Who did you Save? [Spoilers]
I went back a few pages and didn't see a thread directed specifically to this, so if there is just let me know where because I am so curious as to who everyone picked and reasons!
I am bummed by some choices I made and am going to replay this episode for sure, but in the end... I was genuinely torn who to save. I felt a stronger allegiance to Violet. I don't want to Romance either Louis or Violet...
Louis I just personally don't feel partners right with my version of Clem, but Violet... and this is why I was torn to save her or not at the end honestly, seems to really love Minnie. We don't know if Minnie is dead and though some feel like it would be dramatic for her to see Minnie again and have a relationship with you... I want to keep Violet open to getting back with Minnie... which is why I originally picked to save Louis. I figure sending her off to the raiders could reunite Her to Minnie, but also if my money was against Louis or Violet to survive the raider encampment... Violet is way stronger... But then I love Violet and she has done so much for me... so seeing at the end that she was feeling betrayed for me not saving her... Now I want to go back and save her... Ughhh i just don't know.
What did you do?
I became best friends with Violet, but still saved Louis. Seeing him being dragged away by the collar by the raiders was harrowing!
I saved Violet. (Non romanced)
Violet. It looked like she was being attacked by a walker. They might have been taking Louis, but they needed him alive.
I saved Violet and now I'm looking forward to Episode 3: Saving Private Louis.
Violet, always save the ship lol
Rip Violet.
I saved Violet with the sole intention of tryna smash. Sorry not sorry Louie.
I saved Violet. She became Clem's girlfriend, she's smart, has leadership skills and takes thing seriously.
I saved Louis, because I romanced him. I feel bad for cucking Violet over like this, but a choice had to be made.
It definitely would've been Louis, going by the first video I saw.
With the way the story and interactions were playing out in the episode, having Violet be the one to be kidnapped after attacking Lily was the more interesting scenario.
Violet but most people saved the person that they ronanced
Saved Louis.
I spent time with Violet, kissed her and GUESS WHO I SAVED???
That's right, the ship should LIVE and it WILL, she is THE ONE!
P.S. However, I really felt heartbroken when Louis risked his life by saving us and then got dragged like a dog, but I had to SAVE the one and ONLY VIOLET!
P.S.S. *uck it, I am just gonna change my avatar to Violet now
Went with Louis, romanced Louis, saved Louis.
Love Violet too, but I got to save my boyfriend.
Yep same here
And if they romanced no one?
Violet only attacks Lilly if you spent more time with Louis. Louis attacks if it’s the opposite.
Violet (no romance). She was so nice too Clem and AJ this whole time, it's obvious she cares about them.
I saved Violet, Because she's Clem's new waifu and I love her lol.
I actually had less hesitation than I expected when I was foreshadowing these types of decisions a few weeks ago. The start of episode 2 cemented Violet forever in my mind. She stood for Clem when noone else would (except Tenn because Tenn is epic
) Violet is just awesome. After that romance scene. I doubt i'd save just about anyone over Violet.
When I was first set to pick between them, I thought in my mind the one I didn't pick would die as some crazy plot twist drama. And after the announce of the closure and all the crazy news. I doubt my fragile soul could handle a Violet death at this point. I'm just happy neither die. Only telltale can make a armed kidnapping seem minor lol.
It seems like who you romance would be who you save. I wonder if theirs anyone who romanced one and saved the other and what their thought proccess was. That'd be interesting.
Louis because that's clem's boyfriend.
As in altogether or just in regards to the same episode/choice?
I don’t like choosing based on the romance, but based on who jumped Lily before she could pull the trigger.
This episode. You hang out with Louis and Violet will be the one who jumps Lilly. You hang out with Violet and it'll be Louis who jumps Lilly.
Had to save the homie Louis. He honestly became my favorite character this season.
I romanced Violet, saved Louis... Don't judge me please, the guy save me... And the mouse was closer to him
It fucking hurts see how Violet feels betrayed at the relationships
I romanced and saved Louis. Best new character of the season and you know, it is not okay to let your boyfriend be captured and slaved
Well that kinda blows.
Okay, hold up, important question: most playthroughs I've seen/heard have people shoot Dorian in the arm to break up her tussle with Louis/Violet. What happens if you shoot Sullene instead?
Had Romace with Louis but had to save Violet.
Had to do what you had to do
I saved Violet. She had my back so I had hers.
Violet was a leader. I've romanced Violet. I saved Violet. Is kinda a no-brainer.
It was a hard choice because it was save my boyfriend vs save my friend who is our leader and just saved me and watching Violet get dragged away and screaming was heartbraking. I had Clem save Louis tho, I've already sided with him through most of it so might as well just be fully devoted.
I didn't romance neither but I saved Violet because I'm still beefing with Louis.
I've been telling him to fuck off the ENTIRE episode so it would have been weird to save him over Vi.
I'm wondering does it really matter who gets taken since obviously both are going to be saved in episode 3. What a weird determinant.
Louis all the way! Sorry Violet! Love ya but gotta save the beau! (Plus I'm all for Violet reuniting with Minnie so this way she can find out what happened to her.)
That's what made it great, though.