Violet had the better romance scene (though Louis one was still pretty good) BUT, I think Louis character arc is better developted and that he makes a better partner for Clem
I’m biased, but I got to say Louis. No disrespect to the Violetine scene, it’s good, but I do think Louis’ character development, especially in his scene, was just handled much better.
Violet scene had better ambience, but there were more romantic interactions between Clem and Louis than with Violet. The Louis one has "you're super cute", carving a heart, I like you a lot, kiss and loads of smiles in between all of these.
Clouis is better than Violetine
Clouis sounds way better than Violetine
Clouis' scene was much better than Violetine's
Louis is a lot better character than Violet
That gives us 4:0 for Team Louis also known as Team Fun.
i have watched the Luis scene and in what world is that more romantic than the scene with Vi? Are you insane? Can you blow my strings and tell me i`m super cute?
In a normal world we all live in, in which we don't call forced romances with 14 yo depressed wattpad users romantic. They should just make Louis and James the only romance options.
i have watched the Luis scene and in what world is that more romantic than the scene with Vi? Are you insane? Can you blow my strings and tell me i`m super cute?
Because it ties up with makes Louis likeable, which also relates as to why i think Violet´s popualrity is a lil´...unproporcionate: From what I seen violet has little in a way of a personality, she is angry at Marlon and she misses Minerva, but that is about it.
You cans ee she is tough and brave, but that also applies for nearly every other character that amde this far in the world. Even Abel and his ugly mug.
i have watched the Luis scene and in what world is that more romantic than the scene with Vi? Are you insane? Can you blow my strings and tell me i`m super cute?
Well they only gave huge character development to interesting characters such as Louis or Mitch. Violet isn't really interesting. Someone who wrote her probably looked to diary of sad teenager. Not really any room to expand anything, right;D?
Because it ties up with makes Louis likeable, which also relates as to why i think Violet´s popualrity is a lil´...unproporcionate: From wha… moret I seen violet has little in a way of a personality, she is angry at Marlon and she misses Minerva, but that is about it.
You cans ee she is tough and brave, but that also applies for nearly every other character that amde this far in the world. Even Abel and his ugly mug.
I hope. But to throw my two cents in I like Violet as a romance more, just seems like she'd be more capable of having meaningful conversations. Whereas I think Louis would be too busy trying to make you feel better with jokes. But I do wish I could have a strong friendship with Louis while romancing Violet. From what I hear the Louis/Clem friendship route is actually pretty cool.
Well, that is exactly the reason of why I went with Louis
They already live in a world where almost everything they do must be "meaningful". Where everything is serious. Where everything is important. Some people have seen where that road leads when Jane was left ahem haging there at the hardware Store
The ability of keep moral high and to relax is also important. In my opinion , Clem has had enough of these sad and wounded characters in her life. She needs to start surronding herself with other kind people, least she ends up as them.
I hope. But to throw my two cents in I like Violet as a romance more, just seems like she'd be more capable of having meaningful conversatio… morens. Whereas I think Louis would be too busy trying to make you feel better with jokes. But I do wish I could have a strong friendship with Louis while romancing Violet. From what I hear the Louis/Clem friendship route is actually pretty cool.
Right so I've been stalking the forums but never really made an account lol
But I disagree there. Louis can have meaningful conversations and you can see that when he knows when to be serious. The bow scene was a meaningful conversation, he had a meaningful conversation during the romance scene. Hell, he says (if you choose the right options)
Fuck, I didn't mean to hurt you two.
I'll make it up to you, I promise
I'm here for you
And countless more lines that shows that he can listen and genuinely cares despite people saying he doesn't. He can have meaningful conversations and cheer Clem up. Which is why theres been so many occasions of her smiling with him.
I like the Louis scene. Yes, I'm biased, but his scene is just as romantic. Tell me. How is playing the piano under candlelights and the moon shining through the window not romantic? How is a brand new song he made, which can then be named Clementine, not be romantic? He's also pouring his heart out with the infamous line- that not everyone sees past the piano and his jokes. That Clem was the only one who did. If that's not character development right there, then I'm done lmao. He gets critisised for being thirsty and now he gets flak for being human.
You're infamous, I've seen you so many times dissing Louis and preaching that Violet is better. Violet is not a better character in everyway nor is her scene. That is your opinion.
The Devs actually said that Louis scene was much harder to do and had several improvisions in comparison to Violets.
Another thing I will add is that the Stargazing scene would have work with literally anyone else: Throw Aasim or Ruby there and you might get a similar result.
The Piano scene would not have worked without Louis.
"Of having meaningful conversation."
Right so I've been stalking the forums but never really made an account lol
But I disagree there. L… moreouis can have meaningful conversations and you can see that when he knows when to be serious. The bow scene was a meaningful conversation, he had a meaningful conversation during the romance scene. Hell, he says (if you choose the right options)
* Fuck, I didn't mean to hurt you two.
* I'll make it up to you, I promise
* I'm here for you
And countless more lines that shows that he can listen and genuinely cares despite people saying he doesn't. He can have meaningful conversations and cheer Clem up. Which is why theres been so many occasions of her smiling with him.
I like the Louis scene. Yes, I'm biased, but his scene is just as romantic. Tell me. How is playing the piano under candlelights and the moon shining through the window not romantic? How is a brand new song he made, which can then … [view original content]
Honestly, as scenes I'd say they're both equally good and which one is the better one for the player just comes down to the fact who you like better as a character.
Exactly. Someone toxic on YouTube said that you did a lot of climbing and moving with Vi.
Well I'm sorry, but does Louis do climbing and like heights? The boy loves music, and music (especially classical) can be extremely romantic. That scene is catered purely to Louis which is why I love it so much. Plus I've seen lots of stargazing scenes lol.
Hell, people ignore the fact he gave Clem Marlons bow. That he also accepted his mistakes. It really shows how he's grown up + developed in the span of this episode.
Another thing I will add is that the Stargazing scene would have work with literally anyone else: Throw Aasim or Ruby there and you might get a similar result.
The Piano scene would not have worked without Louis.
I think I understand you, it's just for me Louis is a bit too far down the light hearted way of thinking. Like he says himself he tends to want to goof off while others do the hard work or make the hard choices, and it's cool that he wants to change that about himself. But he sort of lacks in combat/survival skills it seems so that could lead to tragedy.
But I believe Violet is about as close to someone that my Clem can really get close to. She at the very least seems more competent, willing to lead if no one else doesn't want to. And I think she has the capacity for jokes from time to time. Also I'm playing my Clem as someone who's kind and comical with her friends, but completely merciless to enemies or traitors. And that seems to line up with Violet's mindset soooo yeah.
Well, that is exactly the reason of why I went with Louis
They already live in a world where almost everything they do must be "meaningfu… morel". Where everything is serious. Where everything is important. Some people have seen where that road leads when Jane was left ahem haging there at the hardware Store
The ability of keep moral high and to relax is also important. In my opinion , Clem has had enough of these sad and wounded characters in her life. She needs to start surronding herself with other kind people, least she ends up as them.
"Of having meaningful conversation."
Right so I've been stalking the forums but never really made an account lol
But I disagree there. L… moreouis can have meaningful conversations and you can see that when he knows when to be serious. The bow scene was a meaningful conversation, he had a meaningful conversation during the romance scene. Hell, he says (if you choose the right options)
* Fuck, I didn't mean to hurt you two.
* I'll make it up to you, I promise
* I'm here for you
And countless more lines that shows that he can listen and genuinely cares despite people saying he doesn't. He can have meaningful conversations and cheer Clem up. Which is why theres been so many occasions of her smiling with him.
I like the Louis scene. Yes, I'm biased, but his scene is just as romantic. Tell me. How is playing the piano under candlelights and the moon shining through the window not romantic? How is a brand new song he made, which can then … [view original content]
Honestly, as scenes I'd say they're both equally good and which one is the better one for the player just comes down to the fact who you like better as a character.
Where does he say that? I don't recall him saying that. What I remember him saying is that he gets the job done and to not sweat the technique. Survival being a day to day task etc.
Even after the bow scene you can talk to him and he'll say he was going to board the back up after he's practised.
If he's survived this long I'm pretty sure he's not that inept at surviving, especially since he's the one who learnt and did all the traps whiich isn't easy to do lol.
But that's your Clem, so fair enough xD one key reason I like and don't mind Louis humour is because he just screams Omid. And I love Omid.
I think I understand you, it's just for me Louis is a bit too far down the light hearted way of thinking. Like he says himself he tends to w… moreant to goof off while others do the hard work or make the hard choices, and it's cool that he wants to change that about himself. But he sort of lacks in combat/survival skills it seems so that could lead to tragedy.
But I believe Violet is about as close to someone that my Clem can really get close to. She at the very least seems more competent, willing to lead if no one else doesn't want to. And I think she has the capacity for jokes from time to time. Also I'm playing my Clem as someone who's kind and comical with her friends, but completely merciless to enemies or traitors. And that seems to line up with Violet's mindset soooo yeah.
I remember during him talking while practicing with the bow that Marlon basically had to deal with all the hardships of leadership, while Louis was mostly just along for the ride. And that's mostly where I get my impression of his skills seeing as how he doesn't land a single arrow I don't think. But if he thought of the traps then yeah maybe he's not too bad.
Where does he say that? I don't recall him saying that. What I remember him saying is that he gets the job done and to not sweat the techniq… moreue. Survival being a day to day task etc.
Even after the bow scene you can talk to him and he'll say he was going to board the back up after he's practised.
If he's survived this long I'm pretty sure he's not that inept at surviving, especially since he's the one who learnt and did all the traps whiich isn't easy to do lol.
But that's your Clem, so fair enough xD one key reason I like and don't mind Louis humour is because he just screams Omid. And I love Omid.
You're infamous, I've seen you so many times dissing Louis and preaching that Violet is better. Violet is not a better character in everyway… more nor is her scene. That is your opinion.
The Devs actually said that Louis scene was much harder to do and had several improvisions in comparison to Violets.
Well, its understandable, but I dont think Louis as some sort of pushover. I mean he did accept decoy duty when retriving the food from the train station, it takes some nerve to be the focus of a herd of the dead. he was shown to be able to take a shot (if you shot Lilly) and hold his own against the Walkers and Raiders alike.
And , I might add, even Violet admits that was the group as a whole who feel under complicency, leaving Marlon to deal with all the stress that came with leadership and Louis feels specially responsible because Marlon was his best friend.
I think that mettle of Characters should NOT be judge only for how handy they are on fight. Like i´ve said, even Raiders live up to that standard, we are entering that phase in the TWD World (as in the comics) where another set skills will also be necessary for keeping groups of people together.
Violet struck as being stad off-ish and willing to alienate herself , or others, if they dont align with what she thinks. And thats a problem.
I think I understand you, it's just for me Louis is a bit too far down the light hearted way of thinking. Like he says himself he tends to w… moreant to goof off while others do the hard work or make the hard choices, and it's cool that he wants to change that about himself. But he sort of lacks in combat/survival skills it seems so that could lead to tragedy.
But I believe Violet is about as close to someone that my Clem can really get close to. She at the very least seems more competent, willing to lead if no one else doesn't want to. And I think she has the capacity for jokes from time to time. Also I'm playing my Clem as someone who's kind and comical with her friends, but completely merciless to enemies or traitors. And that seems to line up with Violet's mindset soooo yeah.
He didn't think of them, he did them xD
He does admit to not helping Marlon as much as he should have, but I wouldn't say he goofed off with absolutely everything. In that scene he regrets not being a better friend to Marlon, as Marlon made all the hard choices and he left it all to him which could be why he also blames himself.
Also I think the reason he doesn't land a single arrow is because he's just bad at it. Which could be why he's not in charge of hunting + is more of the trap resetter rather than the actual shooter. He even admits he is bad and comments to Clem he never became a master archer while she was gone xD
I remember during him talking while practicing with the bow that Marlon basically had to deal with all the hardships of leadership, while Lo… moreuis was mostly just along for the ride. And that's mostly where I get my impression of his skills seeing as how he doesn't land a single arrow I don't think. But if he thought of the traps then yeah maybe he's not too bad.
What's annoying me is how you're staying your opinion as if it's a fact.
No character is better than the other, that's the fact. Telltale love all their characters, and a majority of their characters are great. They are not biased like we are.
My point is don't just throw Lou under the bus and undermine the character development that Devs did.
What's annoying me is how you're staying your opinion as if it's a fact.
No character is better than the other, that's the fact. Telltale … morelove all their characters, and a majority of their characters are great. They are not biased like we are.
My point is don't just throw Lou under the bus and undermine the character development that Devs did.
While I chose neither, I've seen them both, and I think Violet's was better.
Violet, cuz Kenny easter egg.
Violet had the better romance scene (though Louis one was still pretty good) BUT, I think Louis character arc is better developted and that he makes a better partner for Clem
Louis by far easily.
I’m biased, but I got to say Louis. No disrespect to the Violetine scene, it’s good, but I do think Louis’ character development, especially in his scene, was just handled much better.
Violet scene had better ambience, but there were more romantic interactions between Clem and Louis than with Violet. The Louis one has "you're super cute", carving a heart, I like you a lot, kiss and loads of smiles in between all of these.
I think both was handled well so ?♀
They were both good but I would say Louis was better
Clouis is better than Violetine
Clouis sounds way better than Violetine
Clouis' scene was much better than Violetine's
Louis is a lot better character than Violet
That gives us 4:0 for Team Louis also known as Team Fun.
I'd say Vi but I'm biased as fuck
Vi's scene was better in every way. And vi's a better character in every way.
i have watched the Luis scene and in what world is that more romantic than the scene with Vi? Are you insane? Can you blow my strings and tell me i`m super cute?
Who thought of this terrible name? Why not just Clouis?
Also: Violet. Definetly.
In a normal world we all live in, in which we don't call forced romances with 14 yo depressed wattpad users romantic. They should just make Louis and James the only romance options.
Because it ties up with makes Louis likeable, which also relates as to why i think Violet´s popualrity is a lil´...unproporcionate: From what I seen violet has little in a way of a personality, she is angry at Marlon and she misses Minerva, but that is about it.
You cans ee she is tough and brave, but that also applies for nearly every other character that amde this far in the world. Even Abel and his ugly mug.
Well they only gave huge character development to interesting characters such as Louis or Mitch. Violet isn't really interesting. Someone who wrote her probably looked to diary of sad teenager. Not really any room to expand anything, right;D?
Yeah I'm sure this thread won't turn, y'know, hostile or anything. It'll be fiiiiiiine.
You hope
I hope. But to throw my two cents in I like Violet as a romance more, just seems like she'd be more capable of having meaningful conversations. Whereas I think Louis would be too busy trying to make you feel better with jokes. But I do wish I could have a strong friendship with Louis while romancing Violet. From what I hear the Louis/Clem friendship route is actually pretty cool.
Just keep the debate peaceful
Well, that is exactly the reason of why I went with Louis
They already live in a world where almost everything they do must be "meaningful". Where everything is serious. Where everything is important. Some people have seen where that road leads when Jane was left ahem haging there at the hardware Store
The ability of keep moral high and to relax is also important. In my opinion , Clem has had enough of these sad and wounded characters in her life. She needs to start surronding herself with other kind people, least she ends up as them.
"Of having meaningful conversation."
Right so I've been stalking the forums but never really made an account lol
But I disagree there. Louis can have meaningful conversations and you can see that when he knows when to be serious. The bow scene was a meaningful conversation, he had a meaningful conversation during the romance scene. Hell, he says (if you choose the right options)
And countless more lines that shows that he can listen and genuinely cares despite people saying he doesn't. He can have meaningful conversations and cheer Clem up. Which is why theres been so many occasions of her smiling with him.
I like the Louis scene. Yes, I'm biased, but his scene is just as romantic. Tell me. How is playing the piano under candlelights and the moon shining through the window not romantic? How is a brand new song he made, which can then be named Clementine, not be romantic? He's also pouring his heart out with the infamous line- that not everyone sees past the piano and his jokes. That Clem was the only one who did. If that's not character development right there, then I'm done lmao. He gets critisised for being thirsty and now he gets flak for being human.
You're infamous, I've seen you so many times dissing Louis and preaching that Violet is better. Violet is not a better character in everyway nor is her scene. That is your opinion.
The Devs actually said that Louis scene was much harder to do and had several improvisions in comparison to Violets.
Another thing I will add is that the Stargazing scene would have work with literally anyone else: Throw Aasim or Ruby there and you might get a similar result.
The Piano scene would not have worked without Louis.
louis for me
anyone know what song that louis play during the scene ?
its beautiful
Honestly, as scenes I'd say they're both equally good and which one is the better one for the player just comes down to the fact who you like better as a character.
Exactly. Someone toxic on YouTube said that you did a lot of climbing and moving with Vi.
Well I'm sorry, but does Louis do climbing and like heights? The boy loves music, and music (especially classical) can be extremely romantic. That scene is catered purely to Louis which is why I love it so much. Plus I've seen lots of stargazing scenes lol.
Hell, people ignore the fact he gave Clem Marlons bow. That he also accepted his mistakes. It really shows how he's grown up + developed in the span of this episode.
I think I understand you, it's just for me Louis is a bit too far down the light hearted way of thinking. Like he says himself he tends to want to goof off while others do the hard work or make the hard choices, and it's cool that he wants to change that about himself. But he sort of lacks in combat/survival skills it seems so that could lead to tragedy.
But I believe Violet is about as close to someone that my Clem can really get close to. She at the very least seems more competent, willing to lead if no one else doesn't want to. And I think she has the capacity for jokes from time to time. Also I'm playing my Clem as someone who's kind and comical with her friends, but completely merciless to enemies or traitors. And that seems to line up with Violet's mindset soooo yeah.
That is a great comment sir.
Agreed. I personally like Louis scene more but that's because overall I love Louis more lol.
Here you go
Louis says that it is a song that he made himself
Thank you friend!
Where does he say that? I don't recall him saying that. What I remember him saying is that he gets the job done and to not sweat the technique. Survival being a day to day task etc.
Even after the bow scene you can talk to him and he'll say he was going to board the back up after he's practised.
If he's survived this long I'm pretty sure he's not that inept at surviving, especially since he's the one who learnt and did all the traps whiich isn't easy to do lol.
But that's your Clem, so fair enough xD one key reason I like and don't mind Louis humour is because he just screams Omid. And I love Omid.
I remember during him talking while practicing with the bow that Marlon basically had to deal with all the hardships of leadership, while Louis was mostly just along for the ride. And that's mostly where I get my impression of his skills seeing as how he doesn't land a single arrow I don't think. But if he thought of the traps then yeah maybe he's not too bad.
Okay? And you saying that about vi is your opinion.
Well, its understandable, but I dont think Louis as some sort of pushover. I mean he did accept decoy duty when retriving the food from the train station, it takes some nerve to be the focus of a herd of the dead. he was shown to be able to take a shot (if you shot Lilly) and hold his own against the Walkers and Raiders alike.
And , I might add, even Violet admits that was the group as a whole who feel under complicency, leaving Marlon to deal with all the stress that came with leadership and Louis feels specially responsible because Marlon was his best friend.
I think that mettle of Characters should NOT be judge only for how handy they are on fight. Like i´ve said, even Raiders live up to that standard, we are entering that phase in the TWD World (as in the comics) where another set skills will also be necessary for keeping groups of people together.
Violet struck as being stad off-ish and willing to alienate herself , or others, if they dont align with what she thinks. And thats a problem.
He didn't think of them, he did them xD
He does admit to not helping Marlon as much as he should have, but I wouldn't say he goofed off with absolutely everything. In that scene he regrets not being a better friend to Marlon, as Marlon made all the hard choices and he left it all to him which could be why he also blames himself.
Also I think the reason he doesn't land a single arrow is because he's just bad at it. Which could be why he's not in charge of hunting + is more of the trap resetter rather than the actual shooter. He even admits he is bad and comments to Clem he never became a master archer while she was gone xD
What's annoying me is how you're staying your opinion as if it's a fact.
No character is better than the other, that's the fact. Telltale love all their characters, and a majority of their characters are great. They are not biased like we are.
My point is don't just throw Lou under the bus and undermine the character development that Devs did.
I'm giving my opinion. Just like you're giving yours. And just like how you're biased so am I.