The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited September 2018

    Is the website running especially slow for anyone else or is it just me?

    It's not just me. This is it.

  • edited September 2018

    so uh, i guess with all this telltale business i should actually give my thoughts beyond a shitty wolf joke since it's kind of a big deal to me. as you all know i'm clemycloo or noah for short. and i've been on these forums since 2014, and following telltale since 2012. i have no idea what i did to deserve it as i personally think i'm a bit of an asshole, but i got mentioned by @AChicken @AronDracula @lupinb0y @dylanwoods777 @InGen_Nate_Kenny @Acheive250 and @Cocoa2736 in very heartfelt posts that kinda pegged me as a friend.

    and i really don't know what to say.

    you know you kinda go your whole life being told you're the worst and lower than dirt and you start convincing yourself of the same thing, and then all of the sudden you're part of a community, and all these people you really like talking to and consider friends consider YOU friends too. you know i have friends but it's always so surreal to me when anybody considers me more than dirt. it's like "what did i do to deserve this" and "am i bad as i say i am?" and yadda yadda yadda but like, i feel the same way about you guys. you guys are awesome and have really helped me out with a lotta shit, and it's great talking to you.

    EDIT: guess who accidentally hit post comment before he was ready to post the comment? this guy.

    regardless, i'm not great at spilling my emotions and articulating my thoughts but like, thank you. really. it means so much that even one person thought to mention me of all people, much less 6. i consider you guys my friends, and wherever telltale goes next i want you guys to know that no matter what i'll repay the kindness you guys showed to me.

    i've had a lot of deeply personal experiences with telltale. the walking dead was one of the first times i recognized how storytelling could be done great, i became a better writer through the forums and the work i did on that "no safety" story i did so long ago (still love the guys involved with that i hope they're doing well), this was technically my first real experience in an internet community so this social interaction really helped me learn about social situations and for the most part turned me into less of a raging teenage autist. i met one of my best fuckin friends through these forums (love you jordan if you're reading this). these forums were pretty much my entire teenage life. and to see it go is, well quite frankly it's really fucking upsetting. in the time i've been on these forums i literally became a fucking ADULT. how crazy is that??? i was like a little kid and now i'm actually an adult. that's so fuckin weird dude. look all i'm trying to say is just that these forums are so important, to a lot of people, and if this is goodbye? i'm willing to go out kicking and screaming.

    and i also wanna mention @Deltino @Blind Sniper and @TheAutisticGamer (wherever he is), you guys were always so nice to me and were so lovely to talk to, even when i was acting like a shithead. you guys are just the coolest. you're so great and i love you all in a completely non-weird way. there's a couple other people who i've talked to on here that made this experience an interesting one, but this post is getting too long and i'm also pretty sure they hate me (specifically papai) so tagging them would just be me asking to be called gay so i'm gonna cut it short.

    thanks everyone, thank you telltale (despite all the jokes i made about you), and i'll see you all on the dark side of the moon. or i guess like, in the discord server. wherever is closest.

    edit AGAIN: okay i just couldn't resist editing one more time literally JUST for this, @Johro you're a really fucking good guy with a great head on your shoulders and a lot of life experience and your advice has helped out me and i'm 100% sure SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE and honest to god i hope you literally live the longest, fullest and most happy life possible you beautiful mother fucker.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2018

    I haven't tagged anyone in my posts, but you've been pretty cool from the posts I've seen from you in passing. You had some good taste in media, such as BoJack, and also brought up some interesting stuff like that Sonic 2006 Unity remake. (It's always fun to rib on Sonic 2006, but the actual act of remaking that game is kinda neat too.)

    You alluded to being in a dark place with a few of your previous posts, so I hope you've gotten better. It's cool that the forums helped you some! Our chats on Discord on occasion are also fun, so hopefully we stay in touch.

    so uh, i guess with all this telltale business i should actually give my thoughts beyond a shitty wolf joke since it's kind of a big deal to

  • Your sister was the first to wish me a happy birthday, it was a week before her post. She was also the one who encouraged me to take up the responsibility of managing the Vent thread after saying how much she admired my contributions to it. I have nothing but respect for her, and she's in good hands now.

    I wish only the best for you and your family.

    MegaXD posted: »

    A lot of people read about what happened to my sister (MegaXD) and i want to clarify what happened before this forum stops existing, long st

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited September 2018

    Where will everyone go once this place crumbles?Not to sound like a total loser who doesn't have a life or any actual friends, but I enjoy speaking to strangers over the internet more than the people i've known for the past 4 years :D Kinda would like to continue doing so.....

  • edited September 2018

    That's pretty cool that The Walking Dead was originally a Left 4 Dead spin-off pitch.

    I wonder how much was changed when they changed IPs. Like did Clementine still exist in the L4D prototype?

  • So I tried to play YYZ on my guitar, and failed miserably. Also, I've never actually tried to play any real song on this guitar, nor do I have any knowledge on guitars, so that explains it.
    Also watching Scott Pilgrim as I type this

  • linkin park and green day is probs easiest for starting (even tho i dont rly care for their music like at all). i'm currently trying to learn the BTS intro theme.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    So I tried to play YYZ on my guitar, and failed miserably. Also, I've never actually tried to play any real song on this guitar, nor do I have any knowledge on guitars, so that explains it. Also watching Scott Pilgrim as I type this

  • "No consequences for posting this"

    Who would dare take this down had it been posted before their closure?! This is some gold DVD Special Features content.

    I want more.

    oh my god this is the greatest thing

  • I always choose this option. Always. This is the only way to get the true ending to TFTB. :D

  • Thanks for the shoutout friend. I would've glad to keep in touch on discord or the subreddits. And I also benefited from the vent thread during some of my darkest times, thank you everyone who reached out with messages of positivity and love. I wish you the best in the future <3

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I didn't want to make a post tagging everyone at first since you're all amazing and I didn't want to forget to tag any of you. This has been

  • I tried to play Voices, but again, 0 knowledge on guitars. Trying to remember the different strings and how to read tabs. I wanna buy an acoustic and a bass, but I don't think i'm that passionate about learning how to play.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    linkin park and green day is probs easiest for starting (even tho i dont rly care for their music like at all). i'm currently trying to learn the BTS intro theme.

  • When you hear the news of TTG shutting down

    oh my god this is the greatest thing

  • Pierre Shorette tweeted his Telltale memory using the video i uploaded to youtube.

    I'm glad something i uploaded can help towards good memories like that.

  • Aaayyyy... my school has been threatened.... again. First the killer clowns and now drug dealers or something I think? Gonna go in to see what happens si si ?

  • I didn’t post here as much as a lot of people but I’m so upset about this whole situation. I don’t have any friends here but this was my online ‘home’ for the better part of three years.

    It’s crazy to look back and realise how much of my teenage life was influenced by Telltale’s games and its community. I remember when I was fourteen years old, watching Youtube videos on the family iPad with nothing better to do, I tapped on a TWAU video simply because it looked cool. I remember crying as many tears as I have in the past few days while watching the TWD Season One finale. And then there was TFTBL, something that I put off for months before I gave it a go and then chastised myself for leaving it so long! Days before the release of its fourth episode I bought the game and played through it on my family computer at about nine frames per second because I needed to experience it myself.

    Then I joined the community. Obviously it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows here since TFTBL but this is one of the most welcoming communities I’ve known. Again, I didn’t interact with many people here but there are so many people I feel I’ve gotten to know and care about. When this forum closes I don’t know where I’m going to go for this small community comfort.

    During ANF I joked that Telltale would leave Clementine’s status as unknown.

    I am so fucking sorry Clementine. However your story was meant to end, this isn’t it.

    As for The Wolf Among Us, I’m almost angry at myself for being excited about season two. I have an image from TWAU as my desktop wallpaper- that one from the book of Fables with all the characters from the Homelands. I used TWAU as an example in my assignment, something that required me to go in-game today to get screenshots. Reminders that keep twisting the knife. I guess all there is to say now is Huff and Puff.

    Idk there’s more about this situation that’s causing me to be an emotional wreck right now but I don’t feel like going into it. I have no poetic way to end this post but god damn I feel like a part of me has been snatched away. I was meant to get older and wiser and naturally grow past this company but now I have no closure. It wasn’t meant to end like this.

  • Que será, será
    Whatever will be, will be
    The future's not ours to see
    Que será, será
    What will be, will be

  • Everytime I make an appointment with my dentist, he always checks my balls before finally checking my teeth. Is that something to be suspicious of? I mean he went to med school, not me, so surely he knows what he’s doing, right?

  • I think you should get another dentist

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Everytime I make an appointment with my dentist, he always checks my balls before finally checking my teeth. Is that something to be suspicious of? I mean he went to med school, not me, so surely he knows what he’s doing, right?

  • He doesn't use those pointy things, does he?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Everytime I make an appointment with my dentist, he always checks my balls before finally checking my teeth. Is that something to be suspicious of? I mean he went to med school, not me, so surely he knows what he’s doing, right?

  • Goodness.

  • What pointy thing?

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    He doesn't use those pointy things, does he?

  • It’s normal

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Everytime I make an appointment with my dentist, he always checks my balls before finally checking my teeth. Is that something to be suspicious of? I mean he went to med school, not me, so surely he knows what he’s doing, right?

  • He's making sure they have little chance of potentially exploding before he starts working on your teeth.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Everytime I make an appointment with my dentist, he always checks my balls before finally checking my teeth. Is that something to be suspicious of? I mean he went to med school, not me, so surely he knows what he’s doing, right?

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited September 2018

    Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one?☺️

    He's making sure they have little chance of potentially exploding before he starts working on your teeth.

    ohhhhhhh. Foolish me, how could I not have known? ???‍♂️

    Melton23 posted: »

    It’s normal

  • Personally, what’s the youngest a girl can be before she’s too young for you to date? Just curious on everyone else’s limit.

  • Why must all good things come to an end... :'( RIP Telltale ILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUU!!!!!

  • 16 is the limit for me. Perhaps 15 if I liked the girl enough but I would refuse to do anything sexual.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Personally, what’s the youngest a girl can be before she’s too young for you to date? Just curious on everyone else’s limit.

  • Seven years.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Personally, what’s the youngest a girl can be before she’s too young for you to date? Just curious on everyone else’s limit.

  • Age is just a number

    Nah, jk, seeing as I’m 17 I use the “2 year rule” so 15 is the youngest I’ll go, although 18 is the highest cos I don’t like older girls that much. Don’t you dare take that out of context btw ?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Personally, what’s the youngest a girl can be before she’s too young for you to date? Just curious on everyone else’s limit.

  • You just have to remember that at some point in the relationship you are going to feel some sexual attraction to her, your mind won't give you a choice on that. That doesn't make you a bad person if she's too emotionally immature (that doesn't always mean too young), love and sex aren't the same thing. You just have to be responsible with how you act on it.

    For adults I think it's a matter of don't date too old since they could take advantage of your naivete; if you're the older one and you truly love and care for them though that's fine, you just have to carry the burden of being the mature one in the relationship.

    As far as teens go everyone's immature at that age to some degree since everyone's barely above being children. I think judging their emotional stability is more important than their age but as a rule of thumb I'd say two year difference is as far as you can stretch it on average when both are above the age of 13 and below 18, but that's not set in stone as long as both are responsible and truly understand what love means. The closer you two are in age the more socially acceptable though, which is for good reason.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Personally, what’s the youngest a girl can be before she’s too young for you to date? Just curious on everyone else’s limit.

  • 17.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Personally, what’s the youngest a girl can be before she’s too young for you to date? Just curious on everyone else’s limit.

  • For me, I’d never date a girl who’s more than 3 or 4 years younger, but it dould be weird dating someone in HS. Like, a High schooler’s issues would consist of detention and pointless drama. Also, immaturity would also be an issue, like on Sarah’s level

    Melton23 posted: »

    Age is just a number Nah, jk, seeing as I’m 17 I use the “2 year rule” so 15 is the youngest I’ll go, although 18 is the highest cos I don’t like older girls that much. Don’t you dare take that out of context btw ?

  • My one and only. Busted my ass like 3 or 5 times riding it.?

  • edited September 2018

    Thank you! It means a lot to know that i'm held in high regard. It's been a honor to have such great discussions with everyone here. I do have Discord but am very new to it so I don't know how to look anyone up. Feel free to add me if you want. DIscord name is Duke82.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I didn't want to make a post tagging everyone at first since you're all amazing and I didn't want to forget to tag any of you. This has been

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