Everyone hated the mullet, but I think it actually looked kind of cool on Marlon. It was his unique choice, and he stuck with it despite how everyone thought it was dumb. That's cool.
To play devil's advocate here, in an apocalypse there's no laws about that kinda' stuff anymore. Laws about that kind of stuff are fairly recent anyway, and the fact that they can vary from location to location, sometimes pretty wildly (13 is legal in Japan) means that they especially lose meaning in a collapse of civilization and arbitrary laws. Furthermore, 200 years ago it was perfectly normal for a girl of 13 or 14 to be married and have a kid and more often than not, she was married off to a man in his 20s.
In the end, when dealing with that sort of thing in a collapse of society and no more laws situation, what it comes down to is physical and emotional maturity level and let's be honest, Clem is more than mature enough to make those kinds of decisions on her own. The world she grew up in forced her to grow up and mature faster than we in our real world would expect. She's far more mature than most people her age, even in their world, and especially in ours.
Hot. Still a smash from me
Yeah I thought it was a shame that our only option was to make fun of it. Clem has no reason to judge when she has that wack side ponytail!
To play devil's advocate here, in an apocalypse there's no laws about that kinda' stuff anymore. Laws about that kind of stuff are fairly recent anyway, and the fact that they can vary from location to location, sometimes pretty wildly (13 is legal in Japan) means that they especially lose meaning in a collapse of civilization and arbitrary laws. Furthermore, 200 years ago it was perfectly normal for a girl of 13 or 14 to be married and have a kid and more often than not, she was married off to a man in his 20s.
In the end, when dealing with that sort of thing in a collapse of society and no more laws situation, what it comes down to is physical and emotional maturity level and let's be honest, Clem is more than mature enough to make those kinds of decisions on her own. The world she grew up in forced her to grow up and mature faster than we in our real world would expect. She's far more mature than most people her age, even in their world, and especially in ours.
Also, she's minimum 17 in TFS.
I see it more as a single pigtail lol.
Did somebody say Road Trip?
How much were you paid to say this
a lock of that greasy mullet hair was all I needed bb
Ok things got creepy...but before I would even consider a date with Clem...she needs a bath! #CLEMNEEDSABATH
But did he have a well animated ass?
No, but you know who does have a well animated ass?
Everyone does
And here I thought corpses were supposed to be cold.
Not you
A few days ago there was someone shipping Clem and Rosie. The thread got taken down though.
Eh, I dont find that very weird, just unfounded. No surprise there though, people will ship anyone who is nice to Clem lol. Why was it taken down?
Because ppl don’t appreciate art ?
If y'all wanna flip a guy with a dead cat for a wig be my guest I guess...
I think you're kinda hot OP

you do you fam