I tried to play Voices, but again, 0 knowledge on guitars. Trying to remember the different strings and how to read tabs. I wanna buy an acoustic and a bass, but I don't think i'm that passionate about learning how to play.
Age is just a number
Nah, jk, seeing as I’m 17 I use the “2 year rule” so 15 is the youngest I’ll go, although 18 is the highest cos I don’t like older girls that much. Don’t you dare take that out of context btw ?
i know you're talkin about another girl named sarah since i'm hella mature ? everyone has drama tho not just ppl in hs. depends on the person not how old they are.
For me, I’d never date a girl who’s more than 3 or 4 years younger, but it dould be weird dating someone in HS. Like, a High schooler’s issu… morees would consist of detention and pointless drama. Also, immaturity would also be an issue, like on Sarah’s level
looks rad af. i've still got my board from middle school around somewhere that i got from the galleria forever ago. doesn't look nearly as new as yours tho ?
i know you're talkin about another girl named sarah since i'm hella mature ?
If by “sarah” you mean Gabby, then yeah, you’re on the money?
HS drama is usually more trivial though.
I actually made a mistake, I meant sarah from twd, not you, or some girl named gabby
i know you're talkin about another girl named sarah since i'm hella mature ? everyone has drama tho not just ppl in hs. depends on the person not how old they are.
looks rad af. i've still got my board from middle school around somewhere that i got from the galleria forever ago. doesn't look nearly as new as yours tho ?
Jesus... I read Your comment first, before reading the post to which You replied and for a split second I thought that You are continuing the girlfriend discussion... "Mine is almost 2 years old now"...
i like the trend and her design is cute but it pisses me off that it is literally EVERY OTHER POST on my timeline. i worked for 2 years since the election to cater my timeline to exactly what i wanna see. jojo and spider-man fan art, cats, memes, jokes and zero politics. and now all of the sudden this dumb boob dinosaur shows up and it's all bowsette and people arguing about bowsette and i wanna DIE
i like the trend and her design is cute but it pisses me off that it is literally EVERY OTHER POST on my timeline. i worked for 2 years sinc… moree the election to cater my timeline to exactly what i wanna see. jojo and spider-man fan art, cats, memes, jokes and zero politics. and now all of the sudden this dumb boob dinosaur shows up and it's all bowsette and people arguing about bowsette and i wanna DIE
UGH, on the day that you finally start to feel better after having a bout of food poisoning, don't decide to eat onion rings and chocolate-chip cookies. The fact that I made such an illogical decision makes me question if I was fully recovered; however, such a decision is admittedly not out-of-character for me...
Oh, hi guys! Wait, the end of Telltale is approaching us?
I'm totally kicking myself right now, because I just ultimately screwed up my entire Episode 2 playthrough of Suffer The Children, which sucks even more since this was the first time I incorporated a facecam into it. All my original reactions, except for the first 20 minutes, are gone.
My reaction to Lilly coming back, my reaction to the schoolyard showdown between the raiders and the kids, the Truth or Dare card game, and yes, my reaction to making Louis x Clem cannon (which was especially a very funny part in my view) are now gone.
So either only this part gets uploaded, or I go back and replay the whole episode. Looks like I'll probably do the latter, but I'm just super pissed right now because it was honestly one of my favorite recording sessions that I've done.
This is going to be the fourth forum(professional legitimate company forum) shutdown while I've been an active member. Starting to think that I'm the real problem.
UGH, on the day that you finally start to feel better after having a bout of food poisoning, don't decide to eat onion rings and chocolate-c… morehip cookies. The fact that I made such an illogical decision makes me question if I was fully recovered; however, such a decision is admittedly not out-of-character for me...
Oh, hi guys! Wait, the end of Telltale is approaching us?
Really disturbed to see the number of people in the Walking Dead forum hoping that the former employees that got screwed over by Telltale don't get paid. Because of.. what? Because you may not get you're video game? So these people should go unpaid after years of being overworked and then a surprise layoff without any kind of severance and limited health insurance because "I WANT MY VIDEO GAME NOW"?
I wonder how many of these people saying all this are actually adults.
i literally had to google to find out wtf you were talking about. idk why i bothered since it was clearly described in this thread as a "boob dinosaur". ?
i like the trend and her design is cute but it pisses me off that it is literally EVERY OTHER POST on my timeline. i worked for 2 years sinc… moree the election to cater my timeline to exactly what i wanna see. jojo and spider-man fan art, cats, memes, jokes and zero politics. and now all of the sudden this dumb boob dinosaur shows up and it's all bowsette and people arguing about bowsette and i wanna DIE
it's hard to believe they're serious about that. i doubt whether they win or lose the lawsuits would have any effect on the next episodes being released.
Really disturbed to see the number of people in the Walking Dead forum hoping that the former employees that got screwed over by Telltale do… moren't get paid. Because of.. what? Because you may not get you're video game? So these people should go unpaid after years of being overworked and then a surprise layoff without any kind of severance and limited health insurance because "I WANT MY VIDEO GAME NOW"?
I wonder how many of these people saying all this are actually adults.
if by hs drama you mean drama-drama like with relationships then ya it's p much the same for everyone. if you mean drama specifically relating to hs then i think it's probs similar to other drama too like worrying about work. it's just a dif place or whatever.
i know you're talkin about another girl named sarah since i'm hella mature ?
If by “sarah” you mean Gabby, then yeah, you’re on the … moremoney?
HS drama is usually more trivial though.
I actually made a mistake, I meant sarah from twd, not you, or some girl named gabby
I almost got hit by a car once when I was skating down a hill. I skated down it before but this time traffic was dense. I tried going between the cars that were coming towards me and the parked cars beside them. The asphalt between the cars was really bumpy, and I lost balance, rolled, and ended up almost getting ran over. The crazy part is, I had glass in my backpack when I fell downhill, and it didn’t shatter. There was nothing else in my bag either?. Me and the glass both got lucky....real lucky.
So I was thinking...
You know how the human eye can't see all colors? What we see is our brain interpreting the world with incomplete information. It's not an accurate interpretation of reality.
A dog can smell and hear much better than we can. So again, what we hear and smell is also not reality.
Why would our thoughts be any different? It's our brain trying to make sense of the world with incomplete information. It's not reality, it's wrong.
Each and everyone of us is wrong. All the time. About everything.
So why do we even have discussions when both sides of the discussion are always wrong?
Why are these forums here? They're complete and utter nonsense. Get rid of them allready.
Ofcourse this would mean that this post of mine is also completely wrong. hm
(Is this how insanity usually starts? Don't answer, you're probably wrong anyway. Maybe.)
So I was thinking...
You know how the human eye can't see all colors? What we see is our brain interpreting the world with incomplete infor… moremation. It's not an accurate interpretation of reality.
A dog can smell and hear much better than we can. So again, what we hear and smell is also not reality.
Why would our thoughts be any different? It's our brain trying to make sense of the world with incomplete information. It's not reality, it's wrong.
Each and everyone of us is wrong. All the time. About everything.
So why do we even have discussions when both sides of the discussion are always wrong?
Why are these forums here? They're complete and utter nonsense. Get rid of them allready.
Ofcourse this would mean that this post of mine is also completely wrong. hm
(Is this how insanity usually starts? Don't answer, you're probably wrong anyway. Maybe.)
You're gonna have a hard time suing them; their tricky legal department managed to narrowly slide past that copyright infringement by changing one letter of it's name so that it's "Meltan" instead of "Melton".
Played Episode 2 of The Walking Dead: The Final Season last night and I loved it. It was such a great Episode. But today I feel down and like shit knowing that it may be the last Episode for The Final Season, as well as being potentially the last time I see Clementine. I know you guys may think it is silly that I am so upset over a game and a character but both Clementine and The Walking Dead mean a lot to me. The thought of not seeing her Journey come to a close is heartbreaking to me. I hope that we can get Episode 3 and Episode 4 and that Telltale's Former Employees receive the payment that they are looking for......
So then because your brain has incomplete information than this post is wrong, but if we continue this logic then I'm wrong about you being wrong, in which case you are right about us always being wrong. But that means we're not always wrong...
So I was thinking...
You know how the human eye can't see all colors? What we see is our brain interpreting the world with incomplete infor… moremation. It's not an accurate interpretation of reality.
A dog can smell and hear much better than we can. So again, what we hear and smell is also not reality.
Why would our thoughts be any different? It's our brain trying to make sense of the world with incomplete information. It's not reality, it's wrong.
Each and everyone of us is wrong. All the time. About everything.
So why do we even have discussions when both sides of the discussion are always wrong?
Why are these forums here? They're complete and utter nonsense. Get rid of them allready.
Ofcourse this would mean that this post of mine is also completely wrong. hm
(Is this how insanity usually starts? Don't answer, you're probably wrong anyway. Maybe.)
So I was thinking...
You know how the human eye can't see all colors? What we see is our brain interpreting the world with incomplete infor… moremation. It's not an accurate interpretation of reality.
A dog can smell and hear much better than we can. So again, what we hear and smell is also not reality.
Why would our thoughts be any different? It's our brain trying to make sense of the world with incomplete information. It's not reality, it's wrong.
Each and everyone of us is wrong. All the time. About everything.
So why do we even have discussions when both sides of the discussion are always wrong?
Why are these forums here? They're complete and utter nonsense. Get rid of them allready.
Ofcourse this would mean that this post of mine is also completely wrong. hm
(Is this how insanity usually starts? Don't answer, you're probably wrong anyway. Maybe.)
I keep staring at fan art of Bowsette. Someone help me.
its super easy. think how many keys are on your keyboard. if you can type without looking then a guitar shouldn't be a problem. youtube helps a bunch.
older is better tho bcuz they usually have their own place and car and they can buy you cigarettes and alcohol
If I were a girl I’d prefer older, but nah, Ima try and get me a noice mansion with my quality 10/10 IGN business idea
i know you're talkin about another girl named sarah since i'm hella mature ? everyone has drama tho not just ppl in hs. depends on the person not how old they are.
looks rad af. i've still got my board from middle school around somewhere that i got from the galleria forever ago. doesn't look nearly as new as yours tho ?
.. maybe you should have a backup plan ? idk why you think you gotta be a girl to date older either lmao
If by “sarah” you mean Gabby, then yeah, you’re on the money?
HS drama is usually more trivial though.
I actually made a mistake, I meant sarah from twd, not you, or some girl named gabby
Mine is almost 2 years old now, had it since Oct ??, 2016.
Jesus... I read Your comment first, before reading the post to which You replied and for a split second I thought that You are continuing the girlfriend discussion... "Mine is almost 2 years old now"...
i like the trend and her design is cute but it pisses me off that it is literally EVERY OTHER POST on my timeline. i worked for 2 years since the election to cater my timeline to exactly what i wanna see. jojo and spider-man fan art, cats, memes, jokes and zero politics. and now all of the sudden this dumb boob dinosaur shows up and it's all bowsette and people arguing about bowsette and i wanna DIE
When you can't play the new TWD episode until Friday so you have to endure
All the arguing about this dumb boob dinosaur is making feel like I'm LIVING life. I need MORE.
UGH, on the day that you finally start to feel better after having a bout of food poisoning, don't decide to eat onion rings and chocolate-chip cookies. The fact that I made such an illogical decision makes me question if I was fully recovered; however, such a decision is admittedly not out-of-character for me...
Oh, hi guys! Wait, the end of Telltale is approaching us?
Perfect workout song

I didn’t say you have to, I said if I were a girl
@Melton23 you are a pokémon now
Ferkan copycats. Somebody’s getting sued for this
I'm totally kicking myself right now, because I just ultimately screwed up my entire Episode 2 playthrough of Suffer The Children, which sucks even more since this was the first time I incorporated a facecam into it. All my original reactions, except for the first 20 minutes, are gone.
My reaction to Lilly coming back, my reaction to the schoolyard showdown between the raiders and the kids, the Truth or Dare card game, and yes, my reaction to making Louis x Clem cannon (which was especially a very funny part in my view) are now gone.
So either only this part gets uploaded, or I go back and replay the whole episode. Looks like I'll probably do the latter, but I'm just super pissed right now because it was honestly one of my favorite recording sessions that I've done.
This is going to be the fourth forum(professional legitimate company forum) shutdown while I've been an active member. Starting to think that I'm the real problem.
One thing's for sure:
The implosion of TTG is going to make one hell of a crowdfunded independent documentary one day.
I have zero directing/writing experience other than my ANF videos, but I would gladly take on that project.
i think a combination of onion rings and cookies would make anyone sick. so i guess you're back to normal!
Really disturbed to see the number of people in the Walking Dead forum hoping that the former employees that got screwed over by Telltale don't get paid. Because of.. what? Because you may not get you're video game? So these people should go unpaid after years of being overworked and then a surprise layoff without any kind of severance and limited health insurance because "I WANT MY VIDEO GAME NOW"?
I wonder how many of these people saying all this are actually adults.
i literally had to google to find out wtf you were talking about. idk why i bothered since it was clearly described in this thread as a "boob dinosaur". ?
what else would you do differently if you were a girl? besides dating older ppl.
it's hard to believe they're serious about that. i doubt whether they win or lose the lawsuits would have any effect on the next episodes being released.
if by hs drama you mean drama-drama like with relationships then ya it's p much the same for everyone. if you mean drama specifically relating to hs then i think it's probs similar to other drama too like worrying about work. it's just a dif place or whatever.
I almost got hit by a car once when I was skating down a hill. I skated down it before but this time traffic was dense. I tried going between the cars that were coming towards me and the parked cars beside them. The asphalt between the cars was really bumpy, and I lost balance, rolled, and ended up almost getting ran over. The crazy part is, I had glass in my backpack when I fell downhill, and it didn’t shatter. There was nothing else in my bag either?. Me and the glass both got lucky....real lucky.
I just forgot about this meme and should have used it when Telltale announced the shut down.

So I was thinking...
You know how the human eye can't see all colors? What we see is our brain interpreting the world with incomplete information. It's not an accurate interpretation of reality.
A dog can smell and hear much better than we can. So again, what we hear and smell is also not reality.
Why would our thoughts be any different? It's our brain trying to make sense of the world with incomplete information. It's not reality, it's wrong.
Each and everyone of us is wrong. All the time. About everything.
So why do we even have discussions when both sides of the discussion are always wrong?
Why are these forums here? They're complete and utter nonsense. Get rid of them allready.
Ofcourse this would mean that this post of mine is also completely wrong. hm
(Is this how insanity usually starts? Don't answer, you're probably wrong anyway. Maybe.)
Quick! They're waking up from the simulation!
You're gonna have a hard time suing them; their tricky legal department managed to narrowly slide past that copyright infringement by changing one letter of it's name so that it's "Meltan" instead of "Melton".
But was I normal to begin with?!
Played Episode 2 of The Walking Dead: The Final Season last night and I loved it. It was such a great Episode. But today I feel down and like shit knowing that it may be the last Episode for The Final Season, as well as being potentially the last time I see Clementine. I know you guys may think it is silly that I am so upset over a game and a character but both Clementine and The Walking Dead mean a lot to me. The thought of not seeing her Journey come to a close is heartbreaking to me. I hope that we can get Episode 3 and Episode 4 and that Telltale's Former Employees receive the payment that they are looking for......
So then because your brain has incomplete information than this post is wrong, but if we continue this logic then I'm wrong about you being wrong, in which case you are right about us always being wrong. But that means we're not always wrong...
Your humble contribution to my sea of existential dread is very much appreciated Onmens~
I'll be sure to remember as as I lie in bed tonight and continue to contemplate the dubiousness of my own reality