Marlon is
Look dont kill me for this I'm not trying to start another shipping thread I the only one who thinks Marlon could like, get it? I'd flip him, that's for sure.
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i would flip marlon
I mean he has a nice voice (thanks Ray Chase) but the dead cat on his head has gotta go.
i think AJ killed him only cus of the dead cat on his head
I'm must really be trailer park trash because I truly dont mind it lol! What would he even look like with another hairstyle? I dont think itd look right, he's a mullet man for sure
I've seen edits of him with a full head of hair and not the mullet and imo he looks 10x better
Any chance you can provide links? I'm curious what he'd look like with normal hair.
Oh boy, it was a long time ago, so I don't have it unfortunately. I think someone had it as their profile pic on here though.
i mean,the dead cat on his head is nice.
my sister is hot too
This thread is fucking weird,i'm calling the mods.
Nothing will ever be as weird as when people shipped Cluke and Clavier
I'd flip him.
Oi he's in his late teens! Legal for me
This thread is kinda...creepy
We don't talk about that.
Uh...he looks cool.
Issa joke lol! Just making fun of all the shipping threads. He can get it though, I won't deny it
Why did I let my mouse anywhere near this?
What about Clenny or Clee?
Oh god, is that really a thing? That is WAY worse, those are her dads for christ's sake.
For some reason he rocks the mullet better then some other people the marlon's cute and all and nice friendly but has some angerisus hit Brody by accident but besides thats hes cool, he also kinda looks a bit like henry bowers ill shut up now
Mullet in conjunction with a leather jacket unironically to me equals "I abuse women and light cats on fire" 1 of which was confirmed with poor brody
He'd be attractive if he didn't dress like a 1980s sitcom bully.
Louis is way hotter imo. He's charming, funny and that singing =
. I'm violetine forever but I get why people love Louis.
But i'm a season 4 mommy Clem fan myself.
Unfortunately I'm a sucker for the trashy bully look, aside from the actual bullying part. Ugh, poor Brody didn't deserve that at all.
Louis is FOINE! I went after him even though I initially liked Violet, just because all the youtubers have been going for her. I was very pleasantly surprised. I expected him to be a one dimensional clown but I love the depth he showed in episode 2, especially during the piano/kiss scene.
But if James were an option, heck I'd throw it all away for him. What's up with all the cute kids this season?! Gonna break my damn heart, aren't you Telltale...
Yeah he has looks but no brains to speak of.
The secret ending for Episode 4 is Clementine tackling Marlon and cutting the dead cat off his head.
It's a new era my friend lol
Because deep down inside you have an intense liking for dic.....discovering new threads to......participate in?
He can't be hot if he's six feet in the ground. His body temp has definitely dropped since his death.
Marlon looks like young Donald trump
Noooo you've ruined it
Jk I'd still smash
Fo koff, u faceles freec.
iF YoU gO bY StAtE RuLEs ThEn thEy StiLl ApPlY noW
You done diddly messed up, please take a seat.
She's in Virginia
Almost heaven
I'd smash Marlon..............
's face in with a hammer peen hammer
Everyone hated the mullet, but I think it actually looked kind of cool on Marlon. It was his unique choice, and he stuck with it despite how everyone thought it was dumb. That's cool.