made a video to both thank all the people on this community and talk about my own feelings about this. And I'm posting this not as some sort of self promotion, but because I'm sure there are others who feel the same about the situation.

  • edited September 2018

    @Dex-Starr I just realised that your name is a reference to the Red Lantern cat. I just wanted you to know that in case the forum implodes :P

  • edited September 2018

    I plan on staying until the Forums' last breath. But since everyone is saying their goodbyes to one another I feel that I should do the same. It was amazing to be here as a Community Member and chat about Telltale and their iteration of The Walking Dead. Telltale and The Walking Dead have changed my life forever and to see it all end like this leaves me broken. I loved and will continue to love the other Telltale games that Telltale has produced. They have forever changed the Gaming Industry and our lives for the better. I still believe that their "lower quality" games are gems. They may not have appealed to everyone but they definitely left an impact on the people who were appealed to by the games. The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, Guardians of The Galaxy, Game of Thrones, Minecraft Story Mode you name it. They were not loved by all but they still had strong fans and communities that loved them for what they were: Emotional Stories

    @NexusFire @AChicken @Dex-Starr @Plan_R @iFoRias @Melton23 @Cocoa2736 @VengefulKenny @Hillbilly_Dave @MetallicaRules @Poogers555 @imighthavebrokenit @MaxTheFax @AronDracula @lupinb0y @patrickrc95 @Dont_Look_Back @BetterToSleep @Tewudin @4k60fpsHDR @Acheive250 @0v3rp0w3r @GSSalvador @Jayroen @Saltyliquorice @qualityrice @Lee Everett @ClemyClooAndBabyboo @ClementineTheGirl @MosesARose @Blind Sniper @Deltino @OzzyUK @InGen_Nate_Kenny @Wiso2kinfinity @Ghetsis @eRock92

    I apologise for spamming your notification boxes. I know that I may not have had many conversations with a lot of you but I really enjoyed being a member of this Community along with you guys. You are truly the best and I consider you guys my friends despite not speaking all that much to most of you. I am sorry if I have ever given you guys any crap or argued with you or anything like that. I truly love you guys :cry: :heart:

    I love everyone in this Community. Every single one of you. You are amazing people. Apologies to those who I didn't tag, I still love you guys so so much :heart:

  • You're a good guy @dylanwoods777 . I've enjoyed interacting with you as well, you've been a force of positivity in even the darkest times. I truly hope you see you at r/TheWalkingDeadGame and r/TeamKenny , both of which I am a moderator at.

    I plan on staying until the Forums' last breath. But since everyone is saying their goodbyes to one another I feel that I should do the same

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