When Clementine was born
Do you think that was 1994 or 2003?
And how old will clementine be in s4?
Do yo think that if she was born in 1994, we could see her in the history with 22 or 23?
I know that s4 is the last s, too sad
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TWD S1 is set around 2003, so Clem was born in 1995 or 1994. As for her age in S4, she will probably still be 13 or barely 14.
When Clementine was born... this can be determined by the events of the game and some very specific details. According to one theory it is even possible to calculate the exact date: November 25, 1995
Years ago I read somewhere that she was born in November 1995 and I remembered this because I was also born in November 1995. So please don't ruin the special thing me and Clem have. If you do, I'm gonna stab you with a plastic fork.
Im sorry fallandir xD but if she was 9 in 2003, so she was born in 1994 lol
Look what I found
Well, S1 started late summer (people were concerned about the winter three months later). Clem's birthday was three/four months after the outbreak (we don't know how much time passed between Ep 2 and Ep 3, maybe a few weeks?). The ourbreak started around August or September, then? In the comic, it started in a different date (I think in fall or winter), but let's focus on the game. If it started around that time, Clem was born in December 1994 or January 1995. I'd say it was December 1994, for the sake of me being fucking me. Maybe we can narrow it even more, tell the exact day?
Well, S1 started late summer (people were concerned about the winter three months later). Clem's birthday was three/four months after the outbreak (we don't know how much time passed between Ep 2 and Ep 3, maybe a few weeks?). The ourbreak started around August or September, then? In the comic, it started in a different date (I think in fall or winter), but let's focus on the game. If it started around that time, Clem was born in December 1994 or January 1995. I'd say it was December 1994, for the sake of me being fucking me. Maybe we can narrow it even more, tell the exact day?
this is awsome
this is awsome
A more important question: Why was Clem in 1st grade at 8 years old? Almost 9?
I was 8 too when I was in first grade. I went to school one year later than I was supposed to, maybe the same thing happened to Clem.
If Clem was born in 1994 and she’s 17-ish in Season 4, does that mean that the last season takes place in around 2011. Wow.
Why did you bump this post? This is old.
Sometimes threads are made to be bumped
Clem was born in 94. She turned 9 in October of 2003.
Because of the rewrites of season 2 and 3 Clem's age is wonky. I don't think even TellTale realize what they did but because of the rewrites, if you follow the timeline, Clem is 17 in TFS.
Her real name is Cassiopeia, and she's been around since 20,000 B.C. The only reason she still appears as a child is due to her extremely slow rate of growth, which is 0.00009085953 inches a year.
She's 16 based on walking dead wiki. She was 8 in season 1 (confirmed). Season 1 was 2003. Meaning she was born in 95 and is 16 meaning season 4 takes place in 2011. What a confusing mess lol. I rather just say shes 16 and it's 2018 and TFS is current. Season 1 was 2010. 2 was 2012. TNF was 2015. Makes it easier. Meaning she was born 2002 going by OUR years.
Dafuk I always considered her my little sister but actually she's a lot older than me lol
No that's wrong. The Wiki is wrong, too. She's 17 minimum.
She was born in 94. She turned 9 in Season 1, late that year, meaning she was born in 94.
Due to rewrites of seasons 2 and 3, TellTale inadvertently made her older than they realized. She lost an entire year between AJ being taken from her and her meeting Javi. It was summer when AJ was taken from her. She meets Javi in summer. The whole reason AJ was sent to the ranch was because of the "hard winter," which means there had to be a whole autumn, winter, and spring between when Clem lost AJ and when she met Javi. She was 13 when she met Ava, then there's a whole year between that time and Clem palling around with Javi, meaning Clem was 14 during the current events of Season 3. Then there's a 3 to 4 year gap between seasons 3 and 4, which makes her minimum 17, very possibly even 18.
I...doubt it
Doubt it if you want to but the timeline is what it is. If you follow it down she's 17 in TFS, maybe even 18.
Funny thing about the timeline is that we don’t know exactly when the final season is set, and the closest thing we have to confirmation is her voice actress stating that she is 16. Plus Clem was born in Autumn, so even if the flashbacks were in winter and ANF was in summer, it still doesn’t add up to say tha she transitioned from 13 to 14.
Btw stop tryna make her sound older than she is, ya creepy boi ?
We can infer when TFS is set because we know she was 11 when AJ was born and he's around 6 in TFS. 11+6 is 17.
Yeah, but how do we know that AJ is 6? For all we know Clementine’s birthday has either gone or is yet to come.
Holy necro batman!
I'm not sure where you got the idea that it was summer when AJ was taken. It was definitely the late fall/winter.

During the flashback, you can clearly see that it's snowing. Plus, when Clem first meets Javi, she's wearing a winter coat, and summer nights in Virginia are pretty damn hot -- trust me on that one, I live in Virginia. You wouldn't ever wear a winter coat on any night in the summer.
With a rough estimate of events based on the weather, I would say that when AJ was taken it's likely November (a rare November sprinkling), and then when she knocks the tree down and meets Javi, I would have to say it's March -- April at the latest -- if we are going by the fact that she's wearing a winter coat (and so is Mariana).
With this evidence, we can say it's likely been 4 months -- 5 at the absolute latest.
I would also like to point out that Clem is 16 in S4 (17 being the oldest).
Huh... I've never seen that snow before. I wonder if it's not drawing for me for some reason. Maybe a graphics setting thing. Shit. I gotta revisit the whole thing.
No worries, I didn't really notice it at first either, but it's definitely no accident on the Devs part (also, AJ is sick and we can infer it's because it's getting colder).
According to the link below, Clem looses AJ in December and meets Javi in February. This could be also off but just adding another estimate. http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Video_Game_Timeline
Going by the timeline in the Wikia, Clem was only 12 in ANF. This could be an inaccurate timeline or telltale messed it up.
I considered her my daughter then she's 1 year older than me...?...