The SS lounie Vs the SS violetine



  • I think the netherworld is a pretty cool place

    Melton23 posted: »

    Technically it’s ok, cos unlike the meme thread this one is likely gonna be sent back to the netherworld rather than cleaned up, less hassle for the mods and more entertainment for us in the end times. Win-win amirite? ?

  • edited September 2018

    I deleted the pic, please don't shoot?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Delete right now bucko.

  • Tfw u’re left disappointed but quickly try to act innocent to avoid the purge.

    I'm glad you got what I mean by the phrasing thing, that's the main thing. I think I take more offense on the dev thing because I've had p

  • You've bamboozled me

    Melton23 posted: »

    Tfw u’re left disappointed but quickly try to act innocent to avoid the purge.

  • I got what you meant. I honestly love when talking to someone winds up like this. Nice and calm. And I'm thankful for the understanding. It's also good to be made aware of things that I need to improve and work on. I'm also thankful for that being brought into the light. Being an author is difficult.
    Especially when there's a divide between your characters and if one character gets too popular you basically have to keep them because if you get rid of them then major backlash happens. It's worse with ships.
    I have problems just starting with the beginning and even though I have a lot of ideas I have a problem executing them. I'm bad at world building too.
    I also have a bias towards certain characters I think of and I switch the roles because of it. I admire any person that can just get through the introduction of their story.

    I'm glad you got what I mean by the phrasing thing, that's the main thing. I think I take more offense on the dev thing because I've had p

  • edited September 2018

    Okay... What is this thread? :D

  • Another reason of why I dig Clouis is because I like symmetry of it, how it mirrors the relationship between Christa and Omid, unsung heroes of this series, how Focused and Fearless Christa complemented with goofy and lighthearted Omid, and how they took care of whom Lee saved paying such a dear price.

    If the heaveans hear my plea and get to see this Season to its conclusion, and get multiple endings...I wouldnt mind to see Louis and Clem...and a Big Brother AJ

  • I just really enjoy writing but I'm terrible at anything with coding or game building lol. So I tend to just write stories out.
    Though you're definitely right there. When shipping is involved it's insane how crazy people get lol. I'm a hopeless romantic so I do write romance stories and jeeez the shipping comments were insane. Maybe why I stopped posting them online lol
    I'm just glad that TFS exists. The shipping wars may be insane but it shows how strongly people feel about these two characters and Clem.
    Its a double edged sword really lol

    Scythenger posted: »

    I got what you meant. I honestly love when talking to someone winds up like this. Nice and calm. And I'm thankful for the understanding. It'

  • edited September 2018

    It will be hard to top that.. but shipping wars can go really bad.

    Melton23 posted: »

    When r u guys going to kill each other? @NexusFire better than Graffio vs Metallica? Or is there still some potential that needs to be reached? ?

  • Lol yeah. I'd rather have your negatives in terms of writing. At least you're good at something and can always practice to get better in the areas you're lacking in. The wars are completely unnecessary. But that's just a testament to the passion.

    I just really enjoy writing but I'm terrible at anything with coding or game building lol. So I tend to just write stories out. Though you'

  • Exactly. Its mainly because there's just so many people in this fandom lol. Again, the double edged sword xD but at least we can see each and every character is loved. Honestly I really do love this season, it's been a while since I've been so attached lol
    And thanks, when people say practice pays off, it definitely does xD

    Scythenger posted: »

    Lol yeah. I'd rather have your negatives in terms of writing. At least you're good at something and can always practice to get better in the areas you're lacking in. The wars are completely unnecessary. But that's just a testament to the passion.

  • Lol yeah that's true. I love this season too. Same here. And you're welcome XD.

    Exactly. Its mainly because there's just so many people in this fandom lol. Again, the double edged sword xD but at least we can see each an

  • I'd be surprised if anyone doesn't like this season. Luckily I've not met anyone who doesn't. This season has just blown me away and there's another 2 episodes, now that's saying something XD

    Scythenger posted: »

    Lol yeah that's true. I love this season too. Same here. And you're welcome XD.

  • Saw this thread last night. It was too late to comment so I decided to come back in the morning and say my piece. I wake up and come back to this. Lol. Anyway.

    I think I like them equally because each scene fits their character and what they're about. The romance scene with Louis doesn't try too hard to paint him as something different. The last few weeks have been tough on him and he expresses that to Clem, but he's still very much in character. I've seen people criticize his decision to go play the piano and I understand why people criticize it, but considering Vi sits to stargaze with Clem without really inspecting anything at all, I believe it's more bias than logical reasoning. At the end of the day, both Louis and Violet went off to go do their own things. Things that they like to do before the fight comes. Neither should be criticized for it.

    I like both romance scenes equally, but in Episode 2, between Louis and Violet, Lou's development was handled much better. His conflict and ways of dealing with it were more engaging and overall just handled better than Violet's immediate rise to leadership, which seems to have caught everyone's eye (mine included upon initial reactions), but the problem is that it wasn't totally earned.

    The first criticism Louis received is that he joked too much. This episode we didn't hear a single joke from Louis until the third act and that was only after he owned up to his mistakes and the ease of tension actually proved to benefit the other kids, like Aasim. Where Louis is at now, isn't as far of a jump as Violet, but the distance Louis did reach felt natural and earned. It's not perfect and there still might be more to uncover about him later but right now, he's more complete than Violet.

  • Same here :-)

    I'd be surprised if anyone doesn't like this season. Luckily I've not met anyone who doesn't. This season has just blown me away and there's another 2 episodes, now that's saying something XD

  • Great catch. This, for some reason, didn't even cross my mind. I definitely see the parallel of Christa and Omid myself. Almost feels intentional actually.

    Ryousan posted: »

    Another reason of why I dig Clouis is because I like symmetry of it, how it mirrors the relationship between Christa and Omid, unsung hero

  • As an avid Omid fan, that's another reason I love their dynamic. I loved Christa and Omids relationship ;-;

    Sarunas21 posted: »

    Great catch. This, for some reason, didn't even cross my mind. I definitely see the parallel of Christa and Omid myself. Almost feels intentional actually.

  • This thread is a natural disaster waiting to happen...

  • first wave passed, waiting for the next one

    MrGraffio posted: »

    This thread is a natural disaster waiting to happen...

  • edited September 2018

    By the way guys, in Louine Clementine did some work with her tounge, but not in Violetine ;)

  • ☝☝☝☝????

    Razer531 posted: »

    By the way guys, in Louine Clementine did some work with her tounge, but not in Violetine

  • edited September 2018

    just saying xD

    Melton23 posted: »


  • ...

    Razer531 posted: »

    By the way guys, in Louine Clementine did some work with her tounge, but not in Violetine

  • With vi: you get a kenny easter egg which imo makes me believe that kenny approves of violetine, clem makes a certain sound too, vi places her hand on clem's hand, and if you befriend vi they talk about making friendship bracelets which I think is better than a heart carving because you can wear the bracelets + show them off and you can be very creative with bracelets.

  • It's confirmed that the easter egg is referencing Randy Tudor and not Kenny. I think that Mark Kirkbride (The Lead Designer for TFS) confirmed it on reddit.

    Scythenger posted: »

    With vi: you get a kenny easter egg which imo makes me believe that kenny approves of violetine, clem makes a certain sound too, vi places h

  • edited September 2018

    Thank you for that correction. Idk who mark kirkbride is but it seems like he approves of violetine. That mustache definitely reminded me of kenny though. It would've been really cool if all of the constellations moved or if there were double constellations and it was of clem and vi's face being near each other smiling.

    NexusFire posted: »

    It's confirmed that the easter egg is referencing Randy Tudor and not Kenny. I think that Mark Kirkbride (The Lead Designer for TFS) confirmed it on reddit.

  • sigh I know I will regret this -_-U...

    But its doubtful. By his own admission, Kenny was a Christian. Christianity has a clear doctrine concerning this type of relantionships, unless he comes from some McChurch in his neighbour´s garage

    Scythenger posted: »

    With vi: you get a kenny easter egg which imo makes me believe that kenny approves of violetine, clem makes a certain sound too, vi places h

  • I'm pretty sure kenny would approve of anything if it made clem and aj happy.

    Ryousan posted: »

    sigh I know I will regret this -_-U... But its doubtful. By his own admission, Kenny was a Christian. Christianity has a clear doctrine concerning this type of relantionships, unless he comes from some McChurch in his neighbour´s garage

  • It Wouldnt make much sense in context, considering the game happens in the 90s. But then again, the World has gone FUBAR and Kenny didnt seem to mind about Walter and Mattew...unless they didnt told him about it...

    Both ways are possible I guess

    Scythenger posted: »

    I'm pretty sure kenny would approve of anything if it made clem and aj happy.

  • edited September 2018

    Sorry! It's Michael Kirkbride. He also confirmed that the scripts are fully done for episodes 3 and 4 and that the voice acting is also done with a exception of few voice lines (If I remember right), oh and also that episode 3 is mostly done.

    Scythenger posted: »

    Thank you for that correction. Idk who mark kirkbride is but it seems like he approves of violetine. That mustache definitely reminded me of

  • Yeah that's true. I like that you said fubar. Pete was a cool dude.

    Ryousan posted: »

    It Wouldnt make much sense in context, considering the game happens in the 90s. But then again, the World has gone FUBAR and Kenny didnt seem to mind about Walter and Mattew...unless they didnt told him about it... Both ways are possible I guess

  • It's cool. No worries. Thank you for the double correction. That's good news about ep 3.

    NexusFire posted: »

    Sorry! It's Michael Kirkbride. He also confirmed that the scripts are fully done for episodes 3 and 4 and that the voice acting is also done with a exception of few voice lines (If I remember right), oh and also that episode 3 is mostly done.

  • No problem :)

    Scythenger posted: »

    It's cool. No worries. Thank you for the double correction. That's good news about ep 3.

  • With shipping comes bias. And preference.

    To each their own, I say. Both romances have been handled very well.

  • edited September 2018

    I dont know, I only went with Violet, since I couldnt be neutral and was forced to follow one of those 2.
    Anyway Violet scene was cool, I cant really take Louis seriously though, I dont think I will ever go with him in any of my playthrough.
    Such a joke character, he is my least favourite character in the whole game by far.

  • Yeah man. It would hurt you so much to have some fun in life for once. Not even gotta try it in a game ;DDD

    Gauss99 posted: »

    I dont know, I only went with Violet, since I couldnt be neutral and was forced to follow one of those 2. Anyway Violet scene was cool, I c

  • Ye, like he's even funny at all.

    MaikelRRR posted: »

    Yeah man. It would hurt you so much to have some fun in life for once. Not even gotta try it in a game ;DDD

  • MaikelRRRMaikelRRR Banned
    edited September 2018

    You don't have to laugh at what he is doing, but surely he is a positive character that gives a smile everyone around him that doesn't have a one huge stick in the ass.

    Gauss99 posted: »

    Ye, like he's even funny at all.

  • edited September 2018

    One of my many gripes with Vi is that she is just "another" of those characters, you know the ones, the sad, socially awkard, but pretty skilled ones who are mostly on their own.

    Louis at least ahs the benefit of novelty on his side: We havent seen this type of character sicne good ol´Omid kicked the bucket

    Gauss99 posted: »

    I dont know, I only went with Violet, since I couldnt be neutral and was forced to follow one of those 2. Anyway Violet scene was cool, I c

  • Clily is the best ship there is

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