[Poogers Video] The Death of Telltale Games
Hey everyone. Here it is. My video on the life and death of Telltale's choice based games. It came out to be a bit longer so I have some time stamps for everyone so you can skip to parts that interest you the most:
0:00 - Start of video, goes over life of Telltale and fan reactions and forum feedback
3:24 - Brief break to discuss what fans were talking about at the time
9:37 - A New Frontier is released
18:03 - My personal thoughts on Telltale
22:15 - Remembering the Telltale Community
29:04 - Goodbyes
Apologies for my not so good voice over, as you can probably tell my voice is pretty monotone especially while reading, also my audio isnt the best, as Im sure you'll notice. But here is the video, I hope everyone likes it!
I want to thank everyone here, but there is no @everyone here so this is the best I can do. Yall are lit af tho.
Would like to thank these fellas for making this place always a great time: @4k60fpsHDR @MetallicaRules @Blind Sniper @bloop @Joe_mama @Pipas @Kennyshouldhavediedins1 @InGen_Nate_Kenny @Melton23 @Green613 @Jacol @Hazzatheman @AChicken @Kenny_The_Almighty @Dex-Starr @Bruzdaa @Ghetis @MrGraffio @VengfulKenny @InKennyWeTrust @lumpinb0y @CoolGuyJ @Mostlypoptarts @EleanorBigby @fallandir @MarijaaNo7 @AronDracula @Freelancepolicefan11
Thats just a small handful of people I'd like to thank for making this forum amazing. Truth is this really goes out to everyone, so even if I didnt tag you, just know you're still real cool and I enjoyed talking with y'all! I plan to hang around here until the very last breath, so until then! But for now, here is the video, just in time before the last Telltale episode may ever drop. Enjoy:
Also here is the final clip of the video, a small compilation to say goodbye to Telltale, for those who dont want to watch the whole video.
When we're in the last days of the forums and still nobody can tag Bling Sniper correctly.
But in all seriousness, I'm watching the video now. Very good so far. Hopefully I don't cry like it's TWD s1 when this video finishes.
All this waiting around for the walking dead and it will never finish. This cannot be happening...
Yay I got tagged! I feel noticed
Great video man! Thanks for the tag
. The worst part of all of this, is just how much it could have been avoided. Screw Kevin Bruner!
I really wanted to say something, but I don't know what to say...
Thanks @Poogers555 , great video, best part starts obviously at - 9.38...
and the ending, it hit me right in the feels You know, I definitely didn't cry though, not at all, 100%! .... .... ....
Ok, I guess I could use a hug now...
Thank you Poogs, this was an awesome video, you put in a lot of work and it shows.
Poogs, your voice, the mystery, it's gone...
Ah, don't worry about it. Thanks for sharing. Peace bro
will miss ya 
That... That was very sweat. I think I have something in my eye.
I'm not crying, you're crying!
Seriously Poogers, what a great remembrance video. I'm really glad I got to be a part of this community.
PS: I'm glad you included Frank in the compilation. That's certainly a character worth remembering.
I debated using this for when Frank showed up but decided I shouldnt break theme lmao
maybe I should make a meme compilation video or something lmao
wow poogs. its like how felt and the reason i stopped coming back and being active on the forums. thanks for the shoutout and i hope this next chapter we'll meet a community like we had till everything went to hell, see ya. kiddos.
Bootiful video, thanks for the mention.
Long live the Telltale forum ;0;
had to let all secrets out before its too late
thanks for the kind words homie!
Oh yeah, I remember I asked you to make that for our April Fool's Frank X Bruce Shipping thread. That was a classic.
I also love that we meme'd and shitposted Frank's way into being...
a villain in Batman The Enemy Within Ep 5
hears Poogs voice
Dude I swear you sounds like Chandler Riggs.
What can I say Poogs? You nailed it. This was absolutely beautiful. It was so nice to see the whole summary of Telltale and Telltale's community history. I was both smiling and crying throughout the entire video. I loved the way you said my username (bruce-ah-dah,) and I loved the entire "community" section of the video. And that ending song... cried like a little puss...
As sad and depressing it is I can't help but feel happy to be a part of this entire Community history(I said it tenth time already...) and this video is the best souvenir I could've wished for. Thank you Poogs once again, thank you all once again. Thanks for all the laughs, all the interesting discussions and for dem feels. You guys really left a mark in my life and I really hope that we won't stop communicating with eachother. Sorry for any grammatical errors(I said that so many times...)
@bruzdaa (pronounced bruce-dah
Now I need to cry into my pillow...
Oh shoot I thought this was going to be a part meme tribute, I didn't mean to start out the memories on such a macabre note
I wish I came back and shared my true favorite memories in this community, I'm still watching but it's a great video so far and I appreciate all the effort you put into it. These forums wouldn't have been the same without ya poogs
Honestly, that's not a bad idea. But it might be a really long video with the amount of memes you provided.
Watching the Telltale goodbye video. It's finally hit me. Thanks for the memories

Blind's without bigby as a avatar is not whole... nooooooo xD
I'm going old school, back to Telltale's roots.
Excellent video. That ending montage had me a bit teary eyed. I hope this isn't the end but if it is...It was an honor being in the same community as you and so many others.
(Holding back tears). Thanks for this, and the tag.
Love you too, and all the other guys and gals on this forum.
I'm hoping that at least majority of us can still stay in touch somewhere else even after the forum (eventually) closes down.
Well Poogs... what can I say...
Listening to the whole video was just mesmerising, it's just so well done, the effort you've put in this community is just incredible. This video is just a little piece of what you gave us starting from the best memes which gave us all a smile, the interesting discussions to the feels...
No matter how good a game is, without a proper community it's just never the same but what a community Telltale has... and you'll always be a very big part of it.
This is why the real feels kicked in for me from the "community part" of the video and what a powerful ending scenes you assembled for us. Obviously big thanks for the mentions. The people are what made the whole experience of playing Telltale games an unforgettable thing.
Simply put, this video is a masterpiece and thank you again for being around all this time.
P.S.: I just realised the longer you stare at Kevin Bruner the more fucking creepy he gets.
It's so frickin' sad, my heart seriously hurts. I guess TellTale kinda earned their end, but it's so unfair the community must suffer too. Very touching video, Poogs, you've made many constructive, well detailed points I can definietly back up. The forums have special place in my memory, I will never forget the laughs and theories. All of you are awesome, guys and gals.
And, I'll just leave this gold gif here, so you could treasure it forever:
Congratulations Poogers, you made me cry with that ending.
Thank you. I've been meaning to shed a few tears because of Telltale's closure, but so far this past weekend all my attempts have turned into a hysterical giggle. I just couldn't accept it.

I'm going to miss this place. I'm going to miss everyone here who I'll never see again.
I really want to say something but honestly I don't even know what... This last weekend really sucked and I can honestly say it is the worst time to be a hardcore fan of any of these games. TWD/TWAU/TFTB era was truly the golden age of this forum - and to be honest it was probably the best time I've had being a part of any online community ever... I also know that it will pretty much never be surpassed by anything else.
Thanks @Poogers555 for mentioning and producing that awesome video, I have to admit it was really heavy to watch. But hey at least you officially threw more shit at Bruner so there is something to cheer up about
What a great video! Really bittersweet ending.
I really am going to miss this place and everyone here.
Wonderful video. Thank you for the nice trip down memory lane. That compilation of some of the best scenes in the games at the end was just beautiful.
tfw I fuck up a name that really isnt that hard to say
Thanks for the kind words fam means a lot
Just want to thank everyone for the kind response to the video! I was pretty worried about putting it out there, I know I kinda drone on a lot lmao But seriously thanks for all the support everyone it means a ton
(also for those interested how the montage was going to end in my other version, it was going to end with Lee's death scene where he leans over and passes, it would then fade out and just hear walkers in the background. Decided not to do that because it was a bit too sad lmao, but hey I guess we now have good news that the Final Season will probably be finished!)
TWD final season will be finished? Aren't the skeleton crew who are staying behind working on Minecraft?
Telltale tweeted about an hour ago that a few partners came out offering to help finish the game. Nothing set in stone, but I think its pretty likely Season 4 will be finished.
Ahh..... I see. And reading your reply complimentary with your reply in other post "I just really hope these people who say they want to help Telltale also want to release Wolf S2" totally makes sense.
And now I've joined in that twitter convo. More people need to complain saying they want Wolf to be saved as well lol
Poogs...that was Beautiful my friend...Fuck Bruner and Job...Oh though your assessment of Michonne is FUCKING WRONG YOU HERETIC. While it may not be everyone;s cup of tea...iit had the best combat...best villains...characters with motivations that were will understood. But everything else was right.
Just watched your video Poogers.... thank you for including my comment in your video
it truly means a lot to me. I apologise if I have ever annoyed you at any time at all or been a headache.
The video was very emotional and I loved every second of it. Thank you for putting in so much effort to create this video
I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to seem like a dick but lmao
Coco-ah has a nice ring to it tho
Still great vid!
tfw my dumb ass knew it was pronounced "koh-koh" but didnt even bother checking so just went with it and now theres some scary guy looking intensely at me telling me how to speak
thanks tho fam glad you liked the video even tho i butchered your name
“What the fuck is a Kenny” awwwI love u poogs ❤️
Nearly made me cry at the end though ?