Last words about the forums
would anyone like to add some comments or a last message about the forums to be added to the archives?
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would anyone like to add some comments or a last message about the forums to be added to the archives?
The Forums were a special place. I did not always agree with posts that some users made but at this point it does not matter. The Telltale Forums was home to some of the best and most passionate fans in the Gaming Industry. To see it all come to a close is heartbreaking, it is tearing me apart. But I am so grateful that I joined this Community and became a part of it. Not a major or integral part but I am still a proud member of a Community, The Telltale Community, that has Telltale to thank for giving us the platform to meet one another. I truly love Telltale Games, I truly love the Telltale Forums and I truly love you guys
Thank You All for everything

Woah, buddy, where do you think you’re going. You should stay here forever cos this place is gonna turn into a real party hut real soon ???
I will stay for as long as it is available. I love this place and all of you guys
im gonna miss this sh*t
10 years from now some of us will be speaking about these days.. The rise of telltale and the fall of it. More specifically some of us will be talking about the forums and the awesome users who are here. To some we will be nothing more than an urban legend and to others we will be much more. But either way one thing is for sure...
Nothing will be forgotten
I'm sorry I had to be overdramatic
To the ladies, the gents, and the rest of you,
It's been real,
It's been fun,
...But it ain't been real fun
Thanks for the years of entertainment, TTG! You will be dearly missed in the games community. Thanks, fan forums, for both your friendly tenacity and ferocious toxicity.
Cheers, m8
It's all good, especially imagining it read in your dulcet tones.
Besides, I agree. This will be talked of by gamers for years to come.
All I'm gonna say is, well... shit.
Been a LONG time since I posted on here, but I loved these games and this forum. It's a real heartbreaker things are going south.
I'b been warning the company that things go in wrong direction but couldn't do more. Lack of originality, poor writing, investing time in bad, boring projects etc. All I received was harsh response from mods.
Something was in the air since they announced only 4 ep. of final season. Thanks for TWD season 1 and TftB, Telltale. Bigby was also cool.
The fact that these forums won't be around for much longer feels surreal and I'm really dreading when they're finally shutting down. I'm really gonna miss this place. I'm gonna miss arguing with people and talking about common interests, but all good things have to come to an end at some point. I've met some pretty great people on here and I don't think I'll ever find another community quite like this one. Have no clue when the site is finally getting nuked, but it's been a hell of a ride.
Thank you telltale games and telltale community , its just sad to see this good company go
Im literally checking these forums every single day, thank you for that Telltale and without you there wouldnt be this community. Take care guys and stay safe, i am gonna miss this.
Honestly I don't even know if the site is gonna close, the company isn't technically going bankrupt.
...but if they just stop developing games then I guess the forums will just die out anyway
Hi all, heard about the closing and came to pay my respects to these forums. I started playing Telltale games in 2013 and joined the forums not long after, during TWD Season 2. It quickly become one of my favorite haunts on the internet. I slowly stepped away over the past couple years, as I became more disappointed with Telltale’s output and a lot of the folks I knew stopped showing up. I’m not that surprised things turned out this way for Telltale, but it’s a huge loss. Their games were compelling and emotionally complex in ways I didn’t think video games could be. Their forums hold a lot of good memories for me: from speculating on what was next for Clementine and the gang to getting to rap battles and political arguementsnin Telltale Talk.
I wish the Telltale rank and file the best of luck as they transition to new jobs and careers. The video game industry is an exploitative and often cruel place and it saddens me that many of the creative geniuses behind some of my favorite games have been rewarded for their long hours and sacrifices with a swift kick out the door and no severance. If there’s any way we can show these ex-employees that we have their backs, financially or otherwise, that would be great.
Oh and a big thank you to the mods of these here forums, not least for putting up with me and my shit back in the day.
All in all, I just want to say these games and these forums have had a positive impact on me and so many other people. I hope the rest of you had as much fun here as I did.
Good to see a familiar face still around here. I know we had some disagreements but these forums got me through some difficult years.
Anyone know what's happening with the Discord server? Even though nothing will be the same as the forums it'd suck if there wasn't somewhere else for us to keep in contact. I'm not really ready to give up on this community yet.
Was only good in 2014.
I just can’t belive this I’ve been playing telltale games for 6 years been on the forums for 3 years and all of that is just over. I enjoyed my time being here, it’s sad to know there may not be another developer that left an impact on me as much as telltale.
Your profile picture suits this situation perfectly...
Walking Dead Season 1 remains one of the best games I've personally ever played. The story, characters and choices are simply on another level, even compared to today's standards. Telltale made a few other games as well, games that are fantastic and should absolutely be noted. Borderlands, TWAU, Game of Thrones... it is sad we won't get the conclusion for all of these stories. I am curious over what would happen in Batman's third season, if Bruce and Alfred would get back together. I am curious whether or not Clementine would live and find a new, safe home for her and AJ. I wanted to see Forresters, and mainly Asher (in my canon playthrough) reclaim Ironrath so badly. There are many games out there, but this company was simply different. Special. It had it's own thing. There were times when I had qualms with Telltale's storytelling, especially in the later years, but now that their end is here, I am actually feeling a bit nostalgic. Like a part of my childhood is forever dying. Telltale will, however, always live on through their masterpieces, and though no more will come, their name will survive. It was a hell of a ride. Thank you Telltale, for everything.
I discoved TTG from a lets play from youtube. started playing their games from 2014 onwards but had to slow down because of money problems. I was planing to create some best of characters for DIALOG on youtube when i get a job and i still plan to do that at a later date. i made soem REAL friends on TT forulms and the help me with lots of downs because i was have problems with deprestion. I had lots of laughs I will miss EVERYONE here.
Yes not all the moments on the formulms were great i remember the posts on for people using the video game artwork in a negitive way. That was annorying
but for the most part i had a blast on these forulms and because i got addictied to the lets play and charter talks about the characters in TT's games i descove my fav youtuber (ANGELARTS), and friends that i still talk to on DISCORD from TT forulms. TT_TT Guys and girls its been surreal you guys are bloody amazing thank you for everything
Yes the what - if will be annorying I REALLY wanted to know in S2 of TWAU and what the ending for Clementine and their fantastic TWD series. When i first heard the news i throught it was a scam.
Are you a poet of sorts?
I’m sorry, sir, but I’m going to have to call a priest. You are clearly possessed
Everyone will remember this.
I wish I hadn't left the forums, but I'll be back everyday until it inevitably shuts down. I've had a lot a good memories here back in 2014. I still see some familiar names on here too. I'll miss you guys.
I honestly don't know what to say.
It's a history piece. These forums belong in a museum and must be archived!
well shit
Wasn't me who wrote this.
out of all the people that I’ve spoken with on the forum, I only really liked 1 of them. Not that I don’t like the rest of you, it’s just this one person seems like they’d be really cool irl.
anyone wanna take a quess?
D'aww, you're too kind! ??
Also I'd like to add @Blind Sniper is alpha mod and now the other mods are free from his dictatorship.
Gamers Moderators Rise Up's+be+potetic++riley+and+ellie+the+last+of+us+gif&oq=let's+be+potetic++riley+and+ellie+the+last+of+us+gif&gs_l=img.3...82739.93876.0.94691.
Guys all good things come to an end nothing is forever. I just want to part with some well choice words. Because i have no idea when the forulms will be taken down. Please follow and do what you want in love, if thats finishing studing/school, getting a job, traveling or picking up a new hobbie. Because as far TWD world has told us watches/readers/gamers nothing last forever you have to find and enjoy the good moments while they last because they wont be around forever. The above link is to a gif of LEFT BEHIND or Raily saying to Ellie "Let's be poetic, lets lose our minds together."
To all the tell-tale fans BRAVO - you guys were fantastic. Also the tell-tale staff thank you very much for your games.