Are the forums running like ass for anyone else
or is it just me? They've been super slow to respond and load the last half hour or so. Other sites are fine so it's not my net.
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or is it just me? They've been super slow to respond and load the last half hour or so. Other sites are fine so it's not my net.
Mine are running like normal. So basically ass.
They've become superslow, yes
Yeah they're taking longer to load.. I'm worried.
I randomly get an error notification on the left side, it actually worries me.
Oh well at least it's not just me. Someone hold me. I'm scared. lol
A little slow.
There’s likely more people on the board than usual, that could be a reason.
Starting to get a little bit better for me. Gonna run a few more tests jic
It's getting slower, yeah.
I'll miss you guys even though I mostly lurk.
Then again my internet's been pretty spotty lately last week or so, but if others are noticing it getting slower....
It seems ok for a couple minutes then turns to hot garbage again. Maybe they're doing something behind the scenes, getting ready to port the forums to a cheaper system or archive them and shut them down and the processing is bogging the servers down. maybe...
Oof, nvm, just got closed out for a few mins. Hope everything’s alright
It is running like Hal 9000 at the end of 2001. If we hear Daisy Bell we will know it's the end.
It does for me, either the forum is in terminal phase or more likely the traffic is unusually high.
Goodbye, peeps

Holy shit I thought I was the only one. They run slower than ever for me.
Nice knowing you boys rip
This is the end guys
Kevin Bruner looking at the forums like:

The forums: Bruner....I don’t feel so good.”
The forums are just slowly dying, don't worry.
I think it's just new traffic. A lot of normies coming in from the recent news.
Actually, I think mine sped up.
Granted, it took a few seconds for this page to load, but that's not really new. Plus, I'm doing some unloading anyway.
Dude the forums are disintegrating. It’s so fucking slow.
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.
Chances are they shutdown the original server the forums were running on. Were probably running off a cheap PC acting as a server right now.
It's getting slower every second. It's really fucking annoying. @Blind Sniper @InGen_Nate_Kenny @OzzyUK and all the other mods, use your mod powers to speed up the site why dontcha?!
Abra Cadabra!
[snaps Moderator Gaunlet]
...well, I gave it the ol’ College try, at least!
Well I got the scary error only once and the forums slowed down just a little bit, so it's not as bad as it could be... But it looks like we might consider saying our farewells soon
tfw its been slow as fuck and the moment I come here it starts acting faster. GG
Someone forgot to feed the server hamster ?
Thank you for fixing it Blind, I was dead ass scared the site was going to just die.
(I swear I hope Telltale archives this place at least. Even if we cant talk here anymore, Id be devastated if all this just went away in a puff of smoke)
Yay it's really fast again! Thanks mods! Whatever ya did.
They sacrificed my dog, wtf, that's not even how the internet works
Sorry? Actually, it only got fast for a minute and now it's terribly slow again. Shucks.
It's a little slower than usual, but nothing too terrible.
Mods actually don't have any influence over fixing the site speeds, but I'm happy to take any credit/good vibes thrown my direction
Yeah, well like I said it's gotten slow again. Probs just traffic.