"... I Lose Myself" Episode Discussion
Here we go, what may be the last Fear episode ever discussed on these forums. Morgan! Martha! 100% less beer talk!
This season has been...a little rough, but it's almost over now. Hopefully it goes out on a high-note.
As always, comment before, while, and after you watch. Remember! Next week is regular Walking Dead Season 9 premiere!
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His palms are sweaty...
Arms spaghetti
I forgot Fear was a thing. The killed Madison off screen. The gang basically forgives and forgets the little girl straight up murdering Nick. I never bothered to watch when it picked back up.
I loose viewers,then I loose my show
I loose main characters,then I loose my spark
I loose good writing,then I loose reasons to care for this show.
Honestly I'm amazed how some people still watch this show....
Now this is interesting.
Sorry for being a little harsh there.But the fact is this show has gone to shit in half a season by doing every possible way to make it worse people will loose interest and patience....especially from AMC lol.
OOooo Clear murder-y Morgan is back, for the what, I don't know what time?
And he's gone. So tragic.
No one died. Don't really know what to say to that.
Also, I kind of liked how Martha cut her hand off in the end.
What a...interesting season.