We as a Community need to Fight. We cannot and should not give up
I am back with another post and this one is 110% Serious. It may be viewed as pointless but how do we know unless we try?
With the way things are going we are losing pretty much everything we love: Telltale Games, The Walking Dead, Clementine,The Wolf Among Us, Bigby, The Forums and the amazing people who were a part of the Forums that are now saying their Final Goodbyes to their Friends.
Why should we accept this? The Community as a whole fought like hell for change when Kevin Bruner was the CEO at Telltale Games. We fought for Telltale during their darkest moments. This is probably the worst one they have faced yet.
We all need to get together and do what we can to save Telltale. Contact Valve, Contact Microsoft, Contact Sony. If we rally together and fight for Telltale then we can make a difference. We should not give up because of the news that broke on Friday.
One persons voice may not be loud enough for change to occur, But what if we get together and voice our views to get the attention of the Industry's biggest companies? We CAN save Telltale. The odds are so incredibly low and stacked against us but even the lowest of odds can still be broken and beaten.
Telltale have given us Clementine, Lee, Javier, Kenny, Bigby, Rhys, Fiona, Snow, Jesse, Sam & Max, The Guardians of The Galaxy, Bruce Wayne, John Doe, Rodrik, Asher, Gared, StrongBad and many other amazing characters with amazing Stories. I think we should thank them for that and do our very best to return the favour and to try our best to save Telltale Games. Pete Hawley can't do it on his own and while he had the backing of the Board of Directors, It sadly wasn't enough. It is important we get together and fight our hardest to save Telltale Games.
What I am asking is that we band together and we fight our hardest to get the attention of The Gaming Industry's Biggest Names. Sony, Microsoft Valve etc.
And I saw some say that who would be interested in buying a company that has licenses and games that "don't sell"? If they were to take a look at the internet and everything that has been going on over the past couple of days they will see there is a MASSIVE FanBase that is heartbroken with what happened. That will show them that these games do sell and mean so much to the millions of fans all over the globe.
I can't do this alone. I will continue to fight to try and save Telltale Games, The Walking Dead: The Final Season, The Wolf Among Us Season Two, Clementine and Bigby and many other Special Stories. We need to fight.
Use #FightForTelltale on all forms of Social Media. Send it to the big gaming companies like Microsoft, Sony, Valve
I think that twd will be finished... BY TELLTALE, even wolf and stranger things. One day at least. But I’ll still fight alongside you ?
Double post
I greatly appreciate it. I am trying to work on more stuff related to this so to try and get this train up and running. Like the title says: We as a Community need to Fight. We cannot and should not give up. I have no intention of giving up this fight. We can make a change if we fight for it!
Well, what do you want me to do? Fight is a little vague. I'm not sure what you mean, spam letters to a company that doesn't read them anymore?
The thing that I'm most aggravated about is the abruptancy. They didn't try to go back to their roots, one game at a time with just 100 people, they didn't ask for help, they just sent everyone away and there is absolutely no turning back from this.
But I will ''fight'' if it means Clem's story continues with the Telltale Tool somehow.
last of us spoilers

Even if we wanted to do something, it's too late now. I don't want flipping DONTNOD to do Telltale games. I want Telltale to do their own games. Abruptancy is a bitch.
Our best hope is having TFS finished by another developer since telltale doesn't have the necessary funds to do it themselves. I and many others would like it if DONTNOD finish it, but If you guys have any other developers in mind, send an email to walkingdead@skybound.com saying you want them to finish the game
I'm not sure what Telltale's plans are, and the reports are conflicting as to whether The Walking Dead: The Final Season is going to be finished.
I'm guessing (and hoping) that Telltale CEO Pete Hawley's comment that "a small group of 25 employees staying on to fulfill the company’s contractual obligations to its board and partners" means that The Walking Dead will be finished, whether that's with the crew of 25 (early Telltale made plenty of games with this amount of staff, or less) or through another developer with direction overseen by Telltale staff (as was done with Hector: Badge of Carnage).
After Telltale's contractual obligations are seen to, I have no idea what's going to happen to the company. Lucasfilm Games is still around to license their intellectual properties out to other developers, but Telltale doesn't have much original IP, outside of Telltale Texas Hold'em. Though, Telltale does seem to have control of their original characters like Clementine (judging from the fact that the spin-offs featuring Lee and Clementine - like The Walking Dead pinball - were licensed by Telltale) and Reginald Van Winslow (judging from the fact that he appeared in Poker Night 2, long after Telltale's partnership with LucasArts was over). So, I guess it's possible we could see their original characters pop up in other company's projects, licensed by what remains of Telltale.
It's confirmed by a member of the skeleton crew that their contractual obligation is to finish porting Minecraft Story Mode to Netflix. The entire TFS team is confirmed laid off by Michael Kirkbride so either a new dev team takes it on with another company or they release what they have (script, cutscenes etc) to give closure.
The Walking Dead Season Four staff is gone, but we'll have to wait for Pete Hawley to release a statement about Telltale's franchises (as he said that statement would be coming later this week) to know for sure what's still in development.
It's possible that the remaining staff will finish both games as far as coding within the Telltale Tool goes while the rest is outsourced (which wouldn't be too much of a stretch, as a great deal of the audio and video has always been outsourced in Telltale's games).
It's also possible they'll pull a Hector and have an outside company finish The Walking Dead Season 4 under the guidance of the remaining staff.
I'm cautiously optimistic that the season could be finished. However, considering the fact that Telltale's closure came out of nowhere, it's anyone's guess what's going to happen.
This is getting ridiculous. Keep the fans in the dark, let the community speculate and wait for the death of a series who barely saw any light. This shit doesn't happen over night or over a few hours. Employees are being thrown out with little to no explanation, no one really knows anything. People claim the season will be finished, people claim it's done after the 2nd episode, others claim that all the episodes are finished but waiting for the release date, meaning the "crew" making the minecraft story mode will put it out? This is a fucking mess, the game is still on the shelves and people are still going to hit up those shops and buy the game, why won't you have the retailers pull said game to at least minimize the damage already done. People are demanding refunds which is most likely not happening as they are "done". I want answers, at least some information regarding what will happen, not only that "hey we won't release stranger things and the wolf among us 2". I want to hear if it's confirmed that our loved season will be complete or simply canceled, there is no reason to keep us in the dark just to have Lilly show up with a gun and blow our brains out. The company is still showing the game off and whatever, why are you keeping the facade up if you are just gonna kill us off like another walker.
You've been here since '07? God damn...
I've been a Telltale fan for as long as they've been around.
There's even a few posts of mine around the Telltale Games forums from around 2005 that are marked guest now.
I will fight for Telltale!
Felt fitting that my first comment as a Telltale community member be here.
My first game was Tales from Monkey Island. I never finished it. TWDG was what really got me into the Telltale Community, though, and from there I supported them all the way. I have a feeling this isn't the last we'll see of TTG. (But, at this point, it's probably more wishful thinking than anything). I'd definitely love to think we get to see the ending for Clem. And I hope for it.
So, I guess this is my sorrowful hello to the community. Hello Community! (Sorry, if this feels disjointed at all.)
Domthebomb gave out a petition for The Walking Dead the final season to continue it’s got over 10,000 petition signed.
Is it this one? https://www.change.org/p/save-the-walking-dead-the-final-season
It's going up fast!